Fury Ocean

Chapter 266: Unspoken Talks and Conspiracies

The ancient mountain stream was originally just an ordinary small mountain village. In the valley above the slope, there were more than a hundred people living in sparse lala. The distribution was not chic, and the arrangement was not neat. ? Bayi Chinese Network W≥W≤W≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W ≠. ≥C≥O ≠ M ≠ Now roads, airports, barracks and forts are being built here, bringing together people from all over the world. The most among them are soldiers. Not only are they large in number, they are of high quality, they are even more horrible. If you throw a stone, you may hit a general.

The Hualong Federal Exercise Command is located here. Three of the six generals participating in this military exercise are here. There are hundreds of officers and school-level officers, and there are naturally more low-level officers and soldiers. The reporters, service, logistics and engineering staff, and some of the mountain people who have left, etc., are roughly counted, and the total number is close to 10,000.

Adding so many people, but also leaving enough space for the airport, all kinds of military buildings and facilities that must be used, the ancient mountains suddenly became crowded, and the quiet atmosphere of the past also disappeared in the roar of all kinds of machinery There is no trace, looking at it from the perspective of civilization exhibition, as if human beings leapt from the farming era to the interstellar era, the contrast is too big to accept.

If there is a real war, this situation is unlikely to occur, and not to mention that such a "chaotic" situation is totally incompatible with the nature of the headquarters. From the perspective of security alone, it is difficult to achieve protection. Another point to mention is that Gu Shanyu was less than 500 kilometers away from the front of the exercise, that is, the actual control line of the two countries in the past. During the war, the dumbest enemy also knew that the concentration of troops to assault this point. Here the mountain stream blew up and you can declare victory.

Everything is an exercise, and even the location of the headquarters is public. This exercise not only concerns the two countries, but also affects the world situation. Journalists, observers and officers from the countries of the Red and Black Alliance will visit the site and report on the whole process. The situation at the federal headquarters is similar to that at the empire. The only difference is that the place where the army is originally stationed is relatively easy to build and arrange. But that ’s only a convenience in a relative sense. It ’s important to know that in addition to some restrictions on long-range weapons in the rules of the exercise, there is no stipulation that “the opposite party ’s command should not be used as an attack target”, that is, the two sides can use ground-based propulsion. Way to capture the opposing command.

In a way, this kind of regulation is actually a way for both sides to express courage and confidence. Although this is an exercise, it is not impossible to compete. Knowing the position of the other party is announcing to the other party and the outside world that you cannot fight here. It is conceivable that if a certain situation that "the command of one party is not guaranteed" really occurs during the exercise, certain "temporary termination clauses" will definitely be touched and the exercise will be terminated. Of course, in the subsequent delimitation agreement, the party whose face is maintained needs to make huge concessions to compensate the other party with actual benefits.

The above is the worst plan. Both deductions think that it is almost impossible to produce. In fact, in terms of the existing territories of the two countries, increasing or decreasing hundreds of kilometers is nothing. The purpose of this exercise is to sign a formal peace agreement, not to fight wars, or even to occupy more land; In the process of implementation, both sides must show their might and tell the world "I'm not easy to mess with", and they must keep a good handle on the situation so as not to let the situation get out of control, let alone "being too passive on one side due to shameful actions", which in turn leads to Disastrous ending.

The upper will determined that the exercise was extremely uncertain. Neither side seemed to have thought about it. Due to grievances, how many difficulties and unexpected accidents the soldiers will encounter in implementing such a rule. Especially for some people, "stretching and fighting with hands" is a difficult task to complete. If you don't pay attention, the butcher knife will come out of the sheath.

The future cannot be predicted, and the future will never follow the will of man. Time is rushing. When history reaches a certain key position, the world is like entering the wilderness of the autumn. The accumulated evil margins precipitate out of thickness. The sporadic sparks generated by accidental collisions are enough to ignite the fierce fire. By then, all-powerless power suddenly lost its magic, and violence and blood gushed instantly.

The exercise has just begun, and some signs have already appeared. Gu Shanyu and the opposite place are constantly receiving information from various places and issuing instructions. At this moment, they are like two beating hearts, awakening the most terrifying devil of human history from deep sleep.



