From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 105

This is the first time the twins have been away from their mother for so long, and they are still young, Su An comforted them, but after comforting them, she also gave them a blow: "You will grow up soon, and you will be separated for so long after you grow up. It’s very common, get used to it, and we all have our own lives.”

Zhang Anguo immediately found a rebuttal: "That's what happened when we grew up. We two are still children." The two of them are children. Although they usually think of themselves as adults, in front of their mother, they are always the same. child!

Well, now you're still kids, and you're still a few years away from adulthood.

After taking a bath and eating porridge, Su An lit the lamp: "I'll tell you what happened during this time..."

Then they took out the gift their brother gave them. She also had a gift, which was a counseling book she had specially picked.

"Study hard. I also inquired about some other universities' materials. You can refer to it and set your goal in the capital, but not all of them have to be limited to the capital university, right?"

The twins looked at each other: "We haven't thought about university yet, and we haven't thought about any major."

"It's still a long time, you can think slowly, pick one that you are interested in, and then you will have to be in touch for at least a few years. If you don't like it, it will be very difficult."

"Your brothers are in college now. I let them pay attention. They may have some suggestions."

At this time, the majors are definitely not as diverse as later generations, and the choices are quite limited. However, today's college students are basically cadres, and most of them are entering the system. However, there are different ways to enter the system. You can go to politics step by step To be promoted, one is to enter a state-owned enterprise, and one can also do research...

In this era, no matter which way you go, it will be better to go.

Seeing that it is reform and opening up, it is time to vigorously develop economic construction.

They went to bed late that night, and the twins could barely get up the next day.

Su An brought a gift to school after breakfast. During her absence, the two teachers who taught senior grades helped to substitute for the class.

There was no substitute fee, but she promised to give each of them a pen from the Capital Department Store.

The number of new students admitted this year broke through its all-time high.

Because the college entrance examination has resumed, reading is a smooth road that can be seen with one eye. If you have the talent for reading, you will be stable for a lifetime if you take the college entrance examination and go to college.

This is a good sign.

Now the people in the class are generally more serious, and the teachers are more responsible, which is different from the time when they were messing around.

The two teachers who teach senior grades are very happy to receive her pen.

They are a little younger than Su Hui, because they went to the countryside early, they established a family in Li Village very early, and they also have children who are going to school. They are reluctant to use such a good pen.

After taking a half-day class, I also said a few gossip to them, saying that there is a trend to change the half-day class to a one-day class, but as of now, there is no conclusion, and everyone's consent is required for this.

It takes half a day to earn work points, which can add up to a lot, especially now that their village has a sideline business of burning tiles, and work points are extraordinarily valuable.

After returning from school, cooking, and finishing her own lunch, Su An went to see the private plot.

The private plot was well taken care of while she was out, and the weeds were pulled out soon after they emerged. The soil that should be loosened was also watered, and the place to be watered was also watered. After a circle, there was no place for her to play. .

Then Su Zhong and Su Qianming came over.

Su Qianming's face was not very good. He was very happy when Su Zhong came back yesterday, and was taken aback by the money he took out.

Su Zhong secretly gave the money to him, he didn't dare to tell others, Su Qianming felt a fire in his heart.

He is happy to have so much money, but he is happy to be happy, this money is hot, if this is discovered...

I went back and forth in the middle of the night last night. I don't know where the money should be hidden. What should I do if someone discovers the money of unknown origin?

He was very worried. He didn't expect his son to be soft-hearted. When he was slapped by his sister, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so he agreed.

My daughter is too bold, what should I do if something goes wrong?

The daughter saw that the good day was coming.

No, looking at the time, he pulled Su Zhong over.

Then he was almost persuaded by his daughter, who said: "The time is different now, you don't need to be a soldier, you see how long it has been since you said no one was criticized, and now they are vindicated, and all those people in our village's cowshed go back. There are several, and the remaining ones may go back immediately, the college entrance examination was originally cut off, and now the college entrance examination has resumed."

