Full-time Artist

Chapter 1190: Good and evil and human nature

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At the beginning of the game, the character of the only stone **** who was the only one who was the only one who was the only one, suddenly changed from a mediocre high school teacher to a high IQ monster with heavy punches!

Live next door.

Ishigami, who was completely absent, was able to deduce the murder case with a pair of shoes and the reaction of Hanaoka Yasushi, and even as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes, he said with certainty that the person was not killed by Jingzi alone, and her daughter Misato also had a share!

And now.

Shi Shen wants to use anti-reasoning thinking to help Hanaoka Yasushi's son and daughter produce an alibi, so that they can be exonerated by the police smoothly!

"Depend on!"

"Cow breaking!"

"At the beginning, I thought he was really an ordinary high school teacher. Now it seems that this stone **** is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"It's a wolf!"

"Shi Shen was already wearing gloves when he knocked on the door and came over. Obviously he didn't want to leave fingerprints. Dare to believe that he had already made the decision to help Hanaoka Yasushi's son and daughter destroy the corpses!"

"Handsome fried!"

"The motive is very clear. Shi Shen is for love. After all, the first chapter of the novel says that he likes Hanaoka Yasushi very much."

"So this time you are not trying to reason about the murderer?"

"Next, let's see how Shi Shen uses counter-reasoning methods to help Hanaoka Yasushi's son and daughter solve this problem."

"Chu Kuang is amazing!"

"This book is so special that it has attracted me with two chapters!"


Lu Yang suddenly had some inexplicable heart palpitations, even if he only saw the third chapter of the novel: "So the next plot should be to watch the contest between the police and the prisoner?"

It seems that you guessed right.

The story really shifted to the police perspective.

Fujian's body was found outside.

More and more characters of all kinds are coming on stage.

The character with the strongest penetrating character is called Tang Chuanxue. This person is a professor of physics at a prestigious university in Chuzhou. Even the police often ask him for advice when handling cases. This shows that this person is terrifying.

Through the introduction of Yu Chuanxue.

The identity information of Shi Shen was revealed.

It turned out that Shishen University was a mathematics genius. Even Yu Chuanxue, who is now a professor of physics at a prestigious university, is full of praise for his mathematics genius.

Such a genius.

Why are you so down now?

It turned out that the family conditions were very poor because of the illness of Shi Shen's parents.

Even if the family life is extremely difficult, even part-time study, Shi Shen still can't make up the living expenses of the family of three, of course, he loses his qualifications for the postgraduate entrance examination.

The background of the novel is about to be mentioned here.

The background of the novel was put on by Chu Kuang many years ago. At that time, Blue Star was relatively backward, and he had to give up his studies without money. Unlike the current funding, Shi Shen was called a "freak" in school. , Does not deal with interpersonal relationships at all.

all in all.

Because of poor fate and institutional problems in the field of mathematics, coupled with all kinds of difficulties in reality, the current stone gods are so downhearted.

The IQ showdown between Yu Chuanxue and Shi Shen?

Zhongzhou writer Xu Ping stared closely at the text on the computer screen, unconsciously biting his lips and turning white.

It is indeed an IQ showdown.

At first, Tang Chuanxue had no interest in the case consulted by the police, and when he learned that Shi Shen was involved, he immediately became enthusiastic and made an appointment with Shi Shen.

At the beginning of the meeting.

Tang Chuanxue put out a mathematical conjecture that made many famous mathematicians in the world feel complicated to test Shi Shen.


Shi Shen took it down in only six hours, and his mathematical genius was obvious!

But mathematics does not seem to be equivalent to reasoning.

In other words, a mathematical genius like Shi Shen doesn't seem to have the criminal ability to match it.

Even though his method of helping Hanaoka Yasushiko's corpse to divert attention was already very clever, the police gradually grabbed some of the horse's feet.

Going to show off?

Just when Xu Ping thought this way, the plot reversed, and Hanaoka Yasushi escaped the suspicion of murder by means of an alibi.

"What a powerful stone god!"

