Full-time Artist

Chapter 1153: The retribution of the old thief Chu Kua

It's May at this time.

Without paying attention to various discussions and speculations on the Internet, Lin Yuan plans to finish writing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by the end of this month.

This is not difficult for him.

Although this time, many highly popular characters will die one by one under his pen.

at home.

in the room.

With the crackling of the keyboard, the text in the document appeared on the screen at an extremely fast speed.

This is the fifth chapter of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".

In the battle with Voldemort.

George in the Weasley twin stars has lost an ear:

"Ah, yes!"

George smiled and said to his tearful mother: "In any case, you will be able to distinguish the two of us in the future, Mom."

Gemini is always optimistic.

George could still laugh even if he lost one ear, and joked that his mother was finally able to distinguish himself from his brother.

George at this time would never think of:

Brother Fred will die in the final battle.

At that time.

Voldemort forced the teachers and students to surrender Harry and led all his forces to attack Hogwarts.

Fred and Posey each defeated a Death Eater, and while celebrating triumphantly, Rookwood cast an explosion curse.

Fred died as a result.

The Gemini finale is dead and crippled, making countless readers feel uncomfortable.

To know.

In the past plots, Gemini's mother often couldn't tell who the two sons were.

Every time I think of this, it makes people feel particularly sad.

In fact.

There are many similar tear gas plots.

For example, during Harry's transfer.

Hedwig, the cathead who had accompanied Harry Potter for seven years, is dead.

Hedwig's death meant the passing of white, and Harry was no longer innocent.

Another example is Crazy Eye Moody.

The Order of the Phoenix wants to divert Harry to avoid hunting down, so six people are allowed to play Harry.

These six characters transformed into Harry will distract Voldemort's attention from the real Harry.

Voldemort thought:

The real Harry Potter will definitely be accompanied by the best Auror!

And the best Auror in Voldemort's heart is Moody.

Mondungus, who partnered with Moody's, fled because of fear of death, which indirectly caused Moody's to be hit by a spell and fell from a high altitude to his death.

And Dobby the elf.

Harry Ron and Hermione accidentally called Voldemort by name as they chased the Horcrux.

That name was taboo, and it directly attracted the Death Eaters.

The three were taken to Malfoy Manor, Hermione was tortured by the Heartbreaking Charm, and Harry and Ron were locked in the basement.


Harry took out the mirror that Sirius gave him back then, asking for help.

In the mirror.

Harry Potter saw a pair of bright blue eyes.

Harry and the others thought this was Dumbledore, but in fact this person was Dumbledore's brother Aberforth, and he sent Dobby to help.


Dobby came to them.

The magic of elves is different from that of people, and they can directly apparate and leave Malfoy Manor.


Just the last second they left.

Bellatrix's knife pierced Dobby's chest.

Harry dug his grave personally and wrote an epitaph that made countless readers cry:

"Dobby is buried here, a free house elf."


Professor Lupin died in the defense of Hogwarts.

Rowling seemed unwilling to let Tonks, who loves Lupin, be separated from him, so she was killed by the way?

Poor little Teddy lost his parents as early as Harry.

Recalling the deaths of these important people, Lin Yuan wrote as if there was a god.

Until he wrote about Snape.

With his fingers floating in the air above the keyboard, a trace of regret flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes.

must admit.

The death of many characters in the Harry Potter series has brought great regret and pain to readers.

And one of the most memorable episodes among the readers is the death of Snape.

The final article.

The description of Snape is full of color:

When he was young, Snape was a skinny boy. He always had a disheveled face, long black hair was dirty, and he wore very inappropriate clothes. For example, the jeans on the lower body were always too short. It is strange that the ragged and perfunctory coat and blouse are obviously grown-ups, and it can be said that from the outside, he is not a lovable child.

The character is not likable either.

Cowardly, timid, and weird.

Snape would be like this, in fact, it has a lot to do with his parents.

Since childhood.

The endless quarrels of his parents are his nightmares and shadows.

Snape's father is a Muggle, and his mother is a pure blood wizard.

Snape thought in his heart that pure wizard blood was noble, but he was a hybrid of Muggle and wizard, which made him unable to find his position.

