From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 12: seventies

When Su An bought those things and went home, she never thought about sharing them with her parents-in-law.

What's the situation now? Her money is not as good as theirs, and there are five of them, only she is an adult and four children, and the income has not yet been found. It is obvious that there are people who need help. As soon as the family is separated, it is necessary to be filial here, and it will become a joke when it is spread.

Li Manfen also heard the provocation of the eldest daughter-in-law. She went to the town to buy a lot of old things before, but she didn't say anything about sending them over.

When she doesn't know the eldest daughter-in-law?

She likes to compare herself with the second daughter-in-law. Zhao Laidi went first. She is the eldest sister-in-law. As soon as she entered the house, she gave birth to a son and stood firm. However, the second daughter-in-law followed closely and also gave birth to a son for the first time. Ping, then, the eldest is an ordinary person, working in the fields, and the second, he has become a soldier, how can she not drool over the money she sends back every month?

Men can't compare, and sons can't compare. She gave birth to four children. Except for the first child, the last three were daughters, while the second daughter-in-law gave birth to three children and four sons.

No matter which one is better than the other, then there will be a knot in the heart.

She doesn't look down on the second daughter-in-law and wants to find something for her, but now she goes to the town to buy something, she doesn't have to think about it, she knows it's to supplement the guys at home, just get that little thing, and it will take a few days to respond emergency.

She knocked a few words and ignored it.

Zhao Laidi spent a lot of saliva, but found nothing, and cursed a few words after returning.

Seeing my son's achievements, I was heartbroken.

No, when he comes back, we must teach him a good lesson! She didn't pay the tuition to let him play!

Su Hui didn't know what was going on over there, and the family was separated, that is, the sky is high, the bird is flying, the sea is deep, and the fish is leaping. If you live with that big family, in the current environment, you can eat and drink well. It's hard.

When it comes to dinner these days, the four children are looking forward to it, and they can't be obedient. Su An can do whatever she wants, without any discount.

Su An is not the one who treats herself badly. If you don't have it, forget it. If you have it, why treat yourself badly?

Like today, the time was almost up. Looking at the sun on the ground, Su An got into the kitchen to make lunch, and the four children scrambled to come in and make a fire.

She still has materials at home. She made a pan-fried fish, fried broad beans with lard residue, and stewed rice with diced pork.

Every dish is oily, completely different from the dry dishes without oil and water, and the four children are satisfied with one book.

They have never been so satisfied with their food before the Chinese New Year.

This diced meat is the last point. After the meat in the mustard seed space has been eaten, Su An intends to go to town and buy some meat.

As for what to buy, Su An looked at the crisp and crisp green vegetable sprouts in the space, and squinted her eyes with satisfaction.

It's less than a month away from the Chinese New Year. Even if they are in the south, it hardly snows, but the weather is cold enough. There are no vegetables. Except for radish and cabbage, there are no other vegetables for pickles. The green cabbage and rapeseed must be taken out. Popularity is that she is not sure how much the price should be sold for.

She also planned to sell some of the fish. She went to the mountains again, and it was the swamp. Because she came prepared, she harvested more. She kept enough for her family to eat for the Chinese New Year, and sold the rest.

She took a rattan basket and put a dozen eggs on it, and if anyone asked, she said she would go to the town to exchange the eggs for money.

After dinner, I set off. There were very few people on the road at noon. Seeing that there was no one there, Su Hui quickened her pace and arrived at the town after half an hour.

She saw the inspector from a distance and avoided it. It's okay if she doesn't encounter it. If she encounters those serious things, she will be in trouble, and she won't let you in without a letter of introduction.

Su An went to the supply and marketing cooperative, asked the price of the eggs they charged, and left.

She was on a roundabout way, and soon came to a small alley, where last time she saw a man in a hurry with something in his arms.

There are many people passing by in the alley, all of them are walking in their own way, and they can't see anything.

An old man said a few words to a man in a worker's clothes, then the worker stuck a matchbox for him, then the old man went into the back alley, and when he came out again, the worker had a lump on his chest. , I don't know what's inside.

Then I saw a man walking slowly with an old hen in his hand, and a few people went up to talk, and in just two sentences, they quickly separated, until one of them put his hand in his trouser pocket, and the tied one. The tight old hen changed hands, and the two quickly dispersed away.

This alley extends in all directions, and as soon as a stranger approaches, it quickly separates, and the vigilance is very high. It seems that this is indeed the place.

Su An knew what to do, she hurriedly passed by, and when she reappeared, she had changed her clothes, her face was a little different from before, her complexion was darker, and there was a mole.

The small green cabbage was bundled with straw and placed in the basket, and walked there so slowly, the green cabbage and **** seedlings quickly attracted a lot of attention.

Winter is coming, and many people are tired of eating those vegetables every day. This kind of off-season greens is not cheap, but there are still a lot of rich people, especially those workers who receive wages every month, especially the elderly and children at home. Yes, it is even more willing, and soon someone will come to ask the price.

At this time, the pork was 7 cents and 8 jins, and Su An opened the green vegetables to a bundle of 4 cents, which saved some and could eat two meals.

Although in summer, these 4 hairs can buy a basket, but this is winter.

This price frightened many people, and most people were really reluctant.

Su Hui also proposed that if there is a ticket, no matter what ticket it is, it will be sold for 30 cents per pound.

This price is more affordable.

When they took out more than 20 catties, they were quickly sold out. Some people took it in several bundles.

After they were sold out, she left in a hurry, and after a while, she went back again, this time she changed her clothes again, carrying a bamboo basket on her back, with banana leaves on the bottom, and fish.

Fish is meat, so I checked the freshness and agreed without saying a word to the price she offered.

Such a big fish, fifty cents a pound, don't want meat tickets, don't miss it when you pass by!

Su Hui kept looking around and listening in all directions. She didn't notice anyone wearing a red armband. She quickly sold out the fish. She got into an empty alley and changed back to her original clothes. The basket walked slowly on the road, wanting to see if there was any meat, but unfortunately, there was no meat, but I bought two kilograms of wheat flour.

After walking out of that area, Su An's consciousness entered the mustard seed space and looked at her gains.

Green vegetables sold for 4 yuan and 200 cents. There were several kinds of tickets, all of which were not very precious. There were food tickets and more cloth tickets.

For rural people, food stamps are relatively easy to obtain, but cloth stamps are more difficult. Every year, adults and children have a fixed amount, but the cloth stamps are different. There is a textile factory in their town, and the workers of the textile factory will be short of cloth. ?

They buy defective cloth and go back without a cloth ticket.

There is no need for cloth tickets, the price is relatively cheap, and the cloth tickets in hand will not be saved.

Fish are meat after all, there are big and small, the big one is 45 jin, the small one is more than a jin, more than 20 pieces, and got 26 yuan and 70 cents.

Yes, this money is almost the same as a worker's monthly salary.

Su An happily went to the place where the pork was sold. The meat had already been sold out, and there were only two pig trotters left with no meat, and the price was not cheap. Su An did not dislike it either. Meat tickets are enough, and her meat tickets are not many.

Bought the meat, and one last thing, which is to go to the recycling bin.

She has long had an idea about the recycling station. Now, the old furniture in the house is still collected by Sun Qiang in the recycling station. There are all kinds of old things here.