From the Perfect World

v3 Chapter 1296: Temple of Heaven

When the ancient world was in chaos, Lin Yang's attention shifted from Shenhuo Ling and returned to Heavenly Dao Palace.

After passing through the halls of different eras, he saw a series of magnificent heavenly palaces, where the rhythm of heaven and earth formed a strange song, which seemed to be the prayers and praises of many beings in the heavens and all realms.

In the sea of ​​clouds, you can vaguely see the colorful water from the deepest part of the white and misty clouds. When the water is shining, countless scenes of the universe emerge one by one. There is a universe with prosperous science and technology, and a universe with the supreme God. , There is a universe where alien beasts compete for hegemony, and there is also a universe where immortals ask questions...

The universe is boundless and immense. Its mode of existence is not bullet-like, but one layer like a book. The only difference is that each layer of "book pages" is infinitely vast and contains an unknown number of dimensions, except for a few. Outside of the universe influenced by the strong and civilization, the general universe has more than ten dimensions. Life in the conventional sense lives in the dimensions composed of length, width, and height. It seems that the high and low latitudes of the universe will always be the same. There is no possibility of contact, but each dimension can really slightly or severely affect other dimensions.

In each of the heavens and all realms, in addition to the multiverse composed of countless universes, there are layers of'heavens' that cover the entire multiverse and exist in any space of the multiverse at the same time. These'heavens' are in addition to a part of natural formation. In addition, there are others developed by living creatures, including individual lives and high-latitude civilizations that low-dimensional creatures cannot observe and contact.

The sound of flowing water is faintly looming, and a long, wide and infinite river flows through the boundless sea of ​​clouds, rippling with sparkling waves, and passing through the heavens and worlds that should have no connection.


Xuanyang God made it easier for the heavenly soldiers to inspect the special treasures created by the heavens and the world.

The most central part of the palaces is a pale white palace that can no longer be described by size. The heavenly generals guarding on both sides are anomalous. The armor is filled with the brilliance of the avenue, and the strength of the body can easily shake the diversity. Enough to rival the great supernatural powers.

At this time, a star **** broke free from Tianhe, and did not know which heaven and myriad realms had returned from.

After a series of tedious tests, the star **** methodically walked into the pale Heavenly Emperor Hall. He dared not look up at the figure sitting on the side. After saluting, he respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, the battle of Hong Bing Realm is over. Up."

Hongbingjie does not refer to a certain universe, but a universe in the other halls. In order to better manage and distinguish between the heavens and the universe, the heavens and earths are given by the combination of the heavens and the earth, the yellow universe, the first, the second and the third. The heavens and ten thousand realms are named, and Hongbing realm is one of them, also known as Hongbing Hall.

The noble goddess who did not wait for the side spoke, and the star **** continued: "The battle between the beginning civilization and the wild **** alliance is divided into three stages."

"In the first stage, the original civilizations that each dominated a region of the multiverse came into contact with the Wild God Alliance. After a small-scale conflict, it caused the complete destruction of more than 62 billion universes, and 12 million universes were incomplete. The boundless universe has become a finite little universe, ranging from trillions of light-years to tens of thousands of trillions of light-years."

"In the second stage of the official war, the war between the two sides affected the multiverse. Therefore, the destroyed universe was more than two trillion times that of the first stage. It lasted for 24,000 years. The original civilization suffered heavy losses and could penetrate the multiverse. The migrating artillery was also seized by the Wild God Alliance. In the Wild God Alliance, 17 Wild Gods with more than 10 million stars were captured alive, and 700 million Star Wild Gods died in battle."

The Jiutian Profound Girl had indifferent eyes, quietly listening to the report of the Star God.

She knew that after the new generation of beings in the Hong Bing realm grew up, their power ratings were different. The wild gods used destructive power as the standard. One blow could destroy an infinite universe, which would be one star wild god. It is how many boundless universes can be destroyed in one blow.

"After Shi Civilization gave up most of the territory, it developed an instrument called the'base of multiples', and revised all the rules related to the Aran God Alliance, wounding one thousand enemies and 800, taking advantage of the existence of the Wild God Alliance. When it was all'unreasonable', the battle was reversed in one fell swoop, and many wild gods were captured alive to find out their weaknesses, and the 620,000 races of the wild gods alliance lost the ability to breed offspring by using the "base of pluralism". After the strangulation of 1 year, the Desolate God finally disappeared in the Hong Bing Realm and became a multi-heavy overlord."

The Star God will tell everything truthfully.

A little emotion finally appeared in the eyes of the Jiutian Profound Girl, and said: "Continue to pay attention to the development of the beginning civilization, as long as it does not cross the boundary, let it fend for itself."

It seems that the battle between Shiweni and the Desolate God Alliance has led to the destruction of a lot of universes... In fact, this is also true, but compared to the entire multiverse, there are as few as morning stars. The infinite number of universes is not just to say, even if the universe is destroyed by tens of thousands. Billion powers are nothing in the multiverse.


The Star God bowed his head and withdrew from the Heavenly Emperor Hall step by step.

Now the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is a ‘His Royal Highness’, she no longer only controls the power of the Heavenly Court, UU reading will become her Majesty sooner or later if there is no accident, the Star God dare not look at it.

After the Star God left, Jiu Tian Xuannv's eyes moved slightly, seeming to have a hint of joy, and she looked to her side.

On the throne that was empty for eternity, at this moment a mysterious robe emperor with a dazzling face was sitting.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl immediately stood up and saluted: "Your Majesty."


Lin Yang nodded lightly, and Qizhu shook.

If he did not deliberately resist, then as long as he returns to the Temple of Heaven, the clothes on his body will automatically transform into the mysterious robe Mianqi, which is also the deepest imprint of the time and space of the Temple of Heaven when he used the projection of God Xuanyang to walk the world. .

Seeing Xuannv still in the sea of ​​bitterness, Lin Yang whispered softly: "This world is more vast and vast, and the bitter sea is naturally more difficult to break free. It is difficult to get to the last step without going to the outside world to witness the world with your own eyes."

Xuannv nodded slightly, of course she understood this, but she was worried.

If it is said that once the world strength reaches level one, it is barely enough to break free from the sea of ​​suffering, then in the big world named by His Majesty the "perfect world", even if the strength reaches level five or ten, it is impossible to break free from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore. .

The sea of ​​bitterness does not refer to a fixed value, but refers to everything in the world. If there is a world wider than this vast world, the sea of ​​bitterness will be more difficult to break free.

If you can’t do the first step to reach the other shore, let alone the next fusion of countless future self, and awakening oneself that runs through every past node, and eventually become a transcendent outside of time, no longer relying on your own power The sentient beings in the sea of ​​bitterness in time that traveled from a certain time period to another.


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