Full-time Artist

Chapter 450: Cool

on the stage.

Neither the face of the judges nor the exclamation of the audience affected Lin Yuan's singing.

Lin Yuan didn't watch or listen.

With his ears in his ears, the whole person was immersed in the melody, and the state of singing was even better than during rehearsal. Even the discomfort that was left behind by the camera was gradually forgotten.

The light struck softly.

The background of the big screen on the stage is a landscape painting on earth like a fairyland.

There are many peaks.

The smoke is faint.

The river is gurgling.

In the various reactions in the audience, Lin Yuan held the microphone steadily, and the music was perfectly snapped.

As the natural and ethereal female voice sounded again, the audience exclaimed again, even if the voice of the main song part changed, the audience had already seen the control of the two voices by the Lanling King.

This is the high and middle part of the first paragraph of the chorus:

"The cool night is thinking of you as a river, turning into spring mud to care for me."

However, on the next sentence, Lin Yuan effortlessly switched back to the typical large baritone, with a deep and powerful feeling of magnetism:

"Shallow years are all over my lover's sleeves, and pieces of Fangfei flow into the water."

Not only the main song part!

Orgasm is also a duet of male and female voices!

The audience in the audience was already a little silly!


waiting area.

Tongtong is full of worries and self-blame, feeling that the order of appearances he has chosen may affect the singing of King Lanling.

The result is the next moment!

When the voice of King Lanling realized the seamless transition between male and female voices for the first time, her head was suddenly confused!


After the song?

She doesn't remember at all!

She could only slightly open her mouth, her eyes widened, and she stood stupidly on the spot, as if she was struck by a sudden lightning.

at the same time.

Singer lounge.

White Swan stared at the TV on the wall, even if her voice was processed by a machine, she could not hide the accident:


Next door next door.

Inside the robot lounge.

The robot with a relatively lively personality has stood up, almost imagining how exaggerated the expression under his mask is: "I can't tell the gender of this person at all. He (she) can complete the two parts of male and female duet!"

The same goes for several other singer lounges.

"Who is this?"


"I have been in the music scene for so many years, and I have never heard such a natural transition between male and female voices. The male voice part is an absolute male voice, and the female voice part is an absolute female voice!"

How can it be?


Backstage director room.

Director Tong Shuwen was also stunned!

Others don’t know who King Lanling is, but he is an insider, so the impact is the most intuitive——

This is envy!

Isn't he a composer?

Why is his singing skills at the level of a professional singer, and he can also have two voices at the same time! ?

It's too abnormal!

The first discovery can only surprise Tong Shuwen, and it can only be said that Xian Yu is really an all-rounder; the second discovery shocked Tong Shuwen, which is no longer a category that talent can cover!

The first issue is unveiled?

If the first issue of King Lanling is unveiled, no one needs to question it.

The director Tong Shuwen should suspect that "The King of Masked Singer" is shady!


The shock of all parties.

Lin Yuan’s singing has come to an end, and his voice is getting louder, regardless of the male or female voice:

"When will the coolness of ten miles flourish in spring, and see a beautiful shadow under the tree;

Falling flowers deliberately flow water and ruthlessly, don't let the love and hatred cool the pure flower. "

The lights no longer wander.

Gathered at the feet of Lin Yuan.

Twilight fell on the big screen.

In the close-up of the lens, under the magnificent and cruel ghost mask, the voice is euphemistic and affectionate:

"Can't carry the red dust..."

In the ending like weeping, the audience heard the fusion of the two voices in a trance.

Everyone can't even tell whether the last lyrics was sung by a male voice or a female voice.

The scene is silent.

The program group is covered with countless camera shots, but every face captured in the shots is full of shock——

Including four judges.

Until the King of Lanling bowed to the band and the audience in the last few seconds of the music, many people finally recovered!


The scene was directly detonated!

This is something that the robot could not do, even the white swan, whose identity is almost certain after the song, could not do it——

"Oh my God!"

"so horrible!"

"Which immortal is this King of Lanling!"

"When he first switched to a male voice, I thought I had heard it wrong, and even suspected that I had a problem with my ears!"

"I still doubt my ears now!"

"Apart from King Lanling, is there a person hiding on the stage?"

"If it's a male singer, how can his female voice sing so well; if it's a female singer, how can his male voice be so flavorful?"