"Where was it illegal in the past? Merchants have always existed since ancient times. The previous period was a special period and will be cancelled soon."

"Don't worry, I'm a person who knows what to do. If I'm not sure, why would I do this? I'm saving some money for my family. The two juniors will have to take the college entrance examination next year, and they will be admitted with their two scores. University is not difficult, I hope they all go to the capital, where the four brothers can reunite, and I also want to go to the capital to develop."

It was the first time the two of them heard her talk about her future plans, with shocked expressions on their faces. The original preaching had long been forgotten, and Su Qianming unconsciously repeated her words: "You also want to go to the capital for development. How do you go to the capital to develop?"

Su Qianming did not deny it, saying that she was fanciful, but asked her how to develop.

"Here you are a teacher. The teacher is relaxed and doesn't give money, but you have high work points. Now the situation in your village is much better than the situation in other villages. You still have half a day to do your own things."

Su Hui said here: "Now I'm considering changing to a full-time system. The college entrance examination has resumed. It only takes half a day to study, and the study is not thorough enough."

Su Qianming: "Even if you change to a full-time system, it will be much easier than going to the ground. You won't get the sun or the rain. If you go to the capital, how will you live?"

Su Zhong: "Yes, sister, the capital is very prosperous, but the four of them have enough university subsidies to feed themselves. What can you do to live there? It's hard to find jobs, and even the capital's jobs are full of wolves. few."

Su An: "This is the current plan. You can look at it later. There is still one year left, and many things can happen in one year."

A meaningful smile appeared on Su Hui's face: "I have seen some educated youths in the capital who returned to the city early. They didn't go to university, but they were allowed to go back. After returning to the city, there was nothing to do, not enough. The factory is recruiting workers, what can they do? It’s okay now, but if more people go back to the city, this will be a factor of instability. After they have been in the countryside for a long time, they have no place at home, and they have no jobs and no fetters. , it is easy to cause troubles, the state will definitely introduce corresponding measures, recruiting workers? It is impractical to recruit all of them into the factory, and it is more likely that they will be allowed to make a living by themselves and make an opening.”

"Have you read the newspaper recently? The tone in the newspaper is different now. I think there will be good news soon. There is still time. I can plan slowly. If I am not sure, I will not leave home rashly. ."

Su Qianming stared at Su An, is this his daughter? This is his daughter, she is not the same as before.

She is also a person who has seen the world now. She has her own thoughts and her own independent views. She does not need to rely on others and can make up her mind independently.

His heart is sour and soft, there is the joy of the child growing up, and the sadness that he feels that he is no longer needed by the child.

This is a very strange feeling for parents. Sometimes I hope that they will grow up quickly and be independent, and sometimes I hope that they will never grow up, rely on themselves for the rest of their lives, and live happily under the protection of their own wings.

Su An: "Dad, I think you can pay more attention. Is it possible that you will be in this village for the rest of your life? This village is the same, what you see and hear is just that. Only when you go out will you know how big the world is. Kuang, Shi Wei and Banxia should also have a yearning for the outside world."

Shi Wei and Banxia are also students. The eldest is eighteen this year, and he is a freshman in high school. He is about to take the college entrance examination.

He went to junior high school before, and later said he didn't want to study, but after seeing the college entrance examination resumed, he asked him to go back to continue his studies, thinking that he would be admitted to a university.

Su Zhong's heart moved when he heard this, he went to the capital, saw the vastness there, saw the prosperity there, and then looked at this small mountain village, he felt a clear gap.

The children over there have rich experiences. There are many buses, amusement parks, zoos, and a variety of food.

When he talked about this to the two children, they were stunned for a while, and they stuck with him last night and made him talk a lot.

They are very longing for the prosperity outside, if, if...

Su Qianming was stunned.

It has been so long in the blink of an eye, his children have grown into reliable adults, and his grandson has grown up, and he wants to go outside to see the world.

Shouldn't he stay in the village all the time?

