From the Perfect World

v3 Chapter 1601: Return to Origin Continent

The improvement brought by abandoning the first power cannot be ignored, but what is even more gratifying is that this direction of advancement is indeed feasible.

For Lin Yang, this is much better than step-by-step walking into the realm of the sacrificial path, and it is more suitable for him.

If you change someone else, you won't be able to embark on this path at all, and only Lin Yang, who has undergone an innumerable transformation of a different world view, can do this step.

After the Dao Guo was cut off, the realm did not exist, but the strength not only did not disappear, but surged.

This is unreasonable in practice.

However, at this point, Lin Yang's perfection of being born out of nothing in the realm of good fortune was used perfectly. Compared with this, not knowing which other world's worldview has increased the power of being born out of nothing is secondary.

When the ball of light floated, Lin Yang began to chop off more Dao Fruits.

This process is not easy, but there are no bottlenecks. As long as there is sufficient time, it will succeed sooner or later.

"The gate of eternal life, swallow!"

With Lin Yang's thoughts moved, the high-hanging sacred door gushes out, and countless eternal vitality rolls over, occupying everything, rushing to the power of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin.


The long river of years curled up, the boundless void collapsed, and the strongest rules were burned and completely disappeared here.

During this period of lost years that no one can trace back, the power of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin was pulled little by little towards the gate of immortality that had been completely opened.

I don't know how long it has been before, a buzzing sound that pierced the world, erupting from the depths of the oldest plateau ever, a wave of terrifying energy swept through the wilds and Liuhe.

The strongest creatures in this world are all horrified at this moment, and they want to explore the source of the mutation, but no matter how they use methods, they can't find out the matter.

Unlike the main world, in this holy ruin world, the highest creatures of the heavens cannot directly see the most ancient plateau in the heavens.

All the inquiring gazes will be blocked by the endless sea of ​​sacrifices, and there will be nothing more than the **** blood and countless wrecks in the eye.

Compared to the main world, the situation in this realm is more like the "Holy Ruins" in Lin Yang's impression.

Based on his own experience, Lin Yang estimated that a certain world outlook change in the main world would cause the sea to swell like this world, blocking the plateau of God and Etu.

The level of Lu Jin's sublimation will sooner or later change from the pinnacle state of Lu Jin domain to another name for Sacrifice Domain.

As for whether the priests under the new worldview will be weakened to the extent that only the power of the worldview will be sublimated at that time, Lin Yang estimates that it should be impossible.

The high probability is that the range of combat power jumps directly from the road end field to the sacrificial road field. There is also a certain probability that the lower limit of the road end field is slightly stronger, and the upper limit is also the same.

So many years have passed, except for the time when Emperor Zhun went from a great realm to the peak of a half-footed Great Sage, except during the era of the sky.

Every time Lin Yang saw a change in world outlook related to combat power was increasing.

When he was distracted, in the ruins outside the oldest plateau, a scorched willow branch reflected in the eyes of Lin Yang who were scanning the world.

Willow God.

It has just been annihilated for less than ten thousand years. Ten thousand years ago, the Huangtian Emperor of this world broke into the depths of the plateau, but he did not know the true conditions of the plateau and how many ancestors there were.

At that time, Emperor Huangtian was in danger and his life was at stake.

The critical moment was when the God of Willow had been killed, and the God of Willow who was resurrected from the heavens had already surpassed Dao Ancestor after years of hard cultivation.

In the end, the Liu Shen who rescued Huang Tiandi himself was killed and fell on the plateau, leaving only the remains to rush out of the plateau, but completely lost his vitality.

The strength of this sacred ruin world is the same as the perfect period of the main world, so Lin Yang can naturally easily evaporate everything in this world.

With his intentions, the place where the Huangtian Emperor hides in this world is not a secret.

"Even if ten thousand years have passed, there is still only one breath left, no wonder that part of the remains of the Willow God has not been taken away."

"After this catastrophe, you will definitely be stronger."

Looking at the Emperor Huangtian outside the distant world, there was no fluctuation in Lin Yang's heart.

There are countless different worlds, so it is conceivable that the people he knows must also be countless.

However, he was really acquainted with only the people with whom the main world was involved in various ways, rather than the people with the same name and similarity in different worlds and acquaintances.

After taking a look at the other party's state, Lin Yang withdrew his gaze.

He flipped it with one hand, and streamers intertwined in the palm of his palm. Upon closer inspection, he could find that there were magnificent and magnificent pictures in the streamer.

It can be seen that there is a back figure stepping into the most ferocious soil at the beginning of the eternal age, killing to the deepest part of the plateau.

In the fierce battle that was enough to shock all the fields, the ancestors who were not yet known by the strong were born in groups.

The dazzling light covered a lot of streamers, and only vaguely saw the real blood splashing with unknown aura, shattered limbs flying horizontally.

In the end, on the desolate land where the ancestors fell, the figure confronted a mist, and finally rushed towards the mist.

At this point, everything came to an abrupt end.

Looking at his masterpiece, Lin Yang nodded imperceptibly, his pursuit has always been so unpretentious.

Seeing the gate of eternal life completely swallowed the power of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin, Lin Yang also left this world.

On the former plateau, apart from the stream of light that flew to the world, only a piece of nothing was left.

Primitive chaos is surging, spreading towards this place little by little, and after a few years, it will inevitably turn this place into a primitive chaos.

Until this moment, the long river of broken years resumed.


Lin Yang's projection in this realm is still working hard to cultivate, and the destruction of the most ancient plateau has no effect on the projection for a while.

Nowadays, it's just that the projection in the field of humanity will still be wonderful in a lifetime.

Lin Yang could even guess that when there is no pressure from the strange ethnic group, the contradictions between the supreme beings of God will also erupt.

Nothing else, just to surpass the realm of road end, the world will not calm down.

Human desire, and the motivation to move forward...

It is the beginning of everything, either beautiful or chaotic.

Infinite chaotic source space. UU reading

After Lin Yang arrived, he had some plans and moved across the vast source world.

Some Chaotic Source creatures occasionally sensed him, and even their thoughts were frozen, until Lin Yang had left for an unknown period of time before regaining his thinking ability.

Fear cannot stop spreading in the hearts of these Chaotic Origin creatures.

Just bewildered to sense its existence makes the thinking stagnate, this is a creature beyond imagination, the so-called ancestor of Chaotic Source Life is not enough to see.

Not to mention the feelings of those beings who have a ‘one side’ relationship with Lin Yang, Lin Yang at this moment has already come to the continent of origin.

He looked at one of the three thousand dimensional universes.

Before the Source World was shattered many times, it used to be the World of Swallowing Starry Sky.