From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 91

Looking at the golden hairpin in Zhang Anguo's hand, Su An was silent for a while before asking him, "Where did this come from?"

Zhang Anguo was very excited: "I found this when I was touching a mussel, Mom, it looks like a golden hairpin in shape and appearance. No one said anything after I touched it, only the three of us knew about it."

Zhang Dingguo nodded excitedly: "This looks like the golden hairpin in the movie, isn't it a golden hairpin, but why is there a golden hairpin in the ditch?"

Zhang Weiguo expressed his regret: "I touched it there for a long time, this is the only one, there is nothing else, Mom, this is the golden hairpin, right?"

Seeing their sparkling eyes, Su Hui nodded: "This is indeed the golden hairpin, be careful when you go there, if you can still find it, take it home secretly, but this is apart from your family. No one can tell, you know? If we pick up these things, we may be taken away. After you find them, take them home to me, and I will hide them for you? I will give them back to you later."

Su Hui finally looked at the golden hairpin carefully.

Giving them their own custody of Su Hui felt not very safe. They were no better than Zhang Baoguo. He was older and had a more mature temperament. In comparison, the three of them were still full of childishness.

"If you see other people picking up these things, treat it as if you didn't see it, and don't ask."

This can't be an exception, their village is so big.

This situation was expected when Zhang Baoguo and the others went.

They have a lot of rain here, and there are small streams, ditches, and rivers, and they extend in all directions.

The reason why there will be so many harvests there should be the terrain.

That's why the three of them picked up those things.

But those with less knowledge, more, will be washed away by running water.

Take it everywhere.

This is indeed not an exception. Gold and silverware are said to be more expensive, but many people will have some family heirlooms more or less, such as gold earrings, gold rings, and silver jewelry as thin as iron wire.

Children don’t know, can adults in the family see it?

However, in this case, even if the adults found out, they did not participate. Due to the concerns of the current situation, the children in the family were allowed to appear. If there were no children, half-year-old teenagers or even young people were used to join in and fight with the children. Small fish and shrimp.

Said to be catching small fish and shrimp, when they looked at each other, they actually knew it.

Adults like this are almost never involved. By default, this is the world of children. Children are free, like they are older. They all have to work in the fields, and they can't afford to be shy if they don't have time.

Now I can only scramble with the children without shame.

Gradually, more and more people know about it, but they all maintain a tacit understanding with each other. Some children don't know what it is, only know that if they touch or pick it up, they will be confiscated by the adults in the family. Then they will be rewarded with candy cookies that they can't normally eat, motivating them to keep looking.

Some people don't know it, and it's hidden.

But overall, the atmosphere in the village has changed.

Some people also want to find the source of these things, but unfortunately, no one has found anything wrong there.

It has been raining for so long, and it has long since been washed away by the heavy rain.

Su Hui was also a member of Jinshan, and she didn't respond at all to the tombs.

They go to the secret realm to find the opportunity. Some secret realms are formed naturally, some are transformed by great powers, and they are their final burial places. They do not want their inheritance to be cut off, so they will open regularly and choose an inheritor for themselves.

But in the final analysis, it is the tomb of a mortal noble official, not top-notch, and the possibility of having what she wants is not very high.

She went to the local annals.

High officials, royalty, no.

Therefore, she is more Buddhist, and she probably chose a range to search, without the mentality of having to find it.

This heavy rain must have damaged the ancient tomb, and maybe a corner was exposed. If she was careful, she might have hit it.

She searched for a while and didn't find it, but found a lot of good things under a small waterfall formed by the heavy rain.

It was formed by a "temporary waterfall" formed by the confluence of several streams. She passed by and saw a gold bead, and then she searched with her consciousness, and found densely packed objects, hundreds of them.

However, after washing this amount, she found that it was actually a set.

It was supposed to be a gold-encrusted gemstone head.

was interrupted.

There is such a considerable amount.

Even if the tomb cannot be found, her harvest can be said to be the first in their village.

Of course Zhang Chengye knew about this. He didn't know it originally, but he knew it when his younger son touched a golden ring for him.

What can he do?

Seeing that more and more people were looking for "small fish and shrimp" by the river, he couldn't do anything, he could only hide it.

Then, when we assembled in the morning, I talked about the experiences of those who were criticized and reformed. Everyone was not a fool. He said it above, but there was silence below.

He didn't say anything, but his actions were indeed more subtle. Anyone who wanted to come into their village would be deliberately led away.

