Freelance Artist

Chapter 377: Thanks for having you along the way!

Chapter 377 Thanks for having you along the way!

 The next day.

Parents' Day is approaching. Lin Zhibai wore a mask and accompanied his family to the recording site of "The King of Masked Singer" at Tianguang TV Station in a low-key manner.

 “Teacher Baidi!”

The staff of the program team received a notice from Jiang Cheng in advance that Mr. Bai Di would bring his family to watch "The King of Masked Singer" today, so they waited at the door early.

 “Take them in first.”

Lin Zhibai said hello to the staff, then turned to explain to his parents twice.

 “Go and do your work and don’t worry about us.”

My mother smiled and said that everyone in the family believed that Lin Zhibai was also a staff member of the program team, but he was not publicly posted, so they naturally supported their son's work.


After sending his family into the auditorium of the recording hall, Lin Zhibai turned to the staff and said, "Take me in to have a look?"

 “Okay Teacher Baidi!”

Jiang Cheng has explained that the staff must cooperate with whatever Bai Di wants to do.

 The two of them walked into the working area of ​​the TV station.

Speaking of which, the staff of Tianguang TV are used to seeing celebrities, and they are not surprised even if they encounter those who are above the A-list.


The staff were shocked when they saw Bai Di appear at Tianguang TV. Everyone recognized this handsome face.

 “Teacher Baidi!”

 “Hello, Teacher Baidi!”

 “Teacher Bai Di is coming to visit the class?”

 “Teacher Baidi, I like you so much!”

 “Ah! Idol! I am your fan!”

 Many staff members plucked up the courage to say hello to Lin Zhibai, but did not ask for autographs without authorization.

 The TV station has rules and regulations and cannot ask for signatures at will during work.

Lin Zhibai smiled back and continued to walk in. As a result, he bumped into Jin Xiaofeng who was standing at the entrance of a certain backstage.

 “Bai…Teacher Baidi!?”

 Jin Xiaofeng is where he is today because he was promoted by Bai Di when he was in charge of the auditions for "The Voice"!

 Because Bai Di was the director of "The Voice" at the time.

Now that Jin Xiaofeng is qualified to serve as the director of "The King of Masked Singer", it can be seen that he is still nervous and excited to see Bai Di, who is his noble man!

 “Why are you here!”

 “I have an acquaintance on the red team.”

Lin Zhibai asked in the name of visiting team, "Are all the people from the red team here?"

“Teacher Baibianxingjun hasn’t arrived yet.”

Jin Xiaofeng is at the door, waiting for Lord Baibianxing.

I don’t know what happened to Baibianxingjun, but it stands to reason that he should be here by now.


Lin Zhibai said: "I'll go in and take a look."

Jin Xiaofeng immediately put aside the matter of Baibian Xingjun and said proactively: "I'll take you in!"

 Speaking, Jin Xiaofeng opened the door for Lin Zhibai.

  After a while.

 Red team lounge.

 Jin Xiaofeng said: "Dear teachers, someone is visiting the class."

Seeing Lin Zhibai appear, the Frog Prince suddenly stood up, his tone full of surprise: "Teacher Baidi!"

Bai Di?

Little Carp also stood up quickly. This is the top boss in the Qinzhou entertainment industry!

Even the Tibetan Mastiff stood up and seemed a little uncomfortable, subconsciously lowering his voice and saying:

 “Good morning, Teacher Baidi.”

 In fact, the Tibetan Mastiff does not need to press his voice at all. It has the effect of a voice changer and his voice will not be exposed, but he still feels guilty.

 “Lao Zhang?”

Lin Zhibai blinked.

The Tibetan Mastiff coughed and said, "You have the wrong person."

Lin Zhibai smiled and turned to look at the Frog Prince: "Old Zhou?"

"I'm not."

Zhou Hanjin immediately denied it. Although he admitted it on the phone, there were others here.

 “Han Yueshuang?”

Lin Zhibai looked at the little carp again.

Little Carp smiled bitterly and said, "Just let me go..."

Lin Zhibai nodded, "The Variety Star Lord hasn't arrived yet?"


 Jin Xiaofeng said: “I’ll call to urge you!”

Lin Zhibai said: "It's necessary to push and act like a big star, but that's not the case."

 “Not so much as not…”

Jin Xiaofeng sneered, fearing that Lord Bai Bianxing would displease Bai Di.

Little Carp also hurriedly helped: "Bai Bian Xingjun usually comes very early, but he must be delayed by something today."

The Variety Star Lord had helped him, so Little Carp didn't want the other party to leave a bad impression on Bai Di, so he could only bravely help cover it up.


