Full-time Artist

Chapter 272: Tool man standard

"Full-time Artist (

"has a problem?"

Lin Yuan looked at Wu Yong.

"What the **** is Sun Yaohuo and Jiangkui! Especially Sun Yaohuo!"

This is Wu Yong's inner roar.

But he dare not say.

He just tried to maintain a stiff smile and looked at Lin Yuan and said:

"Representative, let me analyze the situation with you. The company's task is actually to let us hold two first-line players. If we choose Zhao Yingge and other singers who have developed very well in recent years and are familiar with the public, it will be easy. You can push them to the front line, but if you work with a singer with a relatively poor foundation, then we must have more effort. If the final target is not completed, we will have to eat the above melons. This is related to our department next year. Performance..."

Don't understand.

Wu Yong didn't understand.

If Jiang Kui's candidate only surprised and unexpectedly made Wu Yong, then Sun Yaohuo shocked Wu Yong!

He even had to sink into contemplation for a few seconds to find the corresponding singer image in his mind!

Suchabigsurprise! !

Not to mention comparing Zhao Yingge, even if comparing Jiangkui, Sun Yaohuo is very far away from the first line!

Bring Sun Yaohuo to the front line?

This is to increase the difficulty of the game?

Because of this singer, the recognition is not very high.

Saying handsome or handsome, ugly or ugly, tall or tall or short, or short, in short, it's mediocre and characterless.

The sound characteristics do not seem to be obvious, I can only say that it is very pleasant to the ear and will not make people resist.

But when is the voice not being resisted by others as a criterion for judging whether a singer is good?

And although this person has worked with Lin Yuan twice, the effect of singing the song is also good, but the result is that the song celebrity is not popular——

This thing is actually very mysterious and can't make sense.

This is the case with some singers.

Obviously the popularity of the song is very high, and everyone really likes it, but the public just don't care about who the singer is.

It's like the "old hen theory" published on the Lin Yuan tribe that caused many people to imitate.

Sun Yaohuo belongs to the kind of "old hen" who can lay eggs, and the taste of eggs is also good, but the public still does not want to know and understand.

It's more difficult to win a singer like Zhao Yingge, and the cost is higher.

For the company's mission, there are a few favorite candidates on each floor of the composition department, but these favorite candidates basically lock Zhao Yingge and others.

Wu Yong is convinced!

On any floor, Sun Yaohuo will not be included in the candidate list.

And Sun Yaohuo still has a problem...

Sun Yaohuo is only popular for songs that work with Representative Lin!

And just singing fire!

The songs he collaborated with other composers were very ordinary and the response was very average.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had no reaction, Wu Yong could only boldly say: "Can Sun Yaohuo think about it? We can cooperate with him, but is it a bit..."

"Just him."

Lin Yuan said.

He always wanted to cooperate with the senior, but by mistake, he failed to cooperate twice in a row.

Seniors have music dreams.

Last time I went to a hot pot restaurant, when Senior Sun Yaohuo said that he was actually a singer, Lin Yuan's heart was touched.

He didn't know what touched him, but he did make a decision to cooperate with the senior.


After all, on each composition floor, the representative had the final say, and Wu Yong would naturally not argue with Lin Yuan over such a matter.

"What about Jiangkui?"

Wu Yong sighed, "Why not choose Zhao Yingge?"

Lin Yuan said, "They are both good."

Wu Yong helplessly: "Since they are all good, then I still think it is better to choose a better person to train. Zhao Yingge is a talent show. This is a natural advantage because the audience base of "Blooming" is very good, and Zhao Yingge I have worked with you before, and she should also be inclined to our department..."

Seeing that Lin Yuan still did not speak.

Wu Yong could only say: "In fact, Jiang Kui is also in my consideration as a female singer, but she is the third overall pick."

"What about the second pick?"

"Xia Fan."

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head.

Of course he saw Xia Fan, the yellow name in the list.

But in fact, it was not that he didn't want to choose Xia Fan, but Xia Fan had chatted with Lin Yuan some time ago, saying that he hoped to make a breakthrough by himself in recent years.

Lin Yuan didn't know what kind of mentality Xia Fan made this decision, but he supported his friends.

So he chose Jiangkui.

But looking at Wu Yong's puzzled appearance, Lin Yuan explained: "Jiangkui is more cost-effective."

Lin Yuan’s judgment is based on:

Jiangkui's share is less than Zhao Yingge's, but Jiangkui's singing level is not weaker than Zhao Yingge's. In that case, why not choose Jiangkui?

As for the basics.

Lin Yuan feels that as long as the song is good and one is not enough, there will be two. The whole year of next year will be able to hold people up.

Others have concerns about composition, but Lin Yuan doesn't.

Wu Yong's eyes widened when he heard the words.

Cost-effective! ?

This is certainly not a strange vocabulary.

In fact, when many composers mention singers in private, they always talk about "cost-effectiveness".

But the premise of mentioning "cost-effectiveness" is ~lightnovelpub.net~ singers are tools!

Only when choosing a tool, the composer will consider the price/performance ratio.

When working with a better singer, there is no such thing as a tool man.

But this time, the task given by the company is to train the front line!

How can any department use the selection criteria of the tool person to select the seedlings to be cultivated?

Do you think this is a novice game?

Wu Yong said bitterly: "The selection of people is for performance. Can these two people, especially Sun Yaohuo, make our performance up to the standard?"

"I come."

Lin Yuan said.

Wu Yong's mood seemed to relax a lot in an instant. He was a little uncertain and said, "Will the representative personally take the action?"

He subconsciously ignored the fact that:

Representative Lin is a very productive composer!

When other departments choose to cooperate with each other, they are all working together to write songs, but in the composition department on the 9th floor, Representative Lin likes to do it himself!

If Representative Lin is willing to make the shot himself, even if the singer's foundation is a little bit worse, it is not unacceptable...

Moreover, the company's targets are set very high.

Wu Yong was convinced that even though the other departments had selected two candidates, if two candidates were selected, one would be considered a pass.

After all, it is the front line, which is so easy to cultivate.

As long as Representative Lin takes more effort to help match Jiangkui, this performance will almost reach the target, and Sun Yaohuo's failure to meet the target is not the point.

Thought of this.

Wu Yong finally felt completely relieved, and he nodded heavily:

"That's all right."


ps: The first two chapters are six thousand words guaranteed. This chapter is the seventh chapter plus more of the magic feather boss... I have talked to me privately, 2333, this wave must be given.

You can call it a day.