With an extremely low self-esteem, Snape called himself the "Half-Blood Prince".

Pride and low self-esteem.

When he grew up, Snape fell in love with Lily, who was Harry Potter's mother.

Snape was extremely talented in potions, had a keen interest in black magic, and had a lot of accomplishments. Voldemort was his idol.

Because of Voldemort, Snape and Lily broke.

Rowling said half-jokingly in an interview:

If there were no twists and turns, Harry Potter's father would be Snape.

In short.

The pursuit and persistence in his career made Snape and his beloved woman drift away.

This is why Snape hated Harry Potter.

The son of a rival in love.

After breaking with Lily, Snape turned his grief into strength and wanted to do something. So he was loyal to Voldemort and realized his ideals and ambitions. So when I heard Professor Trelawney talk about idols The prophecy immediately told his Lord Voldemort that he never thought about it but lost his beloved woman forever. After that, he was burdened with the shackles of his soul and spent his life in regret and self-blame.

Maybe it's for atonement?

Maybe I want revenge.

Snape decided to continue to be his villain, becoming a double agent between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

In order to win the trust of Voldemort, Snape was even willing to take everything on his back and kill the great Dumbledore to make everyone misunderstand.

But before seeing the finale, who knows:

Is this what Dumbledore asked Snape to do?

Before that.

They have had fierce quarrels surrounding this decision.


Dumbledore's dying request didn't let Snape spare himself.

Quite the opposite.

Dumbledore needed Snape to kill himself in order to gain the trust of Voldemort.

Their quarrel should be over.

Of course.

Dumbledore’s other reason is:

Malfoy is still saved, and he can't let this child be stained with his own blood.

Snape was forced to move his hands by Dumbledore.

This may be one of the hardest decisions he made in his life.

After all, this is not the first time in his life, a moment similar to a difficult decision.


Snape chose to unconditionally protect Lily's child forever.

Harry Potter.

That's how Lin Yuan wrote these things while reminiscing.

When he finished the whole "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".

To be precise.

Lin Yuan finally let out a sigh of relief when he typed out the words "The Finale" on the screen.

Looking back at the last sentence of the full text:

"In nineteen years, Harry's scar has never hurt again. Everything is fine."

Lin Yuan was in a good mood at this moment.

Nineteen years after the story, the shadow of Voldemort has long since vanished.

Harry and Ginny took their three children to Hogwarts school.

Platform nine and three quarters.

The Harrys met Ron and Hermione, and their two children.

It is worth mentioning that:

Harry's children were named James, Lily, and Albus Severus.

Just as the last sentence of the finale said.

all is well.

Now that everything is fine, get ready to publish it.

This day is May 30th.


Around seven o'clock.

Yinlan Library received the manuscript of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".

Because the Harry Potter series has not been officially released yet, and the Harry Potter series are unprecedentedly popular, so the level of confidentiality is very high.

The entire Yinlan library can only be done by people above the editor-in-chief

The company attached great importance to it, and immediately organized the editors of various departments to read it. At the cost of staying up late and working overtime, we should see in advance whether there would be any problems with this book.

Lin Yuan didn't know about this.

After he finished writing, he went to sleep.

who knows.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Lin Yuan got up to the toilet and suddenly heard the door opening from downstairs.

He went downstairs and took a look, but it was his sister Lin Xuan who came back.

"Why so late?"

"It's not because of your good brother Chu Kuang!"

My sister gritted her teeth and said: "Chu Kuang finished writing the finale of the Harry Potter series, and the company arranged to work overtime to read. This book is divided into children's literature, so our fairy tale department is in charge, and I happen to be the editor-in-chief of the fairy tale department..."

Lin Yuan was startled.

Unexpectedly, I turned out to be the culprit who caused my sister to work overtime.

At this time.

Lin Xuan turned on the main light in the living room.

By the sudden bright lights.

Lin Yuan looked at her sister, suddenly lost her face in shock!

At this time, Lin Xuan did not have the exquisiteness and brightness in the usual way. The originally beautiful Kazilan eyes were scattered and absent, as if she had just experienced a lost love, and her eye blisters were obviously swollen two times more than usual. I cried loudly before coming back.