As a whole, Gushanyu can be divided into three floors. The outermost building is still under construction, and it is the most chaotic and noisy. The middle floor is the main place of residence. And some of the logistics staff live here. At the very center is the command core, where important roles are concentrated and heavily guarded.

In the afternoon of the day, a figure of Sona entered the core area and hurried to somewhere.

"Ye Fei, come out for me! Ah ..."

Followed by the panting photographer and guards with embarrassment and embarrassment, Ai Weier kicked to the door. Because of too much force and the door was just a cover, the aggressive beauty reporter lost her balance and screamed and screamed to the ground.


The photographer and the guard rushed up and ran into each other. The photographer has taken advantage of the large size, although he has fallen down and the equipment has fallen aside, his body has not been harmed. The guard is a baby-faced, thin and inexperienced man. He bumped his head against the wall, suddenly dizzy, and couldn't get back halfway.

"Avril, how are you, Avril?"

Regardless of whether the equipment broke down, Da Zhuang hurried up, the baby-faced guard dutifully fulfilled his duties, and still fainted into the room instinctively, and squeezed into Da Zhuang again.

"What is it?"

There was a lazy voice in the room, and a handsome, but decadent face appeared. Ye Fei held Avril's plump body in one hand and did not forget to make fun of the two Cangjie people.

"Well, give away or **** relatives? Ben Shao has no red envelopes here."

The baby face had a confused expression, and forgot that his head was hurt. He thought to himself that the young man was still sleeping on the dull head, how could he get out of bed so quickly that he could catch people in time.

"Take you big head!" Avril freed from her arms, adjusted her appearance, and whispered: "Don't let anyone see, the impact is not good."

"I don't care what you're afraid of." Ye Fei grinned, as if he was bantering good women.

"Dead!" Avril patted Ghost's Claw. "How many eyes are staring at you, it's still out of shape."

"Ah, hey, are you called right?" Ye Fei crooked her head and looked up and down Avril, as if facing alien creatures. The beauty reporter rushed over all the way, and she lost all her manners and lost her grace. Just now, the one foot and the flutter of her heels were broken. If you are not in shape, there are a few people who can't distinguish between them.

"I don't care." Avril didn't care about that.

"I don't care." Ye Fei immediately followed.

"You can't be indifferent." Ai Weier warned: "You are a personal messenger, a key figure, in case of bad news, Ji Peng may be dissatisfied with the royal family, and even the peace agreement will be ruined. In that case, I am not Become a sinner through the ages. Right, right, strong, come in quickly, close the door. "

There was a lot of mess, not only entered the house, but also the faithful baby face followed. When the door was closed again, the inside and outside became two worlds. Avril turned around and looked at Ye Fei, only to find his expression was weird and his eyes were gloomy. , But the corners of the lips rose slightly.

Familiar people know that this is the prelude to Fei Fei's anger and imminent explosion.

"Don't be angry." Avril knows why, and sighs softly, "I know you don't like to be close, and honestly I don't like it either. But that's just a form, although it's a bit of a decent taste, good for the country and the people, What's more, if you agree with Photon and reconcile with your family because of this, what's wrong? "

Ye Fei now described him as embarrassing, and Ai Weier nodded to his chest. "Since it represents the Federation, you have to pay attention to your image. Look at yourself, wear pajamas during the day, and don't shave your beard ... if it were photographed What is the system? "

This remark is not like comfort. It is especially awkward to hear in Ye Fei's ear. He sneered and said, "It is a matter of you to be incapable or not, but you, rushing to embarrass yourself, do you want to destroy human peace? This is simply a crime! "Turning his eyes, Ye Fei's eyes were ambiguous, and his tone was soft and joyful:" Ah yes, Ben Shao understands, Weier has no love for Ben Shao, and he still wanted to be gentle with me before the kiss. But. ..... Is this person a little bit more, with a camera. Is it meant to be a witness, as a love affair? "

"Never, where's the aftermath!" Avril glared.

"That is to be convinced by this little style, can't help but recommend a pillow." Ye Fei smiled, his tone quiet.

