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Chapter 184: Any surprises?

"My husband is amazing! What..." Wang Shishi walked around behind Gu Zheng, hugged Gu Zheng's head from behind, and kissed his forehead.

Gu Zheng held Wang Shishi's soft and slender waist with his backhand, hugged her directly into his arms and sat on his lap.

"Why, it's not good for your employees to see it!" Wang Shishi pushed Gu Zheng and said shyly.

"I didn't do anything shameful. I hugged my own girlfriend, not someone else's girlfriend!" Gu Zheng hugged tighter, and Wang Shishi stopped resisting.

"You are a woman who is at the forefront of fashion, and I am a man who is at the forefront of game trends. Are we a perfect match!" Gu Zheng put his head on Wang Shishi's white jade neck.

"Then I will continue to work hard to become a woman who is truly at the forefront of fashion!" Wang Shishi smiled.

"In my heart, you are already at the forefront of fashion. Now you choose all my outfits for me. Many people say that I have good taste!" Gu Zheng laughed, and put his arms around Wang Shishi's waist. , Enjoying the warm fragrant nephrite in his arms.

"By the way, the day after tomorrow is the handover day, do you want to visit my new home!" Wang Shishi said with his head tilted slightly.

"The decoration is finished so soon! Okay, the day after tomorrow we will call the flute and the erhu to celebrate together!" Gu Zheng said.

Wang Shishi looked at Gu Zheng meaningfully, and then turned her head and shook her head helplessly. She guessed that Gu Zheng would say that, but Wang Di and Hu Guyue are still very smart people, generally as long as Wang Shishi is in the game. , The two of them will decline most of the time.

This time it is estimated that these two people will definitely not be light bulbs.

"It's OK to accompany me on vacation, when do you plan to accompany me!" Wang Shishi looked at Gu Zheng with a bit of bitterness.

"Sorry, baby, you also know that Guoxing Technology is currently at a critical moment of technological innovation and new product iteration. At this stage, I have to check the whole process and participate in technical guidance! Give me another week to work on the new products of Guoxing Technology. After the incident, I will accompany you, and we will play with him as much as possible for a month!" Gu Zheng hugged Wang Shishi a little apologetically.

"Good, good!" Wang Shishi got up, crossed one leg, and rode on Gu Zheng's lap. He embraced Gu Zheng's neck with his hands and said softly, "I didn't mean to blame you, I know you Now it is not only a man who is at the forefront of the game trend, but also a man who is at the forefront of technology. I will not be the woman who slows down China's technological progress, hehe!"

"Hey, you can understand it! Come, kiss!" Gu Zheng kissed Wang Shishi's mouth.

"Mr. Gu, that..." Zhou Zheng hurriedly pushed in. He just hit Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi's affection. He turned his head and said with an awkward smile: "Hey, I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I didn't see anything!"

Wang Shishiteng stood up, and slapped Gu Zheng in an awe-inspiring way. He looked at Gu Zheng with a bitter expression, as if he was saying, "It's all to blame for you, how embarrassing people are!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and said: "Now that it is too late to see, go out and dig your own eyes!"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Zhou Zheng stood there, his eyes were slanted up forty-five degrees, his expression was frozen, and he was motionless. After a few seconds, he recovered and said with a smirk: "Okay, I I have deleted the amnestic just now!"

Gu Zheng's ancestor Zhou Zheng amused: "What are you looking for me?"

"Oh right... Mr. Liu is here, waiting for you in the reception room!" Zhou Zheng said.

"Okay, I'll go over!"


A few days later, the follow-up video of the final hidden plot of "Transformers: Cybertron Invasion" soon appeared on the Internet and immediately attracted countless players and netizens.

The video is still the game video of the Aofeng team. The appearance of monsters completely changed the situation. The Decepticon Transformers who stayed behind on the planet Cybertron suffered heavy casualties. Cybertron, which was devastated by the civil war, was even worse. The destructive power and destructive power of monsters is more fierce than war.

The backyard caught fire, and the Decepticons Transformers had to withdraw their troops quickly to support the battle on Cybertron, and hit the firepower against the monsters.

Megatron saw that these monsters were very difficult to deal with. If they were allowed to destroy, Cybertron would face complete destruction, so he held a temporary meeting and decided to find a way to introduce these monsters to the earth.

But the meeting was interrupted by Optimus Prime who suddenly arrived. Optimus Prime and Megatron confronted again, but now Optimus Prime's strength is no longer what Megatron can contend.

Optimus Prime, whose combat effectiveness was exploding, pressed Megatron to the ground and rubbed repeatedly in front of countless deceptive Transformers, without leaving him any face.

Optimus Prime told all the Decepticons that those monsters are not something they can contend with. Even if the monsters are introduced to the earth, they will also come to destroy Cybertron after the earth is destroyed.

The only way now is to end the war with mankind, establish an alliance with mankind, and fight against monsters together. This is the only way.

No one on the Decepticons dared to raise objections. They also knew Optimus Prime’s current strength, and what Optimus Prime said was very reasonable. They did not want their home to be destroyed.

What's more, those monsters obviously prefer to devour their energy cores. I am afraid that introducing them to the earth is not so easy.

Although Megatron was upset, he had to surrender to Optimus Prime’s lewd power. In addition, he was also a wise man. He knew that the method Optimus Prime said was feasible and that Optimus Prime acted as an intermediary to facilitate this plan. .

Megatron announced the cessation of the attack on the earth, Optimus Prime came forward to negotiate with the human military, and held a meeting of multinational heads of state, explaining the joint efforts to deal with the monsters that appeared on Cybertron.

This meeting has been arguing, and the hateful humans are naturally unwilling to cooperate with Cybertron, unwilling to help Cybertron, and even don't believe what Optimus Prime said, thinking that he is also for Cybertron's mitigation plan.

Of course, at the end of the meeting, the minority obeyed the majority and passed the resolution to establish cooperation with Transformers to jointly deal with the crisis on Cybertron. As a condition, Cybertron will help the earth develop science and technology, including weapons and interstellar ships. , In order to use human resources and strength to quickly create more weapons that can be put into battle.

And the Decepticons Transformers will never carry out military invasions on the earth, and will take Cybertron out of the solar system as soon as possible.

In fact, this is just one of the plot lines. The final hidden plot actually has many different branches and different endings. Players will face several choices as the mission progresses.

Although these choices are different tasks, they directly affect the direction of the plot and the choice of major characters such as Optimus Prime.

For example, Aofeng, they can choose to help humans oppose the cooperation camp, according to their plan, send tens of thousands of nuclear weapons into Cybertron, and use nuclear weapons to directly destroy Cybertron. Of course, this method will also cause most of the earth. Will suffer from nuclear pollution.

Optimus Prime may also be subject to the player’s choice and change his choice. For example, he may completely abandon Cybertron as he once did, choose to start the Cybertron engine, and let it drive away from the earth. Let him fend for himself.

Different choices will inevitably lead to different endings. Although Aofeng has not played any line to the end, it is not difficult to see that this part of the plot is a plot with multiple lines and multiple endings.

Once again, players can control the trend of the plot and determine the fate of Cybertron and humans on Earth, and this once again brought a huge surprise to all players and Transformers fans.