There is nothing wrong with everyone wanting to take advantage, but in the same way, everyone is also very satisfied with the current stable life.

There are those who know nothing and then join quietly. Some get a harvest, but those who have gained little, those who are unhappy, and those who don't know anything, think that they are simply people who go to fish and shrimp.

People who know but get nothing are the most likely to be grieved. Why do they get something but they don't?

Why did he only pick up such a small golden ring?

They don't know the specific gains of others, but there must be a lot, right?

red eyes.

But if you want to denounce it, it is not one or two that will be offended, but the whole of the gains.

People who are so angry that they are not sober enough to want to sink together will be forced to realize this, and they will be persuaded.

It doesn't matter if you offend one or two households, but looking at the current situation, it's going to offend most of the village.

The villages have relatives to each other, and they are all the same ancestors. Those who have no harvest, have no close relatives?

And what Zhang Chengye said also served as a warning. If those quarrels and jealousy caused others to suffer this crime, then a feud would really be formed.

Now these things can't be seen, and they can't be used if they get them...

However, the like-minded, educated youth did not notice anything unusual.

Concealed by everyone.

Originally, they were out-of-towners, and they avoided people when picking mushrooms after the rain every year, just in case something happened.

These things belong to everyone, and if you secretly pick them up and put them in your own pockets, you are coveting the property of the public.

The villagers themselves don't mind, but what about them outsiders?

Peaceful on the surface, turbulent in the dark.

Su Hui didn't know the specifics, but watching the prestigious grandfathers in the village running around, she could roughly guess.

Li Village has always been united.

Can't get out of this.

This incident has passed so restlessly. The four children in Su Hui's family have always been quick-witted, and now in this unique "fishing" game, the harvest is as outstanding as ever.

In addition to the gold hairpin at the beginning, a gold anklet used by a child, a broken jade pendant, and a carved brass mirror were also found.

This thing was when Zhang Baoguo stepped on it. One was a river mussel. When he fished it out, it was a bronze mirror. The mirror surface was not clear, but the pattern on the back was strange and beautiful. things, brought back.

Three gold leaves, two gold beads and two silver beads.

Whoever picked up these things, Su Hui, wrote down them and helped them keep them, and then gave them to them when they grew up.

Zhang Baoguo also gained something. The brass mirror and a golden leaf were his gains. He wanted to keep the previous ones with Su An. Su An said no, he didn't do it, and gave them all to her.

If you leave it to your mother, you can leave it alone. There is a sense of confidence that your mother can do everything properly.

This matter has just passed, and maybe some people will gain something, because it is impossible to find out everything.

But as time goes on, the chances of finding it become smaller.

Su Hui did not let a few of them go into the water.

Period is over.

Even they should review it. For the sake of my mother's "scholarship", things like stumbles are not allowed to happen.

At the end of this semester, Zhang Baoguo will be a second-year student when the next semester starts, Zhang Weiguo will also be a first-year student, and the twins will become the eldest of the elementary school—the fifth grade.

It was also at this time that Su Hui received the transcript of the second year of high school, and then received the high school graduation certificate, becoming this person who did not have the highest degree in college.

In the beginning, she entered this high school to block Yunyou's mouth, and this teacher's job was very much in line with her heart compared to Xia Di.

But because she only had a primary school education before, some people were not reconciled and wanted to fight for it, because she had a higher education than an elementary school education. In this case, it would be better to raise her education. The advantage of this position is that unless she doesn't want it, it will be difficult for anyone to come to it, and it may be difficult for others to improve her education, but for her, it is very simple and easy.

And with a higher education, speaking of it, others will take a higher look. This is the norm of this era.

Although it is said that reading is useless, people with high education will be viewed with more tolerance by everyone.

will be more trustworthy.

Those sour words disappeared when Su Hui's article appeared in the newspaper. Is a high school degree rare?

It’s not rare, it’s not uncommon at all in educated youth spots, but is it rare for your own articles to appear in newspapers?


There is not a single educated youth site, and the educated youth site is basically a concentration camp for the highest education in a village.

People who are educated youth can't beat it, and I want to talk about other people.

It doesn't matter if Su An doesn't have a high school diploma at this time.

Got it now, icing on the cake.

He also asked her if she wanted to teach the seniors.

Su Yan refused.

She feels fine now.

No intention of changing.

The new students were trained under her hands to be what she liked.

After experiencing the hands of other teachers, if they are sent to her class, they will need to be re-trained.

