Game, Live Stream

Chapter 15

Is the paper man of Yunjiezhou coming out of the coffin like Fang Lan?

Xiao Yuqiu thinks that the back is cold, but at this moment, he suddenly feels that someone has pushed him back in the back, and he suddenly fell into the coffin in a balanced manner.

The next second, his nose slammed into the coffin floor, not black.

When Xiao Yuqiu opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying flat in the coffin, and his eyes were dark. It seemed that someone had closed the cover of the coffin.

Who closed the coffin? Is it Tang Mianmian? No, this is impossible! Is that the case?

There were countless doubts in his mind, but he didn't have time to get to the bottom, because he could feel the oxygen in the coffin gradually decreasing. If he didn't hurry out, he might die soon because of lack of oxygen!

"let me out!"

"There are people in the coffin!"

"Come on, let me go out!"

Survival desires make Xiao Qiuqiu make up, he desperately hits the coffin around him, hoping to push the coffin cover out to climb out or to make the attention of the Tang Mian Mian, but this coffin is like a copper wall, trapped All his actions.

Is he going to die in this coffin?

Xiao Yuqiu was somewhat desperate, but at the same time realized that there seemed to be something wrong. This coffin was obviously much smaller than the coffin he saw in the room of Yunjiezhou, and the clothes he wore did not seem to be the one he always wore. set……

Just as Xiao Yuqiu gradually became confused because of lack of oxygen, the coffin was suddenly opened. He closed his eyes subconsciously, thinking that there would be glare from the light, but it did not.

When he blinked, he put on a numb face, who pulled him out of the coffin and then bent over to put something in the coffin. He turned his head and saw it. Familiar paper people.

... Fang Lan's paper man!

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but he soon found out that the paper man seemed to be just an ordinary paper man. He didn't have the lifelike facial features, he wouldn't move, and he wouldn't attack people.

The man put the paper man in the red wedding dress into the coffin, then he closed the coffin, and several people gathered around and began to fill the coffin.

Xiao Yuqiu noticed that the expressions of the few people were exactly the same as those who opened up, and the same expression was numb... It turned out that he had been lying in the coffin buried in the soil, no wonder that the coffin would be so stuffy, if no one opened it, he Really live alive and suffocate.

Until then, he discovered that it was night. Through the faint moonlight, he found that he was actually behind the Fanglan house, and he actually wore a red wedding dress that was exactly the same as the paper man!

Xiao Yuqiu was so scared that he took a breath of cold air. However, in the next moment, there was a sudden sound of knocking and drumming in the distance. The snoring broke the night of silence and made him an unpredictable foreboding.

Sure enough, a group of people carrying the red car sedan floated to the door and stopped at Fanglan’s door.

Xiao Yuqiu realized what he was, and he wanted to run when he turned around. However, the Kailuan grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the front of the car. The manpower was infinite, and he had no room to struggle.

The welcoming team was also a group of people with numb expressions. After they stuffed Xiao Yuqiu into the sedan chair, they carried him off.

Xiao Yuqiu smiled bitterly. He didn't even touch the girl's little hands in this life. How did he wear a big red wedding dress to marry? Is there something wrong?

The wedding car didn't last long, and it quickly stopped.

Xiao Yuqiu was once again forced to pull down the sedan chair, and then entered the Xitang.

Mrs. Yun’s wife sat numbly in the upper seat, standing next to her with the same numbness of the son-in-law, which made this gloomy Yunfu look even more strange.

Soon, the groom who was going to be with him was also present. Not as he expected, it was a paper-dressed man wearing a groom's suit, but the paperman's facial features were not so good, he looked at the wall. The image of the cloud sent to the continent is far away, the face protein is like a wall, the blush and the lips are red like blood... looks horrified and strange.

Xiao Yuqiu was forced to press the head and the paper man worshipped the church, and was taken to the Yunjiezhou room.

Until he was forcibly brought to the big coffin, he could not find a chance to escape, and then he was once again pushed from behind, fell into the coffin, and soon the paper man was released. Come in and lie side by side with him.

"No!" he cried desperately.

Then the coffin was closed again.

"Let me go out!"

Xiao Yuqiu desperately beaten the coffin cover, but the coffin did not move. When he beat his hands and numb, he suddenly felt that the paper people beside him seemed to move.

The thought suddenly made him scared and half of his body was numb, and he immediately hid to hide next to him, for fear that the paper man would survive the next moment.

Xiao Yuqiu is afraid, the more he feels that the paper person next to him seems to be really alive, he can even hear the breath of the paper man breathing, just swaying in his ear... But how can the paper man breathe? ? Ghosts don't need to breathe! This must be an illusion! It must be that he was scared of illusion!

His heart beats violently, and he kept thinking about Dong Xiangxi trying to divert his attention, but when he thought that he was lying in a big coffin with a paper man, he couldn’t think of anything else that would transfer him. The attention of the moment is now.



Breathing sound seems to be getting bigger and bigger, Xiao Yuqiu can no longer deceive himself. It is an illusion, and it can't be his breathing. Because of the shock, he is now panting and running for more than ten floors. ... Since it is not his breathing, nor his illusion, who is this breathing?

He was so scared that he was so numb, and even began to hate that his psychological endurance was so strong - if you changed the Tang, then the kid is now fainting! Although he is extremely scared now, the more he is afraid of the spirit, there is no sign of fainting! Sometimes fainting is also a kind of self-protection. Why can't he have this self-protection mechanism?

The next moment, Xiao Yuqiu clearly felt that the paper man beside him was moving. Something opened his favor, and then stuffed a cold thing into it, sticking to the meat on his chest.

He was almost scared to death, and he did not dare to think about what the cold thing was. He took a deep breath and slammed the paper man violently. He held up his mind and was not satisfied. He lifted himself up. I tried my best to hit the coffin cover...

Xiao Yuqiu almost knocked himself into a concussion, but when he came back, he found that he actually knocked the coffin cover open. He looked back and found that the paper man who almost scared him was gone. .

……what happened?

He looked up and found that he was still in the cloud house, but he had a hunch that he should be back... but the problem came. If he came back, where did Tang go?

"Tang Mianmian? Tang Mianmian!"

Xiao Yuqiu climbed out of the coffin and found a circle in the house. After discovering that Tang was not in the air, he immediately ran out to find him.

He found a circle outside the house, but he still couldn't find anything. However, when he looked back at the house in Yunzhou, he found that the candle inside the house didn't know when it was extinguished. The whole room was immersed in the unknown darkness. .

Then Xiao Yuqiu took a hard breath and turned the entire yard over, even though he didn’t even know how much courage he had, but even if he searched every corner, he still Tang Mian's hair was not found.

His heart sinks and he has to accept the reality... Tang Mianmian really disappeared.