It's been a long time since what happened in the past, he should not stop it, how can he ask the child to stay in the country all the time?

He came aggressively and left in a trance.

Su Zhong gave his sister a look of admiration and followed Su Qianming back.

Then Su An cleaned up the things that should be done at home, and started cooking dinner ahead of time when she saw that it was almost time.

After counting the time to prepare the meal, she left a note for the twins to go home directly to their grandparents, and she went to the old house.

Dawei has been around her all day today, not going anywhere, and will follow her when she wants to go there.

In a way, Dawei is also very clingy.

When she went there, Wu Chuchu was at home in the old house, and there were also two children from Zhang Gui's family, that is to say, Wu Chuchu brought three children.

However, Zhang Gui's son is already 7 years old, and he doesn't need to take care of him much. Children of this age have already run away from the village.

Seeing Su Hui coming, Wu Chuchu was a little surprised: "Second Aunt, you are here, what are you taking?"

"Eating here tonight, I brought two dishes over."

Wu Chuchu was curious: "What kind of dish is this?"

"I bought the notchi from the capital. We don't have it here. It's from the north. I exchanged some of the things I brought with others. Let's try something new."

Wu Chuchu: "Let me see, the name Fat Cai is really, it looks like hair."

Then her eyes turned to another dish.

Another dish is ham burning fungus, chop the ham into minced meat, stir fry evenly with the fungus, it is especially fragrant.

"This ham was given by a friend. He used to be an educated youth, but later a unit took it back in advance. His home is in the capital."

This network of people is there in the capital! Wu Chuchu smiled even brighter at Su An.

Smelling the smell of meat, the two little ones were probing their brains on the side.

Zhang Gui's daughter: "Second aunt, what's so delicious?"

"It's ham, but I'll have to wait until the grandparents come back."

"What is ham? Is ham meat?"

"Yes, ham is meat."

The sound of sniffing is more obvious, it's meat, no wonder it's so fragrant, why haven't grandparents come back? Can't wait.

Su An had nothing to say to Wu Chuchu, so she asked her, "What were you doing just now? I'm here to help."

She waved her hand: "No, no, I'll just come, I'm going to make dinner."

Su An: "I'll show you the fire."

Wu Chuchu refused.

It didn't take long for Zhang Gen and the others to come back, and Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo came in with them.

"Yesterday there were many people and I was tired, so I didn't say much." Su An took out the photo: "This is the photo we went to take, and we took two places, one is the Great Wall, the other is the ***, and the other places. Didn't shoot."

"Yes, it's good to have these two, it costs money to take pictures." Li Manfen said, her eyes glued to it.

The capital, the Great Wall, the ***, that is where the leaders live.

"These are all cut from newspapers, and the pictures above are the scenery and buildings on the other side of the capital." A group of people gathered around the two photos and looked at them, hoping to see a flower.

Su An took out this.

This is not a collection that Su Hui deliberately collected, it was a gift from Lin Jingnan, which he collected when he was idle.

Zhang Fenghua exclaimed: "There are pictures on it."

Su An: "Yeah." Although it's all black and white, there's no way, there are too few things in color right now.

That pile of things caught everyone's attention at once.

There are a lot of places in the capital here, if you take a look, it's almost the same as what you see with your own eyes.

Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo also watched it for a long time last night, and with the explanation from their mother, they can now speak eloquently.


"I also went to the university in Weiguo, the school in Baoguo is more strict, outsiders are not allowed to enter, so I don't go inside, there are students everywhere in Weiguo, all of them are serious, and they read books while walking. There are people in their twenties and thirties." There is an age limit for the college entrance examination, and the maximum cannot exceed thirty, and if you exceed it, you will lose the opportunity.

"Some of them brought their families to school, and they married and had children when they were older."

"I also met Xie Rui, an educated youth from our village. He took care of us and took us to many places. He gave this ham."

All of them listened attentively. Whether it was Zhang Gen, Zhang Jinhua, or Zhang Xiaohua, they all listened intently if they could understand, that is, the little dolls who didn't understand at all, took this as the background music and slept happily.

