From This Moment on, I Offer My Blessings to Bilan

Chapter 135

But because Nelson has had a lot of things during this time, he has no time to accompany Rodney, so he is naturally a little lonely alone.

As for the other companions of the Maritime Safety Administration, it is not that the relationship is not good. Of course, the relationship is good. A few days ago, Portland invited her to study the book together.

How can this kind of thing go?

The other companions are similar, everyone has different personalities and hobbies.

"How about studying dim sum when you are free?" Su Hao said with a smile.

"Huh? Can you...?"

Rodney was a little expectant, but she knew that Su Hao was the commander, so she must be very busy at ordinary times.

And it's still a newcomer, and there are so many things for a newcomer to take office.

Actually still thinking about taking time to accompany myself.

What a nice person.

"Of course you can, just wait for the end of this operation, or next time you have time to go to Lingshui City, I will show you around."

Rodney smiled sweetly: "Well, it's a deal."

Soon after, the company came over to Su Hao after the discussion.

"Can you contact your ship's wife? See if there is any unusual action on Shigeo's side."

She was worried that Shigeru had mastered their movements through unknown channels, and if that was the case, they would definitely take action when they rushed past each other.

It just so happens that I can verify it this time.


"How long shall we wait here?"

Walklan was sitting on a broken rock with her legs shaking. There was a sea under her feet. At this moment, she looked around boredly and asked casually.

"The commander asked us to stare, don't act rashly."

Tartu stood not far from her, with a centaur beside her, and Ayanami was responsible for keeping a close eye on the distance.

"The commander has already rushed over here, and there are many other companions."

"So you can fight later?" Walklan was eager to try. "It's great, it's boring to run around all the time."

"Why fight? Aren't our enemies all sirens?" Tartu said with his head tilted. "It would be nice if we could sit down and talk together. Wouldn't the commander make snacks? Everyone eats snacks. Then let Sister Dido make tea, if there is any problem, it can be solved."

"Isn't it going to our port area?" Walklan waved his hand in disgust, "There are so many people. I don't like people who don't know come to our port area. They are not the ship's mothers of our port area."

While speaking, Walklan suddenly remembered a word from Firefly.

Want to run after entering our port area?

Sure enough, he is an idiot, there is no such reason.

"What if the commander doesn't mind?" Tartu said, then looked at the centaur.

As the battleship of the team, the Centaur seemed a little cautious. She is now adorable and has backed up the mission, not at all free and easy from Walklan and others.

"Sister Centaur, don't be so nervous."

"Ah? I didn't... it's okay." The centaur was stunned for a while, and then a voice came from outside.


"What happened?"

Ayanami sailed over, "They set off."

"Huh? Did you find us?"

"If there is no..., it should be due to other reasons."

"Then what shall we do?"

While talking, the Centaur received a communication from Su Hao.


"How's it going on your side?"

"Report to the commander, Shigeo seems to be leaving."

"Huh? Such a coincidence?"

It didn't take long for them to leave before Shigeo moved.

Su Hao had to suspect that Shige Ying had really mastered their movements.

"You continue to follow, pay attention to stay away, don't be found."


This sea area is a reef area, it is easy to hide, and even if she leaves here, she will have a carrier-based aircraft to follow.

Hanging up the communication, the Centaur conveyed Su Hao's words.

"Huh? I have to follow again."

"Don't complain about Walklan, hurry up, lest you be thrown away by them."

The three sailed in the direction of Shigeo's team, and Ayanami pursed her lips in place, and quickly followed.


"Sure enough, did you still act."

The company frowned. Although Shigeyak didn't know what strange technology Shigeo used, their actions had obviously been exposed to the other side's vision.

But direct detection is impossible. She also checked the air just now, and found no trace of any carrier-based aircraft.

Then the remaining possibility, excluding the other party's highly concealed submarine following them, is that the communication has been tracked.

"Su Hao, the next thing may be very bad." The company took a deep breath, "If Shige Sakura has deciphered our communication technology, it is very likely that this time it was deliberately discovered by your ship mother, that is to say. Your ship's mother's every move is under their control."

"Ah? Isn't Su Hao's navy girls very dangerous?" Rodney was surprised, "It's better to let them come back now."

The company looked at Su Hao, and if the latter decided so, she wouldn't say anything.

After all, for commanders, the safety of the ship’s mother is the most important thing.

Su Hao pondered for a moment, and said, "Chongying should be planning something. This means that if they fail to achieve their goals, they will not act rashly."

"Obviously their target will not be my side, that is to say, those Shigeo ship ladies are deliberately guiding us to a place. It is likely that after we arrive, they will encounter Shigeo's ambush."