After the holiday, Zhang Weiguo received the scholarship from his mother. Zhang Weiguo is very happy. From now on, he doesn't have to go out with his mother every day, and he has to attend classes under his mother's nose every day. He is going to town! You can be with the big brother, and the study life in the town must be richer and more exciting than the primary school!

What he was greeted by this question was Zhang Baoguo's laughter.

He had clearly talked about his experiences in the town before, why did he only remember the good and not the bad?

But it doesn't matter, when he gets to town, reality will teach him to be a man.

Zhang Weiguo: "Also, when I went to the town, I was in the town almost all day, and my mother couldn't see me." He chuckled.

Zhang Baoguo raised his eyebrows: "Have you forgotten me? Mom didn't hear you, but with me staring at you, don't even think about doing things that shouldn't be done."


Hearing his words, Zhang Weiguo's expression suddenly collapsed: "Brother, don't scare me, it feels like you have another mother." Then he got the big brother's stare.

"Haha, don't worry, big brother, am I the kind of naive? I just want to express my feelings. Although it's nothing, it's quite stressful to be under my mother's eyes all day long, isn't it?"

"Brother, tell me more about life in middle school."

Zhang Baoguo feels that there is nothing to say. He has said it before, and now there is nothing new, but he is looking forward to it: "Teacher's lectures are usually in textbooks, and they will not teach knowledge other than textbooks like their mothers. I don't know if it is The reason for the environment in the town." He said he didn't know, but in fact he had already determined that it was the reason: "The teacher's questions are also in the textbook, as long as you read the textbook thoroughly, you can get high marks in the test, some are comprehensible, and there are standard answers. Just memorizing the standard answer, there is no standard answer, there are "standard answers", and sometimes the atmosphere is more depressing."

"The classmates in the town are generally not very friendly to the classmates in the countryside, and they have a sense of superiority. Although they do have advantages, they are very unlikable. Also, be careful with your words and deeds. When someone asks you something, just say no. I know, or memorize quotations, some people easily write big-character posters to report some things, the atmosphere is not very good, if you want to keep your mouth shut, don't blame me for teaching you."

He speaks badly up front.

"Before you speak, turn it over in your mind and think about whether something will go wrong. Besides, if there are those notorious people looking for you, you have to go through it in your mind a few times."

"I'll tell you when I get there, your new classmates don't know about it, but I basically know it before." The middle school in the town is a junior high school and a high school. It is divided into two different places, and most of the people are junior high school students. ascended.

Zhang Weiguo: This is not the middle school I imagined.

"But there are good places in town." Seeing that he looked a little embarrassed, Zhang Baoguo hurriedly made amends.

Zhang Weiguo: "What's so good?"

"The school library has a lot of books, as well as newspapers and magazines. I often go there..."

"There is a court where we can play football and do sports together..."


Xie Rui had a good life.

He returned to the city with merit, and as soon as he returned, he directly entered the unit and became a cadre.

Since returning last year, he has been promoted one level and his salary has been adjusted twice.

He has actual achievements, skills, and background to ensure that his achievements will not be transferred by others, and will naturally rise quickly.

It seems that he is a winner in life that everyone admires, but even the winner in life has his own troubles.

That is his age. He has reached the age of starting a family. His grandparents, parents, and grandparents are all anxious for him, asking him what type of girl does he like? They can help him introduce.

What type of girl does he like?

He thought about it for a while and realized that he didn't like anyone.

Then fell into a long blind date tide.

The blind date is very obscure, that is to say, who is the daughter of a family friend, who is brought over for a meal, who is a new person who has met in the new unit, who is a good person, invite her to the house for dinner, who else is there, who is who My friend, came to thank you for your help... for various reasons.

Some are dignified, some are gentle, some are arrogant...

No matter what type it was, Xie Rui shook his head.

Seeing him like this, his mother became suspicious, and asked him: "Did you have someone you liked when you went to the countryside, or did you have a crush? You tell your mother, let her think about it, if you really like it, Mom won't object, you tell the truth."

Xie Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I didn't, really didn't."

Damn: "Is there really no? You say you don't like so many good girls, so who do you like? Are there gods in this world? Even if there are, gods must be the same to be able to marry. Well, you are not."

Xie Rui looked at his excited mother: "Mom, be careful..."

"Okay, Shen Yan, then honestly, I won't be like this."

Xie Rui was helpless: "I really don't have anyone I like."

His mother nodded: "Then you say what do you think is bad about them. If you don't say why you came here today, don't think about going out of this door."

