Full-time Artist

Chapter 960: Travels

   Chapter 963

  In this battle, Lin Yuan did not expect that he is not a martial artist, he just wanted to use the show to promote "Tai Chi", so that people who are interested can use it as an exercise.

   However, Lin Yuan was not guilty in conscience when he really encountered this battle.

  Tai Chi can be passed down for generations in the celestial dynasty.


  The photographer has set up the machine and looked at Lin Yuan with a weird expression: "Teacher Xianyu, when shall we start?"


  Lin Yuan said.


  The Taoist priests narrowed their eyes.

  The experts said nothing.

  Yu Dynasty and others stared at Lin Yuan worriedly.

  Under the lens.

  Lin Yuan's feet stand side by side, his joints and muscles relax, and his breathing is natural.

  This is an extremely quiet state.


  Lin Yuan moved.

  His feet are half-step to the left and shoulder-width apart, and his arms are slowly raised forward and parallel to the shoulders.

  The straight and non-straight elbow joints are slightly bent, the palms are down, the legs are slightly squatted into a horse walk, the upper body is straight and the eyes are straight ahead...

  Tai Chi is on the rise!

  Fish Dynasty everyone looked at each other.

  They don’t understand, they just think this action is pretty and at the same time quite bluffing.

After all,    is a group of laymen, watch the excitement.

   Insiders are the gatekeepers.

   Daoist Song Bai and several Taoist priests around looked at each other, their expressions seemed a little surprised.

The experts next to    were also taken aback.

  The first action is very professional.

   is in line with the principles of human mechanics.

  But this is just the beginning, so no one spoke.


  Lin Yuan has no distractions.

  When he officially started to practice Tai Chi, he only felt that all the movements were already thoroughly familiar.

  The second type.

  The third type.

  Fourth formula.

  Lin Yuan's every movement essentials and its purpose are very clear in his mind. Although he is constantly moving, his heart is quiet, and his breathing is naturally peaceful.




according to!




Depend on!

  Soft and slow.

  Coherent coordination.

  The reality is clear.

  Rigid and soft.

  Tai Chi's action requirements are not floating or stiff, flexible outside, rigid inside, and full of strength, full of flexibility, not clumsy or even brute force, but to use force to highlight a clever word.


  Lin Yuan has performed many moves one after another.

  I saw him sometimes sitting with his palms forward and drawing a circle to the sides;

  Sometimes the center of gravity moves forward to the right foot to form a right lunge, with both palms in front, and the elbow does not leave the ribs;

  Flicking his eyes again, his center of gravity has shifted to the left into a left lunge, and his right hand becomes palm up;

  While breathing, but the center of gravity moved to the right foot, bent knees and squatted.

  Like a white crane with wings.

   like a wild horse with split mane.

  The double peaks penetrate the ears, as if sealed, as if closed.

  All the movements of Lin Yuan are so round and harmonious, which is pleasing to the eye.


  Fish Dynasty.

  Everyone looks silly!

  Chen Zhiyu murmured: "Why is it so beautiful?"

Sun Yaohuo's eyes lit up: "Do you still remember the descriptions of Tai Chi in "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer"? I feel that the movements of the younger brother and the Tai Chi described in the novel are completely the same. Isn't the practice of Tai Chi not Teacher Chu Kuang? Made up by this author?"

  Simple shock: "How is it possible!"

  Xia Fan whispered: "How can it be impossible!"

   Jiang Kui thoughtfully: "It means Tai Chi!"

  Wei Haoyun murmured: "Although the movements are not fast, there is a taste of neither rush nor slow, but there is an inexplicable beauty. Is this really the Tai Chi described in the novel?"

   "On behalf of... so handsome!"

  Zhao Yingge's eyes became love-like, she became a **** completely, and couldn't resist the charm of Tai Chi at all!

  The layman still can’t read it.

  However, even if a layman sees Tai Chi, he will inevitably have a "unclear and sharp" perception, because the viewing ability is really strong!

  These actions are in line with everyone's concept of martial arts beauty!


  Wudang View.

  The Taoist priests have wide-eyed!

  The eyes of Taoist Song Bai suddenly overflowed!

  The Taoist priest next to Song Bai said: "Brother, why do I have a sense of fright? This set of martial arts seems to be very close to some of our Taoist martial arts concepts, but it is different from any martial arts handed down by our Taoism!"


  Song Bai's voice was a little trembling: "Tai Chi was originally a concept proposed by Taoism. Black and white Tai Chi pictures have been circulating for so many years, but no one has thought of creating a martial art around the concepts and sayings of Tai Chi!"

  Taoism came into being in the Spring and Autumn Period.

   Among the classics that have been passed down to the world, the "Book of Changes" has the concept of Tai Chi.

  In addition, in works such as "Zhuangzi", there are also corresponding introductions to Tai Chi.

  This is a philosophy handed down from ancient times.

   is now written as a martial art by Chu Kuang.

  Xianyu is in Wudang Mountain today and personally manifested it!

Most of the elders of Wudang View, such as Song Bai Daochang, have practiced martial arts since childhood.

  They are not the worldly experts described in novels, and they have never myths about traditional martial arts.

