Game Copy Supplier

Chapter 302: Dominate the world

The news that graphene materials are about to be mass-produced and commercialized is really like a nuclear bomb, which completely caused a global sensation, and once again made Huaxia and Guoxing Technology the focus of global attention.

The value of graphene materials has long been well known, and its applications in various fields have long been thoroughly studied. However, the mass production and preparation technology of graphene materials has been limited, and the high cost makes it difficult. Really go to the mass market.

However, the series of research results announced by Guoxing Technology have completely solved the fundamental problems, allowing the material such as graphite to truly enter the market and benefit all mankind.

But this news is not very good news for many countries such as Europe and the United States, and it can even be said to make them a little depressed.

The reason is simple, the thing they least want to see happened.

This advanced preparation technology of materials that can change the world and redefine science and technology was broken by Huaxia first. This is not a good thing.

With this technology alone, Huaxia may be able to achieve corner overtaking in many high-tech fields, and its military strength will truly enter the world's first echelon.

The influence and status of Huaxia, which has mastered the material of graphene, will also increase. In order to obtain the supply of materials, all countries will favor Huaxia, even depending on Huaxia's face.

At least before they break through the graphene preparation technology, China will become the object of favor from all countries in the world, and will become one of the countries that control the lifeblood of global science and technology.

Imagine that if anyone does not get the supply of China's graphene materials, he will not be able to catch up with technological innovation, and will lag far behind other countries in technology in many fields.

Moreover, this kind of technical resources is difficult to control by means of war, not to mention mastering top technology, which is equivalent to mastering top military strength, and there is a good chance of winning a war with others.

So these days, the top members of the U.S. government have held meetings for several days to discuss countermeasures and future relations with China.

They know very well that the dragon of Huaxia has truly awakened, and it is no longer possible for them to suppress it. The top priority is to choose cooperation and win-win. Being able to make good relations with Huaxia is the only thing they can do next, and it must be done. thing.

In the past many years, the diplomatic relations between the United States and China have been tense. In recent years, they have been even more so. They have been trying their best to suppress China's development, but ultimately they have not been able to suppress it.

For China, Guoxing Technology, a cooperative unit of China’s military, had already supplied large quantities of graphene to the military before the release of its graphene preparation technology.

Huaxia's research and development in the field of graphene applications and various patent reserves are also very advanced, so after obtaining the supply of graphene materials, Huaxia immediately carried out rapid innovations in military technology.

Many technologies that once stayed in the laboratory have also come out quickly, various advanced weapons have also begun mass production, and traditional high-tech weapons have also been fully upgraded. In just a few months, China’s military strength has surpassed America.

As for Guoxing Technology, the news of graphene materials has been released, and it has already received orders from top technology companies around the world.

With the graphene preparation technology currently mastered by Guoxing Technology, as long as the production capacity is expanded, it is enough to supply the world, but after all, this involves competition in the military and commercial fields of various countries.

Therefore, it is impossible for Guoxing Technology to fully supply, and it will not directly supply raw materials.

In the next month, China's door was really about to be smashed by the heads of countries. The heads of European and American countries who had made things difficult for China and suppressed China have come to visit China.

It not only "confessed" China Internationally, and flattering people don't want it. The United States and other countries also announced the withdrawal of all sanctions against China, especially Guoxing Technology, and introduced various preferential policies and privileges.

Of course, China has not been arrogant, and naturally it has given the United States and other countries some sweetness. In terms of graphene raw materials, although it has not been open to the outside world for the time being, it has also sold many graphene chips, batteries, high-tech materials and other products. Openness allows countries such as Europe and the United States to enjoy the technological changes brought about by graphene materials.

And this time, countries such as Europe and the United States did not publicize China’s monopoly or the China’s threat theory because China had not directly opened up raw materials. On the contrary, there was a feeling of resignation.

After all, they all know in their hearts that now Huaxia has the real lifeline of the times. Through public opinion suppression, there is no objection to a truly powerful country. On the contrary, it will destroy their relationship with Huaxia. Once they tear their skin, they will not get graphite. The supply of new ene-related products is really not worth the loss.

It can be said that China today has completely changed its own strength and status through graphene materials, and truly stands up internationally and overlooks the countries.

The credit for all this naturally belongs to Guoxing Technology and Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng once again became a man of the world's attention. The evaluation of him in Time Magazine can be said to be unprecedented.

The privileges he has in countries all over the world are unprecedented. Not only that, after this incident, Gu Zheng also became a deputies to the National People's Congress.

