Game Copy Supplier

~: Chapter 279-280 He actually made a steel

WLK Group Headquarters...


Rui Klein threw a peculiar, cumbersome and bloated VR glasses onto the desk, and shouted angrily: "What the **** is this?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rui, we have tried our best, our technology is not mature yet, we can't make products like Guoxing Technology!" A scientific researcher with glasses and gray hair said solemnly.

A year ago, after Gu Zheng announced that he would apply brain wave control technology in the "Oasis" game, Azure Technology also quickly accelerated the research and development of brain wave control technology.

In fact, this technology has been put into research and development very early, but it is always in the laboratory stage.

Although the reading of brain waves can be basically achieved, the stability and accuracy are still slightly insufficient, especially for the differences between different users.

For example, some people with very good concentration will greatly improve the accuracy of control when they are concentrated, while some people are not very focused or have low brain wave activity. It is difficult for people to accurately control commands. .

So this technology can be said to be unable to reach the market and the public.

However, Guoxing Technology announced that it would implement this technology, which forced Weilan Technology to accelerate its research and development so as not to fall behind again.

We must know that in this technological innovation race, whoever lags behind is destined to be slowly and completely eliminated by the opponent. Azure Technology cannot lose, let alone lose to Huaxia.

Therefore, they have invested a lot of money and talents in the past year, hoping to achieve technological breakthroughs in the shortest time and truly realize brain storm control technology.

It's a pity that one year has passed and he has not yet given him a satisfactory answer sheet.

What makes Rui more depressed is that Guoxing Technology has fulfilled its promise. Judging from the videos released by Guoxing Technology before, their technology is very mature and very stable.

This kind of technology can be implemented on portable VR glasses, which is very shocking.

This proves that they do not know how much they are ahead of them in brain wave sensing sensor technology, and can use the least, the smallest sensor sensor can accurately read the user's brain wave activity.

It can be accurately converted into corresponding instructions based on brain waves, and this technology simply does not know how many years ahead of them.

However, even if they have not been able to ensure accuracy and stability until now, they cannot mass produce and enter the market.

"We have invested so much capital and technical talents. You tell me that you did your best to make this kind of thing. How would you let me put it on the market? Do you want me to be ridiculed? Or let me tell our users. All over the world, the technology of our Azure Technology can't keep up with the pace of Guoxing Technology?" Rui yelled.

Several technicians lowered their heads and said nothing. They did their best. It is a miracle that this technology can be improved to the current stability and accuracy in one year.

Of course, they also admire Guoxing Technology in their hearts, and are shocked that they are so much ahead of them in this technology.

If there is no fraud in the video released by Guoxing Technology before, and their technology can really achieve the excellent performance shown in the video, it is really shocking.

Those who do the technology know very well how big the technological gap between them is, I'm afraid it will last for at least five years.

Five years!

In the past, their technologies were ahead of China for more than ten or two decades, but now China's technology has taken off so fast, unknowingly, it has surpassed them, and now it is ahead of them by so much.

Rui Klein felt a fire in his chest and nowhere to vent. The depression was very uncomfortable there, and his head was also buzzing.

He knows very well that if their brainwave control technology cannot be commercialized, it means that he has completely lost in this technology competition, and it will not only lose the market, but also the honor and value of the brand.

Even if he uses national power and political means to protect their existing markets and suppress China's technological invasion.

But at most it is just to buy some time for them. One or two years is fine. If time passes, they will still be unable to catch up with the technology of Guoxing Technology.

Then even if political means can't suppress people's needs, and even the country needs other people's technology, it's even more terrifying.

The most important thing is that they can't afford to lose that person, and the brand value of their Azure Technology will definitely plummet.

"Damn, how can the technology of those Chinese guys lead us so much!" Rui Klein couldn't understand, he even began to complain about why the world suddenly changed after he took over the WLK Group. The child has changed so much.

Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and Guoxing Technology surpassed them quickly as if they had acquired alien technology, and the entire market became turbulent.

