Full-time Artist

Chapter 470: boom

   Whether it is prophecy or bad news, in the end it must be implemented in the competition itself.

the next day.

   Lin Yuan was sitting in Xiao Gudong’s car and went to the music center to prepare for the third phase of the "Masked Singer".

   While driving.

   Xiao Gudong was a bit aggrieved: "Those people are too much. Representative Lin can't be angry with these people."

   Lin Yuan: "……"

  It is obviously Xiao Gudong who is angry.

   Lin Yuan really doesn't feel anything by himself.

   Of course Lin Yuan would read the comments on the Internet, and he also gave many people likes in the tourist mode.

   Some comments are objective.

   If you don’t improve your singing skills, the competition does not go long.

   No matter how many cards he has, he can't cover up his disadvantages in singing skills.

   But it is not right to say that the third period is in danger.

   Even without the improvement of the skill book in the golden treasure chest, Lin Yuan is sure that he will not be eliminated in the third period.

   After all, not all great songs require extremely high singing skills, the second-line singing skills are enough.

  For example...

   Besides singing, sometimes feelings are actually more important than singing skills. If only singing skills are available, what's the difference between it and singing machines?

   In short, Lin Yuan has decided!

  Today's issue is to completely reverse some people's impression of themselves in the first two issues!

   thinking like this.

   The car arrived at the program group.

   When Lin Yuan got out of the car wearing a mask, a loud voice suddenly erupted around him. The decibels were far higher than the previous period. Even the security guards next to him were taken aback!

   "The King of Lanling!"

   "King Lanling, come on!"

   "The King of Lanling, I will always support you, today labor and capital only support you!"

   "King Lanling, you are great!"

   "I love you, King Lanling!"

   "Don't listen to the Internet, just sing your own song well, "Boy" is great, I download it and support it!"

   "King Lanling, I will line up for you all night!"

   "I came from Yangcheng to support you!"


   Lin Yuan's footsteps paused slightly.

   He looked at the faces outside, and suddenly felt a little strange.

   If he hadn't read the comments on the Internet, Lin Yuan would almost doubt that he had won the first place in the last game, so he would have won so much support.

  ‘I seem to have overlooked something. ’

   Lin Yuan suddenly had such an idea.

last night.

   When I read the comments on the Internet, I was obviously not angry, and I even gave people a compliment...

   is very gentle!

   Very rational!

   very calm!

   But at this moment, listening to these cheering sounds, he suddenly felt that a little bit of emotion in his chest was gathering and rising.

   can't tell, the way is unknown.

   A lot of words, stems in the chest.

   Looking at the peripheral or indifferent, or eager, or plain, or smiling face, he finally knew what he had overlooked.

  He suddenly remembered...

   Last night, when many people sang themselves badly, there were actually some very faint voices, fighting for reason.

  He suddenly remembered...

   Last night, after the live broadcast of Cold Spring ended, someone left such a message in the comment section of "Boy":

   "You continue to sing, I continue to listen-no matter where you sing."

  He suddenly remembered...

   In the music forum last night, someone forwarded and shared "Boy" over and over again, seeming to be trying hard to tell more people that this song is worth listening to several times

   Although such an effort is a bit futile, even a bit ridiculous.

   Although the reply below is not very pleasant.

   The poster is still stubbornly fighting with reason.

   At that time, Lin Yuan just felt that it was very comfortable, and there were still people who could feel his sincerity, that was enough.

   can be nothing more than that.

   But this line of seemingly weak support, at this moment, looking back, the feeling seems to have become completely different.

   There are things that I don’t care about at all, some people care so much...

   It turns out that I am not lifeless, but someone else is angry for me...

   It turns out that I am so important to some people...

   "Teacher Lanling Wang."

   Tongtong greeted him, and said in doubt: "Why don't you go in?"

   Lin Yuan did not speak, just turned around and bowed to the crowd outside.

  What is singing?

   is because I want to sing, so I sing?

   But when this love can be felt by someone or even some people, am I still fighting alone?

   At this moment, the sun seems abruptly bright.

   His back disappeared before the eyes of the surrounding crowd.


   Lin Yuan walked ahead without saying a word.

   Tongtong looked at King Lanling, his eyes a little worried.

   She feels that today's opponent seems to be colder than the previous two periods, and faintly feels that today's opponent seems to be a fire that is gradually burning.

Very contradictory.

   She bit her lip.

   I don’t know how to comfort.

