From the Perfect World

v1 Chapter 103: Weird and ominous

   Shocking thunder blasted, the sound of fighting shook the world, and the flickering thunder-like shadow of the immortal figure fell to the earth from the robbery cloud, and the sky was stained with blood and blood.

   The terrifying battle lasted for an unknown amount of time, and hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers beyond the edge were destroyed by the aftermath and turned into scorched earth.

   Gradually, the dark cloud topping faded, and the clear sky returned.

   Lin Yang was panting violently, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his body was split into two from the center by the light of the road, almost cut into two. The right arm that was supposed to be crystal clear and jade broke off shoulder-to-shoulder and disappeared.

   The meaning of Dao's extinction of Dao-sheng flowed, and he operated the True Phoenix Law, climbing out from the edge of death with difficulty.

   The fire of Nirvana was blazing, and the wounds that were shocking to the touch were visible through the body, and they were healing slowly.

   "For all ages, the one who can survive this catastrophe is at most one palm."

   flipped his hand and took out a **** **** pill, the red clouds were misty, the fire was lingering, and the world was reflected in crimson. This is based on the Sacred Heart Mantra of Nahai, the flesh and blood potion refined by the true **** can quickly replenish his own consumption, even if the true **** exhausts all his power, he can return to the peak in a stick of incense.

   The flesh and blood of his cheeks were cut off by the strongest power, the white jade teeth were exposed, and the shining blood dripped down. Mortals could be scared to death by his appearance.

   As soon as the entrance was opened, the **** pill disintegrated into a ray of blood, moisturizing and replenishing the empty body, and filling it with power again.

   The speed of recovery from his injury was ten times faster in a blink of an eye. The broken right arm was intertwined with granulation, a little bit of re-growth, and the nearly two-piece body was also recovering rapidly.

   The Huang Jie Dao, which had accompanied him for several years, was cut off by the Dao Dao Knife in this battle. The magic was lost and became a mass of scrap iron under the erosion of Dao rules. The oracle cloak has also become pieces of rags, and it is difficult to return to the top.

  Grow up from adversity, and progress in killing. The three illusory and hazy celestial qi, after **** battles and surpassing the limit several times, became substantial, making Lin Yang a lot stronger than before. And because of this, he can quickly slay the Mantian Thunder Tribulation, otherwise he will have to survive slowly and continuously.

   "Is the Thunder Tribulation that Shi Hao ever crossed so strong? It doesn't matter if there is a True Phoenix Art now, how did he get past it in past history?"

   Only when you really face it can you know how desperate the Thunder Tribulation that has accumulated an era is. This also made Lin Yang feel puzzled. The terrible wounds that penetrated the body were restored during the time of thinking, the body was shining brightly, the blue sacred fire jumped, and it was vaguely visible that it contained the Nirvana sacred fire and the demon sacred fire, and the power of the three ancient fires was entangled.


  The deep ocean of the universe, on the islands bound by the chain of the road.

   Lin Yang's half-open and half-closed eyes were filled with chaos, reflecting the endless river of time, deducing the vicissitudes of the world, the glory of prosperity, the bravery, the old, the sick and the death.

The vision of heaven and earth that should have spontaneously echoed was blocked by the chain of the avenue, and did not cause any waves. People in the eight regions of the lower realm would not know that a vast and boundless upper realm is about to be born here, which is enough to be respectfully called the supreme escape. Great monk.

"Finally completed the deduction of the path of the Dharma body, grasping the opportunity of the unity of the primordial spirit, the image of the Dharma body, and the physical body. When the Dharma body is condensed, you must work in one breath. If you succeed, you will be in the immortal class. If you fail, you can fall. , Even the legendary power can’t intervene. Unlike the normal half-step Dharmakaya, even if the condensing Dharmakaya fails, I can forcefully cultivate the Dharma body chapter of the "Tiandi Jade Book" at the last moment of the fall, condensing the Tiandi Emperor body, even though it will be lost by then It's more suitable for my Law Bodies, but it also saves a life, and there is hope when I live."

