From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 806: eat you

   Chapter 806

   Amid the noise at the scene, players from both teams entered the arena.

  The camera takes turns to focus on each player, taking a close-up of their face.

   But everyone's expressions are similar, they just pursed their lips, and there was a fierceness in their eyes.

   Clearly, no one wants to be a loser in this race to the final.

  In the VIP room above the stands, Zhang Xian is accompanying Margaret, the general manager of Stanford.

   Margarita was holding red wine in her hand and watching the game with a smile.

   On the other hand, Zhang Xian is holding a thermos cup with tea in it, taking a sip from time to time, his expression is very indifferent.

   "Christoph, Biartini, Alex, we are very grateful to Hoffenheim for cultivating these excellent players." Margaret said with a smile, her tone full of a sense of superiority.

   In this regard, Zhang Xian glanced at each other lightly and said, "They just left because they were not suitable for Hoffenheim."

  Voice, if we don’t let them go, don’t even think about digging.

   For Zhang Xian's argument, Margaret did not refute either.

   Stanford can poach a lot of teams, including some giants.

   But Hoffenheim is hard!

   These guys are as rich as Stanford.

   And Hoffenheim completed the financial construction early, completely freed from the shackles of the boss, without the threat of the 'Financial Fairness Act'.

  Although Stanford did it, it took them ten years, and Hoffenheim did it in less than five years.

  Margeridge admitted that Zhang Xian is a very profitable manager, but as a football practitioner, his vision for football limited him.

   Of course, she wouldn't say it.

  The two returned to calm again and began to look at the game scene.

  In the field, the two teams have come to their respective half.

   In the side selection, Stanford won, but they took the initiative to claim the left field.

  Today's wind is blowing from left to right, which can better kick back.

  Evidently, Stanford wanted to start the onslaught in the first half with a lot of energy.

   And Hoffenheim also understood the other party's intentions.

  Habble approached Ranier and said: "Don't play too aggressively, Stanford's offense and defense transition is fast, and they may counterattack if you are not careful."

   After saying that, Habble pointed to the rear left position.

  Ranieh looked over, he saw Alex,

   For Alex, Ranier knew very well. Although he had never raced together, he still remembered Alex's speed very well.

  If this guy gets up to speed, no one in Hoffenheim can keep up with him.

   "Don't worry!" Ranier nodded solemnly.

   Even Ranier, who is out of character, does not dare to be careless at this time.

  Stanford knew Hoffenheim, and Hoffenheim knew Stanford well.

   Both sides know each other well, so both sides have enough vigilance.

The Stanford side was also cautious enough. Romedez, the core of the midfield, took the initiative to find the right defender Azacker, covered his mouth and said: "You can no longer use the previous data to measure Roquel, your side is the The essential."

  Azakel nodded with a solemn look on his face.

  Roquel's performance this season is a bit perverted, which also makes him feel a lot of pressure.

   As the current top scorer in the Champions League, Roquel’s existence itself puts enormous pressure on Stanford.

  How to keep Roquel from scoring and building a solid defense is the key.

  After the preparations on both sides, Wagner stood in the middle circle and prepared to kick off.

   Soon, the referee withdrew from the middle circle and blew the whistle.

   At the same time, commentators from all over the world are also giving passionate commentary in different languages.

   "Here is the 2020/2021 Champions League semi-final match between Hoffenheim and Stanford!"

   "The game begins! The game, which is rewarded with tickets to the Champions League final, officially begins!"

   "Whether Hoffenheim created the legend of the dark horse, or whether Stanford abandoned the haze of these years and reborn from ashes, we will wait and see!"

   Under the gaze of many eyes, Varim kicked off the ball.

  The game entered a fast pace after the start.

As soon as   Ranier received the ball, he saw Alex and Biartini suddenly rushing towards him, which made Ranier startled and hurriedly returned the pass.

   But in the next second, Alex and Biartini directly overtook him and charged towards Habul again.

   If this ball is interrupted, Hoffenheim's rhythm in the early game will be extremely difficult.

  ‘Must be steady! ’

  Habble was very calm, he tapped the ball with his toes and let the ball float in the air near his knees.

   Seeing Alex and Biartini getting closer, Habble didn't seem to be in a hurry.

  In the final moments, he raised his left foot and crossed the ball to Alfred.

   Immediately, he pressed his hands down and shouted, "Calm down! Calm down! Don't worry!"

  Habble delayed enough time and also disrupted Stanford's early scramble strategy.

   Still, Stanford is not upset.

  Alix and Biartini touched their heads and ran to their place.

  The game returned to the regular rhythm.

The German commentator, who was startled by this scene, took a long breath and said: "Stanford played a little trick in the early stage of the game, but we have to admit that this little trick worked very well, although it failed to interrupt Hoffen. Heim's rhythm, but it sounded the alarm for them, here is the Champions League semi-final, when the whistle starts, the artillery fire has already started, any hesitation will have irreversible consequences!"

   Finally, the narrator secretly exerted force and said, "Hoffenheim! Come on!"

  Steven got up at the moment of the Stanford rush and sat down until Habble stalled for a while, then flattened the rhythm.

   He turned to look at the coaching bench next to him.

  Christopher, who was wearing a coaching uniform, was standing on the sidelines, applauding and applauding loudly.

   Although the raid was unsuccessful, it worked well.

   At least, Hoffenheim did not dare to attack rashly.

  Steve gritted his teeth and said secretly; he was put together by this guy.

  Everyone knows that Hoffenheim is good at sneak attack tactics, and they attack a lot and score a lot.

   In this case, Christopher seemed to be certain that Hoffenheim would not snicker, and even launched a counter-attack.

   It's like telling Steven 'I've got you covered! ’.

   There was a thrilling scene at the beginning of the game. Although it was resolved by Hoffenheim, it also stimulated the tense atmosphere.

  Hoffenheim fans cheered harder, and the players in the stadium also began to enter their own rhythm after stabilizing their hearts a little.

   At this time, the game time has come to five minutes.

   It can be said that Hoffenheim was forced by Stanford to waste these five minutes of attacking time.

   Two more are here!

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   (end of this chapter)