She is also anxious to hold her grandson. Don't think of this kind of bandit's words, she has always been a gentle and virtuous type.

Xie Rui was a little dumbfounded.

"...It's not that I don't like them. I don't know them well, so I don't like them."

"The more you know, the more you know each other? Then don't you know whether you like it or not? The main reason is that you don't want to know more, so what do you think?"

Xie Rui touched his chin: "I don't have a deep understanding of them, I feel... I don't like this type."

Hearing this, he was invigorated: "What kind of type do you like?"

Xie Rui closed his eyes slightly: "I like... I like the independent and strong type."

Damn: "Independent and strong?"

what type is this?

Xie Rui continued: "What happens is that I can solve it by myself, live a good life, live a good life with optimism and positivity, and not rely on the strength of others."

Hearing what he said, he looked at him in silence: "Do you really have no one you like?"

The suspicion in her eyes grew even stronger.

Xie Rui shook his head: "Really not, I saw them, and I felt that they were not such people. I's easy to rely on others to live. I admire people who can live well without relying on themselves and relying on themselves. They are not the type that I admire, so naturally there is no need for in-depth understanding, and it is even worse to drag them."

He smiled: "I'm not very old now, you don't have to worry about it, Mom, I'll bring you a daughter-in-law back in the future."

His mother nodded like this for the time being, but then immediately asked someone to ask if he had a sweetheart over there, fearing that they would object, so he came back and kept his mouth shut, maybe there was something else he could hide...

She doesn't know anyone in that village, but there are people in the city, but she has to owe a favor again, so let's owe it. It's the most important thing to figure out her son's emotional problems first.

Then when she inquired, she held the information and was silent.

She is not surprised that her son is popular in the country, after all, he is also very popular here, but, keeping a distance from so many people, what is the matter with the only woman who can be called a widow?

That is still the widow of a martyr, so much older! His oldest son is less than 10 years old! Does her son like her?

Right on the type of appreciation he said.

He has four sons by himself, and his life is still very colorful. He is still a literate person, a teacher, and often writes articles for newspapers. This is not bad. Due to his background, there are not many people who can do this. .

She also appreciates this, but if her son likes her...

No, she felt something was wrong with her heart, she needed to slow down.

People's sons are so old, she is not much younger than her, this is too exciting...

This slowed down for several days.

After some time, I called my son home for a conversation.

In any case, she wants a precise word, she said before that she will think about it, but if this is the case, it is impossible for her to agree!

When she asked, Xie Rui was taken aback: "Mom, why do you think so?!"

Does he like Sister Su? ! No, he is respecting, definitely not liking, liking is not like this.

He could tell that he admired her and respected her.

Seeing her son's reaction, she first breathed a sigh of relief: "Isn't it what you said? You like independent and strong people, and you can live a good life without relying on others. Of those people around you who went to the countryside, which one is good enough? This description? It's only her."

Xie Rui shook his head and laughed: "I said that the type I admire is indeed influenced by Sister Su. I admire people with this character, but it doesn't mean I like her. She is a mother of four children. The relationship with his son is not bad, how is it possible? Do you still remember Wei Guo?"

"I remember that he was the kid who helped you take out the book to avoid being framed when you were framed."

"Yes, that's her second son."

Fucking thoughtfully: "I remember that you wrote a letter and asked me to find a lot of things for him. Could it be that you were interested in her mother at that time?"

Xie Rui was frightened again, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Mom, what are you thinking? I'm really just expressing my gratitude, thank you! It's definitely not that kind of feeling."

He added: "And if I really liked it, do you think I would do nothing and just go back to the city? Do you think my character would be like this?"

Looking at my son, I suddenly realized, yes, my son seems to be very talkative, but in fact, he is just like his father. He has a bad temper. It's hard to find something. If he really likes people, how can he walk so easily.

Thinking of this, she was a little relieved, but—— "Don't you still write letters to each other and send packages to each other? Will your exchanges be too frequent?"

Xie Rui's eyes twitched: "I wrote all letters to Bao Guo and Wei Guo, as for the package... who told me last time that the shiitake meat sauce is so delicious, so I'll go get a new one after I finish eating it. back?"

The expression on his mother's face was embarrassed, it was her.

"Cough, if you say that, it's a misunderstanding."

Xie Rui nodded helplessly: "Of course it's a misunderstanding. If you still have doubts, I can show you the letter."

The gentleman is magnanimous.

