From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 24: seventies

When Su An went to the town, she met Xie Zhiqing and Xie Rui again. He went to the town to get a package, and he sent him something from his home. She was carrying the sauce and planned to give it to Sun Qiang, and she chatted when she saw it. a few words.

Out of respect for the soldiers, Xie Rui grabbed another handful of candy for her, saying that he didn't like candy that much when he was so old.

As a courtesy, Su An planned to send him a jar of sauce.

There are many educated youths.

All the educated youths, except those who moved out with the locals, lived here.

The men's side, the women's side, and then in twos and threes, they cook together and share housework.

No one started the fire alone. It was too troublesome. After work, they had to go up to the mountains to chop wood, fetch water, and cook. If they were with others, they could bear it separately.

Xie Rui ate with four people, all of whom were educated youths who came here together last year, and naturally formed a group. The two men and two women worked together with each other. So far, there has been no filth.

Xie Rui's condition is the best among the four of them. He occasionally donates some food to improve his rations, but most of them are eaten by himself. Now Su An asked Zhang Baoguo to send the bean paste, he read, He took it out and shared it. He was okay with this sharing. The educated youth from the north had red eyes.

This is the taste of hometown.

Compared with most of the villagers, the educated youth is a little poorer in material aspects. It is better to have family subsidies. Like Xie Rui, he will receive flour, jerky and various money tickets from his parents every once in a while, but most of them There is no subsidy, and some have to export food from their own teeth and send them home, which leads to their dining table being much less than that of the villagers. It is rare to have a side dish, and it is still so delicious. As for the dishes, it seems that they can afford their own ingredients. More than one person is moved. They want to ask Su An to help them make some bean paste.

This intercession candidate, it seems that Xie Rui is the most suitable.

The educated youth who are also primary school teachers are more familiar with Su Hui, but both of them are old educated youths, and they can't bear the long-term possibility of returning to the city. They have already started a family locally and moved out from the educated youth station.

Xie Rui asked understand their plan and agreed to ask.

If you can charge some manual fees, it is also an income. If it is not particularly troublesome, the possibility of agreeing is quite large.

Xie Rui was deeply moved by Xie Rui, who had few ways to make money in the village, and it was easy to exchange grain and eggs.

It was not only the educated youth who were captured by the sauce made by Su An, Zhang Jinhua was also one of the prisoners, and the savings from the second aunt who brought shiitake meat sauce during the Chinese New Year had come to an end.

Put a little bit, and the meal can be eaten with relish. Li Manfen didn't give her granddaughters to eat afterward. She just gave them a little bit, but it wasn't enough for one bite. At home, she always took her grandchildren with her. The granddaughters are treated separately.

In order to eat it longer, she also made some ingredients by herself in the middle, mixed it and cooked it, and added it in. Although the taste was a little worse than the original, it was okay and could be eaten for a longer time.

The bottom is completely gone, Zhang Jinhua is gone. Except for the New Year and the festival, they can't eat meat at all. This mushroom meat sauce is the only one that can eat meat, and now there is no more. , Zhao Laidi felt distressed.

But the shiitake meat sauce is gone, and there is not even a replacement. Because the bean paste is made from beans, they eat more boldly and finish it earlier than the shiitake meat sauce.

Seeing that her son's three meals a day were slower than before, Zhao Laidi, who was distressed for her son, came to find Su An. This was the first time she had come here since the house was built.

The fence is tightly enclosed, and a circle of thorns and wolfberry is planted on the edge of the fence. When it grows, it is a natural plant protection belt.

The courtyard door was high and closed. She pushed the courtyard door but didn't open it, so she could only slam the door and call for someone.

She came after lunch, and someone must be home at this point.

Someone is indeed at home.

"Wang wang, **** wang!" When she walked in, Da Wei was completely absorbed, she slammed the door, and couldn't help barking at her any longer.

It was Zhang Baoguo who came to open the door, and when he saw the aunt came over, he was a little strange.

"Auntie, you are here."

"Hey, Baoguo, is your mother at home?"

"at home."

Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo both took a nap, Zhang Weiguo was full of energy, and Zhang Baoguo was not sleepy. Just now, the two brothers were playing with bamboo sticks.

Su An has no habit of taking naps. She runs for three weeks every night, so she can guarantee her energy for the day. There are a few newspapers in front of her and a plate of pumpkin seeds on the side.

Seeing Zhao Laidi coming over, she raised her eyebrows slightly, this is a rare visitor.

Looking at this bright house, Zhao Laidi couldn't help but feel sour again. They didn't get so much glass at the beginning, and it was much brighter than their home.

Seeing the newspaper in front of Su An again, Zhao Laidi couldn't help but pouted.

She didn't say it directly, she first praised a few children in a roundabout way.

"Bao Guo and Wei Guo are really good. Unlike their cousins, they don't know where to go after eating, and they can't even scream."

"Last time I heard their cousin say that Bao Guo's homework was good, and he was praised by the teacher."


After talking and talking, he finally came to his own purpose.

"The sauce you sent before has been eaten, and the family is not eating well anymore."

Su An expressionless: "Oh."

Zhao Laidi continued: "Speaking of which, the mushroom sauce you gave is really fragrant. Dad and Mom liked it the most."

Su An: "Yeah."

Zhao Laidi kept the smile on her face: "Do you still have it? I'll pretend to go back. Parents will definitely remember you well."

Su An: "Who asked you to come? Baoguo, go and ask your grandfather if he asked your aunt to come for meat."


Zhao Laidi tightly grasped Zhao Baoguo's small arm: "Hey, what, isn't this a rush to talk? I'll ask if there is any, if not, then there is none."

If her father-in-law found out that she came to her younger brother and sister to ask for meat, she would definitely be scolded, and her man would be angry at that time, maybe he would let her go back to her parents' house for a while.

"I'm afraid I got you wrong. You just want me to make the sauce and send it to you. It's better to add more meat, right?"

She can give what she wants, but no one wants it when she doesn't want to.

Zhao Laidi gritted her teeth and continued to maintain a smile: "What, I want to ask you for help, this sister-in-law can't do it, you can teach me not, I'll remember you for the rest of my life."

"It's a secret recipe, what do you think?"

"We are sister-in-law..."

"Brothers still make up their minds, we are just sisters-in-law."

Zhao Laidi couldn't go on.

Especially after Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo stopped and stared at them all the time, if the child listened to a little bit of nonsense outside and was heard by her father-in-law, she would definitely be angry.

She inhaled and inhaled again: "That's right, my sister-in-law wants to ask you for help. I will produce the raw materials, and you will help me make it."

Su An's brows were not moved: "I'm very busy."

Zhang Baoguo stiffened his face, held back, couldn't laugh! Auntie's expression is so funny, but my mother has also changed. I didn't reject her request so simply. Sometimes I feel helpless, but I have to help her. Now that my mother has changed, he thinks it's better.

Zhao Laidi left with a gloomy face. Not long after she left, Xie Rui came.