 “He usually comes quite early.”

The Tibetan Mastiff and the Frog Prince spoke one after another, and Lin Zhibai almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but luckily he held it back.

 “Okay, I’ll look elsewhere.”

Lin Zhibai waved his hand and did not stay any longer. He could not play anymore. He was afraid that he would laugh out loud, and he had to find a place to change his clothes.

 Jin Xiaofeng: "I will lead the way..."

Lin Zhibai refused: "You are busy with your business."

It wasn’t until Bai Di left that Little Carp patted his chest, breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Teacher Bai Di’s aura is too strong. Is he visiting our class?”

  “Doesn’t count.”

 The frog prince said: "The White Emperor must have come for me!"

The Tibetan Mastiff rolled his eyes. I'm afraid Bai Di already knew that you were Zhou Hanjin, right?

Jin Xiaofeng said regretfully: "It's a pity that the Variety Star Lord hasn't arrived yet, otherwise I could still have some contact with Teacher Bai Di."

Now there is a guess in the Qinzhou entertainment circle:

Bai Di is Lin Zhaomu’s unofficial heir to the Shinhwa Group!

If this speculation comes true, then Bai Di will be the most powerful person in the Qinzhou entertainment industry.

 Just like Lin Zhaomu now!

Even top-tier superstars in the Qinzhou entertainment industry have to stand respectfully at attention when facing Lin Zhaomu!

 “Call me and ask?”

Little Carp said: "Don't be late..."


Jin Xiaofeng took out his phone and as soon as he dialed the number, he saw a figure appearing in front of him. It was none other than Variety Star Lord.


 The Variety Star King even greeted me.

Jin Xiaofeng put down his mobile phone and was a little confused. Why did Variety Star Lord come in and no one notified him?

 “You are finally here.”

Little Carp said helplessly: "Teacher Baidi came just now, you could have met him earlier!"

"that is."

The Frog Prince also shook his head and said: "That's Bai Di, you just missed it!"

 “That’s such a shame.”

Lord Baibianxing sighed: "I have always admired Bai Emperor."

These words sounded fine, but the silent Tibetan mastiff next to him always felt something was strange.

Jin Xiaofeng did not think any more and said: "Since everyone is here, let's draw lots first. Today we will still have a two-by-two duel."

The voice fell.

 Everyone started to draw lots.

 The Tibetan Mastiff drew number one.

 The Frog Prince drew number two.

 The little carp drew number three.

  Baiwan Xingjun No. 4, finally appears.

Jin Xiaofeng nodded and said: "Then today's lineup has been decided. Tibetan Mastiff and Riverside Willow will be divided into a group, Frog Prince will be grouped with Exploding Durian, Little Carp's opponent will be Overlord Flower, and Variety Star Master's opponent will be The grass is green.”

 There was a pause.

Jin Xiaofeng added: "You can't change your number internally today, everyone should prepare individually."


 Everyone has no opinion.

 At this time, the Frog Prince suddenly coughed twice.

Lin Zhibai frowned and said, "Is your throat uncomfortable?"

 The Frog Prince smiled bitterly and said, "I have a cold. I may have to overturn my car today."

 “Why do I have a cold at this time...”

The Tibetan Mastiff was a little regretful, he wanted to have a good competition with the Frog Prince.

Little Carp said: “Have you taken the medicine?”

 The Frog Prince nodded: "Don't worry about me, everyone can prepare their own songs."

No one said anything more.

There is really nothing you can do about catching a cold at this time.

 The Frog Prince was bound to lose in the first round because he was in a bad state and encountered an exploding durian.

 There is little hope.

 It just depends on whether he can make it out of the loser's bracket.

 After waiting for a while, the game finally officially started!

The Tibetan Mastiff was the first to appear, and started the first duel with the powerful Hebianliu!

 The themes of their songs collided with each other!

 The song sung by the Tibetan Mastiff is called "You", and the lyrics are about the mother.

 The song sung by Hebianliu is called "Mother", and the content is of course related to maternal love.

  Today is Parents’ Day after all.

 Parents’ Day was known as “Filial Piety Festival” in ancient times.

At a festival like this, it would be strange not to sing this kind of song, so the audience didn’t make a fuss. Everyone focused on the song itself.

 Songs like these are destined to be tear-jerkers.

  When the two of them finished singing, many audience members had red eyes, and they applauded one after another.

But in every game there is a winner or loser!

 The winner of this game was Hebianliu.

This result surprised many people, but it is actually understandable.

 Because Hebianliu's voice completely lost all cover, he used his most authentic voice in this scene!

