From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 479: Eye-catching opponents

   Chapter 479

  After entering December, there are two more rounds in the first half of the Bundesliga schedule to enter the winter break.

  At this time, the scoreboard has also changed a lot.

  First: Munich 1900, 12 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses, 37 points.

  Second: Dortmund, 11 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses, 35 points.

   Third: Hoffenheim, 10 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses, 32 points.

  Fourth, Leverkusen, 10 wins, 1 draw and 4 losses, 31 points.

  Fifth: Shaq United

  Before the seven rounds, Leverkusen was at the top of the standings, but in the following games lost successively, losing at home to Munich 1900, away to Hoffenheim, and again at home to Dortmund.

  Although it was not a losing streak, it still had a huge blow to their morale.

  Before the seventh round, Leverkusen’s head coach shouted ‘we need to focus on the Champions League’ slogan, which was even more criticized by the fans.

  It is true that Leverkusen has a certain advantage in the Champions League and is very likely to enter the knockout round.

  But what it sacrifices is the leading edge of the standings and the likely half-time championship.

  Compared to Leverkusen, both Dortmund and Munich 1900 both took care of both, and both achieved good results.

  Even Hoffenheim was in the Europa League.

  In this contrast, Leverkusen fans naturally feel that they are not feeling anymore.

  It can be said that in the strong dialogue of the first half of the schedule, Leverkusen did not win once, and the record was completely defeated!

  There are still two rounds left in the league, and the half-time championship can only be produced between Munich 1900 and Dortmund.

  After missing the half-time championship last year, the fans of Munich 1900 have always remembered that this year, they will not capsize in the gutter.

  And compared to last year, this year's league standings are more clear.

  Hoffenheim, who is in third place, is 5 points behind them.

  Unless Dortmund and Munich 1900 lose both games, otherwise Hoffenheim will not be able to win the half-time championship again.

  The most important thing is that in the 17th round, which is the last round of the half-time league, Hoffenheim once again visited the West** Stadium, and the probability of winning is not very high.

   Therefore, Munich 1900 only needs to fear Dortmund immediately.

  It is best for Dortmund to lose one game first and then be defeated by Hoffenheim.

  This is the most secure.

  But the fans of Munich 1900 thought about this and suddenly fell into a daze.

  Why are they worried about this?

  When did they start deducting points?

  This is not the style of Munich 1900.

  In the past, when they didn't throw their points away, no one else could see their rear lights.

   But today is different from the past, in the Bundesliga environment where competition is becoming more and more fierce, even the Bundesliga hegemon feels a huge threat.

  They can feel that once there is a slight difference, or there is a trace of discouragement in Munich 1900, the other three teams will rush over and bite them like hungry tigers.

  Never give them a chance!

  As for the other three teams.

  Do they want a championship?


  They are crazy about wanting a championship!

  They all dream of one day breaking through the Munich 1900 monopoly on the championship and winning the Bundesliga championship.

  For this, they have been working hard.

  Moreover, they are capable of winning the championship.

   also has it!

  The Bundesliga is not the Bundesliga of the past.

  The previous Bundesliga was ‘one super, many strong’, and that ‘one super’ suppressed other Bundesliga teams.

  But since last year, all this has quietly changed.

  With the restructuring of the youth training and the increase in broadcast income, these teams have a more relaxed financial structure, and they finally do not have to live as tightly as before.

  They have the ability to expand the strength of the lineup.

  Last season, they made Munich 1900 disgraced. Although Munich still won the championship in the end, it was obviously not as easy as it used to be.

  This indirectly proves that Munich 1900 has gradually weakened the rule of the Bundesliga.

  They have enough ability to overturn the opponent's monopoly on the championship.

  Now is the best time.

  Perhaps, this year may not be successful, but at some time in the future, Munich 1900 will inevitably be kicked off the throne.

  They agree with this.

  Several strong Bundesliga teams are eagerly facing the throne of the Bundesliga championship.

  At this time, Hoffenheim once again ushered in the derby!

  'North-South Derby'!

  This has become a grand ceremony in the Bundesliga second only to the Ruhr Derby.

  Although its competitive nature may be slightly insufficient, it is full of fun.

  At this time of year, the fans on both sides will continue to friction, and the contradiction will become more acute.

  In fact, from the beginning of the season, Hoffenheim fans have already fired their first shot.

  A Hoffenheim warrior ran to the home court in Flenberg and chanted ‘Hoffenheim! Long live! ’’S slogan.

  The warrior was finally carried into the hospital, but it inspired the fighting spirit of the Hoffenheim fans.

  As soon as the season started, the contradiction between the two sides began.

   Constant friction on both sides.

  Fremberg looked down on Hoffenheim as a country team, calling each other a ‘hillie’.

  And Hoffenheim sniffed at Frenburg’s poor record, calling them ‘soft-footed shrimp’.

  Some Hoffenheim fans even shouted in the air.

  ‘We can watch Europa League here, how about you? ’

  This sentence made the Flenberg fans fry the pot on the spot, but there is no strong refutation basis, only sulking.

  In this regard, Hoffenheim fans feel extremely comfortable.

  Actually, they learned this trick from the Munich 1900 fans.

  The guys used to show them that they could watch the Champions League. At the time, Hoffenheim was just a newly promoted horse. Faced with this kind of ridicule, there was nothing to do.

   And this time, they used this trick directly on the mortal enemy of Flenberg, and the effect was amazing!

  A word, let your heart be cool, and your heart will fly!

  Looking at the Flenberg fans with an expression of eating ‘shi’, but they couldn’t refute it, don’t say how happy the Hoffenheim fans are.

  While continuing this atmosphere, the derby between the two sides is even more intense.

  There were two red cards and six yellow cards throughout the game, which shows the intensity of the game.

  But Frenberg’s hard power is indeed not enough to fight Hoffenheim.

  In the 90 minutes of the game, both sides played while fighting.

  Hoffenheim scored 6 goals and shaved a bald head.

  Finally, the Frenburg fans who came from the expedition were kicked and cried.

  The Flenberg players present were even more dazed.

  This is a derby game!

  You can lose, but you can't lose so ugly.

  Fremberg fans can now imagine the triumph of Hoffenheim fans.

  However, facts are facts!

  Hoffenheim beat Frenberg 6:0.

  The historical record of the two sides also came to 3:1.

  After the game, Frenberg left Sinsheim griefly, and they didn't want to stay here even if they had one.

  And they were full of anxiety, they couldn't imagine how they would face angry fans after returning.

  There are even some extreme fans who got a call from the main goalkeeper of Frenburg from some unknown channel, edited a text message ‘get out of Frenburg’ and sent it.

  This made the Frenburg goalkeeper's mentality collapsed and cried loudly.

    Two more sent! !

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  (End of this chapter)