Game of Gods

Chapter 199: New rules

Passing through the gluttony hall, Yuan Chen flew to a garden.

The garden is very beautiful. It contains some unseen plants, colorful flowers, and the air is full of flowers.

I saw the flowers and plants in front of me, and Yuan Chenfei's eyes lit up: "Nymph Lily, Purple Water Lily, Everlasting Lotus, Leafless Crow Grass ... Hell, all good things!"

"Gold-eating grass, and gold-eating grass!" Han Feiyu shouted excitedly: "With this, I can make a powerful devil, the original brother ..."

Then he saw Yuan Chenfei slowly pull out the knife.

Han Feiyu: "What?"

Sugawara Chenfei replied: "Although the rules here are still unclear, there is a truth that a beast guards next to a good thing. In most cases, it still applies."

飞 What Han Feiyu was about to say, suddenly a cool wind rose from his head.

His face paled: "Don't tell me, what's behind me?"

"Actually ... it does." Yuan Chenfei slashed out.


飞 Han Feiyu sounded a deep metal impact behind his head.

He hit on the spot, and then saw Yuan Chenfei mingling with a puppet.

"A puppet?" Han Feiyu held back. "How can a puppet be? The ones who protect the strange flowers and weeds should not always be beasts?"

因为 "Because I can't turn it into my pet," Yuan Chenfei replied.

Carter Mill is really hard-working.

However, Han Feiyu soon realized that something was wrong.

魔 This puppet has only 28 levels.

Not to mention strength, a little low.

"Only 28th level, you can easily destroy it. Isn't it that the rules are escapes in the back room, monsters cannot fight?" Han Feiyu laughed.

The twenty-eighth level of the puppet is not weak, but for Yuan Chenfei, it is obviously not an opponent that cannot be confronted.

Hagiwara Chenfei has released her pet, and answered while fighting: "Obviously, it is no longer a room escape."


"Because Carter will not go black all the way, let me grasp the law." Yuan Chenfei has begun to understand that all the summarized experience applies to the past.

The fact is that Carter Mill has many arrangements in this castle.

Xun was a room escape at first, but when Yuan Chenfei came out from here, the nature began to change.

"What is this time?" Han Feiyu asked.

"I don't know, I have to find it out. But no matter what, I will have these herbs!" Under the attack of the pets of the Third War and Yuan Chenfei, the demon doll gradually failed, and was soon resolved by Yuan Chenfei.

Solved this monster, Yuan Chenfei began collecting herbs.

The perfect collection technique can preserve the medicinal properties of the herb to the greatest extent. Yuan Chenfei started the collection of one strain.

在 At this moment, two professionals rushed across the garden.

He is from Shangcheng.

When I saw the herb, the two professionals lighted up and rushed over at the same time: "It's ours!"

Xie Yuanchenfei frowned slightly, then let out the wing wind and fight the wolf.

Twenty-fifth-level elite war wolves appeared, slap two palms, and shoot the two professionals directly. The two professionals fled after seeing the situation was not good.

Sugawara Chenfei continued to collect herbs in good time.

"The original big brother is amazing!" Han Feiyu clapped and smiled.

Sugawara Chenfei's feeling is getting worse.

Super induction did not prompt him, which means that the current collection is indeed risk-free.

The more I can do this, the more uneasy Yuan Yuanfei is.

Why Carter Mill's layout suddenly became so weak?

You can easily harvest so many cherished herbs just by defeating a puppet?

And ...

"Level 28." Yuan Chenfei whispered, at this time he had collected all the rare medicinal materials.

"What's wrong?" Han Feiyu asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel weird, why is that one of this grade." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"What's wrong with this level?"

"It's okay. But if I'm not there, there should still be many people who can't beat it." Yuan Chenfei said lightly.

The puppet guarding in this garden, the strength of level 28, is still a nightmare for most professionals, but is destined not to be Yuan Chenfei's opponent. Yuan Chenfei before level 20 can clean up this guy.

From the perspective of strength, the existence of this demon puppet simply serves Yuan Chenfei, making it impossible for everyone except Yuan Chenfei.

When thinking of this, Yuan Chenfei was startled: "No, these herbs cannot be left."

"What?" Han Feiyu paused.

Hagiwara Chenfei has taken out all the collected herbs.

Since the peony herb is collected, it is impossible to return to the soil.

Hagiwara Chenfei placed the herb directly in a box and placed it on the ground.

"Let's just give up?" Han Feiyu was reluctant.