"The other singers are all soloists! This Lanling King directly staged the mixed doubles!"



Several celebrity judges even forgot their responsibilities to create atmosphere. Of course, they don't need to create atmosphere now.

Since the first time King Lanling changed his voice, the program's effects have been full!


Even An Hong, who has the role of a host, took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions before taking the stage.

"Thanks to Teacher Lanling Wang for singing!"

His voice was unconcealed curiosity:

"I think you may need time to calm down your emotions. Let me first ask you a question that everyone is most concerned about. What is the gender of Teacher Lanling Wang?"

"you guess."

Lin Yuan replied in a male voice, but because of the effects and the singing just now, no one dared to determine the true gender of King Lanling.

An Hong smiled helplessly:

"It seems that we have to find four professional judges and teachers to give pointers, Teacher Mao Xuewang!"


Mao Xuewang didn't speak.

An Hong couldn't help but shouted again: "Ms. Mao Xuewang?"


Mao Xuewang just woke up like a dream: "I was thinking about the question you just asked. Whether King Lanling is a man or a woman. As a result, I don't know."

"A singer can sing male and female voices at the same time. Although rare, it is not unusual."

The judge catkins spoke up.

When the audience heard it, their eyes widened.

You are too pretending, isn't this unusual?

Really we have no knowledge?

However, the second sentence of Catkins made the audience realize that Catkins is actually an ally:

"Many male singers can use techniques to sing techniques similar to female voices. In fact, it is just a false voice. The same is true for female singers. However, you are different from the two types of singers I mentioned. Naturally, it is natural that I can't hear the traces of skill. I can only say that your two voices are too clever, so clever that I can accept your imperfections in singing, and even want to continue listening..."


Male singers can sing a female voice, and many people in the singing circle can do it, but most of these male singers tend to have a female voice in their male voice.

The same goes for female singers.

But King Lanling is different. He has an extremely pure male voice, so pure that everyone can't imagine that this voice can make a female voice!

He has a pure female voice again!

This female voice was pure when he just spoke, everyone subconsciously thought that he must be a female singer!


The ultimate contrast!

Liu Xu smiled and turned his head: "So I can't judge the gender of King Lanling. This problem may be left to Teacher Wu Long."

"do not ask me."

Wu Long shook his head repeatedly: "Like you, I can't guess the male and female voices just now. Which one is his original sound, is it useful?"


Lin Yuandao.

An audience began to communicate.

How do you feel that the Lanling King is a bit cold, and he is not very enthusiastic about the judges?

Unlike the first two.

Even if arrogant as a white swan, it is a very low profile to the four very critical judges in the industry.

"The original sound is useful. It means that one of the two voices just now is true. The two voices are too cruel. The other singers are soloists. You are equivalent to two people present, mixed doubles for men and women, direct two to one!"

The audience laughed!

is not it!

Two hit one directly!

"Let's not talk about this issue for now, unless I confirm it, I will judge you as a boy based on the image of King Lanling." Wu Long said, "Actually, it's not that you have two voices, but the last sentence... …"

Liu Xu and Mao Xuewang nodded at the same time, seeming to know what Wu Long wanted to say.

"The last sentence should be a male and female chorus, but you have only one person, either male or female. I have been thinking about what you would do if you have a chorus design. As a result, you showed us a male and female chorus. The sounds blend in general, and the entire Blue Star is probably only you can do this!" Wu Long said seriously.

The audience turned their eyes.

This evaluation is too high!

King Lanling still had no words.

An Hong was happy: "It can be seen that our teacher Lanling Wang is a quiet singer, teacher Yang Zhongming..."

An Hong looked at Yang Zhongming.

Everyone looked at Yang Zhongming.

Faced with such a special singer, everyone wants to know what Qu Dad Yang Zhongming would say.

As a result, Yang Zhongming stared at Lin Yuan and said every word:

"You have two voices."

Lin Yuan's expression under the mask changed slightly when he heard this.

But through the mask, everyone couldn't see Lin Yuan's expression.

After speaking, Yang Zhongming shook his head: "But this is impossible."

Everyone laughed.

Yang Zhongming also smiled: "Are you having fun?"

This was the first time Yang Zhongming showed such an easy-going smile.

Before that, Yang Zhongming always gave people a kind of indescribable majesty, even if he would laugh, but there was a feeling of indescribable.

