Fury Ocean

Chapter 170: Grim Reaper, Legendary Tactics

"This is the strategy you designed for Mo Fan?"

"Co-design. [? Eight? One ({中文 [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM"

"Niu Ben never asked?"


"You never told him?"


"Why is Niuben fighting this way?"

"Sayed. He wants to take the opportunity to practice."

"What do you think of the effect?"

"... Not bad. Great progress."

"The results of it?"

"The result ... doesn't seem to be great."

"You don't think Niuben is about to lose!"


"If you lose, do you feel responsible?"


"Do you really take this game as a training class, it doesn't matter if you win or lose?"


"Say? Didn't it make sense before?"

"How do I know he has a muscle ... fuck!"

The competition was fierce in the arena, and the debate in the box was once again set off. Before the war, Zheng Fei Fei Fei was no longer so straightforward and began to worry about the outcome of the game. At this moment, many surrounding audiences with similar tendencies feel similar to it. They are speculating why Niuben insists on that unfavorable style of play, and gradually pushes himself into a dead end.

Compared to the simple and crude of melee combat, the mech melee combat not only has various scene changes, but also the storm and momentum that set off are more sufficient. The previous sound of gunfire did not stop, and the next roar rang. The glare produced by the explosion constituted wonderful pictures. , The dust is flying, the steel is running on the ground ... The game is exciting and the picture is full.

Apart from the sensory stimuli brought by the scene, the technical operations of both sides are also wonderful. As of now, Blue has used at least six different unconventional operations, giving people a glimpse of its “claimed victory”. In terms of attack, in addition to maintaining the usual tricky style, Mo Fan's most surprising thing is his gunfire position and timing, which is not only accurate, but also has a clear direction of specialization. Specifically, he deliberately chooses parts that look inconspicuous, such as the soles of feet when striding, the elbows of arms when swinging, the knees and heads of legs when jumping, which makes his opponent defenseless.

"Death hand!"

It was a coincidence once and twice, and it was repeated three times, and even throughout the game, that people gradually understood their intentions.

"Yes, it's death."

"Is it intentional?"

There are some extreme situations and extreme play in the mecha field, and death is in it, and it is the most terrible one.

Although the energy cover covers the whole body, the egg shell is very imaginary. It is an entity composed of surrounding energy rays. The reason why it takes a certain amount of time to open it is to wait for the energy rays in the sphere to complete the cycle. The process of guarding it is like a moat with a source irrigation to complete the return flow. No matter which direction the flame comes from, the water in the river can protect the city from being burned during the flow. If the external fire is too big and the time is too long, the river will be dried up. Although the source is still there, it can no longer complete the protection.

The ray cycle of the energy hood is a three-dimensional mode, and the defense is more comprehensive. It is not guarding the city that is still in place, but a mech that can run and jump. When the fuselage curls up and stays still, it is conducive to the energy shield swinging. On the contrary, if the exercise is vigorous and the body is stretched out, the energy shield will definitely appear "Temporary weak areas", if attacked in a timely manner, it may be effective.

Still using the analogy of the moat, if the city moves, a certain position suddenly bulges out, the river channel is narrowed during the process of being pushed out, and it will withstand more attacks, and sometimes there will be a "temporary interruption." This is the case on the battlefield. The energy shield is still there, but the mech is directly hit by the artillery. As if the energy shell "penetrates" the shield, it hits the target, causing damage and may even be fatal.

This is the origin of the name "Death Hand", to understand how difficult it is to realize. On the one hand, the God of War cannot dare to say that he can do it with confidence, usually he does not deliberately do it. On the other hand, every day, people will fight in the battle. Grim Reaper "handed" to opponents, many of which were ordinary pilots and even mediocre.

It is one of the few warfare skills that can be achieved by "blind Mongolia". The difference is that if you are a master, you can catch the fighter and die the enemy after the victory. At best, you will show off in the future.

In today's game, Mo Fan deliberately pursued "kill". At the beginning, people were skeptical and disdainful. As the battle progressed, when they saw the blue party mech repeatedly hit the intended target, the shield on Qiaolangjun's body. When the jitters were fierce, and the red and blue jumped wildly, the audience gradually felt the danger and lost sight.

Everyone understands that the weaker the shield, the more likely it is to complete the hand of death.

Opening the distance is the safest tactic, and handing over the death is the most extreme means. Combining the two, the strength of the blue side and the will to fight are best reflected. To the Red side who fights it, it's like a sharp blade hanging around his neck, and he may cut his throat at any time.

More than that, it is commendable. The few masters around it are serious. The biggest change of Mo Fan is not the fierce moves, but the manipulation of the real and the virtual, incredible, and often perform wonderful actions.