The twins have longing expressions on their faces. They really want to go to the capital. They want to see their eldest and second brothers, and they also want to see their university.

Zhang Anguo clenched his fingers as he looked at a photo reporting the entrance of Capital University during the first admissions session.

Among the brothers, Zhang Weiguo had the best academic performance, followed by Zhang Anguo, and Zhang Baoguo was ahead of Zhang Dingguo.

They have also done the second brother's test paper. If he maintains it at the current level, he has heard so much from his mother, and currently he has the most favorable impression of Capital University. With the second brother, Grandpa Wen, and Big Brother Xie, Capital University can give it a try. , but the fourth brother is a little hung up.

Is he going to separate from the fourth brother?

The fourth brother has not decided which university to go to or what major he wants to study.

But it doesn't matter, even if you are not in the same school, in the same city, in the same place, you can often meet each other. According to my mother, there are many universities in the capital.

Zhang Jinhua and Zhang Fenghua also looked envious. One of them repeated the first year of high school, the other was the next year's college entrance examination, and the other was the next year's college entrance examination.

However, Zhang Jinhua also has self-knowledge, he simply can't get such a high score in the test, so don't think about such a good university.

Zhang Jinhua had thought about whether to go to some remote universities to improve his admission rate, but now that he has calmed down, he still wants to stay in the province as much as possible.

It was too far, and he was a little flustered.

The most important thing is to improve his grades, so that he can be admitted without having to choose such a remote school.

After listening to the second aunt said so much, he looked at the twins, and he repeated his studies, so now he is in the same class as the twins, and the people he has studied are not as old as he is so much younger than him, rising from the first year of high school 's cousin.

When the results came out, he was ashamed, but now he was thinking of another question: "Second Aunt, if there is anything I don't understand, can I discuss it with Anguo Dingguo and the others? Just like Fenghua."

He chose to bring it up in public. On such an occasion, Second Aunt probably wouldn't reject him.

Su An did not refuse. Didn't Zhang Fenghua agree directly when he asked to go?

It's up to them to be conscious.

As for finding a private tutor for the whole process, that's another story.

Zhao Laidi was a little nervous when Zhang Jinhua proposed it. She was afraid that Su An would directly reject her because of some conflicts with her. She was relieved when she heard her agreement.

Zhang Dingguo was right next to her. He noticed the movement and snickered in his heart. My cousin is older than me, but he doesn't know as much as he does. Before, the aunt always pulled them to support him, but now it turns out that they are the better ones. of.

Zhou Xiaoqing was used as a background board throughout the whole process. She only listened with one pair of ears.

Looking at this lively scene, she seemed like an outsider, watching all this soberly and detached from the side.

On the other side, Zhang Weiguo quickly integrated into the life of the school. In the dormitory, there are 6 people in the dormitory, two are from the capital, and the other four are from all over the world.

Zhang Weiguo is from the south, one in the north, one in the central and western regions, and one in the east coast.

Among them, the oldest is 28 years old and has already married and had children. Because of his age, he has automatically become the dormitory head and the eldest brother of their dormitory, while Zhang Weiguo has become the little brother of their dormitory when he is 15 years old.

Because of his young age, he will take special care of him, and this little brother is not naughty at all, sensible, and study hard. If there is any good thing, he will share with them, this good thing, including learning points , including specialties.

Several of their specialties are different and will be exchanged with each other.

Zhang Weiguo also did not expect that the spiced pumpkin seeds he brought with him would become the most popular specialty in the dormitory.

When they set off, they brought all the five-spiced pumpkin seeds with them. One was for passing time in the car, and the other was for him to eat here. After he took it out, he was surprisingly popular. Love to grab a few and chew slowly.