  But this does not prevent them from seeing the power of "Tai Chi"!




  This is a very healthy exercise.

  The actual combat ability is hard to say, but it is definitely professional!

  Since it has the effect of strengthening the body and conforms to the law of actual combat, it is not that the envy is making up for grandstanding!

  Inexplicable room.

  President Song Bai suddenly felt like a treasure!



  The experts are shocked!

  If there is no shortage of people in Wudang View who practice martial arts.

  Almost all of the expert group has studied martial arts and even movements for half a lifetime!

  They are even more able to appreciate the subtleties of "Tai Chi" than the Taoist priests of Wudang Temple!


   "This is obviously a very good martial art!"

  "How did he research it!?"

   "The trick just now is obviously taking advantage of your strength!"

   "The action is virtual and real, it's hard to guess what his next move will be."

  "This is a method of softness and strength!"

   "The martial arts skills of four or two strokes and a thousand catties have been used to the extreme!"

   "This martial art may have a lot of practical effects, and the design of the force and force is too good."

   "Hua Li leans on the footwork, the force is in the shaking, it seems to be a slight shaking, in fact, there is a huge amount of force hidden!"

"Although his movements are very slow, this is only for performance teaching. It can be seen that the tricks contain a lot of martial arts characteristics. Have you seen that? There is a use of grappling in the movement just now, and it is similar to throwing and relying. The way of exerting force is also very characteristic. This is the thinking of relying on the feet to support and lean against the waist, especially the movement of straight punches is the same as the principle of punching in Sanda!"

  This martial art is not easy!

  No matter what martial arts practiced by modern people, it is not for the purpose of fighting, but for strengthening the body.

  Fighting is illegal, and killing skills are not required in peaceful times. People who study martial arts never know martial arts, but they will never deny martial arts.

  Many martial arts that have been passed down by Blue Star for thousands of years are being practiced by the military.

  This has shown that martial arts is real, but it is not as mysterious as described in martial arts novels.


  Before everyone thought that Lin Yuan was sensationalizing.

  But at this moment.

  Everyone is stunned!

  Director Tong Shuwen was also stunned!

  Xianyu, this martial art seems to be very good!

  Many people are whispering, it seems shocking?

  He quickly found a gymnastics research expert in the expert group: "Expert Hu, what do you think of Teacher Xian Yu’s martial arts?"

  "Are you asking about actual combat ability or physical fitness?"

Expert Hu has a slightly gray hair and is already a retired senior citizen: "If it is actual combat, I can only say that this martial art should be usable, but ordinary people have not studied for ten years, so don't want to fight how powerful it is, but If it is for physical fitness, the practical value of this set of martial arts is very high, especially for me, an elderly person who can't even do gymnastics at an age, and I plan to go back and learn from this kid for advice."

   "It's so amazing!?"

  Tong Shuwen hadn't spoken yet, Zhu Lei, the choreographer next to her, screamed, but no one paid any attention to her.

  Although everyone was chatting with each other, the words were shocking, but their eyes never looked away from Lin Yuan!

  As if reluctant to look away!

Expert Hu is also the same. He stared at Lin Yuan in the martial arts training ground: "So far, I have not found any improprieties in this martial art. Many key parts of the body can be exercised, and it can even improve a person's performance. Mood, because you can only fight this when you are in a calm mood. You can't learn this type of martial arts with an impetuous temper."

   "Will it hurt your knee?"

  An uncertain interface next to a relatively young expert.

Expert Hu sighed: "Even if you insist on running, which is an aerobic and healthy exercise, you will hurt your knees. If you talk about toxicity from the dose, you are a hooligan. The same is true for abandoning the amount of exercise to evaluate this martial arts. His processing methods are very scientific and are in line with the human body. If your movements are in place, there won’t be any problems after practicing for an hour. Under normal circumstances, whoever practices desperately does not rely on this to fight with others.”

   "This is true."

The young expert took a closer look, and took a slight breath: "At first glance, this martial arts only thinks that the movements are beautiful and regular. After careful consideration, I found that it contains a lot of philosophies about the human body, which is a bit like a fulcrum The feeling of lifting a heavy tripod."

"Not only that."

Another expert joined the discussion: "Like a ball in the water, if you slap it hard, the ball suddenly enters the water, and at the same time the buoyancy that can be displayed is also extremely amazing. This is the force you hit, and the force you hit is finally bounced. Many come back."

  "It is more accurate to describe with a tumbler."

An expert of the same age squinted his eyes: "This Tai Chi's use of Qiao Jin is too terrible. If the research is deep enough, people who fight with him will feel like they are not able to use their strength and all their power is hitting cotton. , But it’s too difficult to achieve this level."

  Tai Chi is not a quick way of martial arts.

  Unlike Taekwondo or Boxing Sanda, you will have a certain fighting power after learning for a period of time, but the advantages are also obvious.

  It doesn’t hurt to practice for a while.

  The body will get exercise instead.

  Tong Shuwen has been silly to hear, he doesn't understand those professional things, he only knows that experts have a high evaluation of "Tai Chi"!

