Freelance Artist

Chapter 87: Forceful suppression

Chapter 87 Forced Suppression

 At the same time, the king of singers and the queen of singers were listening to the songs and making critical comments.

The fans that Chu Ci gathered with "Broken Bridge and Remaining Snow" are also listening to this new song.

 Strictly speaking, these people react faster. They immediately clicked on the song just a few seconds after it was released—

 Then you can never come out again.

Even though they can’t analyze and interpret it like professionals like singers and singers, isn’t it enough to have ears when listening to songs?


  “I’m blowing this song!”

“Those first-line singers only listen to one piece of music, and the ancient style songs must be Chu Ci.”

 “Sounds good!”

 “I declare that Chu Ci is the number one person in ancient times!”

"Chu Ci's voice is strong but soft, full of passion but not eloquent. He speaks in melancholy lyrics and singing. At first glance, you may not think there is anything special about it, but when you taste it carefully, you will have endless aftertaste. This is a singer. The charm of the sound, in comparison, this song is even more to my taste than "The Snow on the Broken Bridge"."

 “One word, awesome.”

  Previously, everyone was worried about whether Chu Ci’s new song could reach the heights of his debut, but they never expected that they would surpass themselves directly.

 Someone mentioned "forced style".

"In terms of style, this song is really on point. Others are still singing "You love me and I love you", but he has started to write about nostalgia based on the love story. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an upgraded version of "The Snow on the Broken Bridge" .”

 “It’s not just nostalgia.”

"I understand that there are three points. The first point is missing my hometown, the second point is love, and the third point is actually persuasion, just like the words in the lyrics [Half life of fame is just false] and [At that time, it was just ordinary], and Searching, pursuing and seeing through, this is the most advanced part of the song, it has a Zen feel, but it does not make people feel preachy."

how to say.

 In fact, ancient style lovers like ancient style songs, and what they love is the antique style.

"Luzhou Moon" is such a song that can satisfy their pursuit, because the lyrics are really high-quality, and they mainly use various images to create an atmosphere, such as "I saw my hometown in the flying catkins." In ancient poetry, Liu The branch expresses the meaning of farewell, and the willow itself can be said to be synonymous with farewell.

In the season when catkins are flying, people are moved by the scene. They think of the time when they were separated from their old friends in front of Liuqian when they were young. They think of the eternal oath of friendship and "a wisp of green silk to be treasured for a lifetime". They can't help but feel melancholy, but the listener is immediately drawn into the song. In the atmosphere?

 Some people may say:

This is not hot knowledge, not everyone has that cultural background.

However, these images, even if they are felt hazily, are extremely beautiful. Besides, if you don’t understand, others will understand.

 There are many talented people among the fans.

There are always some Chinese class representatives who will help with various summaries.

"Ten years of hard study in the cold window finally made me famous, but under the moonlight of Luzhou I realized that my half-life of fame was just an illusion; at the same time, the lyrics use images such as moonlight and awning boats to describe the pain and homesickness of homesickness, and the delicate blend makes the whole song Compared with ordinary ancient songs, the concept immediately becomes loftier. The steady rhythm of the medium and slow pace guides each chapter. While listening to the song, we feel like we are watching a story. The backbeat rhythm advances the retro melody layer by layer. …”

These summaries are actually part of the song.

Just like when people read movie reviews after watching a movie, they will have a new understanding of the movie.

 After listening to the song, people who read the summaries of these Chinese class representatives will have a deeper understanding of the song.

 Many summaries analyze the blank space of the song.

 Finally, someone, like Li Xiao, discovered that every word in this song ends in ang.

 “What an ingenious idea!”

 “My writing skills are so strong!”

 “Chu Ci must be very good at writing compositions.”

“I, being crude, can only lament that Chu Ci is so awesome. It draws on the techniques of ancient poetry and applies them to the creation of our modern lyrics. This is what Chu Ci is doing!”

 “You can play this song!”

 “Because Chu Ci fell in love with ancient styles.”


 “This is the style that ancient style songs should have!”

If the lyrics of a song are very high-quality, it can only be reduced to a niche carnival. But if the lyrics remain high-quality and the melody does not stretch your hips, then the market for this song must be the masses!


 Very quickly.

As the popularity grew, more and more people heard this song, and they were no longer limited to the fans attracted by Chu Ci’s previous song.

In the middle of the night on the Internet, more and more night owls are joining the discussion about this song. While listening to this song, netizens are analyzing the meaning of the lyrics in various ways, and at the same time, they are constantly using it to discuss with "The Snow on the Broken Bridge" Comparison.

The conclusion is:

This song by Chu Ci is even better than the previous one.

Of course, the performance of passers-by is definitely not as enthusiastic as that of ancient style lovers, but their love for this song is enough to support their willingness to download it.

 The most important thing is that more people know Chuci.

As a new singer who won the first place on the season chart in December, Chu Ci is only familiar to many passers-by.

This time it’s more than just familiar.

