Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 275: Devil's Vine



After about half an hour, Ling Xiao calculated that Jujiao had already traveled thousands of kilometers. It suddenly made a roar, and a huge island shrouded in white mist appeared in front of him. Ling Xiao’s thought was only Can only sweep to the edge of this island.

However, after the jiao reached the edge of the island, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and slammed into the sea, but it did not stop there, but rushed towards the island again and again.





Not only the giant jellyfish, but also the other marine giants that rushed behind it, even rushed towards the island, and then crashed into the invisible barrier around the island, and all fell into the sea.

Ling Xiao observed that although these marine beasts hit the barrier around the island and were bounced back, they were not injured, so they kept hitting them again and again, hoping to rush to the island.


At this time, Sable Lightning screamed, telling Ling Xiao that there are good things on this island, which can help them evolve, and then the pedestrians and the wind guns also became agitated, and even Thunder wanted to fly over.

"Thunder, don't worry, let's fly around in this direction to see the situation first." Ling Xiao thought about it, no wonder those sea monsters came to fight for it, it seems that there are really things that are good for them on the island.

However, since it is good for spirit beasts, you should not let your pets get their own pets. The more powerful they are, the greater their help will be.

However, he didn't let the pets be as rough as those sea monsters, but let the Thunder fly around the edge of the island, and at the same time, the mind covered the edge of the island, looked at the situation on the island, and looked for ways to enter the island.

During the Thunder's flight around the island, Ling Xiao's mind found that the island is indeed very large, and its area exceeds at least tens of thousands of square kilometers, because he has not been able to explore the center of the island.

On the part of the island discovered by Ling Xiao, there are reckless forests with huge trees, which are more than 100 meters high, and there are various vine plants that tightly wind the trees on the island, making the island dense. Breath.


When Ling Xiao looked for a circle and found nothing, when he was about to let Thunder fly over the middle of the island, he found that the cyan giant eagle had flew towards the center of the island, and suddenly plunged down, wanting Land to the center of the island.


However, at this moment, a purple giant vine hundreds of meters long was suddenly drilled from the forest on the island, like a whip, and hit the blue eagle with a crackling sound.


The cyan giant eagle suddenly uttered a painful scream, and the huge body was pumped away, flying towards the sea outside the island, the body and the feathers on the wings flew across, and a series of blood shed.

When the purple giant vine appeared, Ling Xiao felt a strong threat, and he didn't know what was there. He could threaten Ling Xiao, and he could not help but pay attention to it.

"Although I can fight this wisteria bucket, but who knows how many such wisterias are on the island? It seems that I have to use those sea monsters, but I have to find a way to help them enter the island first." Ling Xiao thought about it and directed the Thunder to return to its original position.

"go with."

At this time, giant beasts and other sea behemoths were still constantly impacting the invisible barriers on the island. Ling Xiao, not far from them, suddenly sent the wind thunder sword, emitting a huge sword light of tens of meters in length Invisible barrier to the front.


Wind Thunder Sword cut into the invisible barrier around the island, making a thunderous loud noise, and the position cut by the Giant Sword instantly lit up a white mask, but some small cracks appeared on it.

"It turned out to be a defensive formation. Has there ever been a seclusion of martial arts powerhouses on the island? Or was it a cave house of martial arts powerhouses in the ancient times?" Ling Xiao thought secretly, but his men did not stop, and Feng Leijian continued to cut the sword. To the barrier, after more than ten consecutive times, the invisible defense barrier finally burst with a bang.


The giant jiao made a roar first, then flew up to the island, where the huge body passed, some trees were brutally broken, leaving a slippery trace on the ground.



Immediately after the giant dragon, the giant crocodile, giant chapter and the giant turtle, giant whale and giant eel all rushed to the island and rammed towards the center of the island, even the blue giant eagle that was injured by the wisteria flies He flew back with pain, and cried again and again towards the island.

