Freelance Artist

Chapter 62: Night Hou Tu version

Chapter 62 Nightless Hou Tu Edition

 I really don’t blame Dani for feeling resentful.

 It is different from the rare warmth of "Poetry of the Sun".

Also written by Bu Yehou, the story "The Far Away Couple" has returned to his usual writing style of coexistence of depression and darkness.

 There is a kind of evil and weirdness in the story.

 Same first person, I am a child.

I don’t know from which day my father and mother can no longer see each other, but I can see my father and my mother at the same time.

 Why is this happening?

 The story starts from the day when mom and dad wanted to use guessing to decide who would give something to my uncle.

At that time, both parties were a little lazy and hoped that the other party would go for a trip, but no one was willing to go.

the next day.

 Some news broke.

The train had a serious accident, so mom and dad couldn't see each other.

turn out to be.

In my father’s memory, my mother lost the guessing game that day, so she got on the train and died in the train accident.

 But my mother’s memory is exactly the opposite.

Mom said that dad lost the game of guessing and died on that train.

that's all.

  I started to act as a mouthpiece for my parents.

This day the three of us were sitting on the sofa together watching TV.

“I want to watch travel shows.” My mother told me.

 So I immediately told my father this.

“Mom said she didn’t want to watch this, she wanted to watch a travel show.”

“Tell your mother to put up with it and just watch crime dramas.”

Dad replied directly without taking his eyes off the TV.

“Dad said he didn’t want to change the channel.”]



 It’s scary to think about it!

There is something weird everywhere!

 Until later, my parents started to quarrel.

As a child, I still acted as their mouthpiece, sadly reciting the vicious words they used to stab each other hard.

 After that day.

 I can no longer see them at the same time.

 When my father was around, I couldn’t see my mother’s presence.

 When my mother was around, I couldn’t see any trace of my father.

 I told my father about it, but he couldn't understand me at first.

I tried to explain it several times, but Dad finally understood. He suddenly turned pale, grabbed my shoulders and looked at my face desperately, as if he wanted to ask something.

 I was so scared that I started crying.

 Dad really likes mom. Before, I barely connected their worlds, but now I can’t see them both at the same time.

 I feel this is my responsibility.

  If I were a good boy, we could live together as three of us.

Dad repeated the question several times in a stern tone.

 But I just cried and couldn't say anything, so my father started to get angry.

 He raised his hand that was holding my shoulder and slapped me.

 I was hit in the face by my father and fell to the ground.

 I'm trying to say sorry.

 I think I am such a useless child and all the responsibility lies with me.

 Dad has begun to hate me.

 My mother, who was returning home from shopping, saw me crying at the door and hugged me to comfort me.

 “I decided that I want to live in my mother’s world.”

 I am determined.

Tell your mother this way.

 Mother looked at me puzzled.

 When my mother carried me home, I kept sobbing.

 From that day on I could no longer see my father.


 It was weird in the early stage.

 The middle stage is also very ghostly.

Just imagining the daily interactions of this family of three, Dani felt like she was getting hairy all over.

Just like a ghost story that Dani read when she was a child——

 Two people got into the elevator.

 One of them kept talking to the air.

 The other person was puzzled and asked who are you talking to. There are only two of us here.

The other party replied:

 Aren’t we three people?

The story of Bu Yehou is also similar.

 And Dani sincerely dislikes this kind of story.

 As an atheist who believes in science, Dani firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world.


This Nightless Marquis is really willing to fall!

You can obviously write a story like "The Poem of the Sun" that makes people feel sad, but there is still hope in the sadness. Why do you still stick to such a scary and dark style?

It’s not impossible!

  Ya really likes these evil things from the bottom of her heart!

However, for the sake of "Poems of Xiangyang", Dani still frowned, reopened the magazine and continued reading along with the previous content.

 In the story.

 I went to junior high school.

But I can still clearly remember what happened at that time.

 I have also told many people about my bizarre experience.

  Sometimes I will ask others why it is like that.

 No one else can give the answer.

 I myself suddenly remembered what happened the day after my father disappeared.

 It was a sunny day.

   My mother took me to a place with many comics and toys. There were many children about my age there, some holding dolls and some building blocks.

 After playing with toys for a while.

 I was pulled into a man’s room by my mother.

The man asked me about my father, so I explained to him that my father had died in the train accident.

 “Who is the person behind you?”

The man looked confused and stared behind me.

 I looked back and saw that there was no one there, only my mother standing next to me.

 “There is no one.”

 My expression is more confused than the other person’s.

