Full-time Artist

Chapter 1069: Have broken defenses

This book does not have much hard-core scientific theoretical support, and the so-called "Micro-Continuous Original" does not have a specific expression, and even the last time machine is only a few, but these things do not affect the excitement of this novel in the slightest!

Chen Le was crying!

The sad, the sad!

It was not until after reading Chen Le that he realized what "sad person" really meant.

Isn't the self at this moment a "sad person"?

Pull out the paper.

Chen Le wiped his nose vigorously.

Over the years, Chen Le has read countless science fiction novels, but only this one can make him cry so much that he can't restrain himself!

He can hardly judge the work of "The Heartbreaker" accurately and objectively, and he can't even think about what kind of work this work should belong to in the field of science fiction.

I'm crying to death!

The entire defense is completely broken!

It turns out that maternal love can also be the theme of science fiction...

Before, Chen Le wanted to contact Chu Kuang to teach him some experience in writing science fiction, but at this moment, he learned something by himself.


Can't I cry alone!

Perhaps this is the reaction that everyone will have after being depressed?

Chen Le immediately opened the group chat that discussed Chu Kuang before, typing quickly with his hands

"Go and read Chu Kuang's science fiction!"

"Too beautiful!"

"It's beyond imagination!"

"It doesn't look good that you can come and hit me!"

"I swear in the name of Chen Le!"

The group had already calmed down, but after several lines of messages from Chen Le were sent out, it finally became lively again.


"Brother Chen?"

"what's going on?"

"Has been hacked?"

"It's not like Brother Chen's speaking style."

"Brother Chen is usually very cold."

"Chu Kuang?"

"The Qin Zhou writer just discussed?"

"His science fiction, Brother Chen watched it?"

Everyone almost thought that Chen Le had been hacked.

Because in this group, Chen Le is a great science fiction writer.

A big boss of this level seldom speaks inside, and he speaks very coldly every time. The kind of concise and concise, how can he send so many messages in one breath?

Fortunately, Chen Le emphasized

"The hack is just to push books for you?"

Many people dispelled their doubts.

Many people said, "Let's go and see!"

Chen Le was immediately satisfied, but his eyes were still red.

Now he is waiting for these people to come back and cry with him in the storm!

And on the blog.

Chu Kuang's readers finally finished watching "The Heartbreaker" one after another.


The comment area is exploded!

Everyone is Chen Le, and everyone is a sad one. This is a work that is hard for anyone to read!

"My old lady is crying and fainted!"

"I ran out of paper!"

"My mother asked me what's going on, but I don't know how to explain it. It's not because of broken love this time!"


"This old thief lied to my tears!"

"That's why I remind everyone again and again to hold down the old thief's pen!"

"He really knows how to write, he can really write, everything is so mad, and everything is so cruel!"

"Old thief, you are still not a human being!"

"You didn't change the subject at all, everything you write is one word!"


"You won't be strong if you don't hurt the readers all over you!"

Countless people yelled!

Too many people broke the defense!

This novel brings back all the bad memories of Chu Kuang.

He is like this!

He always does!

Every time when you are happy, you will stabbing a knife in your heart!

That kind of cool.


The final reversal really helped the protagonist to get his name right!

But what is the ending of the protagonist in his own era?

The instructor did not understand.

Friends dislike it.

Not to mention that his girlfriend ran away with someone, this is a typical green hat plot!

However, the most amazing thing about this novel is that everyone can completely accept the heroine Jiang Xue's embrace of Lao Kang!

Because the protagonist is crazy!

Unable to speak, closed heart, became a vegetable!

Compared to this, everything seems trivial!

This is definitely the most miserable protagonist in Chu Kuang's writings, there is no one!

But if it's just pure abuse, but it can't really touch the readers' hearts, so the old thief was frantic and wrote a touching story. He put the mother's love between the lines and described it incisively and vividly, so that the readers scolded him harshly. , And I have to admit how touching this story is!

"Xia Qunfang is so teary!"

"He Hongwei proved that He Xi's things can change the world, but his mother Xia Qunfang is the biggest contributor to all this."

"My mother has guarded He Xi all her life!"

"Even if He Xi becomes a vegetable, even if He Xi is crazy, even his friends dislike him as disgusting, and his mother will never leave him."

"Have Xia Qunfang blamed the protagonist for his stubbornness, even one sentence?"

"Xia Qunfang would only blame him for drinking, he would only blame him for not getting dressed, he would only blame him for eating out, but when the protagonist decided to publish the work at her own expense, she took out all her savings and gave everything she had. Even when these savings were all in the water, there was no complaint at all, and he secretly stuffed He Xi's works into those libraries, and lied to his son that these books were favored."

"Without that ending, I wouldn't cry like a dog."

"Mom, mom, these two calls will break people's hearts."

"He Xi studied micro-continuously for a lifetime, and the old thief studied how to make readers cry for a lifetime."

"This **** is definitely targeting us!"

"Unfortunately, how much I hate this product, I love this product as much as I can't live up to it."

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"Don't share such healing things with good friends, such as your brother?"

"Depend on!"

"That's my beloved relatives, brothers and sisters, we must share!"

This is a short story.

Chu Kuang has no forwarding restrictions, and everyone can forward.


Countless people have chosen to forward!

Perhaps Chu Kuang’s readers have also been infected with some bad habits. This group of people reposted it while playing cover.

"Master Chu Kuang's latest masterpiece!"

"A novel that fills people's hearts with warmth!"

"If you don't laugh after reading it, you hit me!"

"The most healing work of the year!"

"Everyone, come and read this book, Chu Kuang is getting better!"

"It's titled "The Sad Man", but it's actually full of voices and laughter in the world."


The role of publicity is very effective. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Perhaps it has something to do with everyone's deep feelings for the pseudonym "Chu Kuang".


This novel has become popular all over the Internet at an extreme speed!

For a time.

More and more people clicked in...

At that time, Lin Yuan, after waiting for a long time, opened the comment area again and finally showed a gratified smile.

Science fiction punch card successfully!


I can't write ps, just fix it and I can call it a day.

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