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Chapter 297: Lift sanctions

The international situation is changing and the capital market is changing rapidly, but Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi are enjoying their years of peace, leisure and tranquility.

The blue waters, soft sandy beaches, fresh air, warm sunshine, top delicacies, extreme scenery, beautiful people on the side, and good wines.

Food, beauty, and beauty constitute the most extreme experience in travel, and the best feeling in the world is nothing more than this.

In a month, Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi traveled to the most beautiful islands in the world, putting aside their work and worries, aside the disturbances in the world, and the intrigues in the shopping malls.

To feel life, time, life, beauty with heart, this month makes them feel as if they have been in a paradise, not thinking about the insidious, fighting, helpless and sad, some only beautiful scenery and delicious food, relaxed and happy.

Gu Zheng made a successful marriage proposal like Wang Shishi in the Pandora Resort in Tahiti. It was a marriage proposal carefully planned by the Dreamcatcher Group. Many tourists from the entire resort also witnessed the marriage proposal that night.

Many people also participated in the part after the marriage proposal, singing and dancing together, and celebrating the joy together.

People from different countries, people of different skin colors and languages ​​dance together, twist their bodies together, there is no discrimination, no hatred, no disputes, only happiness.

Gu Zheng feels that heaven is nothing but so beautiful!

But happiness is always short-lived. At the end of the trip, everything returns to reality. Although the real world is also very beautiful, there are also many disturbances that make people helpless.

China Xia’s negotiations with the United States have played a role. Together with the efforts of the Azure brand, the United States agreed to remove Guoxing Technology from the sanctions list, but still imposed sanctions on many of Guoxing Technology’s chip products.

This is already a relatively good situation.

The Azure brand feels that it is time to negotiate with the Guoxing brand for the second time.

At this stage, they contacted Guoxing Technology many times, but because Gu Zheng had been traveling, they did not reply.

Now finally waited until Gu Zheng returned.

"Well, it's about next Tuesday!" Gu Zheng said. In fact, he knows very well that there are many things in the world that cannot be fulfilled. As the CEO of a company, he is important to the lives and entertainment of countless users and consumers around the world. character.

Always think about the overall situation.

The cooperation with the Weilan brand is not without any room for negotiation. Now Weilan has taken an attitude to prove their innocence for them and indicated their intention to cooperate.

The United States has also made concessions. As for the current sanctions, to be honest, it is to protect its core market.

This is similar to what China did in the Internet field at the beginning, all for the overall consideration.

Although Gu Zheng is patriotic, he is still an entrepreneur and businessman after all. He needs to think about his own business, and he should also think about his fans and users.

Although they are Europeans and Americans, they are not their own enemies and should not be hated by themselves, otherwise they are the same as those of European and American politicians.

They should have been able to enjoy a better gaming experience, should have felt the joy of brainwave manipulation in "Oasis", and they are also victims.

Of course, Gu Zheng hopes to cooperate with Azure Technology to enable brainwave manipulation to reach the European and American markets. There is also a very important reason, and that is to completely open the door to the European and American markets in the future.

This is just like the routines of many free software and games. When you are completely accustomed to my operation mode and the convenience I bring you, then you will never be able to do without me in the future.

Just like eating the marrow and knowing the taste, it will become difficult to return to the previous gesture operation mode.

And this will lay the foundation for the advent of his next-generation neural connection control system. At that time, he believes that the era that truly belongs to Guoxing Technology and belongs to Huaxia Technology will come.

At that time, the best time for gamers will also come, and it will be possible to truly enter the game world and experience the real feelings in the virtual world.

Azure Technology is very happy to learn that Gu Zheng has the same opinions, and they also see that Gu Zheng really has the intention of cooperation, so this meeting will be very important.

Rui Klein quickly convened a meeting to discuss together the matters of the next meeting. In view of the situation of the last negotiation, Rui Klein felt that the main negotiation was left to Brad.

Everyone also analyzed the difficulties and problems that may be encountered in this meeting, as well as the corresponding methods. They have formulated multiple plans and made sufficient preparations. They sincerely hope that this cooperation can be promoted.

Of course, they really need this cooperation now, because with the recent popularity of "Oasis", as the player's level is getting higher and higher, the difficulty of various tasks facing them increases, and more gameplay and functions are unlocked.

Players gradually discovered the importance of the brainwave control system.

For example, in the PK between players, players with brainwave control use their skills much more smoothly than their normal operations, respond quickly, and switch skills quickly. Various skills and operations can simply show their faces.

Even when his equipment level is not as good as his own, he can hit his teeth all over the place just by operation, which makes many players psychologically unbalanced.

Especially some players who like to play and are proud of it.

Not only that, when facing the same task and BOSS, people have brain waves that are obviously much better than them, not to mention the interesting functions and gameplay.

Therefore, the negative emotions of the players have become more and more high recently, and Azure Technology also knows that they can't drag on any longer.

York is a loyal player of "Oasis". Although he is still a student, he now plays "Oasis" almost every day in his free time except for "League of Legends".

"Damn it, lost again!" York said annoyedly, thumping his leg.

He is currently doing a mission in the arena and needs a certain winning percentage to get the Medal of Honor, but recently he has encountered very strong opponents.

The key to this strength is not in technology, but in equipment.

He knew that the other party must be using brainwave control, and the fluency and reaction speed of the technology release were much faster than him. The various dodge positions and the release of various skills were just like opening a plug-in.

But York knows that this kind of game cannot have a plug-in, and his operation is already very powerful. In "League of Legends", he relies on the operation to beat the world.

However, because of the advantages brought by the control of the opponent's brain waves, he cannot make up for it with his personal ability.

"Damn it, **** the U.S. government, why is it imposing sanctions on Guoxing Technology's products so that I can't buy them!" York vented his grievances to his government.

At his age of political rebellion, he himself was full of complaints and dissatisfaction with his country and political system.

Now that there is nowhere to vent all the grievances in my heart because of being oppressed in the game, I can only go to the community to abuse.

When he came to the gaming community, he saw that many people had the same distress as him, and many people were also complaining about their government's sanctions against Guoxing Technology.

He left a message below, not spitting up, and later he also posted a complaint.

Although the United States has banned the sanctions on the Guoxing brand, it still sanctions many of its chip components, which also caused the Guoxing brand to be unable to sell normally in their country.

"I just saw the development of the blue brand. They are going to meet with the Guoxing brand to discuss cooperation. It seems that there is hope for cooperation. We may be able to use the brainwave control system smart device!" York suddenly brushed it. I was overjoyed with a new message.

"It's great, there's finally news!" York was very happy. In fact, he also hoped that Guoxing Technology and Azure Technology could cooperate.

After all, there is only one possibility, so that they can use the brainwave control system the fastest and most likely.

Of course, I am happy, and York still does not forget to scold his country and government: "If it weren't for this **** sanction, why should we wait so long, this country is really disappointing!"
