From the Perfect World

v3 Chapter 438: First disciple

The last rays of the sun disappeared into the sky, and the night and stars enveloped the earth.

Lin Yang and Lou Cheng are still standing here by the Weishui Lake.

The atmosphere by the lake calmed down. Lin Yang looked at the lake and didn't speak, Lou Cheng didn't know what to say, so he stood silently on the side.

Lin Yang stared at the starlight on the surface of Weishui Lake, as if through the reflected light, he saw every picture that happened on the stars countless years ago.

Some stars are always in chaos, and no life has been born, and some stars are in the most primitive age, and the creatures on the planet are still living a life of ruin and blood.

The light carries a huge amount of information and travels through the vast universe. It took countless years to finally reach this aqua-blue planet, shining on the surface of the Weishui Lake.

Lin Yang's gaze stayed slightly on the light shining from the star of the primitive age. It was a planet 27 million light-years away from the water blue planet. It possessed a strong heaven and earth essence, and therefore it could emit light. The scene he saw from the light was exactly at this moment, the scene of the original planet 27 million years ago.

The reason why he stayed here was that Lin Yang discovered that when he scanned the entire universe not long ago, a supreme creature was born on that primitive planet, and the light emitted by this planet happened to be on It has to be said that the exposure of the water blue planet in the vast universe is a coincidence with a very low probability.

The ray of supreme-level creatures is the weakest and smallest, and the light from the time of birth still shuttles through the vast universe, and will not reach the water blue planet until ten million years later.

This also means that this creature has existed for 17 million years from its birth to this day.

"After four thousand years, a master on that planet will happen to pass by this star, bringing the water blue planet that has just entered the age of the star system into the interstellar age."

Although Lin Yang did not deliberately observe the future, the secret of heaven naturally manifested in his heart, and it seemed that the universe was actively telling him something.

"Masters like this?"

Lou Cheng, who didn't know what Lin Yang was doing, could only learn from him, watching the crescent moon and the sky full of stars reflected on the lake, and he was full of emotion in his heart.

Today's jogging may be the most important decision he made in his life. He came from an ordinary family, and he actually worshipped a mysterious powerhouse.

Suddenly, Lou Cheng thought of something, and he said in embarrassment:

"I wonder how many senior brothers and sisters the master accepted? I won't be able to meet them later. I can't recognize them. It's impolite."

It's been almost half an hour since the beginning of his apprenticeship, and he just thought of this question.

It's impossible for a strong man who can take out the Dragon and Tiger Golden Pills to accept only one of his disciples. That's why Lou Cheng asked.


Lin Yang was silent for a while after hearing this.

Finally, he opened his mouth and said: "There are also a few who have pointed out before, but you are the first to accept disciples, so you are still my big disciple."

"Am I a big brother?"

Lou Cheng couldn't help but froze, and then a surprise came to his mind.

The first disciple of a strong man in Waigang said that he would definitely save face when he spoke out, and he could reap the envy of countless people.

As a freshman who has never set foot in society, Lou Cheng hasn't thought of more things yet, just like Lin Yang in the past, he just wants to be looked at with admiration by others.

Feeling Lou Cheng's emotions so strong that he almost formed a dialog on his head, Lin Yang shifted his gaze and stared at Lou Cheng quietly for a long while.

It's no wonder that Lou Cheng suits his tastes. It is actually some of Lou Cheng's characteristics that are similar to him at first. Seeing Lou Cheng now is like seeing himself just recently.

"Among the people I have pointed out, there is a girl who has the strength of Waigang at the age of fifteen or sixteen. By the time of twenty-eight or ninety-nine, her strength has reached the level that you can't even think of now."

Lin Yang was talking about Nalan Yanran, who was revered as the "Star Emperor" by the people of the Dou Qi continent.

Lou Cheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then the pressure surged.

The monster with such an enchanting talent, has not been accepted as an apprentice by the master, but instead accepted him as a reckless person?

Outer gangs...Externally communicate with the world and cultivate their own roots inside, which is by no means an easy state to achieve.

"Uh, how is it possible for Waigang, fifteen or sixteen years old!

Even the "reincarnated living Buddha" of Daxing Temple, Shishan, only entered the realm of Waigang at the age of 20. It is impossible even in foreign countries. If he is really capable of Waigang at the age of fifteen or six, there will definitely be media reports on this matter. "

Lou Cheng suddenly woke up and saw through Lin Yang's "lie", but taking into account the master's face, Lou Cheng didn't say this, and still nodded seriously.

The Daxing Temple in his mouth is one of the top twelve martial arts powers across the country. It can be seen from the name that it is a martial arts sect that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

"If you can enter the taboo field within ten years, I will take you to see her."

Lin Yang, who understood Lou Cheng's heart, spoke lightly.

He continued: "After a few years of martial arts training as a teacher, he achieved the Outer Gang Realm. After that, he made rapid progress and established himself in the taboo realm in one year. Don't let common sense restrict When you reach the pill state, you will find that, Waigang is not that difficult, and the taboo is not impossible.

Now... Oh, if there is a chance, you will know it sooner or later. "

Although Lin Yang's words were not long and the tone was very plain, the information contained in them made Lou Cheng dumbfounded.

"Forbidden area? No wonder a Waigang in the master's mouth can only give pointers to the foundation pile skills! Even the master's current state..."

Lou Cheng was stunned for a long time, until ten minutes later, he sorted out his clues.

With surprise, it is no longer possible to describe Lou Cheng's mood at this moment. He suspects that what happened to him today is all dreaming.


Lou Cheng pinched the root of his thigh, and closed his eyes in pain.

"Really! I'm not dreaming! My master turned out to be a strong man in the taboo field!"

Lou Cheng wanted to jump up and shout, but he was afraid of leaving an unstable impression in front of Lin Yang, so he restrained it forcibly.

"While you are young, just do what you want to do, and learn more from Chen Qitao. Even if he is the'Dragon King', he will not be bound by the aura of the strong. If you lose in the ring, you will have no demeanor. If you win, it will be a little bit. Does not take into account the feelings of the loser, and is frank.

Therefore, he is closer to the taboo field than any top-level outer gang of professional first-class. "

Lin Yang took out Lou Cheng’s idol to educate him. Seeing that the disciple Kaishan was indeed listening to his words, Lin Yang turned around and said: “How about my apprentice? Not plucked."

He converted energy into matter and gave Lou Cheng a cheat book with a red cover, with a line of Chinese on it:

The emperor burned the universe.


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