From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle

Chapter 296: pass through obstacles

She weighed the pros and cons of telling the story in her heart, whether to get a powerful ally or create a cold-blooded enemy seems to be a simple false proposition, but there are too many interests and influences involved, and most importantly, she can't figure out the other party's intentions With a sigh, Bella resolutely gave up this idea and gradually regained her composure.

A sixteen-year-old girl still lacks the courage to break the boat.

But this has nothing to do with Ling Fei, he just turned what he wanted into reality, and began to plan his future actions, ah, the devil world, ghosts and gods, since we are here, hahaha, I have fun with you guys! Inexplicably, Ling Fei was in a surprisingly good mood.


Smooth sailing is a luxury dream for people who live in dangerous situations, so when they left the maintenance room the next day, they faced another crisis before they reached the ground.

It's just that it's not Ling Fei's instinct to perceive danger this time that sees through the crisis, but his eyes.

"What did you say? There's a strange light blocking the hallway ahead?"

Hannah looked at the last corridor leading to the ground with some doubts. Perhaps because it was too close to the ground, it was severely damaged, and all the energy lights could not be activated normally, so it returned to darkness again.

Only when looking to the extreme distance along the corridor, will you see a small bright exit, reminding everyone that you will soon reach the ground.

Momo looked at Ling Fei with a determined face, and curiously put on the night vision goggles, but nothing changed.

Momo asked worriedly:

"Yinsha, what color line do you see? Could it be that your eyesight was affected when a dark illness broke out on your body?"

Ling Fei subconsciously touched his eyes, but the light still existed and was clearer. He said with some uncertainty:

"I see purple light."

"Could it be that there is something wrong with your eyes? I remember your pupils are purple."

Bella added, seemingly worried.

It was strange that this kind of light had never appeared before, but when entering the last section of the dark corridor, Ling Fei's eyes inexplicably appeared in a hallucination.

Momo stared at Ling Fei's eyes worriedly. Suddenly, his pupils couldn't help shrinking. He took two steps back and said tremblingly:

"Zi... Yinsha, your eyes are glowing, and they are splitting apart again!"

Ling Fei's face became more serious. After all, the face was not something he could discover, not to mention the change in his eyes had never happened before. He lowered his head and asked seriously:

"What did you see, describe it to me."

After hearing the sound, the few people who looked at them all noticed the abnormality in Ling Fei's eyes. Bella said cautiously:

"It looks like the pupil of your eye has split into five little purple diamond-shaped stars that glow around your purple pupil."

Momo and Hannah kept nodding, but Ling Fei was a little confused. Could it be that there was something wrong with his eyes.

"However, it is indeed so. Master, the purple light that Mr. Ling Fei saw does exist. This kind of light is called ultraviolet light."

Momo looked at Ling Fei's glasses with some puzzlement, then at the night vision goggles in his hand, and became even more puzzled:

"Then why can't I see it with this night vision goggle?"

Hearing Momo's question, Pamela quickly responded:

"Master, although the night vision goggle in your hand is fully functional, it is normal to not be able to see it because it has a set band."

For this kind of professional explanation, everyone in Momo became a little confused again, so Pamela once again played the role of a teacher who popularized common sense of science.

"Master, there are many kinds of light coexisting in this world. Depending on the wavelength of the spectrum, they are seen under different conditions. The structure of the human eye is only limited, so it can only see part of it. Therefore, if we want to When looking at these different wavelengths of light, you have to use some tools, such as this advanced night vision goggles in your hand."

Momo nodded thoughtfully, and Pamela took the night vision goggles from her hand in good time, adjusted the spectral wavelength to the radiation band of 10nm-400nm, and handed it to Momo again.

When Momo put on the night vision goggles again and looked at Xiang Xian, the scenery was completely different. Momo exclaimed in surprise, handed the glasses to Bella, and exclaimed excitedly:

"Great, it turns out that Yin Sha's eyes are fine."

When everyone looked at it in turn and Hannah returned the glasses to Momo, everyone was full of weirdness, but they couldn't tell what was weird.

"I have to say that there are still some problems with Mr. Lingfei's eyes."

Pamela's words were like cold water, extinguishing the girl's excitement, and she asked with some displeasure:

" do you say that?"

But I heard Pamela simply say:

"Mr. Ling Fei can see things that other people's eyes cannot see. Doesn't that in itself indicate a problem?"

Ling Fei was silent, it was indeed a bit weird.

"Then what should I do..."

Pamela said calmly:

"You don't need to worry. It's really strange that Mr. Yinsha can see light of different wavelengths, but it doesn't seem to affect his normal vision. Maybe this is an evolution, maybe it's not, but now, we should be careful. The situation before us."

Ling Fei nodded thoughtfully. There is no need to delve into the changes in his eyes for the time being, but the ultraviolet rays in front of him made him a little vigilant:

"Pamela, is there any threat to the ultraviolet light you mentioned?"

Pamela replied directly:

"Ultraviolet rays have many functions, including sterilization and disinfection, and can even treat skin diseases, but do not expose the skin to ultraviolet rays for a long time, otherwise there will be serious consequences."

Nodding his head thoughtfully, Ling Fei began to quickly calculate in his mind that so many ultraviolet rays suddenly blocked the road inexplicably in this place, and they were still so dense, which was unusual in itself, and perhaps some kind of mutated creature appeared again.

"Everyone, get ready to fight. You will retreat some distance later, and retreat safely at any time. I will go to explore the way first, and Hannah will be responsible for covering me remotely."

Clear plans and orders were ordered one by one.

In the face of unknown threats, Ling Fei had the confidence to break through alone. When encountering danger, Ling Fei was confident that he would get out of the way, but with a group of people, he might be at a loss, so he planned to explore the way alone.