Ling Xiao and the pets were not in a hurry, but followed behind those sea monsters and moved slowly, because he wanted to use these sea monsters to test the situation on the island, mainly because the middle of the island gave him a kind of Dangerous breath.


Sure enough, it didn't take long for the cyan giant eagle to be pumped away by a wisteria again, with a screaming scream, a wing was hit hard, and it fell on the sea at the edge of the island, struggling to the seaside, his eyes were horrified. look.


Immediately, the roar of the giant jiao suddenly sounded in the dense forest. The whole island seemed to vibrate, and the woods were destroyed. Obviously the giant jiao fought with something.




Soon, other marine giants that rushed to the island also roared, and the woods were shaking in more places. Ling Xiao found that at least five or six long wisteria rushed out from the center of the island, preventing those marine life.

Ling Xiao let Thunder fly with other pets from midair to the center of the island, and left Thunder's back. He took one step and appeared on the top of the mountain in the middle of the island. It was found that a whole purple gold vine was rooted between the peaks and the body was up to Above ten meters, there is a basin-sized flower growing in the middle.

The flowers of purple-gold vines are crystal clear, and there is a layer of golden yellow transparent liquid. When it was near, Ling Xiao smelled a faint scent of fragrance, which revitalized his spirit, and even the thought of mind seemed to grow in a flash.

"Quak quack..."

Just when Ling Xiao appeared over the wisteria, suddenly a wisteria withdrew from the woods and entangled in lightning towards Ling Xiao, and at close range, Ling Xiao saw that there was a devil's face on the tip of the wisteria. A cry like a frog crowing.

"Did this be the most terrifying creature devil vine on earth recorded on the martial arts practice online? Is it the horrific massacre of the muddy country that it once created?"

Ling Xiao saw the devil's face on the wisteria, and suddenly remembered something. In the global event recorded by Budo Training, it was mentioned that in 2028, the muddy country suddenly encountered a mysterious creature massacre. Millions of people died in desperation, and the perpetrator was a devil's vine.

"The strength of any vine of this devil vine is comparable to that of a fourth-level Wuzun, and its overall strength may reach the peak level of five-level Wuzun." Ling Xiao's body flicked lightly and instantly transformed into dozens of figures. Easily avoiding the entanglement of the devil vine, appeared in the air tens of meters away.

He did not step forward immediately to deal with the devil vine, because if he did so, the devil vine would give up blocking the sea creatures in the first place, but take back the other five wisteria to deal with him.


At this time, Thunder had brought three partners to Ling Xiao, and the sable lightning body fell to Ling Xiao's shoulders, looking at the golden yellow liquid in the middle of the flower of the devil vine, screaming and drooling.

"Life Spirit Liquid." Lightning told Ling Xiao that this is the life spirit liquid that the devil vine took thousands of years to condense. After taking it, it is good for all spirits. It can not only improve the training qualification, but also increase the intensity of the mind.

"For you, how much do you need to take to be useful?" Ling Xiao asked Lightning, and Lightning called three times, so he knew that each spirit beast only needs to take three drops, and the basin below looks like Among the flowers, there are hundreds of drops of life spirit.

And at this time, Ling Xiao’s thoughts swept under the mountain where the devil vine was located, only to find that there was a thick circle of bones around the mountain, all of which were all kinds of birds and beasts. It seems that the devil vine has killed in the past millennium How many birds and beasts are dead.

Ling Xiao speculates that this island is hidden deep in the sea. I am afraid that no human has been involved in this millennium. If it is not a change in the world, I am afraid that the devil vine and this island will not appear in this world.

Sure enough, as Ling Xiao retreated, Devil Vine did not find any threats on him, so he no longer attacked him, but in the forest in all directions in the distance, a fierce battle broke out. Six huge marine creatures and the devil The six wisteria of the vine are inseparable.