"Enterprise, then you just said that Shigeo can decipher our communications, so how about just using this and doing them the other way around?"

The enterprise was slightly surprised.

Then there was a look of approval in his eyes.

This newcomer is calmer than he thought.


PS: Chong Chong Chong~

Chapter 157 Rafi is not sleeping...probably

In front of the Siren’s black technology, there are too many problems on the Azur Lane.

For example, the signal is blocked after entering the mirrored sea area on a daily basis.

For example, sometimes the siren's team can enter the offshore area without being detected by radar.

Every time the progress of the human forces in cracking the black technology progresses by one point, the technology on the Siren will increase by one point, and the human forces will always be at a disadvantage in terms of technology.

And although the enemy is not Siren this time, did Shigeo collude with Siren? That's hard to say.

Of course, perhaps they have also led other forces in communication technology by cracking down on black technology.

It is rumored that China Northern Union is ahead of other countries on the Azur Lane in this area. Su Hao has seen in the information about Northern Union that the Northern Union can still communicate normally in the area where the signal is blocked.

Naturally, these technologies cannot be shared so easily. After all, everyone has selfish intentions. Because of the appearance of the Siren, they have to stand in the same camp, but this does not mean that all countries are of one mind.

And this action, whether it is the enterprise or Su Hao, will naturally think of this.

As for someone deliberately revealing their whereabouts, I never thought that what the company brought this time was all the elites of the White Eagle Fleet, and the remaining ship mothers were either from the Maritime Safety Administration or from the Su Hao Port District. How could there be ghosts?

Enterprises are 100% trustworthy companions, so why not Su Hao.

Therefore, both of them thought about the deciphering of the communication.

"Why do they do things the other way around?"

Su Hao's calmness made the company very gratified. Now his ship's wife is the only clue to grasp the movements of Shige Sakura. If he withdraws, he will be even more passive next.

"We can pretend that we don't know, and continue to let my ship mother follow."

"Continue to maintain communication on the surface, report their positions every once in a while, drag them away, secretly we choose some people to go there first,"

It is also the easiest time to relax one's vigilance when he thinks he is in control of everything.

Zhongying thought that he understood the movement of the White Eagle, so as long as they knew that they were acting according to their expectations, there would be no accidents in theory.

"What about after that?"

"The place they go must have something to do with the location of Baltimore and Dewey."


Su Hao asked in return: "If there is no news from Baltimore and Dewey, would you continue to let the large forces follow?"

The business is thoughtful.

Indeed, the most important thing at the moment is to ensure the safety of the companions. Because of this, they can only go hanging before Shigeo.

"The rest, as long as we can receive news from Baltimore and Dewey for the last time when we are approaching, we can act. During this period, we must not expose what we already know that the communication has been cracked, but let Shigeo believe it. "

Success or failure is still in the final attack. Su Hao doesn't think that Zhongying will stud all the fighting power here. It is probably just a simple warning. Then, under the situation of a company leading the team, the confidence of winning is still very high.

When Baltimore and Dewey are rescued, they will win.

How do companies lose when riding their faces?

As for the next contest between Bai Ying and Shige Ying, it was not something he could blend in.

You can fight as you like. I went back to Lingshui City.

The company thinks Su Hao's plan is pretty good.

"Well, I'll take a few people over to meet your shipmate." The company said, "You stay here, and my companion will protect you."

Although this arrangement is very good, but ah, I refuse.

How can he use his abilities if he doesn't fit in with his own ship's mother?

And Su Hao said so, still worried about the centaur and them in his heart.

It's one thing to be sure, what if?

He is not willing to gamble on things and people that cannot be lost, even if it is only 1% dangerous.

"You need to bring your team with you." Su Hao shook his head, "What if the other party is really capable of tracking you? I'm not sure where you are, and Shigeo is definitely not at ease. That's why you are the company this time. The biggest bait."


"Besides, to pick up my napkins, how can you let you go instead of me?" Su Hao chuckled, "No matter what happens, I will stand with my napkins."

"You really..." The company sighed softly, "You saved my life and she was not there. I should be responsible for your safety, but I can't find a reason to refute you. Although I don't have much contact with you, But I know your decision probably cannot be changed, even she can't."

Su Hao shrugged: "My sister has been condoning my waywardness."

"Willful...? I don't think so." The corners of the company's mouth were lightly raised, and there was light in Su Hao's eyes, "I'm so glad to be able to fight with you again, then, for your ship's wife, and for her. Please take care. If you have any accidents, please feel free to contact me. I will try my best to support you."


After speaking, the company turned around and called out.


A little white-haired girl came over dripping.

His expression was a little lazy, his eyes opened and he was dressed up, and he looked drowsy.