From Mortal Flesh To Smashing Planets

Chapter 749: Zhou Guang

Chapter 749 Zhou Guang

The impact of Li Mi being listed as ninth on the black list goes beyond simply having the senior officials of the Flame Fire Temple convene a meeting just for him.

 As the news fermented, the discussion spread at an extremely fast speed.

Especially the Riyao and Zhouguang classes who attach great importance to the black list. When people meet, they almost always have to talk about the black list.

 After dozens of years, Li Mi’s name once again came into everyone’s sight.

 This is not true in the outside world, let alone the Temple of Humanity itself.

"Breaking the record of the Temple of Humanity, at least in the past ten epochs, no genius in the Temple of Humanity has had the honor to be included in the top ten of the black list."

“Be more confident and remove the word ‘bar’. If you look carefully, you will find that there are obviously a lot more Zhouguang bosses who have entered the Humanity Temple in recent times. I guess they are all here to inquire about Li Shengzi.”

"I know one of them, Zhou Guang, who is a follower of the Great Emperor of the Endless Divine Mountain. I guess he is here for the Scarlet Sun Star God. After all, that Star God was originally ranked ninth on the Black List, and is now directly squeezed out by Li Shengzi. It’s tenth on the black list.”

"Why has the external trend changed again, saying that Li Shengzi has become a disciple of the Lord again? Which one is true?"

"You should ask, who spread the rumor that Li Shengzi failed to become a master... Did Li Shengzi admit it himself? That's okay, he keeps a low profile."

 There is an endless stream of discussions and speculations of all kinds.

Not to mention those members of the Humanity Temple and cultivators outside the Humanity Temple, even Wang Fuyun and others who have a good relationship with Li Ma can't tell whether this news is true or false.

 Did Li Mi fail to become a disciple, or did the Lord of the Black Abyss give him a test. Only after he passed the test could he become his disciple.

 If it was a test, it would be fair.

 What if the apprenticeship fails?

 How can it fail!

If Li Mizhen failed to become a disciple, how could the Lord of the Black Abyss transfer the "rental" rights of intelligent beings like Shasha to him?

It is impossible that Li Ma rejected the request of the Lord of the Black Abyss to recruit a disciple, but the Lord of the Black Abyss is still optimistic about his future and must transfer Shasha's authority to him.

 impossible, absolutely impossible.

 What kind of existence is the Lord of the Black Abyss! ?

 A person who stands at the pinnacle of the universe.

This is like the chairman of a large group saying: You are a good young man. I am optimistic about you. Come to my company and work as my assistant tomorrow.

 Then the young man replied: Thank you for the chairman's recognition, but I want to work **** my own.

 It can only be described as absurd and unbelievable.

"Wait, wait patiently, when Li Mi comes out of seclusion, we will ask him directly, and we will know naturally."

 In the end, Wang Fuyun made the final decision.

Others were puzzled and had no choice but to stop making random guesses and wait quietly.

 The cultivation of Star God itself requires purity of mind.

Especially when becoming a Star God, one needs to have a clear and pure mind.

 Purity of mind means that thoughts must be simple.

Like a mirror, it must not have too many patterns or decorations, otherwise it will lose its ability to reflect reflections.

In this way, they will naturally not have too much ups and downs in their mental state due to other things, and because their souls are pure, even if they are full of curiosity, they will not be able to "break the defense" before touching the core of the soul and breaking the purity of the soul. ” before, it is easy to look away from something and reduce the impact of the event on yourself.


  Time goes by, year by year.

  Thanks to Li Miao's status as being suspected of being tested by the Lord of the Black Abyss, even though many people want to know why he is valued by the Gods, there is still no one who is so blind that it disturbs his retreat and practice, and they have to pull him out to ask the truth.

 In this case, thirty years passed quickly.


 In the training room.

 Li Ming once again broke away from the "past" state.

 He concentrated on sensing his own condition, but felt a little emotional.

"very slow."

 He said.

 【Energy: 8.1 million】, 【Energy level: 23.6】

The property panel has now been streamlined to only these two rows of properties.

 At best, add two major values: [Imaginary Number Space: 2/4] and [Dao Realm: 23/100].

 The rest, the perfection state, solar progress, and true spirit progress, are basically meaningless at this stage.

“It took thirty years for the energy level to increase so much. According to this trend, it will take at least two to three hundred years to increase the energy level to the peak of Universe Light.”

Li Mixin said.

 Three hundred years, for other star gods, they can basically be regarded as non-existence.

Especially for Sun Yao's promotion to Zhou Guang, there is no problem in describing it as "immediately".

 After all, even those geniuses of humanity regard Yiji Chengzhouguang as their lifelong pursuit.

 After arriving at Zhouguang, raising the energy level to the peak of Zhouguang, which is 100, is not too much for ten centuries.

 That is one million star years.

Three hundred star years is equivalent to a long time scale of one million star years...

 Its nature is roughly equivalent to five working days in ordinary people's concept.

 Once you have broken through a realm, you can reach the next realm by accumulating and settling in for a few days. Isn’t it slow?

 Not slow at all.