 Shen Chuanxu!

 The King of Singers Nathan!

Super A-list star!

With the cover completely thrown away, the strength of this Nathan singer was fully demonstrated, and the audience recognized it!

 “This voice!”

 “It’s Shen Chuanxu!”

 “It’s definitely him!”

“I didn’t expect it, he hid it so well before!”

“He was exposed a lot in the last issue, and people on the Internet have already guessed it!”

 “This singer is so touching!”


“Shen Chuanxu’s mother passed away, so he must be feeling sad when he sings this song, right?”

 “I voted!”

 “I voted too!”

Compared to Shen Chuanxu, although Tibetan Mastiff still uses the original pronunciation, it is only about 70%, and it is still unclear whether it is Zhang Xiyang.


 In the end, the Tibetan Mastiff lost the game with a slight disadvantage.

When the Tibetan Mastiff came back, the frog prince said anxiously: "Shen Chuanxu already uses the original pronunciation, why don't you?"

 The Tibetan Mastiff said nothing.

Little Carp said: "You must be Teacher Zhang Xiyang. There is no need to hide it anymore. At this stage of the competition, hiding your voice will only hinder your performance."

 “He’s right.”

Baibianxingjun said: "It's time for you to use your original pronunciation. There are still two promotion places in the loser group, so don't overdo it again." "Then what is your original pronunciation?"

Tibetan Mastiff looked at Baibianxingjun. He actually wanted to wait for the semi-finals or even the finals before using the original sound.

 Because Baibianxingjun seems to have been imitating various singers until now, without using his own voice. Why can't he do it if others can do it?


Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "Many of my songs are about myself. As for the voice I use, it is secondary."

"All right."

  You can't learn the operation of Baibianxingjun by yourself.

Tibetan Mastiff sighed, mainly because he really didn’t want to canvass votes as “Zhang Xiyang”.

 At this moment.

 It’s the turn of the Frog Prince to face off against the Exploding Durian.

There was really no suspense in the ending. Because his voice was not in good condition and his voice was slightly hoarse and dry, Frog Prince regretfully lost the competition. Although Zhou Han used his full voice, the cold had too much influence on his voice and was already somewhat distorted.

 In the end, the exploding durian wins!

 The red team has lost two games in a row so far!

To make matters worse, in the third match, Little Carp also lost to Overlord Flower, which meant that the red team suffered a three-game losing streak!

on the stage.

The host Huang Li said with emotion: "The blue team suffered a disastrous defeat in the last issue and the red team won a big victory. This time it seems to be completely reversed. I wonder if Teacher Variety Xingjun, who appeared at the end, can win back a victory for the red team or is the grass still green?" Does the representative blue team become more courageous as they fight?"

 There was a pause.

Huang Li opened his mouth and said: "Let us give warm applause to welcome Teacher Xiaocao Qingqing to the stage to sing!"

"This song…"

Xiao Cao Qingqing was in pretty good shape. She stood in the center of the stage, put down everything, took a deep breath, and said seriously:

 “To my father.”

It seems that he knows that there is a gap between hard power and Variety Star King. The song "Xiao Cao Qing Qing" takes a lyrical route and wants to win with emotion.

 The effect is not bad!

Maybe it’s because the pressure brought by Baibianxingjun is too much. After all, the other party is the singing king in the previous period. Xiaocao Qingqing is shouldering the pressure and has a breakthrough in her singing skills. This is her best song since the competition!

more importantly:

Xiaocao Qingqing used the original sound this round. She had to use it because the chance of being eliminated today was not low. If she didn't go all out now, how long would it take?

The audience heard it too!

“Xiaocao Qingqing is Nathan’s first-line singer Ding Ding. She is very beautiful. I am a fan. I can’t mishear this voice!”

 “It’s her!”

“A lot of people are showing off their cards today. More than one singer has already used the original sound!”

“Actually, Frog Prince also used it, but he had a cold, and his voice was obviously a little weak, and some of the notes were even very forced. It’s really a pity.”

 “The red team is so miserable today!”

“Yeah, we all lose, it’s all up to Variety Star Lord!”

“Today’s songs are all so touching. I cried while listening to the previous songs, but now my tears seem to have dried up.”


 “I can’t cry anymore.”

Songs about fathers and mothers are all very sensational. Listening to one, two, three, or four of these songs will move you, but if you listen to them too much, you will definitely feel numb. After continuous emotional ups and downs, people will inevitably become tired. , so although the following songs are also very touching, fewer and fewer audiences are crying when they hear them.

 And in the discussion of the audience.

