Full-time Artist

Chapter 1080: Cultivate 3 song fathers

In the second half of May, Lin Yuan spent a leisurely time.

Today I went to the company for a drink, and tomorrow I went to the studio for a stroll. I really didn’t want to go out and stayed at home, summoning Abigail’s character card to learn music.

Don't say it yet.

Abigail's character Kazhen made Lin Yuan a lot of gains.

Abigail, who was summoned by the character card, didn't have any hidden personalities. He taught Lin Yuan a little bit of his insights and experience on music.

All pure dry goods!

After studying for a while, Lin Yuan felt that he had made considerable progress.

In fact.

Without the help of the system, how many people does Bluestar have to allow Abigail's level of music dad to devote time to teaching?

I'm afraid Abigail's son may not be treated like this.

At least Abigail's son would not call Abigail to teach himself in the middle of the night on a whim.

When it comes to class, Lin Yuan suddenly thought of his three apprentices!

Xue Liang.

Feng Shuo.

Li Lizhi.

The three apprentices of Lin Yuan are now better than many gold medal composers.

Why does Lin Yuan rarely teach them now?

Because Lin Yuan teaches them, he needs to use Yang Zhongming's character card.

But now that using Yang Zhongming's character card, there are not many things that can teach them. Even if you teach the remaining things, they may not understand them, and they have to understand more on their own.

And now.

With Abigail's character card, Lin Yuan felt that he could teach them some new things now.

after all.

The teacher Lin Yuan's current gold content is equivalent to "Yang Zhongming + Abigail".

The overall level of teachers has improved, and the overall quality of teaching can of course also be improved.

Mindful of this.

Lin Yuan came to the company again at the end of May and asked Xiao Gudong to call the three apprentices to the front.

It didn't take long for the three apprentices to arrive.


The apprentices looked at Lin Yuan with good-looking faces.

Xiao Gudong moved three small chairs for each of them.

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and said, "It's been a long time since I've been teaching you, and I'm a master who is not conscientious."

Feng Shuo quickly said, "Nothing."

Li Li smiled and said, "Master has his own business to be busy after all."

Xue Liang nodded: "Seeing Master, your old man shines at the Blue Music Club, we are also proud of You!"

Old man?

Lin Yuan laughed blankly: "Anyway, for the rest of this period, you all come to me to study together every morning."


The three apprentices were overjoyed. They liked following Lin Yuan the most. Without Master's course, their progress was obviously slower.

"let's start."

Lin Yuan opened the character cards of Yang Zhongming and Abigail at the same time, just like two of the Blue Star's top ten song fathers possessed at the same time!


Lin Yuan's eyes changed!

Yue Zhiyuan's majestic and majestic aura radiated out wantonly, as if the legendary domineering aura, instantly suppressed the three apprentices!

The sitting postures of the three apprentices became more and more well-behaved.

And when the lecture officially started, the eyes of the three apprentices also changed. They looked at each other and saw each other's eyes with astonishment at the same time!

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe.

It seems that every word Lin Yuan said is like a divine enlightenment to them. Many difficulties they hadn't understood before were easily understood by Master's explanation!

The Blue Music Club is over.

Master has become stronger again!

This kind of enlightenment rose in the hearts of the three at the same time!

It's as if the feeling of following the master in class for the first time reappeared in my heart, the other party is so beautiful, every word can benefit them a lot.

This is in the true sense:

Listen to your words, better than read ten years of books!

Finish class.

Lin Yuan's mouth was dry and he felt a little tired.

The two character cards plus the opening of the teacher's aura to cooperate with the lecture is indeed a very energy-consuming thing, but judging from the reactions of the three apprentices, the effect is also immediate.

"Let Xiao Gudong pour me a cup of tea."

"Let's just do this."

Xue Liang immediately ran to boil water for Lin Yuan;

Feng Shuo washed the cups for Lin Yuan the first time;

Little junior sister Li Lizhi realized that the work had been robbed by two senior brothers, so she ran behind Lin Yuan and squeezed his back.

Ah this?

Lin Yuan was still uncomfortable at the beginning, but under Li Lizhi's insistence, he did not resist too much, and quickly fell into enjoyment.


Xiao Gudong heard that there was no sound inside, and it was estimated that the time was almost too. He wanted to come in for Lin Yuan to change tea, but he went straight to the wooden bench after entering the door.

Good guys.

The two apprentices Xue Liang and Feng Shuo gave Lin Yuan tea a lot of water. As the jewel in the palm of the chairman of the star, Li Lizhi, why did he help the representative squeeze his shoulders?

Xiao Gudong suspects that the chairman of the board does not usually receive this treatment.

Xing Mang directly changed his surname to Lin.

After serving the tea poured by his apprentice, Lin Yuan said:


The big apprentice Xue Liang said with a smile: "Serving the master is our duty as an apprentice."

All right.

In fact, Lin Yuan had only accepted these three apprentices to complete system tasks.


With these years of getting along, it seems that he and the three of them have really developed a feeling of master and apprentice.


The three apprentices of Lin Yuanjiao, in fact, could not bring him much practical benefit.


With Abigail's character card, he still chose to call three apprentices in front of him and consciously cultivated three of them.

Lin Yuan even began to look forward to:

My three apprentices can break out of their own sky in the music world in the future!

In fact.

These three apprentices have done very well.

In the season list of the past few years, the three apprentices have achieved good results every time they make a shot.

And the three of them are wearing the aura of "Envy Fish Apprentice", and now they are also attracting attention in the music world.

They carry the label of "Envy Fish".

Each of their achievements is reminiscent of Xianyu, who is considered by the outside world to be the strongest logistics of the Yu Dynasty.

Some even predicted:

These three people may be able to produce a song father in the future!

And if there is such a day, the status of the master of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com in the music world will inevitably rise and become the godfather-level figure in the hearts of countless people.

Thought of this.

Lin Yuan suddenly asked a very tacky question: "What is your dream?"

"Daddy Qu."

Feng Shuo said without hesitation.

Li Lizhi immediately said, "I want to be like a master."

Xue Liang smiled and said: "We are proud of Master, but we hope that one day in the future, we can become the pride of Master."

"There will be one day."

A trace of warmth flowed through Lin Yuan's heart.

His words were not entirely inspiring the three apprentices.

Because of the master-disciple relationship bound to the system, Lin Yuan can intuitively see the apprentice's ability value.

The abilities of these three apprentices have been improving in recent years.

Now that I have Abigail's character card to help me, it may not be a few years before I really want to cultivate three song fathers!

Ding Dong!

Just when Lin Yuan thought about it this way, the system suddenly appeared:

[The host triggers a new task: Daddy Qu's plan]

[Task content: train the abilities of the three apprentices to Quda level]

[Task Reward: Diamond Treasure Box]

[Task Remarks: This task is not limited by time]

Lin Yuan was stunned.

What the **** is Qu Dad's development plan?

Train Xue Liang Fengshuo and Li Lizhi to become Qu fathers?

This is definitely the most difficult task ever released by the system!

However, the reward of this task also made Lin Yuan feel greedy from the bottom of his heart.

Diamond treasure chest!

This is the first time the system is willing to take out a diamond treasure chest to seduce itself!


Anyway, it is an unlimited task.

No matter how many years it takes, this task can be accomplished altogether!