   It seems that King Lanling was affected by some voices on the Internet.



   Wang Lanling never said a word from beginning to end.

   Then, it was a lottery.

   King Lanling still didn't speak, but shook his head.

   Tongtong understood what the other party meant and reached into the box and took out a ball.

   "Teacher Lanling Wang..."

   Tongtong smiled bitterly and showed the order of appearance in his hands.

   Number one ball!

   Today, King Lanling opens!

  Lanling King nodded and leaned on the sofa. The emotion was still accumulating and gradually surging.

   Tongtong’s eyes are filled with worries.


   got the opening lot!

Obviously bear a lot of pressure, but they have to be the first to appear on stage to welcome the various emotions of the audience. When seeing him, the audience should immediately think of those online comments, and may even listen to songs in whispers. ...

   This sign sucks.

   In fact, King Lanling’s win or loss has nothing to do with Tongtong.

   After King Lanling is eliminated, new singers will appear.

   Tongtong will still stay on the stage as an assistant agent to accompany the new singer.

   But to be honest--

   Tongtong likes to stay with King Lanling.

   Although King Lanling spoke somewhat casually, Tongtong actually felt that what the other party said made sense.

  On the Internet, some people say that King Lanling’s tongue is for blogging attention.

   However, Tongtong could not feel the slightest bit of malice from King Lanling.

   When King Lanling mentioned Yuan Xi, the expression hidden under disguise should be a kind of regret.

   When the Lanling King evaluated Zhao Yingge, his expression hidden under disguise should be a kind of helplessness.

   Will King Lanling be eliminated today?

   Tongtong didn't know, but she vaguely heard some movement.

   The rehearsal performance of the replacement singer is very good...

   on the TV.

   The stage has already opened.

   The host is in control.

at the same time.

   A reminder came from the loud speaker: "Please prepare the first singer, Mr. Lanling Wang."


   Lin Yuan's face under the mask could not see emotions, he stood up forcefully, and walked side by side with Tongtong towards the direction of the stage.

   "Teacher Lanling Wang..."

   Tongtong looked at Lin Yuan, the worry in his eyes was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it.

"do not worry."

   Lin Yuan said, his voice seemed to have a slight smile.

   Tong Tong was stunned, as if for the first time intuitively felt the other's emotional expression.

   And this time.

   Lin Yuan has already walked in the center of the stage.

  Under the stage.

   The eyes of the audience, together with countless lights, gathered on him, accompanied by various sounds.

   "The first one is King Lanling?"

   "It's a male and female voice again, right?"

   "It sounds good."

   "It just feels meaningless to hear too much."

   "It's all a routine."

   "This person has a good eye on blogging."

   "Don't say that, I like him very much."

   "I like it too. I think what he said makes sense, but his identity is special, so some people don't like to listen."

   "I also support him when he is eliminated."

   "You like him, just because he did well in the first period."


   In the front row of the jury, the camera shows Leng Quan's face. He is indeed a member of the third jury.

   Lengquan even smiled at the camera.

   The four judges in the judges seat were a bit serious, and there seemed to be some hidden worries in their eyes.

   There are five hundred spectators.


   The thick drums sounded, and the stage lights turned phantom blue. The floating light and glimpses of the stage seemed murderous!




Before    the drum, the drummer waved the drumsticks vigorously, the rhythm was heavy and powerful.

   Then the drum beats slightly.

   The sound of the pipa came through!

  In the center of the stage~lightnovelpub.net~ Lin Yuan's hand holding the raised microphone suddenly forcefully, in the close-up given by the lens, even the bones are faintly pale!

at the same time.

   His voice is like a cannonball out of the chamber, with a crash!

   "Laugh from the sea!"

   "Tide on both sides of the strait!"

   "Floating and sinking with the waves to remember the present!"

   It seems that there is a sense of urgency of being pinched on the nape of the neck, everyone's scalp is numb in an instant!

   is like a fast lens.

   The scenes heard at the door and seen last night flashed across Lin Yuan's mind.

   The heroism in the smoke’s voice was suddenly magnified, and his ebullient emotions burst out completely--

   "The sky laughs!"

   "The tide is rising in the world!"

   "God knows who loses and wins!"

   The sound of drums hit everyone's hearts, the pipa shook everyone's nerves, and the singing impacted everyone's eardrums.

  The dragon chants and the tigers roar temporarily——

   Listen to thunder in a silent place! ! !



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