Different from "delivering" death, relying on luck, grasping the truth of reality can best test the pilot's consciousness of combat. Ordinary people only know that truth and reality can blind their opponents, but they do not know how difficult it is to control ... This not only tests the operation technology, but also The psychological battle between the two sides was inadvertent, and it was a common occurrence that they clumsy.

For example, stones, scissors, and cloth, although they are games, can explain a little. The party who masters the opponent's psychology can make a winning streak until the opponent's will collapses.

"It must be your ghost!"

Reaper submitted the basic skills of the school, and the changes in reality and reality are obviously different from Mo Fan's previous battles. Even in the observation box, even Avril can see this, pulling Ye Fei to keep complaining.

"I just woke up, I didn't expect Mo Fan to use it so well ... fuck!"

In the game, the blue mech dangled, and the red mech was deceived again. When the mech was operated to avoid it, it was fooled, and was hit by the artillery "predicting the direction of its movement in advance."

This is also true and false. Mo Fan does not chase death every time he attacks, and the changes are unpredictable ... The students in the room substitute themselves into Niuben's position, and they can't help feeling cold. Except for Lin Shaowu and Liu Xiyang, who have already prepared for the backcourt, the assessment conclusions of others are simple: they can't beat, and they can't even support them as Niu Ben did.

After this shot, the red side's energy shield turned completely red, and the box gradually became desperate. Ye Fei, the original figure, could not calm down, shook his head, and walked anxiously.

"Strange, Niuben doesn't look stupid, why is he always fooled?"

"Niu Niu is not stupid, but not as treacherous as you."

Others don't want to talk to Ye Fei now, only Ai Weier angrily cursed: "Look at it, quickly think of a way."

This is unreasonable. The battle has already begun. How can the field help? Ye Fei was on fire, responding by shaking her hand.

"Look at the fart! This guy's brain flicked and turned over and over again."

The red and blue fights up to now, Qiao Langjun's operation seems to be clever, in fact, just do some standard evasive action, and then fire. Compared with the opponent, it is like a big, stupid elephant who is obedient to the rules. He is steady and often beaten.

Of course, Niuben's progress in battle is obvious to all, especially in the prediction and avoidance of artillery fire, showing a straight upward trend.

It's hard to learn immediately in battle! Up to now, the most demanding people also admit that the Red Square pilot is indeed called a mech wizard. At the same time, everyone was impressed: Alice's analysis was completely correct. Niu Ben's actual machine experience is far less than other pilots, and the battle is much less pitiful.

When the two articles were sorted out clearly, people couldn't help but think of the two players who had previously lost to Qiao Langjun, and felt that they were somewhat unjust. If they knew the situation of Niuben in advance, they would definitely choose a completely different style of play, perhaps with completely different results.

So, now?



"Maybe, Mo Fan is more suitable for the championship."

"He is stronger than Mitaka."

"Niuben takes time."



The performance on the court affects people's emotional tendencies. As Lan Fang's advantage increases, the audience's mood also tends to be unified. Both red and blue are federals, and the strongest one should represent the country.

Up to now, except for a few people waiting for the miracle with anxiety, the majority of the audience's victory has become a foregone conclusion. Because everyone understands that Alice's analysis of Niuben has one last item to be verified, and it is the deadliest one.

The complicated operation of the dual-engine mech brings much more mental burden to the pilot than the ordinary mech. At the same time, even if the two hands are equal, the physical and mental consumption of the red side is greater than the blue side. Once it reaches the limit, the battle will end . This guess is reasonable and explains a confusion: Red's choice of a basic operation that is not too difficult is to delay fatigue and make you persist longer.

If you do n’t have enough energy, you have to lose. If you have enough energy, you ca n’t win. How can such a battle be suspicious? If there is any hope in the minds of those who insist that Niu Benhui can win, it is something that everyone can't figure out so far.

Why does Red insist on long-range war?

There are many reasons that can be thought of, such as being unable to catch up, such as Lan Fang's powerful interception, and even some people have guessed whether Niuben is releasing water, or whether he wants to take the opportunity to train and so on. None of this can be completely convincing. In the end, people can only understand that: the play is restrained, and the Red Party cannot do it at all.

"Guess, how long will it end?"

"It should be said when the Red side charged."

"It's too late to charge now, he didn't take that shield at all."

"Instead, he brought an extra gun."

"And it's a grenade gun."

"But it's never been used."

"What do you think?"

The battle in the arena is still exciting, but the disappointed people have begun to find other fun. Some people have begun to make fun bets. Some people have noticed that the equipment of Qiaolangjun has changed. There are more powerful guns and less amazing defense ...... I have only noticed this until now, and it can only explain one thing: before the war, people had never thought that this would be the process.

During the debate, the internal battle situation evolved silently, one minute, two minutes ... Unconsciously after five minutes, the game was still ongoing.