He really didn't lie to her. He and Su An had a letter, but it was always written by Bao Guo and Wei Guo. At most, he wrote a few words, saying that if he had anything to help her, help her. Buying something, this is definitely not an affair. If it is an affair, would you ask your son to help write it?

Who can do it?

Xie Rui was very helpless.

He said so, she really can't read the letter, but it represents the attitude.

"Well, that's my fault for you, I admit it." She apologized very neatly.

Misunderstanding is the best.

Xie Rui poured her a cup of tea: "Mom, I know you care about me, but you can't say it easily, if others listen."

"Hey, I still know how to measure it, and I didn't make any inquiries, so don't worry." Then she said, took the tea and put it aside: "Son, when are you going to find me a daughter-in-law? The same year as me. Yes, everyone's grandchildren are hugged, and I haven't seen the shadow of my daughter-in-law yet, so I can't blame me all if I think it's crooked?"

Xie Rui handed the tea with both hands: "Mom, after talking so much, don't worry, if you find a bad one, the family that has been messing around all day can't be peaceful, it's better not to marry, I'll take my time and find A good one, look at your son like this, can't you find a daughter-in-law..."

Listening to her son's words, she couldn't help laughing and took the tea: "I'll just listen, you..."

While they were talking, Su An went to get the package over there.

She sent a package to Xie Rui, and he also sent a package with a few books that she had asked him to buy before.

There are some books listed above, if he sees it, buy it for her.

They are all good books, and Xie Rui doesn't mind helping with this.

The guidance books in the capital are the most complete, and if there is no one there, it is very unlikely that there are other places.

There is also a story book in it, which was bought for Zhang Weiguo as a gift. He still wants to make persistent efforts to write another draft, but so far, he still needs to work hard.

Lin Jingnan knew about this book, and ran over and exchanged a copy of his own book: "Wei Guo, haven't you read this book? Let's exchange it and see how it goes."

Zhang Weiguo: "No problem, but I haven't watched it yet. I'll change it to you when I finish it."

"Okay, that's for sure."

Lin Jingnan didn't have many recreational activities in the countryside, so he passed the time by reading these idle books and newspapers. Once he passed by and saw Zhang Weiguo who was writing and drawing with a branch on the side of the road. Curiously, he looked over to see what he was doing, and saw that he was listing formulas. I don't understand, he was stunned, are the current elementary school students so powerful?

Not only can it be published in the newspaper, but also can do such a powerful math problem?

In contrast, he, a high school student, was going to be compared to the mud. He was hit hard. Then, he was ashamed to ask what it was. As soon as he spoke, he understood that it was a trap question, but it was him. What he had learned was just a different way of expressing it, making him unable to start.

This restored his battered self-confidence.

But on the other hand, he also looked at Zhang Weiguo's knowledge in a different way. As far as his talent and enthusiasm for learning, if the college entrance examination did not stop, he would definitely be a very good university student.

University, he was a little disappointed. It would be great if he could go to university. He wouldn't have to face the loess and back to the sky in this countryside.

Originally, the two of them knew each other, but they didn't have much contact. Since then, the two of them have caught up and talked more and more.

Now the two of them often exchange villain books and story collections.

Su An was a little surprised. No, he just opened the package and told Lin Jingnan.

Then, Su An was even more surprised. Zhang Jinhua found her secretly, and asked her a little embarrassedly, "Second Aunt, if I want to go back to school, can I?"

Su An didn't expect him to find her, and after so long, she said this sentence, she was stunned for a moment: "Are you serious?"

Zhang Jinhua pursed his lips nervously: "I'm serious, I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Su Hui slowed down and calmed his nervousness: "So, you can tell me, why did you have this idea? Does your family know?"

Zhang Jinhua raised his head and looked at the second aunt who had always had nothing to say: "... This is my own idea, I haven't told them yet, I have also picked up books to study during this time, and I haven't returned all the knowledge from elementary school to the teacher, I want to go back to school to study, I don’t want to work in the fields for the rest of my life, I have a higher education, and I hope to take another path.”

Su An nodded and understood: "Is that so, then I'll give you a few questions for you to do."

He immediately asked some questions for him to do, and it was better to say it well than to see the real chapter under his hand.

He didn't lie to her, he did study hard in private, otherwise he wouldn't be able to answer most of the answers a year after graduating from primary school, and the accuracy rate is ok. This grade is not bad for junior high school. Yes, it doesn't have to be excellent, the important thing is the tuition fee.