Their courses are quite full. When it comes to electing class cadres, everyone is very active. Zhang Weiguo does not want to be active, he is very busy, and his age is here. Among his classmates, some of them were originally cadres, just like Xie Rui. The same, but there is a difference, that is, they did not resign. After taking the college entrance examination as a cadre, they became students again. They were very proactive when they encountered things, and they considered all aspects and were very thoughtful.

Zhang Weiguo still kept the good habit of the past. He got up early every morning to go for a run and exercise. He also found a lot of like-minded people. Together, they faced the rising sun in the early morning breeze, strode forward and sweated.

As for what he wants to study for a double degree, he will have to wait until the end of this semester, and then apply based on his performance this semester. If he can't study well in his major, let alone a second major.

Zhang Weiguo lived in the dormitory most of the time, and then when his eldest brother took a break once a month, he would go to live with Grandpa Wen together.

The two brothers cook together, and each other will buy some dishes to bring with them.

It's not wrong for Grandpa Wen to take care of himself, but the quality of life is not good.

The meal he cooked by himself was really only cooked and edible. It was troublesome to go out to restaurants every day, and he would say it when he was seen.

Wen Qingqing was bitten by a snake for a while, and she didn't want to let others stare at her at all.

In college, none of their brothers dared to slack off or fall behind. To be honest, they were the most relaxed and comfortable when they walked around with their mother before the start of the school year. Now they are all under pressure.

But pressure also represents motivation.

Zhang Weiguo is full of energy.

He also specially made some notes for the two younger brothers to let them study hard. He will try his best to go back during the winter vacation, and then he will check on them. If the two of them have regressed in their studies, then wait and see.

By the end of October, good news came out of Wu Chuchu, and she was pregnant again less than half a year after giving birth to her daughter.

This news has no effect on Su An, and her life is still the same as before.

Su Hui went to the city. On the way to the capital and during the busy time when she came back, her mustard seed space has accumulated quite a lot, including rice, sugar, cornmeal, wheat and so on.

She also specially brewed a batch of wine from grain. The price of the wine is not low. If you sell it to those who are good at it, she will be able to sell it at a price that satisfies her.

When she went to the provincial capital, Xiao Gu didn't notice anything wrong.

The frequency of Su Hui’s visit was similar before, and he excitedly said to Su Hui: “The people we inspected in the city have disappeared now, and they are much more peaceful. It’s similar to what you said before, I don’t know if the limelight will change completely. Now, some of them are not very hidden, they are seen as if they were not seen, you say, will the ban be lifted soon?" He wanted to get some inside information from Su An.

Su An seemed to agree: "Maybe."

Xiao Gu is even more excited. Now speculating is a crime, but it was a normal thing for businessmen to do business before. Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and businessmen ranked last, and they are also an important group. It would be best if they could return to normal. Speculation has brought him out of his difficult life, and now it has become his career. Of course, he hopes that his career can be upright and not sneaky.


"Do you have any more? I can still eat."

During this period of time, his business has improved a lot, but high-quality supply can only be obtained from here.

Su An did what he wanted and gave him almost twice as much as before.

Then she went to Brother Hu, and she had already made up her mind.

After going to the capital, the business here will definitely not be able to sustain, but it doesn't matter, she will have a broader platform when she arrives in the capital.

So if he wants a large amount, he will take a large amount in exchange for more cash.

In exchange for a large amount of cash, she went to the villain book stall owner to pick and choose. Now, in addition to high-quality gems and jade, she also collects gold.

She doesn't want any jewelry, so she just accepts gold bars and small yellow croakers that have nothing.

Behind the urban area is the provincial capital. The lives of the grandfather and grandson of the Shen family are much better. The people who used to be afraid of their family have come out to speak for them more or less. There has been a great improvement in form compared to before. , and now they can be self-sufficient in their daily lives.

Su An used to sell medicine.

Her main guest now has become the intelligence dealer. He likes wine, she has wine, he has goods, she wants goods, and both parties are very happy.

He was very happy to see her coming, and now that the situation is better, of course he is happy.

All the fine wines that Su Fen brought in the past were accepted.