The energy shield of the red square has been red, and the blue square has also changed from dark blue to light blue, and is transitioning to red.

"It's tenacious!"

Attentive people are distracted to pay attention to the time and are greatly surprised. "Hey! Qiao Langjun set another record."

Twenty-seven minutes-This is the longest time since the start of the Mech Contest.

"The last record."

Feeling admiration, the speaker gradually realized what, and his voice gradually fainted.

"A little weird ..."


"Why hasn't Red lost?"

"No, you can't wait for someone to lose early if you lose your time?"

"... I mean, hasn't he slowed down?"


"Not only isn't slow, but the hands are rising."

The real-time information on the light and shadow screen shows that the average pilot ’s average hand has increased from 19 to 2o. Although there is only a small gap, considering the battle time, it is not only rare but also strange.

"It's nothing."

When arguing, the sober person next to pointed out the more crucial point: "In the past thirty seconds, Blue hit the target only once."


"And it's rubbing, it's not done at all."


I didn't notice it when I didn't hear it. When I paid close attention to it, the fighting situation actually changed a lot, but due to the rumbling of gunfire and the smoke everywhere, only few people noticed it.

"Avoidance in form, this degree ... wrong, this rhythm!"

A very common evasive action is just passing through the middle of the three streamers. If the belly is not too large, the opponent's artillery can't even touch his side. Among the viewers, the sigh was not how fast he ran, but his sense of timing and rhythm; not only that, the red side's mech avoided the returning attack, and a long string of artillery sealed the opponent's whereabouts. A series of explosive sounds.

Such a scene, in addition to explaining the progress of Red's operation, also represents one thing: he has explored and grasped the opponent's beat to achieve countermeasures.

"Progress is too fast!"

"Is this in control?"

The already quiet auditorium became enthusiastic. People re-examined the situation, adjusted their attitudes, and began to think about Red's next performance. The focus was on whether it could be maintained.

Just then, Red made an unexpected move.

He started assaulting on his opponent, while taking off his unused grenade gun and firing.

No ~~!

In some harsh whistling sounds, Red's counterattack unfolded like a tide, and in an instant, the battle became completely different from before.



On the playing field, the red square mech approached step by step, the route it took was irregular, and the posture of the body was not fixed. Sometimes it turned sideways, sometimes turned, sometimes stepped over the waist as if crawling, and sometimes it jumped like a big bird gliding, ever-changing. Never repeat for three seconds.

The three-second repetition is a mecha term that requires the mech to move continuously, and the same movement and trajectory cannot be found for three seconds; it is said that this indicator evolved from human sniper training, and a smart sniper can complete it in two seconds. Locking and stimulating, if the target is beyond this range, sniper becomes difficult to achieve.

It should be mentioned here that playing frisbees on the sports field cannot be used as a counterexample, because the appearance area of ​​the frisbee is basically fixed, the requirements for the sniper are 360 ​​degrees, there is no dead angle in the upper and lower sides, and there are obstacles, life and death. The control of emotions, etc., is not a concept at all.

Mecha cannot be as flexible as humans, so it needs to be relaxed. Three seconds is the top!

Why do you say that? Because the inertia of the mech is too large, such as running to a high state, it takes a lot of time to stop alone. It can be seen that when the three-second request is made for the mech, its degree cannot be too fast or too slow, and the scale between fast and slow is not only related to itself, but also somewhat related to the opponent.

All in all, it is difficult to do this.

Qiao Langjun did a good job, and it turned out that he was not hit by his opponent.

The three-second operation is not repeated. There are two points unchanged. One is that he always approaches the target, and the second is that he must fire at each step, either a machine gun or a grenade gun.

The gun of Qiaolangjun is small in caliber and fires fast. However, at this time, he deliberately controlled the fire of the artillery, often firing at most, only three times in a row. As for the gun, it goes without saying that it must be connected to change direction after each firing, so as to avoid the opponent's counterattack.

Repeating for three seconds, firing step by step, and firing guns alternately, there are not many people who can achieve the combination of the three. If you add "not to be hit by your opponent", you can only describe it as a miracle.

The key is to play well and hide well. People around the stadium saw that in the constant explosion, the blue mech tried to dodge and counterattacked madly, but it often did little work and often did nothing.

Everything is "calculated". For example, when retreating, the gunfire coming from the face makes it more backward. When traversing, the explosive impact of the bullets causes the body to tilt. When attacking, either the timing is early, half late, or because The slightest impact difference.

For thousands of miles of error, the blue square mech is like a large ship traveling on the surface of the waves that are not violent, shaking frequently, and often making mistakes.

Soon after realizing the crisis, Lanfang's mech sought countless changes. Later, it simply stopped fighting, and concentrated on trying to avoid it.

