From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 724: Dawn

  Chapter 724 Dawn


   "Majette killed the game!!!"

  The live commentator Polly and the Bundesliga commentator Roy Ketas were all roaring frantically.

  They can't help getting up, feeling excited about themselves.

  For Polly, he has always been with Hoffenheim. Although he quit his job as an official German narrator, he has a great time here.

   can unscrupulously use any tone of contempt to belittle opponents, because they are all their own.

  And he finally saw the dawn of winning at this moment!


  Hoffenheim defeated the mighty Munich 1900.

  Through 34 rounds of the league, Hoffenheim doubled Munich in 1900.

  They completely stomped the former Bundesliga hegemon under their feet. Such a championship contains gold. Who dare to say that Hoffenheim is relying on luck?


  The Hoffenheim fans on the scene also got up instantly.

  At the moment the goal was scored, the entire stand seemed like a violent wind, and everyone was boiling.

  They throb, hug and kiss in excitement!

  They use all means to celebrate and vent.

  This goal completely killed the game.

  Time is about to enter injury stoppage time!

  Munich 1900 does not have any chance!

   Didn’t see that the Munich 1900 players also looked downcast.

  In an old house in Sinsheim.

  Koch and his wife will also watch the game.

  The moment Leo scored, Koch's wife couldn't help but stand up and cheer.

  The old grandma looked extremely excited, dancing like a child.

   On the other side, Koch is not so excited, but anyone can see the trembling hands.

   Koch's eyes were gratified and moved, and he sighed for a long time: "It's amazing!"

  England, Trafford Training Centre.

  Jian is training in the gym. He holds dumbbells in both hands and keeps lifting sideways, but his eyes are fixed on the TV above.

  A Bundesliga match is being shown on TV.

  Hoffenheim VS Munich 1900.

  At the last moment, he saw Leo score a key goal. It was also at this moment that Ji An suddenly jumped up with excitement.

  The two dumbbells, like they don’t exist, are thrown into hot wheels, dancing with joy.

  "These guys! These guys!."

  Jian was speechless with excitement. Although he had left Hoffenheim, for him, Hoffenheim's significance in his life was extraordinary.

  Even Trafford can’t replace it.

  If it is said that Ji An is a fan of which club, then it can only be Hoffenheim.

  And now, Hoffenheim defeated Munich in 1900 to win the championship, how he is not excited.

  The same scene is happening in Italy, Finland, and Belgium.

  The players who went out from Hoffenheim looked at this game with a lot of emotion in their hearts.

   either happy or bitter.

  For them, the days in Hoffenheim are memorable.

  Although I left there, I still have my heart.

  For this, they are sincerely happy to see Hoffenheim win the game.

  Even Christopher, who served at Stanford in the Premier League, is paying attention to this game.

  When he saw Hoffenheim's goal, he could not help but let out a long sigh. A happy smile appeared on his face.

  This kind of smile makes the assistant coaches around him incomprehensible. After all, in their opinion, Christopher and Hoffenheim are at odds.

  They do not understand the relationship between the two parties.

  But Christopher will not explain.

  But after smiling, Christopher's expression became serious.

  Hoffenheim now feels extremely dangerous to him.

  Although today Hoffenheim still has many shortcomings and loopholes, it has generally taken shape.

  This so-called ‘Tiki-Taka’ system also made him feel deep pressure.

  Steven finally came up with a big killer.

  Just as Steven regarded Christopher as his opponent, Christopher also paid attention to this competitor who kicked himself out of Hoffenheim.

  Christopher understands that once Steven is allowed to mature this system, what kind of disaster will the entire football world usher in?

  Perhaps, the Red Devils that swept Europe in the 19th century will reappear in a different posture wearing a black and red shirt.

  His eyes returned to Sinsheim.

  Now, the whole town has fallen into a frenzy.

On the    street, everyone shouted in the direction of the stadium.

   And dancing on the street, spraying drinks, just like a carnival.

  In the field, Leo was also pressed down by his excited teammates again.

  This time, even some substitute players rushed over.

  They understand that after this goal, the game is basically over.

  At the coaching bench, Steven tidied up his messy suit.

  The previous celebration was too turbulent. At this time, the suit was already wrinkled, and even the knees were full of grass scraps.

  This guy comes directly to a slide.

  His eyes moved to the side, and he saw Luca in the opponent's coaching bench with a look of loss.

  This also made Steven even more proud.

  How about the Bundesliga giants?

  Aren’t they trampled underfoot by themselves and Hoffenheim?

  Stepping on the corpse of 1900 in Munich to ascend to the throne, this feeling is really not bad!

  The celebration is over, but the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami are endless.

  The game in the field will continue, and the time has entered the injury time period.

   Four minutes of stoppage time.

  It’s just that the referee doesn’t need to look down at the time, because the Hoffenheim fans at the scene reminded him of approval.


  Munich 1900 is still struggling. They tried to attack but were destroyed in the midfield.

  At the same time Hoffenheim launched another counterattack, Hubble tried a long shot but Boots firmly caught it.


  Munich’s offense got a good result, they got a corner kick.

  However, when the ball came out, Fukuoka Yuta was very clever and took the initiative to push the ball out with his fist.


  Coming here, the Munich 1900 players have basically lost their confidence.

  With two minutes left, they have no chance to comeback.

  The overall rhythm of the game began to decline.


  At the last minute, the field almost became a passing game.

  Munich 1900 is not trying to attack anymore, they have basically given up.

  And Hoffenheim is also mainly defensive, they are not actively attacking.

  For them, how to hold this minute is particularly critical.

   And the referee did not bother to wait for the time after seeing that Munich 1900 had no fighting spirit.

  He decisively blew the whistle at the end of the game.

Beep! Beep! ! —

  The whole game is over!

  Hoffenheim 3:1 Munich 1900.

    Two more sent!

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  (End of this chapter)