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Chapter 17: With you, why not win or lose

After calmly thinking these days, Gu Zheng figured out one thing.

This time the championship is not indispensable. Even if there is no championship title or the bonus, Avatar has a very large player base. With the current total of more than 200 million players worldwide, it can achieve very considerable revenue, enough Maintain the company's future development.

Coupled with the system, sooner or later, my company will become an existence comparable to companies such as Xiangtian Technology and ET, and make more money.

If you agree to those investors now, it is tantamount to giving more money to those capitalists in vain.

Moreover, he calculated an account. If he fights with Xiangtian Technology and ET, it will be difficult for him to win a two-on-one, and the money spent will definitely far exceed the prize money of the champion.

And in this fierce fight, "Avatar" may suffer more attacks and slander, but it may affect the judgment of some people and lose more real players.

If you give up the capital battle, Xiangtian Technology and ET will immediately shift their attention from "Avatar" to each other, so that "Avatar" can breathe, and the score of the attack will not collapse, which will affect the judgment of later players.

So after thinking about it, Gu Zheng was suddenly relieved.

"Give up? Did you really decide to give up?" Hu Guyue said, he helped raise 10 million in the past few days, and he really intends to help Gu Zheng this time.

"To be honest, the money is not enough to consume in a day, and this battle is completely burning money. It is meaningless. It's just a fake name, it's not worth it!" Gu Zheng said.

His words really surprised Hu Guyue. It seems that Gu Zheng has really changed. He used to be able to fight for victory in a virtual game without hesitating to burn millions.

Unexpectedly, he was so rational and calm this time.

Hu Guyue's heart actually supported Gu Zheng in making this choice. Although he burned money to fight a capital battle, and then won the final victory is very passionate, but from a rational analysis, it is really not worth the loss.

What's more, for a small studio that has just been established, it's entirely an act of hitting a rock with a pebble.

"Okay!" Hu Guyue nodded, "By the way, have you contacted Dizi in the past two days? I haven't been able to contact you since the day before yesterday, the phone has been turned off, and WeChat won't respond!"

"I went to look for him in his shop yesterday, and the waiter also said that he hadn't seen him and I don't know where he was going!" Gu Zheng said.

"It is estimated that this kid asked his father to borrow money and was confined!"

"Oh, I shouldn't have asked you to help me raise money!" Gu Zheng felt a little guilty, because his own selfish desires hurt his brother, he felt very selfish.

"What are you talking about? Dizi and I also sincerely think "Avatar" is doing very well, and we would like to see it get the honor it deserves!"

Gu Zheng patted Hu Guyue on the shoulder: "With your words, it doesn't matter whether you win the championship or not!"

"Drink together tonight?" Hu Guyue said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go to the dizi's house and ask later, maybe he is locked up at home, I see if I can get him out!" Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, then you're busy, I'm leaving now!"

After Hu Guyue left, Gu Zheng edited a long post to all fans and players and posted it on the official social account.

In the article, he wrote about the ups and downs of "Avatar" in the past few days, as well as his own mental journey, and thank all fans for spontaneously fighting for "Avatar", and thank all those who have fought side by side with him.

At the end of the article he wrote: "No matter what the outcome is, I will accept it with pleasure.

With you, it doesn't matter if you win or lose! "

Gu Zheng was relaxed after publishing this news, and once this news was published, it was forwarded and commented by many players.

With you, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. Not only did it fail to dispel the enthusiasm of the fans, but on the contrary, it inspired everyone's enthusiasm. More players participated in this battle and continued to help "Avatar" pull the list.

"Lao Liu, I remember that you have a friend who is doing network marketing, and I have something to ask you for help!" After coming out of the modified car shop, Hu Guyue suddenly thought of someone.

Although Gu Zheng had given up fighting the capital war, Hu Guyue still felt that he would help Gu Zheng in the end, no matter what the result was, he was not ashamed of it.


Gu Zheng drove to find all the places Wang Di might appear, including his own residence, but could not find him, and finally had to come to the mansion where Wang Di's parents lived.

"Gu Zheng is here!"

"Hello Auntie!" Gu Zheng politely greeted Wang Di's mother, "Auntie, is Wang Di at home?"