"This child can't seem to see his father." The mother cried and said to the man: "He can hear my voice, but he can't hear his father's voice. His father squeezes his hand and touches his head. He doesn't feel anything at all. If you pick him up or pull his arm by force, he will lose strength halfway and become like a puppet."

"I see."

The man talked to his mother for a while, and finally sighed: "In other words, after you two quarreled, you lived as if the other person was dead. And you also instilled this idea in your children, and eventually they became It’s like this now.”


 The man looked behind me again, as if talking to someone, and kept nodding.

 I also looked back.

 All I saw was emptiness.

Now that I have grown up, I can understand what my mother and doctor said at that time, and I also understand why the result turned out that way.

 My mother often told me, "Your father is right here."

 But I asked, "Where is dad?"

"How come you don't know where he is? Aren't you clinging to him now?" Then my mother cried at a loss.

 Later mother turned to father and started talking to him.

 After I became like this, my parents no longer quarreled!

 Although I still couldn’t see my father, I could feel him comforting my crying mother.

 Now the two of them are living close to each other.

  People say that my parents’ behavior hurt my young heart, which is why it turned out like this.

But this is somewhat different from the answer I got myself.

 Lately I feel like I want it to be like this.

 The purpose is of course to prevent mom and dad from being separated.


ˆThe story ends with “my” psychological activities.

When Dani saw this, she was completely stunned, as if she had turned into a sculpture.

 There is no ghost!

 It’s not weird either!

This story is not what I imagined at all!

 The style of painting in the early stage was weird, entirely due to "my" psychological problems!

 This is a process in which a child's psychology is gradually damaged and slowly changes!


 Dani suddenly realized:

Perhaps I have never understood the novels written before No Yehou.

No matter how bizarre and weird the story of Bu Yehou is and how spooky his painting style is, in fact what he wants to express is not surprising, and even has profound educational significance!

 Take this short story as an example.

 The story looks at the relationship between parents from a child's perspective.

After an incident caused my parents to quarrel, I could see the two of them, but they couldn't see each other. Gradually, I realized that I could only choose one of them to live with.

This paragraph is actually a metaphor for the divorce of parents.

 Children can only stay with one parent.

 Later, my parents quarreled again, and I finally chose to live with my mother. From then on, my mother was the only one in my world.

 The final outcome revealed the truth.

 It is an irreparable tragedy.

Bu Yehou tells readers in a very imaginative way that the behavior of parents will leave an indelible psychological shadow on a child.

 Dani’s family is happy.

 Ke Dani also knows that this kind of thing is very common.

If parents quarrel too much, it will indeed cause psychological harm to children.

“There is no such disease in the world.”

  No matter how much parents quarrel, the children will never lose sight of one of them.

  But if you interpret it in a metaphorical way, you will find that all this is reasonable!

 After parents divorce, children of course can only see one of them.

Biyehou only amplifies this situation and allows the story to end in a sobering way.

 “This guy is really good at reversals!”

 The man the mother took the child to see must be a doctor, right?

 The doctor can see the father, which means there is something wrong with the child's psychology.

 The story turns around at this moment!

Of course, the child gradually realizes that there is something wrong with him, which is reasonable.

 You can listen to the child’s final voice:

 He is not in pain, he is even happy!

 Because something went wrong with him, his parents can be happy together again!

This is also reasonable. When children blame themselves for their parents’ quarrels, the consequences have already begun!


so amazing!

 After these two short stories, Dani finally got the charm of Evernight Hou!

 No wonder "Mystery and Suspense" has treated the Night Lord like a father in recent issues!

 The first article was written by him.

 The final chapter is still him.

Perhaps many readers like myself will start to change their views on Evernight Hou?

 You need to see through the darkness to see the essence.

“I have to read all the novels written before No Night Hou. It may be a little scary. At worst, I’ll let Zhao Yu accompany me tonight.”

 Zhao Yu is Dani’s prospective boyfriend.

  The prospective boyfriend has not confirmed the relationship yet.

But maybe something will happen tonight, who knows?

  Dani thought so, with a smile on her lips.

 The Academy Forum at this time.

 The two stories in this issue of Evernight Hou have triggered huge discussions!

  Mystery and suspense section.

Hou Yehou has begun the real massacre!


 p.s.: The leader of Wumaxing has added an update. Thanks again to the leader of Wumaxing. The title has not been added, so it is difficult to modify it...

Posted early... It’s not a big problem... Please write more... You don’t have to wait... I’ll read it tomorrow!


 (End of this chapter)