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Chapter 135: :Zhengfeng mutual entertainment fan ac

Said from Wang Shishi’s study abroad, Gu Zheng really missed her in her heart. She used to ran over to eat with herself every three to five, came to help herself feed the cats, and bought toys for the cats. At that time, I felt that I could see it often, but not yet. What do you think? Now that she has gone abroad, Gu Zheng often feels an inexplicable loss and nostalgia.

Unknowingly, more than two years have passed, and everyone has become a better self. Wang Shishi, the originally pure and lovely little sister, has grown up unknowingly, chasing her dream and career. Gu Zheng felt very happy for her and hoped that she could succeed.

In fact, in the memory of the original owner, Gu Zheng had a good impression of Wang Shishi. Well, to be precise, he liked it very much, but even without the affection of the original owner, Gu Zheng actually liked Wang Shishi very much.

After all, she looks very much in line with his aesthetics, and has a good personality, but she is considerate, gentle and kind, knowledgeable, approachable, unassuming, not hypocritical, and not squeamish. She is a very good girl.

I just don't know whether Wang Shishi considers himself a friend, or a brother like Wang Di, or something else, Gu Zheng is not sure.

Moreover, Wang Shishi is the sister of his best brother. He is always worried about what to do if he becomes affectionate. If he accidentally hurts Wang Shishi, how will he face Wang Di and the Wang family.

He is really not good at dealing with this kind of complex emotional problems. After all, he has no talent and experience in this area, no matter whether it is in the past or this life, or even understands girls.

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng didn't let himself think about these issues. It was too much brainstorming. He still thought about the game. This might be his area of ​​expertise.


The development of the copy of the Marvel Universe continues. The next stage of the "Avengers" plot is already under development. The movies "Avengers 2", "Ant-Man", "Captain America 2, 3" and "Thor 2" are directly under development. , 3", "Doctor Strange", "Spider-Man" and other movie plots are integrated into the latest update plots, leading to more characters and branches.

And also tells the story of the Marvel universe from the three dimensions of movies, games, and animation.

Not only that, as another famous team in the Marvel Universe, the film and television and game projects of Guardians of the Galaxy have also been launched, officially opening the story of the universe.

In early July, Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment held its first fan exchange and interaction event in Kyoto. It distributed peripheral products to fans on the spot, absorbed fan feedback, and answered some questions from fans.

This event is currently tentatively only held in China. Kyoto is only the first stop and will be held in several other major cities in succession.

In the early stage of the event, it was preheated online and attracted a lot of fans to participate. The entire event will also be live broadcast and online interaction on the Huala Huala platform.

This event was proposed by Zhou Zheng. The purpose of this event is very simple. It is to increase the stickiness between Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and the player community, and to enhance the recognition and trust of the Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment brand.

Through offline activities, the interaction between players and Zhengfeng is not only the relationship between game developers and players, but also establishes a more old-fashioned bond, and even provides players with an interactive social event.

This is similar to the carnival of infinite time and space, and the game show held around the world every year, and many large companies actually hold such events to strengthen the relationship between themselves and the players.

This event of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment combined online and offline methods, so that many players who could not be on the scene also participated, and the effect of the event was also very good.

The questions raised and the topics discussed by fans at this event mainly revolved around Transformers-related topics, as well as "Will Fast and Passion continue to be updated and when will it be updated?"

"When will the Death Speed ​​Super Duel mode update its model library?"

"When will the Avengers update the new plot?"

"When will Gundam make a game adaptation?"

"Transformers' new career and other related topics"

"What will be the next copy?"

"Can a copy of type XX appear?"

and many more……

Among them, the topic with a high number of calls and support is the topic spontaneously initiated by many female players-whether to design a copy of a female character.

Although the previous copy of Who and Zhengfeng also has female characters, there is no copy of the real female protagonist, so many female players still hope that Zhengfeng will entertain each other and can design an experiential copy with a real female protagonist.

Of course, there are also many experiential copies of female protagonists in Infinite Time, but there are not many boutiques. Players hope that Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment’s products are also trust and expectation for the quality of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment.

"Female protagonist?" Gu Zheng raised his brows, and it seemed that his previous plan really came in handy.

Indeed, for now, the copy he launched does not have a story of a pure female protagonist, nor has it created too many outstanding female hero images.

And he thought of this in his previous plans, such as "Underworld", "Battle Angel Alita", "Tomb Raider", "Resident Evil" and other such female protagonists' stories adapted into copies.

He also hopes to create some more successful female images to prepare for the League of Legends he plans to build in the future. After all, female players are a very large group with strong spending power. To design and create some high-quality female heroes is to attract women. A very important job for players.

"Well, it's time to put "Underworld" and "Battle Angel: Alita" on the agenda!" Gu Zheng said. The reason why he prefers "Underworld" and "Battle Angel: Alita" is entirely because of his love. The heroines Selena and Alita inside.

Of course, the subject of vampires is currently rare in infinite time and space, and they are all based on ancient or medieval time.

However, there are basically no copies of "Underworld" with a modern background and female protagonists. However, there are many players with supernatural powers currently playing the direction of the change, so the copy of "Underworld" should be very good. Market performance.

And "Battle Angel: Alita" is a very good transforming story, which can supplement their company's copy vacancy in transforming career.


The "Avatar" movie has achieved very good box office around the world. In the movie, it has also shown a more magnificent, mysterious and colorful Pandora planet for countless Avatar fans and viewers. It also combined the water ecosystem and water of Avatar The next world was portrayed, and countless people fell in love with this beautiful and dreamy planet again.

Thanks to the popularity of the movie, the official copy of "Avatar" finally landed in Infinite Time. This copy belongs to the real official copy. The level is 70. The battle scene includes the underwater world of Avatar and the human starship in the outer space of Pandora. on.

"My God, I finally waited for the real official copy of "Avatar"!"

"My dear, it's been two years!"

"I thought Mr. Gu had forgotten this IP long ago!"

"It is estimated that I have been waiting for the "Avatar" movie to go online. I didn't expect the film production cycle to be so long!"

"There is no way to create a planet directly. There are too many original content in it. It is estimated that Mr. Gu keeps improving and doesn't want to lose his reputation."

"In fact, the movie did give me a lot of surprises. Although it is full of personal heroism, it is still very good overall!"