  In other words:

  This Tai Chi performance can be promoted with the help of the show, and from the perspective of viewing, this martial arts is very stylish, maybe it can become popular to a certain extent! ?


  For laymen, when watching Tai Chi, they will feel unclear and sharp!

  Xianyu wears white clothes, as if she is yin and yang, her movements are coherent and graceful. There is not a lot of killing and brutality in martial arts. Instead, there is an inexplicable harmonious mood. It feels so good!



  There are a total of 42 Tai Chi styles provided by the system. Lin Yuan finished the Tai Chi completely and made a gesture of finishing work.

  No sweat.

  No breathlessness.

  It's a bit like finishing a set of gymnastics, and the whole person is radiant, as if there is a feeling of vigor and vitality.

"it is good!"

  I don’t know who yelled first.

  A group of Taoist priests started to applaud!

  Many of them are so disdainful in their previous words, and I don’t believe that Xian Yu can create any martial arts little Taoist priest!

   and from the same time.

  Many experts also nodded slightly, with waves in their eyes.


  Someone walked towards Lin Yuan.

  After watching Tai Chi, their views and attitudes towards Lin Yuan have changed drastically!

at the same time.

  The recording of this episode is also coming to an end.

  Next, just make up a shot of the Fish Dynasty going down the mountain to rescue the kidnapped teenagers, punishing evil and promoting good deeds.


  The last shot taken is very simple.

  When everything was done, Tong Shuwen smiled.

  And at this moment.

  The Internet has already burst into popularity because of the live broadcast of the Fish Dynasty recording variety show!


  Xianyu’s clip of "Using" was reposted by countless netizens, which caused countless joys and made everyone look forward to the second issue of this show!

  Children’s texts are not procrastinated.

  He immediately began to lead the team to do editing work.

  This is a difficult thing to say.

  Because of the limited duration of the show.

  For the rhythm and continuity of the variety show, there are many wonderful shots that Tong Shuwen wants to keep, but can only reluctantly give up.

  So delete and delete.

  The last edited content of the children’s text is already the essence of the entire program.

   is mainly a shot of several games.

  And Xianyu’s Tai Chi performance is the highlight of the show!

  This is the climax of this variety show.

  No fancy operations.

  It's enough to envy the fish and do a Tai Chi!


  Tai Chi is confidential.

  Tong Shuwen made a promotional video after finishing the editing, which mentioned the concept of Tai Chi, but did not make the audience realize that the program group might really have to arrange a Tai Chi session!

  After all, in the concept of many people:

  Tai Chi, like "Dragon's Eighteen Palms", was compiled by Chu Kuang himself in martial arts novels.

  It is impossible for it to exist in reality.

  After watching the promotional video, netizens were just discussing all kinds of excitement:

   "This issue does not seem to be worse than the first issue!"

   "I can see it during the live broadcast, it's fun!"

   "Hahaha, the show crew is starting to make a fuss about the old thief again."

   "The first episode talked about Chu Kuang's fairy tales. The program team of this issue directly set the theme as "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji"."

   "There are elements of Journey to the West too!"

   "Xian Yu said that he would write a song about monsters, but the trailer didn't tell everyone how to sing this song."

   "I'm looking forward to the full version of Yu Dad's wonderful song!"

   "According to the rhythm of the first issue, there will definitely be a full version of these songs in the second issue."


  In various discussions.

  Time comes to the end of July.

  The second issue of "Fish You Go" is on the air!

  The title of this issue is:

  Hey travels.

   is a very happy name, which is a homonym for "Journey to the West" because this program has elements of Journey to the West.

The word   Travel Notes is also quite appropriate.

   is not too particular about the broadcast time.

  Normal variety shows are broadcast once a week.

  The update of "Fish You Go" is a bit random.

  This is the benefit of webcasting.

  Time is very flexible.

  Broadcast completely according to the recording situation, no need to make shoddy work because of rushing to work.

  This night. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

  After the point.

  Countless viewers stood in front of the Internet TV or computer...


  Ps: Thanks to the [silent silent] leader of the boss for the reward, and give a knee to the boss!

   Thank you [Bai Yimeng, Fei Yu] 30000, [Thunder Ga Bing] 18500 great rewards! Thank you [Tsing Yi Shuanghua] 9000, [Winter Plum Moonlight] 7500, [Moonlight in the Desert] [┠MS┨ Nangong Bingyue] 3000, [Happy Bad Guys] [Night Wolf Haunt] 2000, [Luo Luoxi] [PEPENI] [The shadow is me] [Xuan Jingjing] [The confused young master of the Zhang family] [Pure rice ginjo] [Yi Cha Ge Yi] [Three zero 321] [Yi Hua] [Wind and rain with clothes] [Xiang Che Mei Nan] [ [Chang Yu] [Pan Qi back] [The original name can be very long] [The Ancestor of Mo] 1500, [The Buddhism Department] 1100, ["Chen ぐ Love is not gone" 1000 rewards! Thank you [Chang Yu] [9思 c] [Mu Hanjun] [Author’s little trumpet] [The captain of the boat] [Tian Yinling] [__木__] 500, [Good wind in the past] [deadinside] 300, [FYZ331fot] 200 rewards



  (End of this chapter)