Game of Gods

Chapter 189: Headhunters (I think I'm still a few mor

After walking for about half an hour, they came to a wilderness, and could vaguely see a village, which was the headhunter village.

Li Zhan's army said: "More than a hundred headhunters, it is not easy to deal with. Isn't it a helper?"

Sugawara Chenfei replied, "Hit, it can be solved."

Yun Rouwa: "What tactics are there?"

Sugawara Chenfei replied, "Yes, it's hard and positive."

Everyone: "..."

He said it was hard and positive, and the preparations needed to be done still had to be done.

Twenty-five people found a piece of forest in the wilderness and said that it was a forest. In fact, dozens of trees were scattered sparsely, and barely enough was enough.

璃 Liu Li pressed her hand and turned a big tree into a tree person.

Hagiwara Chenfei summoned five pets and then took out a bazooka-this was still strung from the police station when leaving Wen'an.

Outfitted with rockets, Yuan Chenfei was a shot at the distant village.

The puppet rocket flew into the village with a long flame and flew into the village, setting off a fire and smoke.

The next moment, a large number of headhunters had rushed out with their spears.

"I fuck!" Watching hundreds of headhunters rushing over, Li Zhanjun also cursed.

Even if he became a family member of the God of War, with the Skullbreaker, he still trembled when he saw so many headhunters.

This is not a mowing game. As a servant of God, every headhunter has a very strong strength.

With five to one hundred, no warrior spirit is really impossible.

These headhunters, who looked like trolls, rushed to stop 100 meters away from Yuan Chen, and then called out, and hundreds of javelins and short spears were thrown over.

The howling javelin descended from the sky, although there were only a hundred or so, it released a magnificent momentum that pierced the sky.

In the face of this situation, Yuan Chenfei nodded to Liu Li, and Liu Li waved his hand. The huge Shuren behind him had already stepped out, blocking them firmly behind him.

It was just two rounds of spear rain, and the Shuren died on the spot. Liu Li then resurrected a big tree and continued to stand in front. Yuan Chenfei took the opportunity to launch another rocket.

This bombardment directly bombed more than ten headhunters in the crowd. Although death will not die, injuries will be unavoidable.

A large group of headhunters roared in anger at the same time, and while spear rain threw again, they screamed and rushed over.

"Good show begins." Li Zhanjun said a famous line in the game, the tomahawk on his shoulder had been lowered, and he sent a cigar to fill the facade.

The headhunter who Xun rushed to first was an extraordinarily tall guy. When he was close, he could clearly see his fangs and a string of human heads hanging around his neck.

Waving a huge tomahawk, the tall headhunter flew an axe at Yuan Chen.

赫 This is also a furious battle.

"My!" Li Zhanjun's tomahawk has been split.

If it is one-on-one, Li Zhanjun is confident that he can easily solve the opponent, but unfortunately, the opponent obviously does not have this intention.

As soon as he hit, at least three or four headhunters pounced from behind and surrounded him.

At the same time, on the sixth day, the four auxiliary skills of glorious guardian, tranquil mind, war prelude and deep madness have been added to Yuan Chenfei. It is obviously that Li Zhanjun took the first shot, but the sixth day only controlled Yuan Chenfei.

Fortunately, Yuan Chenfei was not idle.

Twenty-five War Beasts dispatched at the same time, and he himself stepped forward.

The headhunters came turbulently, but Yuanchen Fei was fearless. Like a warrior, he moved forward bravely and simultaneously launched the aura of the beast. At the same time, the red blood of the five war beasts surged at the same time. Strike madly at the headhunter rushing up.

璃 On the other side, Liu Li also transformed into a giant bear to join the battle group, while Rouwa walked in the shadows.

Shadow Assassin is not suitable for storm attack, but every shot is insidious, it must be hit, and the damage is extremely strong.

The five-member elite squad is definitely one of the strongest combinations today, so just one face-to-face kills the headhunters.

Nevertheless, the headhunters who keep coming are still putting a lot of pressure on them, especially among these headhunters.

The natural level of the headhunters represents their own strength, and the professional level represents their system strength.

When the two are combined, these headhunters are equivalent to the elite in the same class, which immediately puts them under great pressure.

"Hey, it won't work like this. If you have any means, it's better to use it sooner!" Li Zhanjun shouted wildly with a tomahawk.

虽然 Although his Skullbreaker is powerful, he has no effect on professionals and aliens.

The first battle failed to show his prestige, which made him very uncomfortable-it's so good to kill the monsters, but to kill any headhunter.

"Can't you hold on so fast?" Yuan Chenfei laughed.

"Nonsense, so many of them!" Li Zhanjun shouted.


Wu Yuan Chenfei agreed, and had taken out a metal device and put it on the ground.


A mask has spread out, with the metal device as the center to form an aperture of about 30 meters in diameter.

一 As soon as this aperture appears, the headhunters outside the circle can no longer enter.