Pull, fly back, roll, jump ... With countless pairs of incredible eyes watching, the blue square mech gradually turns into a lined kite.

This is thorough control!

This is a godly rhythm!

"This is Huang Junan's play!"

Someone tried to summarize the changes of the Red Party, and it was not appropriate immediately. Huang Junan couldn't do that, and the control methods of the two were different. In contrast, Huang Junan changes with the change of the opponent and adapts to the opponent's simultaneous hunting attack. Qiaolang Jun uses the attack and pace to force the opponent to move at his own pace, driving the target to run around.

Someone quickly saw the problem and said with emotion: "The blue side did not dare to fight with its opponents. It had to deal with the pace of the red side first, followed by his cannon and gun."

First look at how the other party is going, and then you can pay attention to how the other party fights. The extra burden on the ground makes it difficult for Lan to advance or retreat.

"Yeah, that's the biggest problem."


Someone quickly retorted, saying in a heavy tone: "The biggest problem is that Mo Fan is tired."


The reporter immediately looked up, and noticed the blue hand changes on the light screen. The average hand of 31 was down, and the trend was unstoppable.

What's going on?

Prolonging the war and complicate the battle is a prior strategy and a fact that everyone has already seen. Why in the end, the Red side did not get out of trouble, but the Blue side collapsed first?

"May be due to an increase in invalid operations ..."

Busy mistakes, this sentence can best describe the mech in the downwind, the more busy the more prone to error, invalid operations increase, effective hands naturally decrease.

"Mo Fan's mental quality has always been good, and there is no reason to panic like that."

"That's tiring."

"It did take too long."

"The same is true of the Red Party, why are you getting more and more brave?"

"It shows that he has good endurance ... Niu Ben is good at fighting, and his physical strength is normal."

"Forget it. Nothing is said about electronics."

In the subjective battle room, a senior military officer suddenly stood up and said in an excited voice: "Look at it, Qiaolangjun uses the legendary style!"

Legendary play?

The reader was puzzled, and his gaze returned to the Red Square Mech, looking for traces in his repeated operations.

Gradually, more and more people's faces became discolored, and they couldn't help communicating with each other's eyes and verifying the answer from each other's eyes.

"Gun fighting?" The general, the indifferent female general asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Yes, gun fighting." Those who answered replied frantically.



Gunfighting means literally what it means: fighting with a gun.

For a long time, firearms were regarded as long-range weapons, and close combat was regarded as a restricted area. Science and technology are advancing, and human research on firearms continues to deepen. One day, the recoil of firearms has reached a negligible level. Human research on firearms has also broken through a certain level, and the use of firearms has undergone fundamental changes. Nowadays, many people can use guns as daggers or broken knives.

Every shot, every posture, any angle, can be fired everywhere.

This is the basic requirement of gunfighting. The wise people go one step further and fire at will during the fight, turning the firearm into a knife, sword, and thorn that can be "instantly extended".

What human beings can do with mecha is two completely different concepts. The distance between the enemy and us, the difference in firearms, the differences in the properties of the mech itself, the bulky body and some inevitable technical levels all hinder the application. The most basic problem is that the pilots operate the mech and the mech controls the firearms. One of the important links is an insurmountable mountain.

There is no doubt that gun fighting is a type of warfare skill, and it is the most difficult one. If we say that the test of death is whether the pilot ’s experience, consciousness, and fighter operation have reached their peak, gunfighting is the sublimation of the realm and the true embodiment of man-machine integration.

To the people of Hualong Federation, in addition to the above unimaginable difficulties, gun fighting has additional meaning.

Not many people now know that Qi Shouyue, the **** of war, is the first and only federal pilot to apply gunfighting to actual combat. Since then, the mech has been replaced three times, and countless mech geniuses have been born. Others do it.

Among them are people's most respected and favorite six-level God of War, Qin Mengyao.

Today's contest, people never dreamed of it, and they will see someone fighting with gun fighting on the field ... more importantly, he is a federal!

"Gun fighting! It's gun fighting!" Cheers and shouts from the arena soon spread to the entire military academy, the entire Kyoto, the entire planet, and every corner of the entire Federation.

"Bull-fighting?" Newn raised his eyebrows lightly, his fists clenched unknowingly. Beside him, Alice's beautiful face had no expression at all, watched for a moment quietly, turned and walked out of the box silently.

"It's gun fighting." Andrea's box, Andrea's handsome face shook, and the flowing gold moved without wind.

"Oh ... it's gun fighting!"

The watching box was jubilant, with the exception of Ye Fei, who was paralyzed on the sand like a discouraged ball, with a very rare expression on his face such as self-blame and shame.

"Is it, is it or is it ..."


... (To be continued.)