Day by day, the advertisement of the brainwave-controlled VR smart device newly developed by Guoxing Technology is fully rolled out, and the day of the launch conference is getting closer and closer.

Although it is only a new product launch conference of a VR equipment company, the people who pay attention to this conference are not only the general public, but also governments and countless technology companies around the world.

Because they all know that the new products of Guoxing Technology will bring to the world a technological innovation, opening a new era, and the value of this technology is definitely not only related to the field of VR equipment.

This technology will change people's lifestyles, be applied in many fields, make possible many things that were once impossible, and even enhance the country's military power.

Therefore, Guoxing Technology represents not only an enterprise, but also the strength of the country behind it.

After the last time Guoxing Technology released VR smart devices with all independent intellectual property rights, Huaxia has proved its technological strength to the world. The rise of Huaxia has been unstoppable. They have slowly surpassed their opponents in various fields.

And time has proved everything. The smart devices of the Guoxing brand with all independent intellectual property rights are as good as they advertised. People all over the world have seen the progress and rise of Huaxia Technology.

Many people's views on China's technology products have also undergone a huge change, and the brand value and corporate image of Guoxing Technology are no longer inferior to the blue brand.

And this time, Guoxing Technology has come up with an advanced technology that can shock the world. This makes many people look forward to it, and many countries are very worried.

Many people don't want China to really master the leading technology, and hope that Guoxing Technology's products this time will be the same as they expected Guoxing chips last time, and the technology is immature and unstable.

Therefore, after Guoxing Technology's new products are on the market, it will be the time for all hopes and undesirables to be finalized.

No one can stop the pace of time, and the development of the world and the progress of science and technology, like time, roll forward and never stop.

In the evening of that day, in a huge studio in Beijing, China, finally ushered in the new product launch conference of the Guoxing brand.

Media reporters, industry experts, scientific researchers, and loyal users of the Guoxing brand from all over the world were invited to come. Thousands of people gathered in the entire venue.

Waiting for the moment to witness the advent of epoch-making technology products.

I look forward to being able to experience this kind of high-tech products that originally only existed in laboratories and science fiction movies.

On the Internet, there are hundreds of millions of netizens with different skin colors and different languages, all waiting together for the start of the press conference.

Today's conference scene is full of science fiction. The stage lighting and various large screens make people seem to have the illusion of a grand party performance.

Finally, the host’s voice sounded and the scene fell silent. The good music accompanied by cool light and shadow special effects instantly created an exciting audio-visual feast.

Suddenly, Tony Stark’s face appeared on the big screen. He said to Little Chili: “I’m going to the Guoxing brand new product launch site. Gu Zheng, this guy, he even asked me to give him a new product. Product endorsement? Are you kidding me, I am Tony Stark, how can I endorse someone else? I won't agree to any amount of money!"

"Then why are you going?" Little Pepper asked.

"Because that guy said that if I don't go, he will remove me from the Avengers. No way, I can't fight against the creator!" Accompanied by Tony Stark's funny words, the scene also sounded "Iron Man 》The classic BGM in appearance.

At the same time, Tony Stark soared into the sky wearing a steel suit, cutting through the night sky, and the lights on the scene flickered, dazzling.

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the sky, Iron Man’s figure moved from far to near, and with the special effects of light and shadow on the scene, Iron Man flew out of the screen with a light tail. The lights on the scene suddenly dimmed and a crisp metal crash sounded. That's the sound of Iron Man landing every time.

In the next second, the lights came on again, and everyone on the scene couldn't help but be attracted by the Iron Man who was half squatting on the ground in the center of the stage, and then he slowly stood up and stretched out his hands to greet everyone. : "Hello everyone, welcome to the Guoxing brand new product launch!"

In an instant, the scene boiled directly, and countless netizens who watched the live broadcast also boiled: "My God, Tony Stark is here, oh no, it's Robert Downey Jr.!"

"I'm going, the opening ceremony of the Guoxing brand press conference has exploded!"

"Too awesome, I have goose bumps!"

