From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 318: Ruthless Cabinet

"Next, our enemy will no longer be Tang Jun, but a green-skinned army spreading everywhere!"

"Master, according to the latest report sent by the northern defense line, because of the influx of green-skinned orcs in the country of Yan, there are no established green-skinned orcs to attack on our northern defense line. Only some abandoned green-skinned farts and little goblins are left behind. , These creatures are different from their relatives, the green-skinned orcs, timid and brainless. It is estimated that the green-skinned army left behind after the green-skinned army left.

However, they are also green skins and will reproduce in the ground in a manner similar to mushroom spores. In addition, they are not concentrated, which makes it difficult to clean them thoroughly. "

Richard, who had returned to Huizhou, was listening to Genevieve's latest information.

"How many people can be transferred from the Northern Defense Line?"

Richard's eyes lit up when he heard the battle report, and the haze in his heart was half swept away.

The northern line of defense has always kept the main army of the native humanity of Ming Court inseparable. Without the bottomless pit of the northern line of defense, Richard can mobilize more troops!

After these years of strangulation, after a group of founding fathers led by Long Liguo and Han Li retreated to the second line, the entire Ming court’s army of middle and senior generals almost changed, and the ones that were replaced were all set up by Qi Jiguang. The officers and students who graduated from the Royal Military Academy of the Ming Dynasty rose little by little!

Since this military academy bears the royal name, the nominal principal is of course Richard, the king of the Ming Kingdom who has only been there once. That is to say, all the officers and students who have never seen Richard have met. Can claim to be a student of the emperor!

Of course, in fact, their relationship with Richard is only on the superficial aspect of loyalty and patriotism. After all, Richard has never paid attention to the management of the military academy. He only showed up once when it was just opened. Richard is very new to the military academy. The officers and students who graduated from the Military Academy also had little personal feelings for Richard.

The teacher who graduated officers and students really agree with is Qi Jiguang, the Secretary of the Army!

Because most of the military transfers of the Ming court were controlled by Richard and Genevieve, the work of Qi Jiguang, the Secretary of the Army, was relatively easier than that of other ministers.

Basically only responsible for the training of recruits and the personnel transfer of some new army officers.

This gives Qi Jiguang time to manage the Ming Ting Royal Military Academy and even often teaches students.

As a result, the officers who came out of the Royal Military Academy learned the fighting styles of the Ming army in the history of the earth, not the model of the Qi family army in history. Qi Jiguang is a military genius, but he is not a stubborn and old-fashioned military genius. Naturally, it is impossible to copy the Qi family army's model.

In fact, the Qi’s army’s fighting method was mainly aimed at Japanese pirates on the coast of the Ming Dynasty on Earth at that time. It was adapted to small-scale encounters. The main imaginary enemy was Japanese pirates who had no cavalry good at using swords and firearms.

Therefore, in the inland battles where there are often cavalry, the Qi family army’s set is not very useful. What's more, the new army of the Ming court consumes very fast replacement forces, and it is difficult to build a disciplined iron army like the Qi family army over time.

Therefore, most of the officer graduates led by Qi Jiguang learned the Ming Army's set in the history of the earth, that is, the original version of the cavalry infantry long-range arms to cooperate with operations.

Because there was no firearmed troops, Qi Jiguang made a slight change, replacing the role of firearmed troops with crossbowmen, and at the same time did not use firearmed troops as the main output like the army in the early Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, because the Ming court had poor financial resources and could not support too large cavalry, Qi Jiguang responded by reducing the ratio of cavalry forces in the Ming army, and the main force was concentrated on the infantry.

In addition, Qi Jiguang also considered that the quality of the new soldiers in the training was too poor, and completely abandoned the Qi's army model with complicated formations and adopted the simple configuration of the Ming army.

That is to say, there are three categories of pikemen, swordsmen, and crossbowmen.

Among them, there is nothing surprising about the Pikemen. They are similar to the original Tang army, except that the protective gear is a little worse, and even everyone can't do it in iron armor...

On the basis of the knives and shields, the knife players added guns. When charging and defending, they first killed the enemy with guns, and then entered hand-to-hand combat!

It does not require the sharpness of the knife players. The throwing of the gun adopts the collective throwing power. As long as there is a bit of strength, it can be formed with a little training.

Most of the crossbowmen are crossbowmen. Although the Northwest and Western Regions are rich in archers, because both the Western Regions and Northwestern Regions have encountered wars, mature archers are the first to be conquered during the wars. Wait until the Western Regions. After the Northwest settled down, there were not many mature archers in the civilian population, so the new army's long-range arms could only be replaced by crossbowmen.

The Ming Ting Crossbowmen, who were financially difficult, were much more miserable than the Tang State Crossbowmen. They didn't even have a set of leather armor all over their bodies, only the Ming Army's common mandarin ducks with a red base...

In order to save only elite troops will be equipped with battle helmets. Ordinary soldiers wear a red turban on top of their heads, which well inherit the tradition of the Red Scarf...

In fact, the troops with turbans on their heads all cause the word ‘poor’. If it is really a wealthy army, who doesn’t have a helmet and armor?

It can be seen that the ancient Japanese samurai in the history of the earth only wore a red headband on their heads, because the Japanese ronin samurai at that time were too poor!

Of course, in the history of the earth, the original leader of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang's army was the Red Scarf Army, and it was also because of poor helmets...

The turban is so good, it looks consistent in color, easy to identify on the battlefield, and the cost is very low. It doesn't cost much to get hundreds of thousands of turbans!

However, a large number of the new indigenous humans of Richard Mingting who have been'turned to normal' are still wearing red turbans. It can only be said that Richard's poor soldiers played too much...

If it were not for Zhuge Liang, Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice Jia Xu, Minister of Finance Zhang Juzheng, Minister of the Army Qi Jiguang, and Minister of Education Confucius, all of them were ruthless, the Ming court finances would not be as simple as deficits and bankruptcies!

The Minister of the First Aid and the Minister of Justice are masters of manipulating the hearts of the people and the officialdom. The Minister of Finance Zhang Ju is a rich man. The Minister of the Army is a professional warmonger. The Minister of Education has created Confucianism that has influenced a great country for thousands of years with a single mouth!

Even in the era when Richard lived in his previous life, the descendants of Confucius are still famous public figures!

In terms of fooling people, Confucius is absolutely unprecedented. Who can make a family stand for thousands of years and maintain great wealth?

How many royal families have fallen into the torrent of history, but the Kong family has always stood firm and still retains the social influence of the saint family.


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