From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 594: I want to be willful again!

   Chapter 594 I want to be willful again!

  Varim sent away Misuke Inoue, closed the door gently, and turned around and sat down in the room silently.

  He needs to calm down.



  European war-level team!

  All these are telling him that he won the jackpot.

  But it's a bit too unreal.

When he was young, he also thought about joining the giants and becoming the most shining star in football.

  But with the passing of time, the edges and corners are smoothed by reality.

  From the first giants to the five major leagues, to the second division, third division, regional leagues, etc.

  His expectations have fallen again and again. Before that, he had been making efforts to join a regional league team.

   But suddenly a Hoffenheim came out!

  This is Hoffenheim!

  A team capable of competing for the league championship in the Bundesliga!

   is the king of Europa League!

  A Champions League-level team!

  Who are their opponents?

  Munich 1900, Dortmund, Leverkusen.

  In the Champions League, they have to play against the giants of the major leagues. Such a team looks at him, which makes him feel unreal.

  He is not arrogant, but he is 28 years old.

  Hoffenheim would really like himself?

  What do they picture?

   But then I think about it, what reason does Hoffenheim have to tease myself?

  He is not even qualified to be deceived by Hoffenheim.

  So, he recognized the authenticity of this matter.

  Wife and children both celebrated in a low voice, and did not disturb Varim.

  They can more or less feel that this person who came today is a distinguished guest, and it is likely to change the life of their family.

  Valim took out his cell phone silently, he opened the search software and searched for the Hoffenheim game.

  The big characters on the top line.

  ‘In the second round of the Bundesliga, Hoffenheim won Leverkusen 3:1! ’

  Valim was even more silent.

  He clicked on the video and began to watch it attentively.

  I have to say that Hoffenheim played very well.

  Their players are as strong as monsters, which is not available in the amateur league.

  Can you be their teammate?

  Is he qualified to be their teammate?

Can    help them?

  Valim's head is messed up.

  He doesn’t even understand the rhythm of Hoffenheim’s game.

   But he did not force to interpret, after all, he is not a midfielder, and these young people are also famous.

  However, he has an expectation.

  How would it feel if such a teammate passed the ball to himself?

  This must be great!

  A little bit of time passed, and three hours passed unconsciously.

  An Lina has been put to sleep by Gina, and today she had a happy birthday, whose sweetness is extremely sweet.

   and Gina walked to Varim and asked; "That guest was just now."

  Valim subconsciously said; "Hoffenheim, the chief scout of the Bundesliga team, he said he said he liked my talent."

  "28-year-old talent!" Varim's mouth was bitter.

Gina looked at the other person’s expression, hugged slightly distressedly, and said; "My dear, don’t think so, haven’t you been saying that scouts who can’t see your talent are stupid? Now someone has spotted you. , You should be happy."

  Valim nodded; "But I always feel unreal."

   Gina smiled and said: "How can it be real? Let you play in the Champions League? High probability, you should be a substitute, and you will even be loaned out."

  Valim looked at each other in a daze, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Gina, it turns out that you can be so venomous!"

  Gina smiled and said, “Don’t think too much, wave goodbye to your past self, and then greet your new life. At least. They will definitely give a lot of money, right? We can live in a new house.”

   Hearing this, Varim took a deep breath and said; "I swear, I will seize this opportunity and let you live a good life!"

   Gina said emotionally; "I believe you."

  The next day, Varim walked in in the hotel where Sansuke Inoue was staying.

  Inoue Sansuke was already neatly dressed, he pointed to the direction of the coffee table and said; "Where shall we go to sign?"

  Valim was surprised; "You know, I will agree?"

   Inoue Misuke smiled and said, "You can't refuse, can you?"

  Valim was silent and suddenly sighed; "Yes, I can't refuse! But I want to talk about treatment."

  Inoue Sansuke Road; "This is easy to say."

  The two sat down, and Misuke Inoue asked; "What is your salary now?"

  Valim pursed his lips; "The weekly salary is £50!"

  Inoue Sansuke was taken aback, and said; "So few?"

  Valim said helplessly; “So I need to work part-time to maintain a living. In fact, I can only do training twice a week, and I can’t get enough rest.”

  Mitsuke Inoue nodded and said; "Okay, let's do it, we will pay you 1,000 Euros a week!"

  Valim nodded impatiently.

  1,000 Euro is too much.

  This is much more than the one he made the most in his life.

But Sansuke Inoue waved his hand to stop, and said, "Don’t worry, this is just the pre-salary, and your performance will determine your salary in the future. In fact, the youth teams get more than this, but we need you to prove yourself with strength. ."

  Valim spoke fullly; "No problem."

   Inoue Sansuke continued; "Now, I will give you two choices."

  "First, join Hoffenheim directly so that you can join your daily training. However, considering your previous amateur league matches and insufficient adaptation, I suggest you choose the second option."

  "The second is to join the satellite team. Hoffenheim has a satellite team in Belgium called St. Bitef, where you can exercise."

   "Of course, it's up to you to make the choice."

  Valim thought for a moment and asked; "If I choose Hoffenheim, can I join the first team directly?"

   "Almost like this, but you still need to pass the test of the coaching staff. After all, this is not a problem for me. But if St. Bitev, I can let you directly join the first team."

  Valim pursed his lips; "I want to be willful again this time, I choose the first item."

   Inoue Sansuke was a little surprised; "If you are eliminated, you won't even have 1,000 euros."

Warim said: "But did it succeed? My grade is no longer young. I don't have much time to take it slowly. I can only take a gamble. This may be my last chance. If I succeed, I will Get more rewards and better treatment. If I fail, I think I will give up football completely, and then find a job and live a stable life!"

  Looking at the determined man in front of him, Misuke Inoue glanced at him deeply and said, "Good luck to you."

   "I have been unlucky for a while, and it's time for Goddess of Luck to visit me this time." Varim smiled relievedly.

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  (End of this chapter)