战 Li Zhanjun was surprised: "What is this?"

"The force field generator can block the invasion of the creatures outside the mask, including attacks." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Go! I know you have something good." Li Zhanjun laughed. Without the follow-up reinforcements, he is not afraid of the headhunters in front of him. He shouted while struggling to chop him, "How much is this stuff? I also buy one . "

Hagiwara Chenfei replied, "I bought it in Tiangong, but it wasn't on the ground. And I paid for it ... it cost money."


With the force field generator, the quantitative advantage of the headhunter can no longer be exerted. The headhunters outside the aperture can only watch Yuanchen Fei. They will destroy the headhunters in the aperture, and then the Yuanchen Feili field is closed and a wave comes in.

Repeatedly, just after three rounds, they harvested most of the headhunters.

The remaining headhunters looked at each other, yelled, and ran back together.

They are not stupid, knowing that there is nothing to do, they should withdraw.

Hagiwara Chenfei they do not chase, but rest on the spot. As the smaller party, it is important to stay in good shape at all times.

After the break, I still go to attack the village-there are defensive facilities in the village, the attack is destined to pay a price.

So Yuan Chenfei directly picked up the bazooka and continued the long-range bombardment.

This time I really hit the head pain of the headhunters.

Although the headhunter tribe is a servant of the gods, it is a primitive race like the quartz tribe, and it is far inferior to humans in terms of scientific and technological wisdom.

For example, they will not make guns, so there are basically no gunmen. Even if they do, the thermal weapons used are purchased systematically and cannot be produced on their own. At least in terms of basic thermal weapons, Terrans don't need gods to provide them at all. Only in higher-level thermal weapons may the support of the gods systems be required. However, the country is now purchasing system thermal weapons for its own research and development, so it is still possible to develop new thermal weapons on its own in the future.

This headhunting village is also a very weak village among the headhunters, so although it is an old servant, it can only be beaten by Yuan Chenfei.

Under the bombardment of Yuan Chenfei, those headhunters soon became unbearable and rushed out again.

This time, it was all dispatched.

The headhunter headed by a cricket looks a bit old, apparently the village head.

He snarled a series of words at Yuan Chenfei, but unfortunately, everyone did not understand.

"What did he say?" Liu Li asked.

"He asked why we invaded them." Yuan Chenfei replied.

He is the only one who can understand-the other party uses the lower level God's Word, which is also the universal language of the heavens and the worlds.

"Aggression?" Everyone was confused by this word, and then they remembered that they are not facing monsters, but intelligent servants, and the same intelligent life as them.

认识 This recognition immediately made everyone uncomfortable.

Killing monsters and invading aliens are obviously two different things.

Yuan Chenfei saw their minds and said, "Ignore them. Now they are weak, so say so. But look at the skulls on their necks. There are also human skulls in them, how do you think that's how they came? "

The reason why the headhunters are called headhunters is that this race is extremely fierce and brutal.

They are cannibal tribes.

When they encounter a single human being, they will not say that there is no aggression but no aggression, but directly attack them and cook them in a cauldron.

So Yuan Chenfei has absolutely no psychological burden for the aggression. Not to mention that after the opening of the third stage, the clan races, even now, these headhunters have no human blood in their hands-there are always professionals who walk out of the safe zone and eventually become their food.

"Kill them all, it is our duty now." Yuan Chen flying.

"Roar!" It seemed that he heard Yuan Chenfei's meaning, and the village chief snarled angrily and rushed up with a tomahawk.

The two priests at the back of the puppet shot at the same time ~ ~ A ring of ice was pouring out with the fire.

Unfortunately, all these attacks were blocked by Yuan Chenfei's opening of the field generator.

The force field generator can block all attacks, but it costs money to block each attack. But as long as there is enough money, it is indeed invincible defense.

Obstructing the attack, Yuan Chenfei quickly turned off the force field generator, and the five had rushed past. Just rushing to the village chief, Yuan Chenfei opened the force field again and directly placed the village chief, three captains and two priests in the force field generator.

Five-to-six, five-man squad slammed into a crazy attack.

The headhunter's village chief is not weak, with a natural level of 20 and a professional level of 25. The overall strength is equivalent to that of a lord monster around level 2. . From time to time, he can also throw a tomahawk to maneuver. This is the talent ability of the headhunters, which is equivalent to having some professional ability of the spear shooter, and the fighting style is extremely sturdy.

Nevertheless, in the face of this well-equipped and powerful elite squad, his final outcome is still only a way out.

"嚯!" Yuan Chenfei slashed the sword.

This sword condenses all his strengths, and he uses the powerful physique brought by Lian Shen Jue to the extreme.

The flame blade was chopped in the neck of the village head. At first glance, the headhunter village head finally fell to the ground.

He was still cursing in anger when I fell.

I cursed these **** invaders as if they were truly innocent.