"So amazing Yu Chuanxue!"

The confrontation between the two sides is absolutely brain-burning. The police no longer doubt Hanaoka Yasushi, but Yu Chuanxue insists on some of his doubts!

And this time.

Xu Ping racked his brains and couldn't understand, how did Shi Shen complete all the layout and lead things to this development?

The point is that alibi!

In what way did Shi Shen use an alibi for Hanaoka's mother and daughter?

The police investigated:

Hanaoka Yasushi's mother and daughter left school, went to ramen shops, movie theaters, and finally got home and left Yuanzi on the phone at home.

The time chain is unshakable!

However, the first two chapters of the novel clearly pointed out that Fu Jian died at the hands of the mother and daughter that night.

There is definitely a problem with this timeline!

There is indeed a problem with the timeline.

But no one understands where the problem is.

However, the next plot surpassed everyone's expectations!

Shi Shen turned himself in!

He took all the charges alone!

What's more frightening is that he even designed his motives for committing the crime so perfect that the police could not overthrow his remarks!

"what happened?"

"Why did Shi Shen suddenly surrendered, and his charge was fully established, there is corresponding evidence, did he want to kill Fu Jian a long time ago?"

"Can't figure it out!"

"We all know that mother and daughter killed Fujian, that false timeline chain, how did the stone **** do it?"


"Is this book a narrative?"

"If this is sly, I will fight the old thief!"

"If it is a narrative trick, the plot should have deliberately omitted some clues, such as the collusion of Shi Shen and Hanaoka Yasushi?"

"How do you collude with this stuff?"

"That movie ticket does exist, and Hanaoka Yasushi's son and daughter actually went to see the movie. What is going on?"

"I can't keep up with my IQ."

"It feels like being frantically played by the old thief."

"Look down, Tang Chuanxue seems to have found a clue."

Tang Chuanxue did find a clue.

In this entire book, the only person who can keep up with Shishen's IQ did not explain the reason to the police and the excited readers. He directly approached Hanaoka Yasushi.

Hanaoka Yasuko was a little flustered.

She has learned the news that Shi Shen surrendered.

Tang Chuanxue smiled and said, "You seem to think I was trying to convince you."

Hanaoka Yasuko forced her composure: "No, I don't. What can I convince you?"

Tang Chuanxue said with a little embarrassment: "That's what I said, I did say something wrong, I apologize to you, but I just wanted you to know one thing, so I came to you."

"What's the matter?"

"As for this."

Yu Chuanxue paused for a while before speaking slowly, staring at Hanaoka Yasuko: "What I want to say is that you don't know the truth."

this moment.

Not to mention how Hanaoka Yasukiko reacted.

Anyway, countless readers opened their eyes instantly.

Lu Yang from Qinzhou and Xu Ping from Zhongzhou felt a bit fiery pain on his face!

What is meant by "you know nothing about the truth"?

On the surface, this sentence seems to be what Yu Chuanxue said to Hanaoka Yasukiko.

However, in fact, Lu Yang and Xu Ping, as well as countless readers, felt that this was the old thief of Chu Kuang who was ruthlessly mocking all readers!


Damn old thief!

What the truth is! ?

The truth has finally been revealed!

This is the climax of the whole book. Tang Chuanxue said to Hanaoka Yasushiko: "I think your alibi is probably true. You should have actually been to the movie theater, including Lingyuan. Not lying."]

Lu Yang: "This is impossible!"

Xu Ping: "It doesn't make sense!"

The Hanaoka Yasushi in the book was inexplicable until Yu Chuanxue continued: "But you should also be wondering in your heart, why don't you need to lie?

Why is the police's investigation so lax?

Because Shi Shen has arranged for you to tell the truth when you face the interrogation.

No matter how hard the police press, he has made arrangements so that the police cannot convict you.

As for how he arranged it, I think you probably don't know.

You only know that Shi Shen seems to have used some clever tricks, but you don't know the actual content. Am i right? "】

Hanaoka Yasuko was stunned.

