From the Perfect World

v3 Chapter 1122: Lin Yang's practice, the pros and cons o

Tiandao Palace.

   Lin Yang was immersed in the mystery of the great road, conditioning himself.

  He is practicing.

   As for the sky, he left the sea and returned to the big world where he was originally.

   "To perceive the law and principles of the outside world, to understand the rules of the world, and to master the order of the avenue..."

   "Based on this, constructing a world in the body is called the interior view."

   Lin Yang's whisper, resounding in the main hall of the Heavenly Dao Palace, gave this magnificent world a variety of extremely miraculous changes, and everything changed for it.

   "At the beginning, the interior scene was extremely weak, which could be called a dream, and when touched by external forces, it would be broken at one thought."

   "And when the structure of the interior view is longer, the foundation of the interior view, under the adjustment of the monks, will be closer to the corresponding legal principles of the outside world, and eventually break through the boundary between the virtual and the reality. The interior view can directly communicate with the outside world, conform to the legal principles, and strengthen itself."

  The so-called conforming to the principles of the law and strengthening oneself is not difficult to understand. Simply put, it is to conform to the part of the Dao order that one has sensed, transform energy, and use it to refine one's own internal situation and enhance one's own strength.

The other world where Lin Yang’s latest spiritual thoughts descended, the space-based kinetic energy weapon on the planet where it is, is to use one of the laws of the planet’s gravity to let the weapon system in the outer space orbit drop tungsten rods, and follow the gravity to directly hit the planet. The surface.

  A tungsten rod with a mass of fifty tons, hit from outer space, can instantly destroy a city and wipe out hundreds of millions of lives.

   No matter what kind of technology and what kind of practice, in the final analysis, it lies in the law of exploration, which can also be said to be laws, avenues, etc., but in the end they all refer to the same.

   But when using known laws, different methods of use have formed an endless variety of methods. Technology and practice are just one of them, not all.

If the energy of the world comes from absorbing the void of the outside world, then, when the interior view fits with the world law to a certain extent, the interior view monk can also follow the world’s “breathing” and absorb the energy of the void from the outside world. If the world’s energy source , Originated elsewhere, the results are not much different, and other situations are similar.

"As the monk’s understanding of the law becomes deeper, his own internal scene will become more real, and gradually grow from the internal scene to a world, a cave, and a universe. In the end, the internal scene is exactly the same as the vast world. no difference."

When    whispered to this point, Lin Yang seemed to pause, as if thinking of something.

"The five secret realm methods can be cultivated with the'seeds' buried by Shi Hao. If you are really enchanting, you can directly use your body as a seed without using Hedao flowers. There is no need for anyone to leave the secret realm of cultivation behind you. The "species" of law."

   "Even if you go to another world, as long as the basic rules are not too far from the perfect world, the secret realm method can be repaired. Lunhai, Dao Palace, Quadrupole, Hualong, Sendai..."

   "It will not be affected much. At most, after practicing the corresponding realm, the strength that can be obtained may be improved or reduced to a certain extent."

"But in a different world, no one can go. The place where the Secret Realm Method monks are active is currently only in the perfect world, and this allows the Secret Realm Method to almost perfectly adapt to all worlds in this realm, even between different universes, the rules are slightly different. Different, the cultivators of the secret realm will not be affected."

   After analyzing the secret realm method, Lin Yang's thoughts shifted back to the interior view method.

"Interior view method monks, if the rules they comprehend are only at the level of the planet's surface, and they have not been able to comprehend the more core rules of the planet, they will go to another planet or space, their strength will be greatly affected. Different planets, various rules cannot be completely consistent, at least there is a huge gap in gravity."

   "This will cause the monks of the interior view method to reflect on the outside world, and a certain degree of error will occur when the interior view is used to motivate the rules of the outside world."

   "The so-called Xuanguan no regrets. Before a certain level, unless you abandon the internal scene formed by yourself, it will be difficult to adjust the basic structure of your internal scene even if you gradually master the various rules of that planet."

"Only by going down, comprehending the rules that can prevail in the entire universe, and letting the interior go deeper on the original basis, can we use the perspective of a tall building to reversely contain all kinds of things, adapt to the rules of all planets, and cross the universe will not Any further influence."

   This is also the difference between the interior view method and the immortal ancient Taoist method. The immortal ancient Taoist method seeks to find the treasures of the world, and loads oneself into the avenue species. Although it has many advantages, the disadvantages are also obvious.

Dao-seed monk, the end of life lies in your Dao-seed. If Dao-seed rubbish, no matter how hard you try to dig out the potential of Dao-seed, it is not a fairy-seed monk based on immortal seed. It is normal for the opponent to be attacked across the border.

If you go to a universe that is completely different from the birthplace of Taoism in the future, it will be considered as a waste. It will not be able to change one's own Taoism, the so-called heaven and earth wonders, except for the top-level ones. Treasures, most of them, come to another universe, it is difficult to have their original miracles.

   And this is also one of the reasons for Xiangu's defeat.

"If there is only one universe in a different world, the upper limit of the interior view method is nothing more than this. The future realm is pure nonsense. After all, the foundation of the interior view method lies in the outside-in. Time is the end."

"Even, in those other worlds that are very small and the entire world only has a continent of thousands of kilometers, the upper limit of the interior view method is lower. Maybe in that other world, they are the strongest creatures, and they are equivalent to the entire world. Bottom frog."

   "Under normal circumstances, when the interior view of the interior view monk turns into a cave, it is already at the end, and after that, the core will no longer be in the interior view."

"The monks of the interior view method in the world of the first world are walking the path of true In that world, at every point in time, countless universes are born because of the different choices of countless creatures. Parallel universes, as heavenly immortals, communicate the parallel selves of parallel universes, planes, dimensions, and worlds, that is, others. After gradually enlightening them, let them become their own projections. Those other selves, Under the influence of the immortal essence, it will also absorb the power of the universe and expand from the body."

   "When he is instructed to project a certain amount of me, or it may break the final mystery of "I am me", Dongtian will have a leap forward and become a vast universe, boundless and endless."

   "This is the realm of legend, and it's also the path of true spirit walked by the monks of interior law."

   "However, after becoming a cave, it is definitely not a path to true spirit, at least for me, it is."

   "When you are in a more vast and different world, the upper limit of the interior view method is not the ‘all heavens and all realms’ of the prince of one world, but the ‘outside’ upper limit of ‘from the outside to the inside’.”

   Therefore, after Shi Hao became the immortal emperor, he didn't feel that it was strange that Lin Yang at that time talked about the interior view method instead of the law body method.

   At different heights, the scenery you see is different.

   Maybe the original Lin Yang focused on the Dharmakaya, reversing the constitution, allowing the Mortal body to condense a certain kind of strong Taoist Dharma body, which is magical powers.

   After seeing the wider world, one can discover that the meaning of the interior scene is actually greater than the Dharmakaya. Even if the relationship between the two is one and two sides, it is not appropriate to call it the Dharmakaya and the Dharmakaya system.

   After making a summary, Lin Yang also began to adjust himself again, changing the foundation of the inner heavens and ten thousand realms.