From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 720: The bet just now?

  Chapter 720 The betting appointment just now?

  Leo’s popularity in Hoffenheim need not be questioned.

  And this goal also completely broke these fans.

  The entire arena is filled with Leo's name.

  They shouted over and over again with great interest.

  This former child has now grown into their hero!

  This makes every fan extremely excited while sighing.

  And on German TV, the commentator Roy Kertas is crazy.

  He kept touting the goal.

   "This is simply a masterpiece of God! This breakthrough! This time goal! It is simply a gem of football!"

   "Leo Major, I hope everyone remembers this name."

  "Because he will surely resound all over the world! He will become the idol and benchmark of all new generation players!"

   "His talent is incredible! Just like this goal, I don't know how to describe it anymore!"

   "Oh my God! The proud defense of Munich in 1900, Losley, DeVry, Campbell, Pilculia, and Savage, none of them could save the goal!"

  "Majette defeated the entire Munich 1900 alone! What a crazy show!"

  Roy Ketas is crazy. For him, this may be the craziest goal he has ever witnessed in his life.

  And the significance of this goal is so significant!

  This shows Leo’s ability from the side.

   "He has just turned 21, and he has not yet finished his 22nd birthday!"

  "If the Italian Golden Boy Award is not awarded to Leo, then I will never believe in the fairness of the Golden Boy Award!"

   "Compared with him, other little players are just a mess of shit!"

  Roy Kertas almost used such an extreme way to express his position, which represents how much the goal shocked him.

  On the other side, in the VIP room of the Arena, the general manager of Munich 1900 Heddes opened his mouth, unable to close it for a long time.

  This goal shocked him equally.

  As the general manager of Munich 1900, in order to construct this top defense line, he did not know how much thought and financial resources he spent.

  And this goal negated all his efforts over the years.

  Leo defeated the Munich 1900 defense line alone.

   and it was a head-on defeat!

  No one can guard him!

  This is just hell!

  He couldn't help turning his head to look over. Zhang Xian beside him also remained silent. Although his expression was indifferent, his constantly trembling eyelids and his fists were not so calm.

  After a while, Heddes suddenly said: "The bet just now?"

  Zhang Xian: "Don't bet! Don't sell!"

  Hedith: "."

  In the game, after Leo scored, he was also extremely excited.

  He began to run wild, but soon he was caught by his teammates and pressed under him.

  Rane pressed Leo, rubbed Leo’s hair vigorously, and said excitedly: "It's crazy! How dare you guys? Hahahaha! This is awesome!"

  Habl and Piani also rushed over, and they were equally happy.

  Alfred even kissed Leo’s boots secretly before no one was paying attention.

  Everyone was shocked by the goal.

  On the periphery of the crowd, Ravens looked at Leo with a complicated expression.

  He was also very happy for this goal, after all, he belongs to Hoffenheim now.

  But he was a little unhappy.

  After all, Leo has always been an opponent for him.

  The two are teammates now, but maybe they will be in the future.

  He is training with Leo as an imaginary enemy all the time, but until now, he is full of confidence.

  But this goal made him a little desperate.

  He knows that even if he loses both legs, he can't score this kind of goal.

  This kind of ball is a symbol of talent.

  So, why did God create such a crazy guy.

  Hoffenheim is celebrating.

   There was silence on the Munich 1900 side.

  Especially the defensive players, all of them stopped talking.

  They just shut themselves down!

  A total of five people, worth a total of 200 million.

  But it was such a combination that was tricked by Leo Major, a nasty child.

  This makes them feel a huge gap.

  The most important thing is that this is not the first time.

  That time, Leo didn't score a goal, but this time it was a goal.

  Lossley pinched his waist and looked at the celebrating people in Hoffenheim from a distance. His eyes were always on Leo, who was pressed down at the bottom.

  As the person who mainly targets Leo, his pressure has expanded infinitely.

  He had this idea for the first time.

  Can we really win?

  Faced with such a monster, he really couldn't boost his confidence.

  Leo's goal appeared in the 37th minute of the first half.

  On the way back, Leo approached the referee and asked for the ball in advance.

  In this regard, the referee smiled and said: "If you win, the ball belongs to you. Of course, there is a small condition. Don't forget to sign me at that time!"

  Yes, Leo's goal was even conquered by the referee.

  Leo naturally agreed with pleasure.

  As for winning?

  They are now full of confidence and morale shaken. There is no reason to lose.

  The game restarts.

  Munich 1900 staged a sneak attack after the kick-off.

   However, this sneak attack is a bit like a venting attack.

   kicked a bit recklessly, and completed a long shot without an angle at all.

  The result can be imagined, this soft shot was easily embraced by Fukuoka Yuta.

  The right to the ball once again transitioned to Hoffenheim's side.

   And Munich 1900 also began to shrink the line of defense.

  They understand that in the next period of time, they should be passively beaten again.

  The same is true. Facing Hoffenheim’s attack, Munich 1900 was a little tired of coping.

  Although Hoffenheim can be guarded every time, it gives a sense of fatigue.

  45 minutes passed.

  When the midfield whistle sounded, the Munich 1900 players sat directly on the ground one by one.

  Their first thought was that the first half was finally over.

  Both players walk to the locker room.

  A sharp contrast is formed on both sides.

  Hoffenheim is happy.

   On the Munich 1900 side, he lowered his head in frustration.

  The locker room in Munich 1900 was already noisy at this time.

  The players are venting their dissatisfaction one by one, and some small contradictions are even showing signs of breaking out.

  This game puts a lot of pressure on them, and their performance is unsatisfactory.

  For this, everyone's mood is extremely irritable.

  Until the head coach walks in!

   "Be quiet! Shut up!"

  Luca roared when he walked in.

  The majesty accumulated over the years made him calm these players. Although he looked unconvinced one by one, he still closed his mouth!

  The atmosphere is extremely depressing, and everyone refuses to communicate.

  It can be said that Leo’s goal completely destroyed the confidence of Munich 1900!

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  (End of this chapter)