Yu Chuanxue continued his possession of Holmes Gapolo: "He made a great sacrifice to protect your mother and daughter. It was a heroic sacrifice that ordinary people like you and me could not even imagine.

I think…

He probably prepared for the worst from the time the murder happened, and decided to cover the crime for you at that time, because all his plans were designed on that premise.

on the other hand:

Only that premise can never be broken.

But that premise was too cruel, anyone would back down, and the stone **** himself knew this.


In order to make himself unable to repent at a critical juncture, he cut off his retreat in advance.

At the same time, that is also the most astonishing blinding method this time. 】

Yasukiko Hanaoka began to tremble!

Tang Chuanxue finally revealed the layout of the stone god!

The real culprit of the corpse in the old Edogawa was Ishigami, yes!

Because that corpse was not the Fujian killed by Hanaoka's mother and daughter at all!

Yu Chuanxue looked at the woman in front of him with complicated eyes: "It seems that you finally understand what I mean. That's right, Shi Shen committed another murder case in order to protect you. It was on March 10th that Fu Jian Shen Er was murdered. The next day."]

Fu Jian died on March 9th!

On March 10th, Shishen killed a tramp who could not be traced, disguised as Fujian's corpse, and successfully confuses the police's sight!

What is a tramp?

The so-called tramp is the kind of bottom that disappears suddenly without attracting the slightest attention.

Even other homeless people will not be surprised, because some of them will suddenly disappear.

No one will call the police.

Because they had no family or friends, even Shi Shen himself didn't know the name of the tramp he killed.

The timeline is of course no problem.

After all, the alibi of Hanaoka Yasushiko was actually on March 10th. Hanaoka Yasushiko could tell the truth. There was nothing shameless about what he did that day.

Anyway, Fu Jian died the day before!

Ishigami killed the tramp, obscured all clues, and deliberately led the police to suspect Hanaoka Yasushi’s son and daughter, so that they gradually believed that the corpse was Fujian. Three clues were left to prove that these were the corpses they were looking for, so the entire layout can be said to be exhaustive!


Lu Yang was stunned!

Xu Ping was dumbfounded!

Countless readers who were reading the book and discussing the reasons for the plot speculation were stunned, as if their brains were hit by a storm, and they could no longer tell whether they were shocked or moved, or felt terrified!


"We all know that there is a problem with the timeline, but none of us can think that the root cause of the problem with the timeline is actually because Shi Shen killed a person posing as Fujian's corpse in order to confuse the police's sight!"

"Hanaoka Yasukiko doesn't like him at all."

"But in order to protect that woman, he did not hesitate to kill another person, cruel and cold-blooded means, full of **** unrequited love!"

"What devil love is this?"

"The scariest thing about Stone God is that he directly surrendered to make sure that he was foolproof. Now the police believe that Stone God killed Fujian. Even if someone discovers that Fujian's body will not be exposed in the future, no one would have thought that it was the real one. Fujian's corpse, because Fujian's case is over, unless Shi Shen himself appeals and wants to reverse the case."


"No wonder the title of the book is "Devotion of Suspect X", this is to love this woman with his own life!"


"Although the truth is clear, the only thing I can't figure out in this story is why Shi Shen loves Hanaoka Yasushi so much, and even takes his own life, this is the death penalty!"

Of course there is why.

However, Chu Kuang obviously wouldn't let the logic of the truth become obscured. The next plot is the memory of the stone god.

That day.

Ishigami, who is so desperate for his life and future, wants to commit suicide, Hanaoka Yasushi's son and daughter suddenly move in, knocking on the door and wanting to say hello to their neighbors.

Shi Shen opened the door.

The mother and daughter smiled and greeted Shi Shen.

Jingzi's eyes are full of longing for life.

Even if the plot doesn't say it clearly, everyone knows that maybe Hanaoka Yasushi and his daughter will definitely think that they will completely get rid of wealth and live a happy life of normal people.

It's that simple reason:

That smile instantly hit the stone god.

Shi Shen suddenly didn't want to die. He once said: "Sunday is the happiest day. As long as you open the window, you can hear two people talking."