"Fart!" Although Ai Weier was so hot, she couldn't fight Ye Fei, but she couldn't take advantage of it, but she flushed with anger. The big, horrifying creature next to him hurriedly hid in the corner, pretending to check whether the camera was available, and had no experience with baby faces. After hearing this, he glared at Avril, and the warning was full of warning.

"Don't talk, talk about business." Abandoning Doukou, Ai Weier grabbed Ye Fei's collar, "Come on, what's going on now?"

"What's the situation?" Ye Feiyun was in the mist.

"Existing people used live ammunition during the exercise."


"Don't pretend to be with me, you won't know!"

"Yes, I know. But, what do you care about?"

"Crap! I'm a reporter."

"Are you a reporter?" Ye Feihu looked at her suspiciously. "Isn't he fired, and went to Sowor to run the account for Niu?"

"What's the matter! I fired them," Al retorted angrily. "If it weren't for the table, the old lady would have to fly away and kill the fat pig."

"It's not easy to do." Ye Fei shook his head silently. "There is a son in the goods. It's easy to get rid of him, but if the door is destroyed, isn't it good?"

"You already did it?" Ai Weier then remembered that Ye Fei knew why she had left her job, and was startled. "Don't come here, I just talk about it, you can't do it anyway, you can't commit it."

"Hehe ... listen to you." Ye Fei smiled and shifted the topic: "I don't care who fired who, I didn't do it anyway. Look at me from such a long distance, don't worry about those broken Yes, I happen to have ... "

"Don't do it." Avril hurriedly stopped. "I resumed my old business and created Pravda in Sorwor! This exercise is my first interview on the ground and Pravda. I must seize the opportunity to find Someone else cannot find. "

News competition has always been like this. Ye Fei is not surprised that Avril Lavigne has been so embarrassed, asking curiously, "Pravda? Did you ask Niu Ben to get it?"

"I wanted to do it myself, and it was true that he had to approve and help."

"Really? This product really makes Sorver as a family." Ye Fei tightened his eyebrows, his expression seemed constipated.

Ai Weier said with emotion: "Indeed. In that place, don't look at Niu Niu's position, but if you say prestige, it's like an emperor ... forget it, don't interrupt! Hurry up and tell me how to return live ammunition What? What's happening now? "

"This ... I can't tell you."

"What!" Avril's volume suddenly increased: "You say it again!"

Ye Fei looked at her and said, "It's okay to say it ten times, you can't say it."

Four eyes intersect, from Ye Fei's eyes, Ai Weier sees firmness, and there is a lingering anxiety, and her expression is gradually dignified.

"Is it serious?"

"Can't speak." Ye Fei shook his head.

"What can I say?" How could Ai Weier give up after finding Ye Fei after a lot of hard work?

"Nothing can be said." Ye Fei continued to shake his head.

"I can shut down, not record, not record ..." Avril kept trying.

"That won't work." Ye Fei still shook his head.

"I told them to go out." Avril continued to work hard.

"Still not." Ye Fei just shook his head.

"You!" Avril was finally angry, threw her sleeves, fell down, and turned suddenly. "Be strong, go."

"Ah ... why leave?" Ye Fei quickly stopped.

"No courage, no morale, no courage, what else do I keep?"

"It's not annoying." Ye Fei reluctantly said, "The old man personally wrote a password. No one is allowed to reveal anything about this matter."

Avril sneered: "If so, how can I hear rumors?"

Ye Fei explained seriously: "That was just the beginning. The people below do n’t know the weight. It may be possible to spread the word. It is different now. Now that you have come to me, you must have no other way to go through. "

In the past, Avril Lavigne has been in the Axiom Newspaper for a long time, and friends from the military circles grabbed it. There were also many people participating in this military exercise. For her, this is a good opportunity to show her skills and the best opportunity for the Pravda. Because of this, the general news is not attractive to Avril until she hears the rumor, she will try every means to seek confirmation, but she runs into a wall and has to break into Ye Fei.

It is worth mentioning that after the exercise, Ye Fei and Photon will be married, which will become a sign of peace between the two countries. The place where he lives today is located in the core of Gushanyu. Most people don't say anything about it. In order to get in here, Avril didn't bother.