Today's schools are not compulsory education. All expenses are paid by oneself. In addition, they have to work for the school to help maintain the operation of the school.

The tuition fee for junior high school is 2 yuan and 50 cents, and the price of books and pens are calculated separately.

Su An put down the simplified version of the test paper, and looked at Zhang Jinhua, who clenched her fists and had a tense breath: "You should tell your parents about your situation first, and you will tell me this after you get approval. Don't be impulsive. Thinking about it, if you go to junior high school, you may not be able to find other jobs. For now, it is more likely that you will go home to farm the land. You can think about the possibilities in the future and then make a decision.”

Zhang Jinhua: "Second Aunt, I'm not impulsive, I've been thinking about it for a long time."

He looked at the ground, as if flowers suddenly grew on the ground: "...I'm not willing to go down to the ground all the time. If I have a good education, I have more options."

Su Hui nodded: "Then you should go back and ask for approval first. Your grades are fine, but you may have to spend a little extra after taking a year off from school."

After graduating from elementary school, she continued her studies, and she also paid for it. It is impossible for people to always show kindness.

Hearing the second aunt's words, his fists loosened, his body relaxed, and he could see a faint smile.

He went back to find Zhang Quan and Zhao Laidi first, and as soon as he said it, there was a small earthquake.

Zhang Quan: "Son, are you kidding me?"

He was stunned.

Son wants to go back to study again?

Didn't he say before that reading was boring and useless?

Compared with him, Zhao Laidi is more emotional: "Why do you suddenly have the idea of ​​going to school again? Do you want to read it again in the fifth grade? Or you can go directly to the first year of junior high school. What do you want to study? Did you say this?"

Zhang Jinhua waited for his mother to ask the question in one breath before answering: "Dad, Mom, no one told me, I think for myself, I don't want to work in the field all my life, I want to do something else, if I go to school, my education will be better. Better, the choices will be wider and there will be more opportunities. Not to mention, go to the town to study. Most of the classmates are from the town. It’s good to know them. Mom and Dad, I didn’t like to study before, but I went back to study again. After school, I will definitely study hard, Dad, Mom, do you support me?"

Zhang Quan and Zhao Laidi looked at their serious son and lost their words for a while.

"Zhang Baoguo can do it, Zhang Weiguo can do it, so can I, I'm not reconciled, Dad, Mom." Hearing the imploring words, Zhao Laidi didn't care, and tears fell: "Okay, Mom agrees, Support you, you are good, you can too!"

Hearing his son's words, Zhang Quan was also very excited: "Since you only have this idea, of course I support you, you can go back to school, but now your situation... You have to take a year off from school, you can go directly to junior high school. best."

Zhang Jinhua: "Second Aunt said, I can go directly to junior high school, but I may have to go through a relationship."

Zhao Laidi gritted his teeth and made a relationship, that is to spend money: "Then make a relationship."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinhua smiled: "Then how can we tell grandparents?"

Zhang Quan looked at his son with relief. His son also grew up and thought about it: "Just tell the truth, if you want to make progress, your grandfather will be very happy." There are two grandsons who have given their parents face, and the same goes for making progress. How can a son who wants to add glory to his family be unhappy?

Zhang Quan still knew Zhang Gen very well, and nodded when he said Zhang Gen.

"You can go to school if you want. Now our village's income is okay, but you have stopped for a year now. You have to ask your second aunt, whether to go to the town for the first year of junior high, or to go to the fifth grade again."

"I asked my second aunt, and she said that I could just read the first year of junior high. Let me come back to ask your opinions first, and agree to let me go to school and then talk about the specifics."

Zhao Laidi boasted silently: "My son is smart. After so long, he can still remember the contents of the book."

Li Manfen listened without saying a word. She thought about the price of tuition fees, and it hurts, but she still gritted her teeth when she looked at her eldest grandson, who has always loved her. It's still possible for grandchildren to go to school.

In the future, a few of them will work harder in the fields, and the money will be earned back.

"Fenghua, go and call your second aunt and let her come over when she has time. We have something to discuss."

Zhang Fenghua responded in a low voice, feeling complicated, thinking of the two quiet and well-behaved younger sisters.

My sister and the others want to go to school, but there is no one in the family who supports them. They can only rely on her to teach some, and try not to be blind. When the elder brother said that he wanted to go to school, it was still a middle school with a half-expensive tuition fee. Everyone supported it, both male and female. Is the difference so obvious?