Huang Li came to the stage and said: "Thank you to Teacher Xiaocao Qingqing for singing, it's a great performance. Then let's welcome Teacher Baibian Xingjun to bring the last song of this round of competition!"


 The audience applauded!

“It’s finally the turn of Variety Star Lord. Whose voice do you think he will use to sing this time? Will he use his original voice directly?”


"At this stage of the competition, everyone has almost reached the point where they have to use their original voice. However, Baibianxingjun can sing the song well with other people's voices, so I can't tell whether he is using his original voice. This guy likes it so much. It’s a prank!”

 “True or false!”

 “I can’t tell the difference at all!”

 “I’m more looking forward to what song he is going to sing.”

 “It should also be related to the father or mother.”

“Other singers have chosen this way, but Variety Star doesn’t like to play by the rules, so it’s possible that he sings funny songs on purpose!”

 This is the Variety Star Lord!

 After watching so many episodes of the competition, the audience has become aware that anything is possible when it comes to Variety Star King's performances!



 Red team lounge.

Tibetan Mastiff said: "Come on!"

 The Frog Prince sighed, "It's all up to you."

The little carp also said: "You are the only one in the red team!"

Lin Zhibai nodded, said nothing, and walked towards the stage step by step, but his eyes were subconsciously looking for his family in the audience.

 See it!

 Mom and dad!

 Brothers and sisters!

 They are looking at themselves.

 Even though they don’t know who they are.

Lin Zhibai smiled under the mask and nodded slightly to the band. Then a burst of music played and a two-word song title appeared on the big screen:


This is the first song Lin Zhibai will sing today, "Father" by Chopstick Brothers, which he wants to dedicate to his father.

 “The title of this song is very serious!”

I guess the guests of the judging panel looked at each other, their eyes full of expectation. The Variety Star Lord who was singing seriously was his most terrifying moment!

 This is the consensus of the judging panel!

 At the same time, it is also the consensus of the audience!

 While everyone was expecting it, Lin Zhibai closed his eyes. In the next singing, he will use his true voice!

  It’s not Chu Ci’s voice!

 Or maybe it’s not exactly Chu Ci’s voice!

After all, when singing as Chu Ci in the past few years, Lin Zhibai still deliberately held back and made some technical adjustments. He was afraid that others would recognize his true voice, but he didn't need to worry about it today. It didn't matter if others recognized him. Anyway, the time for the unveiling is very close. Besides, except for people who are very familiar with me, who can really hear it?

 In the midst of thoughts.

 The prelude sounds.

Lin Zhibai’s eyes were still looking in the direction of his family. This would not reveal anything. After all, the audience would only think that Variety Star Lord’s eyes were looking at everyone in the audience at this moment. This was a normal thing.

next moment.

As the singing started, Lin Zhibai used his true voice for the first time. This was a voice that was unfamiliar to the audience—

 “Always asking for things from you but never saying thank you.”

 “It’s not easy to understand you until you grow up.”

 “I always pretend to be relaxed every time I leave.”

 “Smile and say go back, then turn around and have tears in your eyes.”

 As soon as a few lyrics came out, the audience was instantly moved. Even though they had listened to several songs about fathers before, this song could still catch the ears of many people in an instant!

"listen well!"

 “It’s a new song again!”

 “This voice is a bit strange!”

 “Which singer is the artist imitating this time?”

 “Can’t hear it!”

 “Is this his true pronunciation?”

“That shouldn’t be the case. If it’s his real pronunciation, then he should probably sound like a singer, right?”

 “These are not the important points.”

 “The point is the quality of the song!”

The real classic good song can only be right to listen to a few words. The "Father" of the Variable Star King is undoubtedly such a song!



 Exceptionally moving!

As Lin Zhibai sang, his eyes were always fixed on his father Lin Dong. The scenes of his childhood mischief and life with his father passed before his eyes one by one, like scenes from a movie lens.

 Happy Star King likes to play pranks?

 In fact, this is Lin Zhibai’s nature.

Don't forget that Lin Zhibai was very noisy when he was a child. He was the kind of student who was loved and hated by the school teachers. His grades were always first, but he especially liked to make trouble. For this reason, he was often disciplined by his father, but now Thinking back on it, he felt warm in his heart.

 “Think more of the same as before.”

 “Hold your warm hand.”

 “But you are not with me.”

 “Ask the breeze to carry you Ankang.”

Hearing this, the mother in the audience looked around, and suddenly couldn't help but said: "Is Lord Variety Star looking at us?"

Is it an illusion?

Father Lin Dong suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, and there was an indescribable shock in his heart: "This voice sounds like Xiao Hei!"