"You still put down your thoughts and find other news to do." Ye Fei looked at Ai Weier, and explained patiently rarely: "There are few people who know the details about this matter, who dare to leak and kill without pardon!" The old man never said such a thing in his life, who would dare to violate it. "

"Don't you dare?" Avril taunted.

"Yes, I don't dare." To Ai Weier's surprise, Ye Fei nodded a little, admitted frankly.

"Sometimes Fei Shao also abides by the law? Fear of being cut and asked by his grandfather?" Avril looked disdainfully.

"Not afraid of this, I ..."

"Forget it, don't say it, it's not difficult for you." Avril turned again. "I'm looking for someone who dares to speak."

"Don't make a mess, you don't believe me?" Ye Fei held it with a grin and smiled. "Who else can you find? This matter ..."

"Niuben," Avril said, "I'm going to him. He must know, he must dare to say."

Ye Fei's expression froze on his face, and he said, "Niu Ben ... has he been on the line?"

"Then I'll be on the front line, too." Avril didn't mean to give up, "Some reporters in the field also did it, not to mention that it was just an exercise."

"Where are you looking for such a big place?" Ye Fei said helplessly.

"It's up to you." Ai Weier suddenly changed her secondary expression, tenderness came over like water: "Which task does the cow run out of, and which direction do you go, don't you know it. A friend, this is a small favor Don't help? "

"I ..." Thirty years of life have never been this difficult, and Ye Fei's face looks like bitter gourd.

Avril changed her face again and said coldly, "Don't help me, I'll look for someone else. Don't forget, Niu Ben brought a lot of people from Sower, I know there are a few here. If all No one would help, and I told them that Niuben was in danger. At that time, you said, would they go? "

Ye Fei's face changed. Before the exercise began, he had spent time with Niuben and those brought from Sower. Although he did n’t have a long time, he could see the beliefs of those people. It is no exaggeration to say that whether it was the original 38 The division officers and soldiers are still students, and there are even several "guilty" star thieves. Now they are glued together like glue, and the core is Niuben. What's more important is that during Sorwall's experience, these people have more or less habit of rivers and lakes. When they do things, their mood is first, and military regulations become secondary. Because of this, the **** of war will deliberately arrange to break them up, and not let Niuben take away everything.

Ye Fei knew these things, and Ai Weier also knew that when that situation really happened, it was hard to say what these undomesticated "gangsters" would do.

Perceived the change in Ye Fei, Ai Weier robbed while on fire and wanted to go out: "I will tell them that Niu Ben encountered the army of Ji Peng equipped with live ammunition and is being hunted down and fleeing. They need their timely support and bring arms. ..... "

"Well, don't say it." Ye Fei couldn't imagine what the situation was, and hurry up: "I'm not sure? But you have to guarantee ..."

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't know what to let Ai Weier guarantee. Ye Fei's rebellious side played a role and gritted his teeth severely.

"Go to his% mom, I've had enough of it. Huyaer, go and keep the door for me, no one is allowed in. Knife, you go too."

There was no sign, and an extra person suddenly appeared in the room, as if it had been invisible before. At the same time, the baby's face was upright, and blushing silently added: "I'm not Hu Huer ..."

"Let's go." Knife grabbed his shoulders and walked out of the door half-twisted.

"Zhuangzhuang, you go out first."

At last, Ai Weier was full of joy, turned around, applauded for flying less.

"That's right! Do what you want, it's my flying less!"



Half an hour later, Avril was no longer as happy as before, and her charming face turned pale.

"These ... are they all true?"

"Really." Ye Fei solemnly answered.

"What then?" Avril asked quickly.

"What to do? I don't care what I said." Ye Fei responded with a bitter smile: "It depends on the results of the communication between the two sides, and then what the old guys think and do.

"So what!" Avril didn't care about any old guy, and said anxiously, "Or else, hurry up and organize people to support Niu Niu?"

"What kind of support is there in that case? Support, support ..."

The wild fire in her heart was ignited by Avril. Ye Fei first smiled bitterly, thinking about it, her expression slowly became strange, impulsive, and even strange.

"Support, support ... does that sound good?"

