Game Development Mad God

v10 Chapter 244: Shinra New 2nd Special Forces

Two lines of clear tears, sliding down Yue Hongliang's beautiful face.

In this video, her sisters were **** and became prisoners.

The employers of the God Armed Forces will torture them one by one to death...

These people, dressed in the skin of justice, committed the atrocities of Satan and demons.

If you change to other girls, you may have to scream and escape in fear at this time, and may even completely collapse your mental will. From then on, you may suffer from panicemia and severe mental exhaustion.

And Yue Hongliang is different.

Who is she?

She is the Crimson Wolf!

She is the "red dog" big devil who has made countless people gritted their teeth but helpless!

Forcing herself to open her eyes and staring at the content of the video, Yue Hongliang forced herself to keep every picture and every sound in her heart.

This hatred, she is unforgettable, even if she pays everything, she will make the enemy pay ten times the price!

The voices and smiles of the friends faintly emerged in front of them.

"Why teach me how to kill?"

"No, we are going to teach you how to survive."

"It's not that I chose this kind of life, but this kind of life chose me."

"Fate forces us to become assassins."

Yue Hongliang bit her thin lip with her fine white teeth, and the red blood slid along the soft jade jaws and gathered into cinnabar-like water droplets, across the sky, falling to the ground, and splashing into fine droplets of blood.

A hysterical smile appeared on her face, and the hostility and murderous intent in her eyes turned to the sky, but it was gradually drawn into the eyes.

In the video, the abusive God Armed Union employer seemed to be aware of something, and pointed the gun directly at Pei Shan in the first perspective, and slammed the trigger.

Bang! Bang!

With two gunshots, the video stopped abruptly.

In fact, the content of the subsequent emails is also in operation in the small program that Pei Shan made early.

Her wisp of fragrance has long since vanished.

"I will avenge you!"

The desire to revenge and wash away the shame is like a heavy cloak, pressing on Yue Hongliang's shoulders.

She dragged the slender legs in plaster, with only two short blades of willow leaves on her body, and hobbled away from the base.


Umbrella Security’s job fairs are always one-to-one, and there is never a swarm of interrogation teams and long queues of job applicants.

In fact, even the demand for the job of a cleaner in an umbrella company has already been queued for half a year.

No one can hide their past experience, as if an invisible eye is watching everything about them.

Because the past resume of the first step has screened out 99% of candidates, plus reasonable planning, the current situation has emerged.

The white ceiling, white walls, white passages and floor constitute the location where Yue Hongliang is now.

In front of her, a tall, intellectual girl with gold-wire glasses read her evaluation results without expression.

"Yue Hongliang, 25 years old."

"Healthy, A+ level, excellent."

"Intelligence, B-level, up to standard."

"Loyalty, B+ level, qualified."

"Appearance, 86 points, excellent."

"Become a killer at the age of 15, because of his extraordinary talent, he became a gold medal assassin in the second year. Two years later, the black market offered a reward of 8 million dollars in heads..."

The other party's icy voice came in his ears, and Yue Hongliang's face was calm.

This kind of thorough data-based evaluation of people is indifferent and ruthless, which makes many people feel uncomfortable, but in her opinion, this is the professional performance of the umbrella.

The other party was able to unearth her own past resume, which was as early as she expected.

In fact, if the other party fails to do this, Yue Hongliang will really be disappointed.

She came here originally for the [Ethere Holy Water] to make herself recover quickly.

It seems that the background of Umbrella Security Company seems to be deeper than originally expected.

The intellectual girl in a white coat pushed the gold-wired glasses and said: "Compared with Umbrella, your temperament is more suitable for being a special soldier of the Shinra company, directly under the BOSS."

"With your skill, you can directly serve as a 2nd-level special force after passing the test. Although it is impossible to become a 1ST, it is still very promising."

Lin Yan, as the imaginary star school of the staff of the Eastern team, also has a guard organization, so the title of "Shenra Special Forces", in essence, conforms to the regulations and does not go beyond the rules.

"The second level... the first sequence... the Shinra special forces?"

The corners of Yue Hongliang's lips rose slightly, and the sun was shining brightly, like a pear blossom.

"I am willing to obey the company's arrangements and scheduling."

Lin Yan Group's three major companies seem to have more tricks than outsiders imagine.

Looking at such a strict entry review, saying that they are a team that has been hiding for decades and conspiring to rule the world, Yue Hongliang is willing to believe it.

She even faintly looked forward to it.

The more evil and the stronger the background, the more capable people

"I will work hard."

She will...

Desperately worked hard.

On Yue Hongliang's shoulders, she is not only carrying her own fate!


Standing in front of the Blackstone Apartment, Xiao Cang Daxiong was proud, and his heart was full of joy and relief.

"After this is done, I can finally leave the **** East!"

When he thought that his business trip was finally over, he couldn't help feeling a little overjoyed.

I thought it would take a month or even two months to get a response, but now it has results.

Regarding the international game exhibition, he responded to his application within half a month.

【E-Sports】The application is successful!

The total number of fencing athletes in the world is only 100,000, and the number of registrations of Hero Blade or WOW players alone has reached tens of millions.

This is a gap of hundreds of times!

Even players who have invested more than 100 hours in these two games are hundreds of times the total number of fencers!

Based on this huge number of participants, the application is almost a matter of course.

The little bear is just a bridge.

Although Xiaocang Daxiong knew in his heart that Lin Yan's credit accounted for more than 80% of it, but he still couldn't help but want to take this credit for himself.

He even began to imagine that he would be called the "creator of e-sports" in the future.

After entering the elevator, Xiao Cang Daxiong quickly adjusted his mentality and took away the proud expression on his face.

He knew better than anyone what a young Oriental like Lin Yan needed.

It's nothing more than face.

Even if Xiao Cang Da Xiong despise Lin Yan from the depths of his heart, he will treat him as a nouveau riche, as his stepping stone and a victim. On the surface, as long as he shows the most basic respect and his tone is a little humble, the other party will treat him as an upstart. Treat it to friends!

"Silly and stupid young people..."

Little Cang Daxiong thought in his heart, when he knocked on the door, his face was full of joy, as if he was happy for his friend's success...

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