 “Are you looking at us?”

Lin Xi looked around, then smiled: "From the perspective of the audience, it's like a teacher giving a lecture on the stage. The students think the teacher is looking at them, but the voice is indeed a bit like Xiao Hei's usual speaking voice, but you also know Xiao Hei is tone-deaf, and no one has his singing skills."

 “That’s right.”

Lin Shengtian said: "Maybe there is his father in the audience."

Lin Shengtian’s attention was still on the song itself. He felt an inexplicable feeling deep in his heart, getting stronger and stronger.

 At this moment!

The music stops!

 Suddenly broke out!

Lin Zhibai suddenly raised his voice, raised the microphone high, and mixed it with every lyric with strong emotions. His tone was so firm at this time, just like the fierce drumbeats, like the intensity of guitar and drums. Percussion, the music blasted the whole place!

 The whole audience was shocked!

The singing voice of Baibianxingjun overwhelmed all the instruments at this moment, and the blood of all the audience almost felt like it was exploding at this moment!

 “Time will go slower!”

 “Don’t let me age you anymore!”

 “I am willing to use my switch to make your years last forever!”

Since his head injury that year, Lin Zhibai has experienced the most painful years. It was the company of his parents and family that gave Lin Zhibai strength. It was also during that time that his parents, who had no worries about food and clothing, had gray hair. They felt sorry for their children. I wish I had suffered all that for my son.

Lin Zhibai knew this in his heart.

Lin Zhibai still remembers one morning in the year when he was injured. He woke up from the hospital bed and saw his father who was silent but smiling forcefully in front of the hospital bed, peeling fruit for him. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have aged unknowingly after he was injured. many.

 “A father who will always be strong throughout his life.”

"What can I do for you?"

 “Accept this trivial concern!”

When Lin Zhibai got the first script "Crazy" from the system, he insisted on handing it over to his father for filming. Although there was a risk of exposure, compared to his father's love for him, maybe such concern was really insignificant. ?

 Audience seats.

The sourness in Lin Dong's heart suddenly burst out with the singing, and he burst into tears!

Perhaps it was because the voice was so similar to that of my son that I, who had never cried many times in my life, suddenly became so emotional that I burst into tears.


Mother's eyes were also red, and tears fell down.

 More and more viewers at the scene, especially those who were fathers and mothers, shed tears.

Especially those fathers who are usually taciturn, can't hold back at all, even though many of them have never shed a tear in front of their children in their entire lives!

 It’s not just them.

Those who are children, thinking about their fathers, can't help but get intoxicated in the singing, from choking to crying.

 Why is this happening?

Obviously everyone has listened to so many songs praising fathers and mothers today, and has been moved more than once, and has even gradually become numb.

 It is obvious that those songs have dried up their tears!

 So much so that when I hear similar songs later, my mood will never fluctuate like this again.

 But listening to the song "Father" by Baibianxingjun, the turbulent emotions in my heart are still uncontrollable -

 The tear glands are out of control again!

 The situation is even more out of control than before!

 Because the previous songs are relatively old, everyone has basically heard them. The audience has psychological expectations about the lyrics and melody!

 The "Father" by Baibian Xingjun came out of the blue, with no expected surprise!

The feeling of freshness is stronger!

The shock is also stronger!

 Great song!

 This is a really good song!

 There are few songs about fathers that are better than this one!

 The spiritual impact it brings is no less than that of "Big Fish" played by Variety Star King!

 And because today is Parents’ Day, this song is more down-to-earth and directly sings the voices of countless ordinary people, so the sense of empathy is even stronger!

 “Thank you for everything!”

 “Hold up our home with both hands!”

 “Always try your best to give me the best!”

Lin Zhibai's eyes were slightly red under the mask, and the scenes of his father and him getting along in life were still flashing back. He had been living with his family for as long as he could remember, and there were so many scenes that he couldn't recall them all.



elder brother!

elder sister!

I have recovered from my illness and am growing every day. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. In the past, you were the one who shielded me from the wind and rain. In the future, I will become the towering tree that shields you from the sun.

 The scene was filled with tears!

Lin Zhibai sang at the top of his lungs, and the song resounded throughout the stage. The audience was trembling. Only the figure was left in front of their eyes, and the only song left in their ears was the song that everyone no longer bothered about whose it belonged to:

 “Am I your pride?”

 “Are you still worried about me?”

 “The child you care about!”

 “Grow up!”

 “Thanks for having you along the way!”

  In order to keep the chapters running, I wrote two chapters in one~


 (End of this chapter)