Full-time Artist

Chapter 358: King's return

The early morning of September 1st is the start of the new season after all.

Although the outside world has not paid much attention to this season, based on the number of people after the merger of Qin, Qi, Chu and the three continents, it is completely okay for "Ten Years" to explode some night owls.

On this seemingly ordinary night, many netizens heard the song "Ten Years" and were struck by the bitter feeling in an instant.

Those who are sentimental even have hot eyes and tears.

And when everyone saw the word "Xianyu" in the column of lyrics and music, the emotions in my heart seemed to be surging to almost burst the bank——

Among them, the most pleasant surprise was a fan group called "Fish Music".

This is Xianyu's biggest fan base.

A member of the group found this song and forwarded it to the fan group of Yuzhile.

Then, the whole group was boiling!

"Ahhhhhhh! New song of Teacher Xianyu!"

"Master Xianyu has finally released a new song! He hasn't released a new song for more than half a year!"

"In the past few months, Xianyu's two apprentices have posted a lot of songs, and today Xianyu himself finally made it!"

"After listening to this song, I understand why Xianyu is the master. Although Xianyu's two apprentices are also excellent, they are still not good enough compared to Master."

"The Emperor of the Fish Dynasty is back!"

"It's not wasted that I have been looking forward to it for more than half a year. At present, "Ten Years" has entered the single cycle mode. It seems that I will fall asleep tonight."


There is a reason why Yuzhile fans are so excited and surprised.

You must know that Xianyu hasn't released any new songs for more than half a year since it swept the music scene with the piano soundtrack of "Tuner" in February.

Time dragged on for too long.

Fans are already eager to see through.

As for the Yu Dynasty, it actually refers to Xian Yu and his apprentices.

If Xian Yu's apprentices are members of the Yu Dynasty, then Xian Yu himself is the emperor of the Yu Dynasty!

After more than half a year, Xian Yu sang again, and the quality of "Ten Years" was the first shot. Of course, fans have reason to be excited and excited.

"King's return!"

Suddenly there was a big red envelope in the group, which was sent out by the group owner Han Mei Layue, and it was in the form of a password, so the fan group of Yuzhile was full of these four words:

King's return! !

The reaction of fans is not exaggerated.

Xianyu is indeed the return of the king this time!

It took less than half an hour to release this song, and the heat has spread to many places. The number of downloads of "Ten Years" has almost skyrocketed in a very short period of time!

I don’t know how many tribes and other platforms’ big v started business overnight, just to catch the first wave of Xianyu’s new song.

[Xianyu has sent a song, brothers can rush, and it is fresh and warm, I have three consecutive. 】

[Wow, it's the smell of envy! 】

[Hi Da Pu Ben, Daddy Yu finally released a new song! 】

[I went to Xiaoquda in the middle of the night. I knew at the time that the speakers and headphones that burned 100,000 times last month can be released. By the way, I will share with you the models of headphones and speakers. 】

Worthy of being a big v, this is not forgotten to bring the goods.

In fact, Xianyu did not have such an influence before, but since February this year, Xianyu swept the music scene with a song "Wedding in Dreams", which made the music circle of Chu mourn all over the country. Xianyu's influence has grown stronger and stronger. .

No one knows the name of Xiaoqu Dad.

With the propaganda of all kinds of people in the tribe, more and more night owls came to listen to the song "Ten Years."

Even some music critics were woken up by the phone in the middle of the night and picked up the keyboard overnight.

Of course, all the players that have launched "Ten Years", the comment area is already very lively:

"Although Sun Yaohuo has been posting songs in recent months, this is his best one! I am not only talking about Xianyu's lyrics and music, but also Sun Yaohuo's singing."

"The lyrics of this song have been sung to the heart of my heart, especially the phrase [While I want to be thin, I shed tears], I can't stand it anymore, Xianyu, you pay for my tears!

"I really wanted to cry because this song reminded me of my first love, but when I saw the comments upstairs, I just laughed like Sabi."

"I had insomnia, and I accidentally brushed this song "Ten Years", and I couldn't sleep anymore."

"The lyrics are really well written. It reminds me that I lost my temper ten years ago, and the cows couldn’t get back. Ten years later, I felt unnecessary when I was angry. I always feel that the envy is relying on this song. Remind me that youth is gone forever."

"Some lovers will inevitably become friends in the end, but some lovers can only become the most familiar strangers."

"Later I learned that she is not my flower, I just happened to pass her blooming."


There is a saying that is very popular on the Internet, singers sing other people's stories, and people listen to their own feelings.

There is a more hypocritical statement:

Listen to other people's songs and shed tears.

And "Ten Years" sings a love story of a man and a woman.

But many people think of their "ten years", especially some men and women who have begun to have life experience, and even remember the so-called love that has passed away but can't help but cherish.

Ten years is a long time.

It gradually wiped out people's youth and frivolousness, and gradually precipitated people's self-knowledge.

Ten years ago, even the sentimentality had to be rendered earth-shattering.

Ten years later, the more painful and calmer, the more painful the more silent.

Ten years ago, young people understood in a confused manner.

Ten years later, everyone began to pretend to be confused.

To grow is to smooth out the edges and corners of a person, so that all vigorous and vigorous will become like water.

But there are some things that are in fact eternal, such as someone who is never mentioned in the mouth, but is always in my heart, or a certain memory.

That's why there are so many people, who will never leave ~lightnovelpub.net~This song has been sung in the hearts of too many people.

Not only is Xianyu, even Sun Yaohuo is beginning to be accepted by more and more listeners.

"I used to think that Sun Yaohuo's voice was ordinary, why did Xian Yu continue to cooperate with him, but after listening to "Ten Years", I suddenly changed my opinion of Sun Yaohuo. There is a story in his voice."

"Because of "Ten Years", I began to like Sun Yaohuo's voice. I don't know if I love the house and the black fish because I like Xianyu too much, but I believe that every singer selected by Xianyu should have saved the galaxy in his previous life. "

"Sun Yaohuo doesn't have the voice kissed by an angel like Jiangkui, but he has the invincible luck of being favored by the jealous fish."

"At least for the song "Ten Years", Sun Yaohuo was selected by Xianyu not only because of luck."


Nobody knows.

In front of a certain computer, Sun Yaohuo was sitting in front of the computer and commenting one by one, tearing down.

He just sat in front of the computer stupidly, and brushed his comments overnight.

From beginning to end, there was no trace of fatigue, but his eyes were swollen into goose eggs.

the next day.

When many people in the industry opened up this month's music charts with a low interest in the September season, "Ten Years" has become a well-deserved title track.

At the same time, the musicians who released the new song in September, when they saw this list, they trembled at the same time——

King's return?

On that day, people finally remembered the horror once dominated by Envy Fish.


ps: Originally in Cavan, I listened to "Ten Years" and "Next Year Today" seven or eight times, and it seemed to work again.


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