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Chapter 136: Unlimited time and space update (subsc

On August 5th, nearly 3 billion players around the world finally ushered in the most exciting moment-the update of infinite time and space. This time the new version is called "Free Star Domain", which completely opened the interstellar map of infinite time and space. .

In the newly updated version, in addition to the new mechanical lifeform races and related occupations, the upper limit of the occupation level has been increased to 100, the main storyline has been added, and the interstellar map of the main universe has been expanded two or three times. It is unprecedented to launch a special map called Free Star Field.

All players in the world, as long as they reach level 100, can enter here. Players in any zone can appear together in this star field, establish their own planetary territory, and control their own hegemony.

In other words, players from various servers can meet across regions here, and the world's top players can compete on the same stage.

This is definitely a major change!

Countless players around the world are excited about it, and people from all walks of life are rushing online, waiting for the good show to start.

Everyone knows that the setting of the Free Star Territory is definitely a new strategy for infinite time and space to accumulate money. Just imagine that the top bosses who were walking sideways on their own servers have almost reached the invincible and lonely state. Stimulating their consumption has become more sleepy.

In addition to using a variety of newly launched innovative copies and props, there may be a wave of excitement, but that little money is really too little for infinite time and space.

But if you want to set up a free star field and set up a planetary hegemony, and then put the top players together, it will definitely be a **** storm. Fighting will inevitably be consumed, and consumption means krypton gold, krypton gold Means income.

And according to the analysis of normal conditions, the battle in the free star field is definitely not just a PK between the player and the player. There has been a battle for hegemony in the Star Fleet battle group before, so it is conceivable that the free star field must also be Need to form a star fleet battle group.

If it is the consumption of a war, it is definitely an astronomical figure, and it makes people excited to think about it.

What's more, after the cross-server, the contradiction among the bigwigs of various countries can be reduced?

Sometimes, not to give yourself a sigh, but also to give your own country and nation a sigh of relief, the top big guys will not lose face in the game, and they will not spend crazy money.

It's like watching a game, a team from one's own country playing in one's own country will never have the excitement and excitement of playing against a foreign country in their own country.

And this kind of top players representing different countries, nationalities, races, etc. will definitely have friction between them. It is estimated that there will be a little friction between them in three days.

In the future, I will engage in some kind of "competition" in the Free Star Territory similar to the battle for the glory of the country, and it will definitely break the head of the shocking battle.

Of course, this is a game among the rich. Most ordinary players may only be able to watch the excitement next to them, cheer on the bigwigs in their own country, and wave their cheers.

"It's interesting!" Looking at the detailed introduction of the new version update, Gu Zheng couldn't help but nodded. Infinite Space-time is indeed very thoughtful this time. This kind of cross-server battle between players will definitely be very exciting and very interesting.

As an infinite space-time player, he is also very interested in the free star domain. Of course, he also sees greater business opportunities in this new version. The copy of interstellar warfare will surely usher in the best era.

And around the game props derived from interstellar war, such as various fighters and warships, various interstellar mechas will inevitably become mainstream products.

"Then it's time for a copy of the "Gundam" series to go online!" Gu Zhengxin said.

At this time, the office door was knocked, and Zhou Zheng walked in: "Mr. Gu, the number of new professional players has exceeded 100 million at present, and the growth rate is very rapid!" If this update of the Infinite Space-Time version is most involved, it must be Zheng Zheng. Feng Mutual Entertainment, although the main storyline has nothing to do with their dungeon story, but this new professional system, as well as the dungeons and props surrounding this profession, are almost all they participated in the creation.

The data related to the entire profession is directly related to their company's revenue.

"Well, not bad!" Gu Zheng was very pleasantly surprised. The new version has just been updated for less than an hour, and the number of new professional users has reached 100 million. This is indeed a very satisfying result.

Of course, with "Transformers"'s current global influence and player groups, Gu Zheng is also worried about the final user data performance, and the new profession will inevitably become another popular profession in unlimited time and space.

"Eh, by the way, Zhou Zheng, when is your planned "Guardians of the Galaxy" trailer going online?" Gu Zheng asked suddenly.

"From next Monday, the promotion will be fully rolled out!" Zhou Zheng said, "Infinite Space has just updated the version. In recent days, the focus of all players must be around the content of the new version update, and the media will also report on this update.

At this time, it is not suitable to promote the new copy, so we plan to make appropriate adjustments to the promotion plan according to the situation next week! "

"Well, that's right!" Gu Zheng smiled happily. In fact, he was in line with Zhou Zheng's idea. These days, he wanted to avoid the edge, and with the enthusiasm of new professions launched in the new version, they could also accumulate some popularity and popularity.

Then choose a good time to launch another IP "Guardians of the Galaxy" in the Marvel universe system.

After Zhou Zheng left, Gu Zheng also logged into the infinite time and space and created a new character of a mechanical life form. The new character is a robot, but the whole appearance is still a bit like a Transformer, especially in the normal mode and the battle mode. , The effect of changing weapons on the arm is still very handsome and very emotional.

The whole character also has the effect of an Iron Man mecha.

After establishing the character, Gu Zheng began to play the game according to the tasks released by the system. The new version also added many new tasks regardless of occupation, but also designed a set of very interesting growth around the new character of Transformers. Task system.

And this system is also designed by Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment, so Gu Zheng can easily complete various tasks without following the system guidelines.

"Congratulations on getting the LV6 quality smart module, do you use it?" After completing a series of novice tasks and upgrading to level 5, Gu Zheng obtained a smart module with a good level.

The use level of this smart module is above level 3, but the quality level is very high. The highest quality level of the current smart module is LV7.

Gu Zheng knows very well that this is the first benefit given to novices by Infinite Time, and it is also a bait.

Sure enough, after he immediately chose to use it, his own smart module was upgraded, anti-interference ability, reaction speed, passive dodge and other values ​​were improved a lot, and he also gained a deformation ability to be unlocked.

But this deformation ability needs to be matched with a specific weapon module before it can be used. It can turn the two arms into a very cool energy cannon, and directly double the attack power.

At the same time, the system directly pops up a prompt whether to purchase the relevant weapon module, the price is not very high, only a few dollars.

For many players, after they have obtained this cool transformation ability, they can see that they can unlock this new transformation ability immediately and obtain higher combat power at the same time, which is really very impressive. Heartbeat, many people may not help but start their first krypton gold in this way, and then they will fall in love with him completely.

And players who are krypton gold themselves will not hesitate to choose krypton gold directly. This is a very useful method for Infinite Space and Time.

Of course, this is a good thing for Gu Zheng, because when the players consume, it means making money for themselves, and who will have trouble with the money.
