From the Perfect World

v2 Chapter 208: status

Sun rise.

Lin Yang and Beirut flew out of the black castle and arrived in front of the four great god-level powerhouses, dozens of sanctuary humans and sanctuary beasts.

"Two adults, good day."

All the sanctuary immediately spoke.

There is no fool who can become a sanctuary. After this day, they also understand who is the king of the Magnolia Continent.

Both are the six great gods.

Valkyrie O'Brien, High Priest Catherine, God-level Warcraft Dilin in the Warcraft Mountains, and Xisai who has recently become a god.

These four people are only qualified to stand outside. Even if they stand outside the castle for a day and night like them, they can't see any mood swings, as if everything should be like this.

Although I don't know why Roger Jaais, who has been a **** for decades, will be superior to the other god-level powerhouses, but the sanctuary present did not doubt his strength.

The attitude of the four great god-level powerhouses has said everything.

"Yesterday you all knew that the cemetery of the gods opened this time is the one on the bottom of the South China Sea. The level of danger is far higher than that of the other two cemeteries of the gods. Those who want to come and leave have all left on this day, so follow me. Come, take you to the cemetery of the gods."

Beirut spoke lightly.

Although he said so, he felt like a mirror in his heart, knowing that no one had left.

"Although I have never been to the cemetery of the gods, I have heard from Beirut. Even the cemetery of the gods opened this time, as long as you are not greedy, you will not die, so please grasp the scale yourself."

Lin Yang also spoke at this time.

Perhaps this is true in nature, or perhaps because he was a new father and his sympathy has greatly increased.

After hearing him directly call Beirut by the name, Beirut's expression was not abnormal, which also caused some waves in the hearts of everyone present.

Some people knew from the guardian of the plane, Huo Dan, that Beirut often left the plane of Magnolia, and also knew the difficulty of returning to the plane of Magnolia from a different plane. This shows that Beirut is by no means as simple as an ordinary high-level god, but becomes a god. Only Lin Yang, who has been for decades, can directly call Beirut's name, and can reveal a lot of things.

He is definitely not an ordinary upper god!

Many people thought of Lin Yang's cultivation time and their own cultivation time at this time, and couldn't help being embarrassed for a while.

When the name of Roger Jays first moved the mainland, they were the strong in the sanctuary. Now the other side is standing at a height that he can't imagine. There is almost no change in his own strength. The huge gap makes Many people's hearts are empty.

"I really encountered a difficulty I couldn't overcome, and I just hid in one place and waited until the ten-year time limit for entering the cemetery of the gods came. Then I could leave."

Catherine also reminded her.

She said this mainly to Lin Lei, the sanctuary that had been to the cemetery of the gods before knew this rule, and only this time the new Lin Lei didn't know.

Only when Lin Lei has a very good relationship with'Ro Gil' will he remind Lin Lei.

Lin Lei also wanted to understand this, and he nodded in response, remembering this grace in his heart.

Beirut took the lead and flew in the direction of the South China Sea. Lin Yang walked side by side with him. The four god-level powerhouses followed closely behind them, and behind them were several powerhouses at the limit of the sanctuary.

No one who can have the qualifications to enter the cemetery of the gods is a weak person. The flying speed of all the people is extremely fast, and it is not long before they arrive in the turbulent South China Sea.


The sound of the flowing water of the sea reached everyone's ears.

Standing in the sky, Lin Yang could see that there was a huge black boulder in the middle of a gorge in the deep water area of ​​20,000 meters under the sea. The boulder was above it with a space gate emitting spatial fluctuations.

That is the door to the cemetery of the gods.

"The law of time and space will shake the foundation of Panlong universe, so Hongmeng does not allow anyone to become gods by these two laws. Panlong universe is also under the will of Hongmeng, so people cannot perceive the law of time and space, but a world. The existence of these two laws is indispensable, but they cannot be practiced."

Lin Yang thought in his heart.

If he travels through the body this time, new rules may be added when he arrives in the Panlong universe, so that he can exert his power in this world, but he who came to this world in a'reincarnation' way 'The prototype seems to have no such treatment, and can only follow the rules of this world, even if it has a deep understanding of the way of time, it is useless.

While he was thinking, Beirut rushed directly to the bottom of the South China Sea, where the space door was.

Lin Yang also followed behind him and flew there together.

The power of God's Domain automatically drained the sea water, making his vicinity empty, and there was no drop of sea water.

Catherine and other four god-level powerhouses were just like him at this time, the surroundings were empty, and the realm of gods pushed away everything that wanted to get close to them.

Compared with a few gods, Lin Lei and other sanctuary can't do this. They can only use their physical strength to bear the pressure of the deep sea and dare not be distracted.

It didn't take long for Lin Yang and Beirut to come to the door of the space. Everyone jumped in and entered the alien plane where the cemetery of the gods was located.

"Sure enough, it is the rule by which the Creator is not allowed to be enlightened. Even after passing through the space gate, he cannot grasp the mystery of any space. This is different from the three worlds I have experienced before."

Lin Yang made a comparison the moment he arrived at the alien plane.

This time, instead of following the crowd, he went to the real cemetery of the gods, but stayed near the space gate, wanting to study this gate, which was obviously the most intuitive embodiment of the laws of space.

Beirut glanced at him and didn't care. Although he didn't know what Lin Yang was doing, he didn't intend to disturb Lin Yang.

In a world where the laws of space are not allowed to be enlightened, even if Beirut is the master god, he doesn’t know what the “laws of space” is. Facing the interplanetary teleportation array that exists on every plane, he just sums it all down to the four highest God did not think more.

In fact, it is indeed the case. The creations related to the Panlong universe and space are all derived from the actions of the Supreme God transformed by the four rules.

After a long time, Lin Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This is the method of Hongmeng's masters. If you can't be understood, you can't be understood. This kind of power to formulate everything is really hopeful, even if I am about'time' There is a comprehension of the law of'space', and there is no connection with the Panlong universe."

A black figure emerged beside him. Beirut, who had arranged the crowd to enter the cemetery of the gods, had returned. He was also followed by Catherine the High Priest.

"Let's go."

Lin Yang said that he was not interested in waiting here for ten years.

Then he entered the space gate first and returned to the Magnolia plane, followed by Beirut and Catherine.