"Robert Downey Jr. is here!"

Countless netizens shouted excitedly that the global popularity of the image of Iron Man is absolutely beyond doubt.

"The atmosphere at the scene is very warm, I didn't expect my popularity to be so high!" Tony Stark continued, and the Iron Man on the stage also walked around, waving his hands constantly, and even blowing kisses.

At this moment, the big screen on the scene suddenly switched the lens, and the picture cut into a lounge the day after tomorrow. At this time, Robert Downey Jr. was standing in the room. He was wearing Guoxing brand portable VR glasses and smiling. The camera waved, and behind him was a smiling Gu Zheng.

The actions of Robert Downey Jr. were completely synchronized with the wave of the Iron Man at the scene.

"How about it? Is it easy to control?" Gu Zheng suddenly spoke, and his voice echoed in the studio.

"Well, it's really great. As long as I want him to go to the left, he will go to the left and let him do what I want to do, and he can do it. This brain wave manipulation is really good!" Robert Downey said.

His words caused another uproar on the scene. Everyone knew that the Iron Man on the stage should be just a robot, and those actions were made by Robert Downey Jr., who was in the background, using the brainwave control system.

"Okay, we should go and say hello to the audience!" Gu Zheng said, and then walked out of the backstage with Robert Downey Jr., the scene suddenly boiled and the applause was thunderous.

After Gu Zheng and Robert Downey Jr. came to the stage, they greeted the audience again. Robert Downey Jr. even controlled the Iron Man on the stage and kissed everyone.

"This is really funny, I can't stop it at all!" Robert Downey Jr. joked, still controlling the "Iron Man" movements.

"You like it, this is given to you, as tonight's appearance fee!" Gu Zheng also joked, and everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

After a brief chat, Robert Downey Jr. left the field first and gave the VR glasses on his head to Gu Zheng. After Gu Zheng put it on, the Iron Man on the console did some actions.

Then began to cut into today's theme.

"As you can see, this is just a robot, and it is also my large toy. He used to be able to control it with a handle, but now I can use our latest VR glasses brainwave control system to easily control it. He..." Gu Zheng began to introduce their newly developed brain bag control system, and also began to introduce their latest products.

At this moment, countless netizens who watched the live broadcast of the new product launch were excited and shocked. The opening of this launch event must not be ingenious, allowing everyone to witness the reality of the technology in the movie.

Although the robot Iron Man is on the stage, his control method is almost the same as in the movie.

You can even foresee that in the future, Guoxing Technology may really be able to create steel suits and bring those fantasy technologies into reality.

At the press conference, Gu Zheng mainly introduced the brainwave control system carried this time, and then introduced the configuration performance of the new product series and so on.

When Gu Zheng announced the price of the product, the scene boiled again.

"My God, the price is really amazing. With such an advanced operating system, the price is only less than two hundred dollars more expensive than a VR device of the same configuration."

"If it is the blue brand, the price is estimated to be more than twice as expensive!"

"I love this price, I must buy it!"

"It's great, Mr. Gu, I love you!"

"Mr Gu is an absolute conscientious entrepreneur, such a powerful black technology product, and the price is so close to the people!"

"Damn, put the Azure brand down!"

"Come and take a look at Weilan Technology. The products that are so technologically ahead of you are cheaper than you. What face do you sell so expensive!"

"This time I must buy a VR game pod from Guoxing Technology, to **** safety hazards, I don't care, we have used junk products for too long!"

"This is a real technology product. It's so fun. It must feel great to play games like this!"

"This price is really the same as doing charity. Thank you Gu Zheng and Guoxing Technology!"

"The Huaxia brand is really good, with good quality and low price. This is the product we should support!"

"Those politicians and capitalists don't care how much money we spend, they only hope that we don't buy Huaxia products, let us make sacrifices for their political purposes, what a bastard!"

On the Internet, countless netizens who watched the live broadcast eagerly discussed that although they are in different countries, they are all touched by the new products of the Guoxing brand at this moment, especially the pricing, which is really touching.