Although Ling Xiao was suspended hundreds of meters away, he did not exude his breath, so for Devil Vine, he was just an ordinary living body that could be easily exterminated. Naturally, he would not expect to cause himself. A huge threat.





There were constant ferocious roars from various marine beasts around, and from time to time there was a "cock" sound from the devil vine. Ling Xiao noticed that the body of the devil vine was trembling, and occasionally there were scars on the wisteria , Some still have purple-black liquid.


After a while, a wisteria of Devil's Vine suddenly made a sharp shriek, and then a wisteria was quickly recovered, but it was only more than ten meters long. Its front end had been broken, and a large amount of purple-black liquid was fountain-like Gush.


At that moment, the giant jiao roared excitedly, and the figure appeared a hundred meters away. It was it that took the opportunity to bite off a wisteria of the devil vine, causing the devil vine to be hit hard.


The Devil's Vine had to draw another wisteria to deal with the giant jiao, and the remaining four wisteria went all out to deal with the other five sea monsters, but I'm afraid it won't last long.

"It's now, you all join the battle, and drag all the wisteria of the devil's vine, and I will deal with its body." Ling Xiao's heart moved, and the thunder, lightning, wind cannon, and walker rushed out from all four sides, toward the four roots of the devil's vine. Wisteria flew away.

Compared with those sea monsters, Ling Xiao’s pets are very small. Even if the wind cannon is fully restored, it is only three or four meters long. The height of the pedestrian is up to two and five meters, but the Thunder has a long body. Five or six meters, wings spread more than ten meters wide.

However, the strength of Ling Xiao’s pets is not weaker than those of the sea monsters, plus the smaller and more flexible body, they caused serious damage to the wisteria as soon as they appeared, making the devil vines scream.


Just when Devil Vine focused all his attention on the fierce attackers around him, Ling Xiao suddenly disappeared from the air, and then appeared in front of its body again, and suspended above its flowers.


Just as Ling Xiao appeared at the same time, Feng Lei Jian had turned into a sword light, instantly cutting the connection between the devil vine and the flower, then Ling Xiao left hand Zhang developed a huge suction, lightning the devil vine flowers and inside All of his life spirits were received in the palm world.

"Quak quack..."

Several wisteria of the devil vine screamed at the same time, then withdrew all in desperation, and blocked it towards Ling Xiao, and from its scream, it was heard that it was very angry, and even its body shook, below The rooted mountain peaks are shaking too~lightnovelpub.net~whoo..."

It's just that the reaction of the devil's vine was all within Ling Xiao's expectations. When it took back the first wisteria, Feng Leijian shouted into a few meters long sword light, chopping heavily on the wisteria, and then that Root wisteria cut off more than ten meters long, while Ling Xiao's body appeared in the air in a mid-kilometer away with a whimper.

"Quak quack..."

The Devil's Vine was hit hard again, but its anger was unstoppable, even the body rose up on the ground, the remaining few wisteria violently shot on the ground, its body shot like Ling shell flying towards Ling Xiao.

"Let me go."

Ling Xiao did not retreat, but his body flashed into a hundred figures in the air, then the right palm and left fist issued a basic martial art attack, and suddenly hundreds of fist shadows and palm shadows appeared at the same time, and each merged together to form a Huge fist prints and palm prints, rows of mountains and seas generally fall from the sky, hitting the devil vine's body heavily.


The two wisteria of the Devil's Vine blasted away, because Ling Xiao could not bear the basic boxing and basic palm techniques of the divine skill, and its body was also bounced back to the island, screaming and crashing into the forest. .





The devil's vine hasn't responded yet. The surrounding sea monsters have been madly rushed up, some are robbing its wisteria, and some are madly attacking its body. Perhaps it is not known that those life spirits are no longer in the devil Vine is up.


Ling Xiao was very impressed. Thunder carried three spirit pets quickly and then quickly left the island. The screams of the devil vines and the roar of several sea monsters continued to be heard behind them. Ongoing.

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