"Are you OK?"

"Of course I'm okay, but your good brother is going to have something to play with the readers on the text trap, this guy don't want to get out!"

The sister angrily said.

Lin Yuan shivered inexplicably, and said with a guilty conscience: "I haven't eaten dinner yet, I will cook a bowl of noodles for my sister. How many eggs do I need?"



Lin Yuan spun around and went to the kitchen.

My sister suddenly looked suspiciously at Lin Yuan's back: "I've watched your previous live broadcast. Chu Kuang has already told you the finale, right?"

Lin Yuan coughed: "I'll beat you two eggs to make up."

The elder sister rolled her eyes. No wonder the younger brother suddenly became so diligent. He must have guessed it correctly. The younger brother knew the ending from Chu Kuang a long time ago.

But that is Chu Kuang's work after all.

What does it have to do with my brother?

My sister was too embarrassed to blame, but said angrily: "Give me more vegetables, and you will eat together!"


Eat just eat.

With the mentality of redemption, Lin Yuan seriously prepared a bowl of noodles and added two eggs and two green vegetables.

ten minutes later.

Two bowls of noodles are placed on the table.

The siblings started to **** and eat.

Halfway through the meal, my sister suddenly stopped.

Lin Yuan looked over in wonder, but saw her sister muttering something in her mouth:

"Dobby is dead..."

"Snape is also dead..."

"Snape turned out to be a good man..."

"All of us wronged him..."

"And Professor Lupin, Gemini Fred, Crazy Eye Moody, he is the best Auror, even Voldemort admits this..."

"I know there will be sacrifices in war..."

"But why does Hedwig die..."

"The editor below asks me what the book is like, I can't reveal..."

"I can only go home and tell you..."

My sister was crying as she talked, and after a series of death lists broke out, tears were about to drip into the bowl.

Lin Yuan panicked immediately, and said without a word:

"I turned around to help you beat him!"

"you said!"

The elder sister stared at Lin Yuan fiercely.

Lin Yuan gritted his teeth: "It is the brother's bounden duty to help my sister to vent my anger."

The elder sister didn't say anything, she continued to eat the noodles, and by the way picked all the green vegetables to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan: "..."

Anyway, Lin Yuan didn't expect it.

After so many years of leisure, Chu Kuang finally suffered retribution, and what was more unexpected was that Lin Yuan was eating vegetables for this retribution.

And on the other side.

With the editors confirming that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is okay—

In fact, there are problems but nothing can be done.

Who can take Chu Kuang in this world?

In short.

Yinlan Book Bank finally announced a message: "Everything is fine, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" has been successfully completed. We will arrange for a global publication in the near future, so stay tuned!"


The readers who have long been expecting to climax on the spot!

"He's coming, he's coming!"

"Ahhhh, I can't sleep for what I am looking forward to!"

"The speed of Teacher Chu Kuang never disappoints!"

"Snape, die for the Lord!"

"I need Doraemon to come up with a time acceleration prop!"

"The ending must be cool!"

"Hehehe, everyone believes in the old thief this time."

"Of course I believe."

"The old thief has already said that the protagonists will be fine, Voldemort will undoubtedly die, and the traitor Snape will also pay the price!"

"By the way, Yi An seems to say, Snape is a good person?"


"That Yi An really understands Harry Potter, UU read www.uukanshu.com but she doesn't understand Snape!"

"If Snape is a good person, I will wash my hair upside down!"

"I'm Guo Ben!"

"I eat Xiang!"

"You are too much, cheating to eat and drink."

"I just don't know who is unlucky, and I need a box lunch."

"It doesn't matter, after Dumbledore, as long as the three protagonists are not dead, this old thief can't let me break the defense again!"


"The official announcement of Yinlan Library, I feel it is a hint, the sentence [everything is fine] says everything!"

It was three o'clock at night.

Although it is already early in the morning, there are obviously many owls that do not stay overnight, and in some places because of jet lag, it is still daytime at the moment, so the Internet is completely boiling because of this news!