This is the beginning of love.

But is this really love?

Or is the dedication of the stone **** just to repay his favor?

There may be something that even readers from the perspective of God cannot tell, but this ending is obviously not the cruelest.

At the end of the novel.

Grano Misato committed suicide.

Jingzi was very upset and heavy after learning the truth in Tang Chuanna, but in order not to let the stone gods do everything in vain, for the happiness of her daughter, she decided to continue living with a sense of guilt.

However, the news of her daughter's suicide crushed her.

The daughter could not bear such a heavy pressure, and she was tortured by a strong sense of guilt. As a mother, she was not like that. This was the last straw that crushed the camel.

Hanaoka Yasukiko surrendered.

When she made this decision and walked into the police station, all the arrangements made by Shi Shen to take the lives of innocent people were in vain.

Police station.

The two met again.

Yasukiko Hanaoka's back was shaking violently, her voice hoarse: ["I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Let you do it for us...

For a woman like me..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! What are you talking about... silly... You are talking nonsense..."

Shi Shen murmured like a curse.

"How can only we get happiness... that is impossible. I should also redeem my sins, I want to accept the punishment, and I want to accept the punishment with Mr. Shishen. There is only this I can do, and this is the only thing I can do for you. sorry Sorry!"

Jingzi propped her hands on the ground, her head against the floor.

Shi Shen shook his head and backed away, his face twisted in pain.

He suddenly turned around, hugged his head with his hands, and roared like a beast, which was also a wailing of despair and chaos at the same time.

The sound of the call moved all listeners.

The police officer ran over, trying to stop him.

"Don't touch him!"

Tang Chuanxue stood in front of them: "At least, let him cry enough..."

From behind Shishen, Tang Chuanxue put his hands on his shoulders.

The stone **** continued to roar, as if he was vomiting his soul. 】


When the last line of psychological defense was breached, the stone **** who had used counter-reasoning methods to turn the world into his hands completely collapsed.

He should have succeeded.

He has succeeded.

However, he lost to the hearts of the people.

Lost to the guilt of human instinct.

In the book.

The sentence emphasized in the novel: "Sometimes, a person who lives well is enough to save someone."

But some people don't even want to live anymore.

But whose fault is this?

Fujian or Hanaoka Yasushi?

Or like to pursue extreme logic, should have become the stone **** of great mathematicians?


Lu Yang, who had been dull for a long time, suddenly sighed.

The ending is the design of the mystery, which makes this mystery novel show its greatest charm.

By laying the groundwork for the characters and the time and place of the incident, and even using some guiding methods, the readers have the impression that the ancestors are the mainstay, and finally bring a huge impact and accident when the mystery is solved. This is the most successful aspect of this novel.

It is different from pure literature.

In addition to storytelling, this mystery is also unexpected and reasonable in layout.

But is this narrative?

The narrative and curious reasoning developed by Chu Kuang?

Chu Kuang guides readers to the time scam. It is reasonable to say that it is in line with certain characteristics of narrative.

However, the point of the problem is that the reader and the police have always been in a unified perspective, which breaks the narrative setting.

This is not narrative.

Readers have a chance to guess the truth.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is narrative or not.

What is really important is that the extreme reversal of the last few chapters of the novel is too shocking!

Is this a novel written by Chu Kuang rushing to work?

If this is a novel he wrote in a short period of time in order to compete for rankings, then the terrifying degree of this person is probably still higher than his previous imagination!

Maybe he is not weaker than Xianyu.

It makes sense for Nanxian Yu and Bei Chu to be equally famous. Isn't this kind of plot setting a kind of talent?


Xu Ping smiled bitterly.

Blue Star novels are mostly black and white, praising justice and criticizing evil, or their arguments and emotions are opposed.

But Chu Kuang's novel is in the middle ground between the two.

Jingzi who was willing to bear the charge for her daughter;

Yukawa who is entangled between legal principles and friendship;

The stone **** who violated the law for the pure love in his heart.