 Many people have already remembered this singer-songwriter. When they come across his songs in the future, they will probably click on them to see if they like them. This is generally how a singer becomes famous.


 The industry insiders on the other side have also finished listening to the song. The results of the comparison between this month's new works and "Luzhou Moon" are actually clear at a glance for the three first-line singers from the three major universities. After all, they are all ancient-style works, and the comparison is actually very intuitive.

 “I lost!”

 “The gap is quite obvious.”

“Although the works of the three top performers are rich in ancient style and have good melodies, they are completely defeated in terms of conception and lyrics. This is not a gap in music, but a gap in style.”


"In terms of singing skills, the three first lines are obviously stronger. In terms of melody, "Luzhou Moon" is better, but it is not overwhelming. It mainly depends on the lyrics and artistic conception. In this aspect, Chuci's advantage is too great, which makes people unable to The kind that is ignored.”

 “Now it depends on the fans’ support.”

“After all, there are many front-line fans. This is where Chu Ci is inferior. The most important thing is that the three first-line singers are recommended by the home page, so the initial publicity is advantageous.”

 “The list hasn’t been updated yet?”

 “Refreshed, the list is out!”

 The update delay of the season charts is usually about fifteen minutes, which is basically the time it takes for everyone to just listen to a few songs. But when the chart refresh results come out, all suspense disappears instantly.

 Season standings…

  No. 1: "Luzhou Month", 69,876 downloads

  No. 2: "Fang Fei", 68,767 downloads

  No. 3: "Nostalgia", 59,876 downloads

  No. 4: "Beauty Like Jade", 56,732 downloads

 5th place:…

 Everyone in the back couldn't care less for a while.

 Because Chu Ci actually took the first place, it was a complete mess!

 This is a result that is beyond everyone’s expectation:

 Three A-list singers from Shinhwa, Nathan and Tianguang were all suppressed!

This is only ten minutes of data!

Of course, it can be said that the season rankings have just begun, and it is still unclear who will win.

Don’t forget that first-tier singers have more fans and better initial promotion resources. If you can’t suppress Chu Ci in the first ten minutes, you will have no chance later!

 It’s like running a race.

In a sense, the three first-line singers have already run a little distance first, but they are all left behind. So how can they catch up?

 “Holy shit!”

  “Are there more fans of Chu Ci than we thought?”

“He’s mainly from the ancient style circle. Nowadays, ancient style lovers basically recognize him, but the ancient style circle is already quite big now.”

“There’s no suspense anymore, Chu Ci has become the trend, and the number one on this month’s season list has finally been assigned. After all, there is no king or queen of singers this month.”

The new human wall has been shattered.

Just like Bai Di back then, the success of Chu Ci's second song once again proved that he is not a shooting star, let alone a flash in the pan in the Qinzhou music scene. It can only be said that there are not many simple newcomers who are at the peak of their debut.

Chu Ci has begun to gain a firm foothold in the music scene.

Even first-line singers can’t stop him, does that mean that only the king of singers and the queen of singers can do it?

“It seems reasonable to compare Chu Ci and Bai Di. Both of them were at their peak when they debuted. At the same time, they are both good at composing music and writing lyrics.”

“I thought in advance that these three front lines would be at least a few days ahead…”

“There is not much difference in the ten-minute data. It is estimated that Chu Ci will be able to officially open the gap with the next three singers tomorrow morning. This guy is really a replica of Bai Di!”

“It’s true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.”

 “Then the back wave is too strong and too much!?”

“There seems to be another piece of tile missing on the three big houses...”


“Don’t tell me, it’s true. In the past, other people in the three major blockade lists had no chance at all. It was extremely difficult to get into the top ten. As a result, Chu Ci broke through the three major blockades for the second time!”


“Look, there seems to be an additional economic company in the information column of Chu Ci’s song.”

 “Kunpeng Music?”

 “Have you heard of this company?”

 “First time I’ve heard of it.”

“It sounds familiar to me. Do you know about Kunpeng Investment?”

“I Am a Singer, which has become extremely popular recently, is a planning project provided by Kunpeng Investment.”

 “Is there still such a thing?”

“I found information on Jiguang. Kunpeng Music is a newly established subsidiary of Kunpeng Investment Company!”

 There are too many hot news during the Spring Festival.

Kunpeng Investment has become somewhat famous recently due to various activities in Jiangcheng, but no one noticed that he established a music company.

 Few people have noticed:

This Chu Ci actually signed a contract with Kunpeng's music company! ?

 It wasn’t until Chu Ci won the first place in the season rankings again that everyone paid widespread attention to this.

 This is big news!

 In the past, the three major universities wanted to sign Chu Ci!

This is not a secret in the industry, but Chu Ci, who has unlimited potential, actually rejected the three big players in Qinzhou and chose to join the newly established music company under Kunpeng?

Seeing Chu Ci quickly reach the top.

There is a question in everyone’s mind:

What is the origin of this sudden appearance of Kunpeng Investment?

 (End of this chapter)