 Ke Li M…

He is really not used to being asked to stay in seclusion for three hundred years at a time.

No, after only thirty years, he already felt like he couldn't stay in seclusion.

“Speaking of which, the reason why the improvement is so slow may be my problem.”

  Li Mìsi thought.

 What is the nature of the true spirit! ?

Let your own soul be so clear that it is pure and flawless, and further complete the transformation, so that you can reflect and understand the fluctuations of the souls of other beings.

  In other words, the true power of the true spirit lies in two points.

 First, the mental fluctuations of living beings below the true spirit are completely transparent in front of him.

 Second, the pure and flawless true spirit makes the operation of any spiritual power without any stagnation.

This kind of lack of stagnation does not refer to what is thought or what the intention refers to, but the deep use of the subconscious mind. When the main consciousness has just become aware of this incident, the subconscious mind has already finished the matter without any stagnation.

Use the infinite subconscious mind to control the limited main consciousness, thereby deducing the effect of "knowing beforehand" and "prejudging" in the eyes of outsiders.

Back then, the Supreme Being behind the Endless Mountain of Gods had announced his research on this power.

 He called the power of the mind the sixth sense.

 Think this is a supplement to the first five senses.

 With the power of the mind, one can stabilize the first five senses and achieve absolute control over matter and energy.

 The true spirit that makes absolute use of the "subconscious mind" is what he calls the seventh sense.

 A sense that transcends speed and time.

 Li Ming can achieve a state similar to omniscience and omnipotence through absolute control and absolute understanding of the "past", but this kind of understanding and control is not the seventh sense represented behind the true spirit.

 “These are two different roads.”

   Li Ma had a realization: "After I have improved my way through reincarnation, I have embarked on another path that is different from the true spirit."

While thinking, his mind focused on the energy attributes.

 “8.1 million.”

 Li Ming said: "This is not right."

 Only when the monarch realm begins to evolve the universe, the energy level will be raised again.

 The upper limit of this improvement can eventually reach 100 million.

 100 million energy intensity, 100 energy level, is the ultimate monarch.

 The remaining Holy Emperors and Heavenly Emperors only use this basis to convert energy and energy levels into more efficient combat effectiveness.

  But before he started evolving the universe and started practicing at the monarch stage, even Zhou Guang would find it difficult to increase his energy intensity again.

 Let alone now...

 Nearly doubled.

 Li Mi’s eyes focused on the attribute panel.

 One is 8.1 million and one is 23.6.

After a long time, he said: "Is there a possibility that I am not Zhou Guang now? What I have broken is only the upper limit of the Sun Yao realm, not the realm of Zhou Guang?"

Li Ming pondered for a long time, but she could not get any results.

At this time, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Shasha."

"I am here."

Shasha in the form of a girl suddenly appeared.

Looking at her, Li Mu came back to her senses: "I almost forgot that I still have this assistive intelligent life here."


Shasha was a little helpless.

She is one of the sub-bodies separated from the Sea of ​​Time. She was not so insignificant when she was in the hands of the Lord of the Black Abyss.


 Just use it as a navigation.

What is the difference between this and spending hundreds of millions to buy a supercomputer just for playing games?

 “Am I Zhou Guang?”

   Li Miao asked.

"You are bathed in a layer of radiance, which is quite similar to the light of the true spirit, and you also have the ability to block the light of the true spirit... Since different creatures have different mental states, the radiance reflected by their true spirits is also different. , so judging only from this radiance released from your heart, you are.”

Shasha said.

"Is it."

  Li Muruo has some enlightenment.

Shasha even thinks he is...

 But he…

 There is really no ability corresponding to the "true spirit".

  That is, the seventh sense bred by the power of the true spirit has not been cultivated.

 Happily, he has now broken through the shackles of Sun Yao, both in terms of appearance and upper limit of strength.

Especially with an energy intensity of 8.1 million and an energy level of 23.6, without using any swordsmanship or secret skills, the combat power that can be unleashed is only 191.16 million, which is already out of reach of the new Zhouguang standard and those so-called The middle stage of Zhouguang is not far away.

If he could condense the true spirit again, understand the seventh sense corresponding to the power of the true spirit, and completely liberate the power deep in the soul...

What does that mean! ?

 Add 100 energy levels to the 100 energy levels?


 Take the energy level of 100 and multiply it by 100! ?

Li Mi closed her eyes and thought quietly.

 For a long time…

 Can’t understand it.

However, he suddenly stopped thinking.

 “What is martial arts? What is practice?”

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch something, but in front of him...

Nothing at all.

"Everything is just a means for me to realize the evolution of life and transcend everything. The new path I have taken, the way of the Star God, is no different from the martial arts and the path of the star refiner when I was in Gaia. The Tao is always just 'me'."

 He cleared all his thoughts.

The light of the great road deep in the soul shines brightly. Even if it is heavily disguised and covered, its radiance is still bright and cannot be blocked.

Just like that day when he was debating the rights and wrongs of the Lord in the Heavenly Hell World.

 “The so-called…”

With a faint smile on her face, Ms. Li said: "I seek my own way."

 (End of this chapter)