Just like Chen Daoming on the earth, he has a natural aura that can't be suppressed.


Lin Yuan's voice also showed a smile.

He knew that Yang Zhongming might have guessed something, but he should just guess the state.


Yang Zhongming's next sentence is: "You look like someone I know."

The audience was surprised.

Who is Yang Zhongming referring to?

The judges also looked at Yang Zhongming: "Who is it?"

Yang Zhongming shook his head: "I can't say it, if I guess it, it won't be fun to say it."

Everyone felt helpless, and their hearts were itchy like a cat's claw.

Yang Zhongming is Qu Da, and he knows too many singers. Where does this clue let everyone start guessing?

"Tell me about the song. This is a new song. What is the title of the song?"

""Chill", the coolness of herbal tea."

"Who wrote the song?"

Yang Zhongming stared at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan wanted to follow the original plan and put the creation of the song on the head of King Lanling.

But looking at the familiar Yang Zhongming in front of him, out of some consideration, he suddenly changed his mind:

"Xian Yu."

The audience shook instantly!

The audience area, which had been quiet, became hot again, because the name "Xianyu" is so familiar to everyone!

"I go!"

"Xianyu's song?"

"It turns out to be a new song by Xianyu. No wonder it sounds so good. I didn't expect Teacher Xianyu would help King Lanling!"

"Should he be Sun Yaohuo?"

"Why don't you say it is Jiangkui."

"It might be Chen Zhiyu."

"Singing King Lan Yan is also possible!"

"The problem is that King Lanling sang the song written by Xianyu in the first show. Isn't it a waste of it?"


The scene was a little restless.

And in the singer’s lounge.

The white swan was also stunned: "It turned out to be the song of Teacher Xianyu... But it is also understandable that only the Lanling King can sing such an effect of male and female voice contrast."

"Ahhhhh, sour sour sour!"

The robot is as weird as always, exaggerated: "Why doesn't Teacher Xianyu help me? Teacher Xianyu, look at me!"



"I hate!"

Other singers are a little bit sour, expressing their feelings through jokes.

Judge Yang Zhongming raised his eyebrows: "Xianyu's grasp of the melody of pop songs has always been very precise. The composition of this song is indeed like his handwriting, but his lyrics this time are too perfunctory."


Wu Long rejoiced: "I suspect that Xianyu wrote this song in a hurry, so I just fooled the lyrics."

Liuxu smiled and said, "Teacher Xianyu is lazy too."

Mao Xuewang nodded: "Ms. Xianyu's lyric writing ability is the best in Blue Star."

Lin Yuan: "..."

Do you have any misunderstandings about me?

Well, I can only say that Xianyu's writing ability has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The benefits of this are:

Even if the lyrics of a certain song of Xianyu are bad, everyone will only think that this is because Xianyu didn't write it seriously, and they don't think that this is because Xianyu's ability is limited.

But the fact is...

Lin Yuan also knows that the lyrics of "Cool and Cool" are almost meaningless, but the melody is very good, which is relative to popular songs.

So he changed a few words and phrases at the end of the lyrics.

And on this stage where popular voting is the mainstay, singing pop songs is more advantageous!

Because it is enough to achieve the purpose of ear grasping in a short time!

So even if the lyrics are poor, he still chose this song.

The most important thing is that the way the song is sung by men and women is convenient for giving play to his voice advantage.

Yang Zhongming nodded:

"The advantages that the new song brings to you are obvious, and your dual-channel voice talent is also unique, that is, the singing skills are not perfect, but the first two advantages are enough to make up for it, but as the game develops, some problems will eventually be faced..."


Lin Yuan felt that this evaluation was very pertinent, and his singing skills really needed to be practiced.

The judges' speeches ended.

Next is the interactive session of the jury.

But in the background.

The fourth singer who was about to sing ~lightnovelpub.net~ dressed as a magician was panicked.

The first one, the robot, played well!

The second place, the white swan, is the level behind the song!

The third place, King Lanling, surprised the audience!

A wave is higher than a wave...

How to pick up this one...



ps: The plot of this kind of game basically needs to be dealt with in large chapters, so it takes a long time, but the number of words is still a lot, I hope everyone can be satisfied, the chapter is really not intentional, and I can't write it in the middle of the night.

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