"I'm just about to ask you, have you seen Wang Di recently? This stinky kid doesn't know where he went after he got involved. It's really unnerving!" Wang Di's mother sighed, but his face was full of words. Worry.

"Guzheng brother, you are here!" With a silver bell-like voice, a beautiful, pure and sweet girl wearing a big buttocks t-shirt ran down from the stairs.

The two long and straight thighs are so white that they can shine. The collagen and pure breath on the face give people a feeling of spring breeze and the fragrance of flowers.

She is Wang Shishi.

"Shishi, you are at home too!" Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he felt a burst of fragrance, which was really pleasing to the eyes and refreshing.

"Well, I just came back from school. By the way, Gu Zheng, can I ask you something?" Wang Shishi ran to Gu Zheng, blinked his big clear and bright eyes, and asked with a sweet smile.

"Okay, what's the matter?" Gu Zheng was curious.

"Come with me!" Wang Shishi mysteriously took Gu Zheng and ran to the side hall, "Gu Zheng, do you know who developed "Avatar"?"

"Ah? No, I don't know, what's the matter?" Gu Zheng suddenly looked like a guilty conscience.

"Oh!" Wang Shishi nodded in disappointment, "Guzheng brother, let me tell you, don't tell others, my brother is hiding!"

"Why?" Gu Zheng was a little surprised.

"He used my dad's OA account to give the entire group a job assignment and asked all employees to comment on the copy of "Avatar". My dad almost died of anger. The world is looking for him these days!"

"What!" Gu Zheng looked at Wang Shishi with a shocked look. This, Wang Di came up with such a way to help him hit the rankings. No wonder he disappeared. If he is caught, he is afraid that he will be beaten by his father. Dead!

But after the surprise, Gu Zheng was moved in his heart. He knew Wang Di. Although he had a big carrot, he had always devoted his heart and soul to his buddies. It is estimated that he did not raise money this time, so he thought of it. This is not a way.

It's like a ruin, but I'm afraid I don't dare to do that.

"This guy!" Gu Zheng's nose suddenly became sore.

"My brother never plays games. I guess he must be helping "Avatar" hit the list, and let him fight like this, it shows that the Avatar developer has a special relationship with him, so I just asked if you know who it is , I thought you would know!" Wang Shishi continued, staring at the change in Gu Zheng's expression.

"Oh, yes, this person must have an unusual relationship with him. I have to ask him when I look back!" Gu Zheng replied, but he always felt a sense of being seen through.

"Brother Guzheng, have you played Avatar yet?" Wang Shishi asked again.

"Oh, I don't dare to play games now!" Gu Zheng immediately changed the subject, "By the way, Shishi, do you know where your brother is hiding?"

"I don't know, he told me on WeChat that he was going out to play for a period, let me tell mom not to worry!"

"Oh, Shishi, if your brother contacts you again, tell him to call me back, I have an urgent matter to find him!" Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, but I don't think he will contact me again in a short time. If you have news about him, tell me. My mother is very worried about him!"

"Well, good! No problem!"

In the evening, the lights are on, in the street restaurant...

"Haha, it really is this guy!" Hu Guyue almost didn't laugh when he heard Gu Zheng finished talking about Wang Di: "I was just about to tell you, I heard the company employees talk about this in the afternoon, what do you say? Mr. Shunda turned out to be a big fan of "Avatar" and asked the entire group of employees to list Avatar. I was quite surprised at the time, but after careful consideration, I figured it out. It must be the dizi kid who did a good thing, haha, this idea I'm afraid no one can think of it except him!"

"Oh, I really feel too sorry!" Gu Zheng knew very well how bad the impact of this incident was, how angry Wang Changshun was, and how serious the consequences were.

"Okay, we are all brothers. You used to do stupid things for us! Come on, let's respect the flute!" Hu Guyue and Gu Zheng clinked the glasses.

A week later, the collection of the New World Theme Contest finally ended, although in the past few days, with the spontaneous help of countless fans, "Avatar" has repeatedly rushed to second place.

But in the end it lost to the power of capital, and after two days of dominating the first place, "Prehistoric World" was also exploded by "Planet of Qatar".

When the list was finally frozen, "Prehistoric World" was never able to stand up again. "Planet of Qatar" ranked first, "Prehistoric World" ranked second, and "Avatar" unfortunately ranked third.