   In the world of the one-life lord, the condensed dharma body can be called immortal, transcendence, and rank in immortal class.

   "Adjust the state in these two months, ready to make the ultimate leap at any time, transforming the mortal into a fairy...... Um?"

   Lin Yang stopped halfway through his muttering, revealing a ray of surprise. He saw the darkness from the perspective of the spiritual body.


   The silent world.

   A pitch-black fissure slowly stretched out, and the black mist rolled, revealing ominous.

   Lin Yang's expression was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the rigidity of the front foot would cause the strangeness of the back foot. The distance between the two is not more than a stick of incense. If it is not the Dao Mie Daosheng, the True Phoenix Art and the flesh and blood medicine that he has recovered to the peak at an extremely fast speed, even if he is astonished, he will die under ominous ominousness.

   The ominous black mist spread, spreading to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, the world was dimmed again, and there was an indescribable sense of weirdness, making people frightened.

  Vaguely, Lin Yang seemed to hear some creatures laughing at Jiejie. Just hearing the sound made people unstable, and he wanted to fall into the dark to become one of them.

   In the deepest part of the black mist, a figure walked out slowly, stepping in the void, and the space under his feet was slightly rippling, as if to be broken.

   This is a young man in his twenties. He wears the same clothes as he used to be nine days and ten thousands of years ago. He has a tall nose, thin lips, completely dark eyes, indifferent and ruthless.

   is just standing in the void, like a demon **** descending from the devil world, to destroy all the beautiful things in the world.

No passerby introduced him to the identity of the young man who walked out of the dark mist, Lin Yang could only guess that this was an ancient freak who was about to take a taboo step and tried to condense the fairy energy, but in the end he could not survive the weirdness and ominousness and became darkness. One of them.

   "Also, today I will go into the unknown depths and seize the Daluo Immortal Emperor Sword. Heaven will help me too!"

   Lin Yang stepped on the Golden Light Avenue and gave birth to an amazing vision. His body glowed and his bones flowed. Exercising the true dragon treasure technique, the dragon chant resounds through this world, UU reading www.uukanshu. All beings shivered and collapsed to the ground under Longwei.

   One claw grabbed the true dragon and followed him, Lin Yang raised his hand with an invincible spirit, it seemed that even the barrier of the universe could be torn apart.

   The dark light crossed the sky. The dark creatures suddenly exploded, crushing the sky, using their strongest treasures.

   Waves of ripples rushed out of the dark creatures at an extremely fast speed, resonating and uniting in a very short time, forming a dark circle of gods, covering the body.

   "This is an absolute defense. In my day, I used to be king with this, invincible for an era, suppressing all enemies. Even if I stand still, no one can destroy it."

   The dark creatures spoke coldly, with an invincible style of watching the world. It can be seen that what he said is true, and he is an ancient king.

   "The creatures who fell into the darkness still retain some of their memories?"

   The doubts on his face flashed away, Lin Yang said nothing, his crystal palms seemed to merge with the real dragon's claws, and the bones were branded on the palms, which seemed to be the scales of real dragons.


   The sound of shattering resounded for hundreds of miles, and the dark divine ring seemed to be papery under the claws of the real dragon. It was easily torn apart without any hindrance.


   The dark creatures roared, and the dark eyes were incredible, unable to accept this result.

   Before he could do more, his body was torn into several segments by the real dragon claws transformed by the treasure technique, and he died in a flash.

   "What about ancient kings? What about one era of invincibility? Even if you are invincible for thousands of eras, you still haven't cultivated immortality, and there is a gap between heaven and earth."

   Lin Yang's words were cold and biting, his body surrounded by three immortal spirits, azure blue fire jumping. A big sun appeared in each of his eyes, and he looked at the dark source of the deepest part of the rift, flew across the sky, and rushed into the void rift.