The emotional performance or motivation of these characters can be said to be inconsistent with traditional justice, but it is difficult for readers to make a clear definition after reading the novel.

Are they good or evil?

Perhaps this is no longer the focus of everyone's attention.

Distress, sympathy, regret and other intertwined complex feelings are the readers' first reaction to the torture of the plot.

The detective is not exactly the incarnation of justice.

The prisoner is not necessarily a representative of evil.

No matter which side has human weakness, they are drifting between legal justice and moral emotion. The characters inside are the epitome of complex humanity in the chaotic social value system.

Perhaps this is the terrible thing about Chu Kuang.

In his pen, the key to solving the mystery is not limited to scientific reasoning, but lies in the observation of human nature.

This is the thinking space left by the reader outside of the reasoning.

As a reader.

Xu Ping once thought that he already knew the answer, so in the following content, it should be watching the IQ contest between the police and the prisoner, but he didn't know that he had fallen into the trap of Chu Kuang at that time.

When the real mystery is revealed;

When the true meaning of the word "consecration" is clarified;

Xu Ping knew he had lost.

The tenth place on the Blue Star Writers' List is about to change.

Novel comment area.

Surrounding the ending of the novel, that in order to protect the murderous Jingzi, Shi Shen did not hesitate to create an elaborate time scam by self-sacrificing, and finally surrendered to love in his own way, this became the focus of discussion.

"After reading it, I feel very panicked."

"Stone God continued to scream, as if he was about to vomit his soul. The ending sentence made people want to cry."

"This is reasoning, not abusive writing, but Chu Kuang's writing has the ability to make readers feel abusive. He has always been like this, making people unable to calm down."

"After reading it, I felt like I was being played fiercely by the old thief."

"This kind of writing is not a narrative, the story itself is the most shocking."

"The stone **** who can be counted as an inexhaustible strategy used his incomparable brain to formulate an impeccable plan. After drawing a trick to stun everyone, including the reader, he still failed on the last step that coincides with the origin. ."

"Jingzi surrendered, and I broke the defense together with Shi Shen."

"I think Jingzi's final decision to surrender can be attributed to the word conscience, so there is no need to regret the ending."

"I can't like Jingzi!"

"Jingzi's final act was a fatal blow to the stone god, and only she herself has a clear conscience. If she is truly grateful for the sacrifice of the stone god, Jingzi should reciprocate, and the only way to repay is to give the stone **** the meaning of sacrifice. UU看书www.uukanshu.com "

"Stone God's love is **** and heavy."

"I feel most deeply not the love of the stone god, but the resistance of the stone **** to loneliness. All that the stone **** does is a person's resistance to loneliness. All the behaviors of seeking and maintaining spiritual belief are essentially resistance to loneliness. Of course, the ending is embarrassing, even regrettable, because the realm of the stone **** has surpassed conventional cognitions such as morality."

"Stone God is not worth maintaining."

"Although the stone **** is a genius, and the experience is sympathetic, it is really hateful, paranoid and self-moving to lick dogs in order to protect a girl who would kill innocent people."

"Do not accept any remarks that help Shi Shen whitewash."

"Jingzi's surrender behavior completely wiped out everything that Shishen did. From this perspective, Jingzi is selfish and considers the problem with his own values. He feels that his friend's death is worthless and tells Jingzi the truth. Yu Chuanxue is also selfish."


Good and evil are unclear.

This is "Devotion of Suspect x".

And no matter which side the readers stand on, there is one fact that cannot be erased, and that is the degree of acceptance of this novel by everyone.

In fact.

Even those who speak fiercely anger the characters in the novel, such as Shi Shen, such as Jing Zi, such as Yu Chuan Xue who wants to win the stone God, they love the novel itself deeply.

this day.

"The Dedication of Suspect X" is on fire.


ps: This kind of plot needs a big chapter, otherwise it always feels that it is not smooth enough, so the update is relatively late, I hope that it is written so that everyone can understand it, and if you really don’t understand it, you can consider looking at the original. If you have a monthly pass, click it to help every dream~