From the Perfect World

v3 Chapter 934: Heavenly saint? 9 days saint? Prediction

Lin Yang’s consciousness wanders through time and destiny, traversing the past, present, and future. The prototype of the real world in his body seems to have gone through eternal time for a moment. It is just a moment. The real world, which was only a prototype, has become perfect. You can even see the traces of the nine heavens.

Examining his own body, Lin Yang said in his heart: "Is it because I rely on the Nine Heavens, so there is no Jiuyou prototype in the realm of the body? Although the Jiuzhong Tian has a wider coverage than the Jiuyous, it also contains more ways. But it does not include the various avenues in Jiuyouzhong."

The Nine Heavens contains the positive manifestations of all aspects of the "Tao" and the complete manifestations of the Dao in the heavens and the universe, while the Nine Nethers are the negative manifestations of the Dao in the heavens and the universe, such as the dark side of time and the dark side of life. , And the avenues of killing, destruction, and corruption.

   So even with the power of the Emperor of Heaven as an opportunity, after the blessing of the Nine Heavens, it became a pseudo-beyond shore, the heavens and worlds in the body are still defective, at least compared to the structure of the heavens and worlds in this era.

   "In this way, the false other shore of the Nine Nethers, the heavens and worlds in their bodies lack the prototype of the Nine Heavens, which is exactly the opposite of mine."

   As Lin Yang's thoughts turned, he gradually converged his consciousness, from the state of straddling the ages, to the current node.

The difference between the pseudo-bian and the normal one is that, apart from being restricted to a certain place, it takes a short period of gestation when it is shot. Therefore, the body of the demon emperor and Huangquan took a few breaths after entering the origin of life and death, Jiuyou Nine chaos Tianzun from the other side, the attack will be long overdue.

The external performance is so, the attack requires a short period of incubation. The core essence is that although the pseudo-bi-an allows consciousness to swim in the past and the future, it cannot be like the real other-an, allowing consciousness to exist at the same time for every shortest time. node.

   "Although from the perspective of overall strength, the pseudo-bian of the Nine Nethers is almost the same as or even the same as the ordinary one that is affected by the Jiuyous, but in the subtleties, it is more than that."

   As Lin Yang's thoughts turned, he walked out of the Lingxiao Hall and headed towards the uppermost level of Jiuzhongtian.

   Since the plan has changed, the unstoppable consummation has become a pseudo-other, then we must make full use of the current realm to do something.

   Things that were not very sure before, seem to be nothing at this moment.


   Lin Yang muttered to himself, his thoughts gradually drifted away.

   Finally, don’t worry...

   was overtaken by Shi Hao.

Otherwise, I should be more prepared to return to the world of the First World’s Lord this time. At least I will return to this world after becoming the Immortal Emperor, not this time. Although it is not exposed, it is under the eyes of others from beginning to end. The nature is slightly suppressed.


   "Your Majesty!"

   Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the hall and seeing the familiar figure walking out, the celestial soldiers and generals suddenly saluted, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the Nine Heavens had swallowed the energy of the heavens and the world, every day had set off an unprecedented storm of divine power. Although this storm of divine power was not a threat to the immortals, the meaning revealed was indeed It makes people think about it, for fear of Lin Yang's accident.

   As long as Lin Yang had an accident, although the Heavenly Court supported by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl would not fall apart, it was not far away.

   So until they saw Lin Yang come out safe and sound, they relaxed, and they would not worry about the future anymore.

   After Lin Yang went away, a **** murmured in surprise, "Looking at the aura of your Majesty just now, is it possible to break free from the sea of ​​suffering?"

Although he was only a **** and could not accurately judge Lin Yang’s situation, this godly monarch had seen Lin Yang more than once, and he was naturally very familiar with Lin Yang’s previous breath. There has been a difference between heaven and earth in the past.

   "Your Majesty was the top existence among the great supernatural powers before. If there is a breakthrough, then it can only be on the other side."

   A star official took a deep breath, his expression full of shock.

  The other shore...

  In the universe where he was born, he is called...the saint of heaven! Hunyuan Daoguo!

   is an inconceivable greatness who penetrates the existence of ancient history.

   "Your Majesty is on the other shore?"

   Hearing what the star official said, everyone outside the Lingxiao Hall inhaled, and at the same time they were extremely excited.

   Whether a power has another shore or not is related to whether the people from the other shore will return to the end, or at the top, as for the middle classification, there is no such thing.

   It is no exaggeration to describe, as long as there is no other side thing, no matter how many forces composed of great supernatural powers, it can't stop a finger of the other side, and it will disappear in an instant.

At this time when the Universal Talisman of the World is prevalent, the horror and invincibility of those on the other side is no longer a secret. The past era of extinction is not without the great magical powers after the group. They believed that they were not afraid of the other side and committed provocation. I can't help it.

   Then, there is no more.

   It was an era when the great supernatural powers withered. The legends above and the strong below the other shore were ultimately rarer than the other shore.


Lin Yang, who walked towards the top level, seemed to hear the voices of the people, and from the future murmurs of the people, he saw the thoughts of the people in their hearts at this His figure was imperceptible. Interestingly muttered to himself: "Sage of Heaven..."

   has not heard of this name for a long time.

A saint can not be achieved through hard practice. It is a limited number of persons. The primordial spirit is placed on the heavens, and thus has the power of immortality. The source of mana is endless, and it can be called infinite. Even if the body is destroyed, it can regroup a body.

   If the energy level is aside, it is quite similar to the "sky" in the world of the tomb of God.

   But with the passage of time, the name of one of the invincibles has been buried in the depths of time, no longer mentioned, and even regarded as a shame.

   "It is wrong to say that I am a saint of heaven... but if you call it a saint of nine days, it is correct."

His pseudo-bian realm originated from the blessing of the Jiuzhongtian, which is essentially the Bian-level. If you leave the Jiuzhongtian, you will lose your blessing. Although it will not exist at all, it is impossible to maintain the level of the pseudobian. At most, the Qing Emperor began to break free. The degree of bitterness.

   "This gave me an inspiration, and I will become an ancient one in the future. By turning all the mysteries and avenues of the heavens and the world into a corresponding special person, can it achieve a similar effect of reducing and seeking empty?"

   Lin Yang secretly said.

Dao Zun pioneered the path of reducing and seeking empty space, but although everyone on the other side is walking on this road, the details are different. The products of reducing and seeking empty space are not limited to one, and they can even do others. The product of reducing and seeking empty is also regarded as the product of reducing and seeking empty by itself.

   That's the case, can he make "a little bit more" the product of his future self-reduction?