Although he himself is not interested in official positions and politics, he is saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. There are some things that he cannot avoid and escape. After all, he stands at that height.

Although the status of identity has already undergone earth-shaking changes, Gu Zheng's original intention in games has never changed. The original intention of graphene research and development is also to innovate gaming equipment and gaming experience.

Therefore, during this period, Gu Zheng has been busy in the research and development of a new game operating system and equipment. The future game equipment will have a certain degree of neural connection based on brain waves to allow players to truly experience the immersive experience. a feeling of.

The game play and experience have undergone earth-shaking changes, not only that, but the game equipment will also become lighter and the battery will be more durable.

"This kind of sensory feedback we only do positive sensory feedback, such as good touch, smell, taste, etc., such as pain and bad smell sensory feedback, we must adjust it very low, of course, some are supernatural and scary. For a special copy of the selling point, we can appropriately improve some sensory feedback in this regard!" Gu Zheng said at the meeting.

Their next-generation gaming equipment allows players to obtain more sensory feedback in addition to hearing and vision. Through neural links, the player’s nervous system is linked to the game world, achieving a more realistic sensory experience and more immersive experience. Game experience.

But the game is a game after all. After all, it can't be too realistic, otherwise the player will be shot in the game, or be cut by someone. If you follow the real sensory feedback, then it is estimated that all players will not dare to play.

Therefore, provide more real feedback on the senses that can make players excited and happy, such as physical contact with female NPCs and female players in the game, tasting food, fine wine, and so on.

And in order to make these senses more real, the R&D team has also sought out thousands of volunteers around the world to collect various sensory data and finally establish a database.

Of course, this kind of game experience does not completely enter the game with consciousness, but when the player enters a state of sleep, the senses of his body are almost lost.

With this kind of neural connection, the player’s senses still exist, and external stimuli will also be felt, so the player’s body will not be in a completely defenseless state when playing the game.

The new game experience requires innovation not only in the game equipment, but also in the game itself. The amount of calculation in the game itself has also been greatly increased. The game server needs to be completely innovated, and the game system needs to be adjusted.

This is a huge project, and it also requires a period of testing and debugging.

Although the new gaming equipment has not yet come out, Guoxing Technology and Infinite Space have jointly released their strategic goals and released a new game operation method and experience, which once again caused a huge sensation in the world.

It has also made countless players excited. Those games that once existed only in movies and fantasy novels really have to appear in their lives. This is definitely a dream come true.

However, some people are happy and some are worried. While the players are cheering, countless game equipment companies can be said to be complaining, especially the blue technology, there is a feeling that they can't keep up with others.

They have just obtained the authorization of Guoxing Technology's brainwave manipulation technology. It has been less than a year since the new product went on the market, and their equipment is about to be eliminated, which is really a huge blow to them.

In fact, since various countries have lifted various sanctions on China Xia, the products of Guoxing Technology have entered the market under their control. In less than a month, their market share has shrunk significantly.

And their stock market continued to fall. They knew very well that it was only a matter of time before the products of Guoxing Technology completely occupied their market.

The future of VR smart devices will definitely be the world of the Guoxing brand. Their blue brand is afraid that it will become a second-rate brand, and even like many electronic product brands in history, it will disappear directly in the long river of history.

However, what they didn't expect was that Guoxing Technology was simply built on rockets, and its development speed was astonishingly fast. Brainwave manipulation has only just become popular around the world, and it will directly start the manipulation of neural connections.

This will definitely change some equipment markets again. In the future, Guoxing Technology will inevitably dominate the world, replace their blue brand and unlimited time and space, and become the brand and company that will dominate the next era.

Sitting in the office, Rui Klein felt as if there were two villains fighting in his heart. As a player of "Oasis", he was also very happy and looking forward to a new game experience, allowing him to be in the world of "Oasis" Here, enjoy a more realistic and rich game experience.

As the owner of the Blue Brand and Infinite Time, he is also heartbroken by the decline of his company and that his situation is about to be lost.

At this time, he really felt very powerless and helpless, just like a last emperor, watching the rebel army attack outside the palace, and immediately rushed into the hall, completely overthrowing his empire and his dynasty.

Although he would not become a prisoner of an enemy country, the huge gap in status is still very difficult to accept.

"This world is going to change completely!" Rui Klein sighed. He was really helpless. If he said before, he would still wonder if the wrong decision he made in the past led to the decay of his company.

But now it seems that even if his father is alive, even if he did not make those stupid decisions, the rise of Guoxing Technology is unstoppable. It is only a matter of time before Infinite Space and the Azure brand are replaced.
