From the Country Team To the Rich

~: Testimonials on the shelves!

  Comments on shelves!

  It has been serialized for nearly a month, and "From Country Team to Giants" is finally on the shelves!

  This book had thoughts before, and at the end of the silly waist, Yinzi also took action to write the story.

Yinzi has read a lot of football articles, but they are mostly novels by players, coaches and agents. It seems that there is no such type of football articles. I just happened to have some good ideas in Yinzi's head, so I planned to write this story. .

  According to the previous data, the results of this book are not good. This also made Yinzi feel discouraged for a time, but tried to keep himself enthusiastic about codewords and looked forward to getting better and better. (You can only think of QAQ this way)

  The overall context of the story is to tell the story of a club from a country team to Europe.

  There are many factors in the story, such as players, coaches, fans, management, business cooperation, etc. Yinzi can't guarantee how well it is written, but he will do his best to describe him more brilliantly.

  Many book friends are worried that this is a commercial article with a football skin.

  There are indeed some capital issues in the article, but not too many. Our theme is still football.

  This is the story of a country club, from small to large, from weak to strong, from the German amateur league to the top European stadium.

  The plot of the low-level league will not take up too much space. In the fourth level league, that is, the North-South Regional League, the plot will have a big jump!

  Why write the low-level league, mainly because it is to let the book friends have more experience of the hardships of the small team.

  After entering the high-level league, Hoffenheim will develop steadily, the league! German Cup! The European Union and even the Champions League!

  I am very grateful to the book friends who have been supporting this book, and I hope that more people will like this book in the future.

  Your support is the driving force of Yinzi codeword.

  At the same time, thanks to the editor of Latiao for the recommendation!

  Thank you to every book friend who rewarded me!

  "From a country team to a giant" will be on the shelves soon, and the shelves will naturally burst. Please print here for the first order and monthly pass.

  Okay, don’t say much, let’s go! Chong Chong Chong! !

  (End of this chapter)