Su Hui walked around the provincial capital twice, but didn't see anyone wearing red armbands.

She was wandering on the road and unexpectedly saw a familiar person.

He used to be the red armband, and he blocked her and Shen Chengfeng. He was one of the four people who caught Shen Chengfeng when he and Shen Chengfeng first met.

Now he took off the red armbands on his sleeves and wore ordinary clothes, just like other ordinary people, walking normally, and he also saw someone who was suspected of trading.

He must have rushed out to arrest people before, but now he turns a blind eye.

What does this represent?

Su An's mood index rose a few more points.

By December, 1978 is destined to be a day that needs to be remembered. The convening of a meeting confirmed the policy of reform and opening up. Since 1978, spring has filled the earth.

The impact of this incident can be seen in all aspects in the long run, but for now, the biggest impact on her is the return of the educated youth to the city.

Before the educated youth returned to the city, they had to have a letter of introduction, which stated the time of their return journey. If they stayed longer than that, they were refugees and would be sent back. Now they can go back to the city by themselves, as long as they say they want to go back to take care of their family and so on.

At the end of Zhang Anguo, Zhang Dingguo and the others, Liu Yanxin ran away. Before he ran, he was the same as usual. He also said that he was not feeling well and wanted to lie down at home. As a result, when he lay down, he came back and found that he had disappeared. His clothes, There is no money in the family. Obviously, he doesn't want this family here.

This is not an exception. This kind of thing happens in every village in the surrounding ten miles and eight townships. They are eager to go back. The college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses. There are very few people who can walk on the bridge. Some can only be trapped in the countryside. Now that the policy has changed, they can go back to the city. How can they hold back?

This is a wave that cannot be changed.

However, it also made the educated youth synonymous with unscrupulous people in the countryside.

The influence on Su An is that her two colleagues' hearts are floating.

They are also educated youth.

Want to go back?

If you want to go back, you can basically just abandon everything here, because you can't take it with you. What do you do for a living if you take it with you?

After several entanglements, one of them took a long vacation to go home, but finally came back.

After so many years, her home has changed a lot, and this is her home.

Then, the vindication of the other people in the bullpen also came, and they went back one after another. The bullpen was really turned into a bullpen, and only the cows were there.

Newspapers can often read about the latest current affairs policies, educated youths are allowed to return to the city, and there are a few stalls in their town, but these are all despised existences.

Anything is unacceptable and looked down upon at the beginning, but their business is also real.

Some people can't bear the pressure and don't do it. Some people have tasted the sweetness and refuse to let go.

Su An was happy to see such a thing happen. In the beginning, it was strict, but when it became a commonplace phenomenon, she was not so idle to point at everyone.

When she goes to the capital to do business, the environment will be much better than it is now.

Su An often pays attention to these news, Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo are not so free, they are both engrossed in their studies.

Zhang Dingguo is the most nervous. He doesn't want to be too far behind. Their twin brothers have never been separated since their mother's womb. He doesn't want to be separated from him. The third brother already has a goal, but he has not yet. I want to be with my third brother, so that his school is also fixed, which is also Capital University.

And professionally, the two of them also thought about it.

Zhang Anguo chose the Capital Department of Chinese, and Zhang Dingguo chose the Science Department of Capital University.

Now the liberal arts are the most popular, and the sciences are relatively less sought after, and the scores will be lower. If he chooses to obey the adjustment, the admission rate will be higher.

This is the first choice, the second choice is the university next door.

At his current level, his second choice should be no problem.

It was also that he studied hard, and his grades were finally improved. He could think about Capital University, otherwise he would not have written his first choice as Capital University.

During this period of time, the two of them are doing questions, lecturing, doing and lecturing, and repeating the cycle.

Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo, who couldn't find enough time to come back during the winter vacation, also did their best for their two younger brothers, sending materials on and off, and some of them had a lot of notes and experiences.

I have been immersed in my studies, and time has passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was the summer of 1979, and the third college entrance examination came.