"Trust me, sometimes you just give up." Although he was also reluctant to accept these herbs, Yuan Chenfei never dared to ignore Carter's threat.

He came from a death design of a god, and he should not allow him to take care.

However, he did not choose to destroy these herbs in the end, but he hoped that anyone would find them and take them away, so that perhaps later, he could see the arrangement of Carter Mill.

当然 "Of course, we need to make some arrangements. Feiyu, I remember the alchemist has a kind of prop called the Eye of the Watch. Will you do it?"

"Of course." Han Feiyu answered proudly.

"Leave one here."

Abandoned all herbs, Yuan Chenfei left with Han Feiyu.

About ten minutes later, a professional appeared in the garden and saw the herb and picked it up with joy.

Of course, he didn't notice that one eye in the garden was staring at it all.

"I was taken away." Han Feiyu said, "It's He Changqing's person. It looks like his brother Yuan."

"Got it."

Leaving the garden, Yuan Chenfei and Han Feiyu came to an open square.

It looks a little like a martial arts ground here, the square is full of weapons, and there are some broken puppets.

飞 Han Feiyu still feels heartache for the lost herb.

"Okay, don't be distressed by those herbs any more, and take a long-term view, such as seeing what good this place can do." Yuan Chenfei comforted.

"Are you sure you won't throw them away when you get them?" Han Feiyu asked.

"Not sure." Yuan Chenfei replied.

He really couldn't determine the problem.

Life is always faced with various choices. Choosing to give up is sometimes not the worst. The worst thing is that you may have to keep giving up.

What's worse than constantly choosing to give up is that you can't justify the choice.

I think it's really depressed.

不管 But anyway, since there is no turning back, if the square still has the urine in the garden, Yuan Chenfei will still choose to give up.

Fortunately, this time is finally different.

Because there are other professionals coming.

He Changqing.

He Changqing also followed three professionals, a total of four.

However, after seeing Yuan Chenfei, He Changqing didn't choose to do anything, instead he took a few steps back—he was much more sober than the two in the garden.

He said, "I'm surprised you are still alive. But Yuan Chenfei, this is a competition task, not a confrontation task. You and our two teams do not have to fight, right?"

Hagiwara Chen shrugged: "It's funny, I thought you would scream for revenge for your brother and kill him."

"I can't beat you, nor the three of them." He Changqing said bluntly, "So I won't call you now. But if I think the situation is good for me, maybe I will."

He said that bullying and fear were so straightforward, that He Changqing was indeed enough.

Then He Changqing laughed: "Then the problem is coming. Will you choose to kill me first if you know that I will avenge my brother sooner or later, but at least not yet?"

Hagiwara faltered: "What are you doing? Test my conscience?"

He Changqing replied, "I just want to really understand you. See where your bottom line is, this may help me deal with you in the future."

Hagiwara Chenfei took a step forward: "If my bottom line is not good, how about killing you now?"

He Changqing's face remained calm: "You can try."

The two stopped talking at the same time and just looked at each other.

A moment later, Yuan Chenfei suddenly said: "I said three, you leave here, otherwise I will take a shot. One ..."

He Changqing turned his head and left without hesitation.

"Really decisive enough." Yuan Chenfei said to himself.

"Don't you kill him?" Han Feiyu regretted.

"I can't kill him now because he might attack me in the future." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"The law no longer governs us."

"But at least there is morality." Yuan Chenfei replied: "Moreover, you can't kill if you want to kill."


Yuan Chenfei nodded surely: "The door that He Changqing came out of was called the Demon Corridor, and there were some demon detained inside. When I let He Changqing leave, he marched in the direction of the Devil Corridor, which meant that he was always ready Escaping back to the Devil's Corridor ... he couldn't fight, but there was still a certain degree of escape. "

所以 "So you let him go for this reason?" Han Feiyu asked excitedly.

Sugawara Chenfei glanced at him: "Your curiosity is too heavy."

For what reason did you let He Changqing pass, didn't know **** him, or his inner moral bottom line, Yuan Chenfei actually didn't know himself.

Psychologists can see the psychology of many people, but often they just can't see themselves.

"Never mind this now," Yuan Chenfei said, "let's see what's in this square."

"What else can it be, obviously it's a weapon ~ ~ Han Feiyu.

Since it is a training ground, then the weapon is the best choice, especially the one that has been inserted into the square shelf.

But the game is doomed to be nothing but loot without fighting.

The question is, where is the battle?

Hagiwara Chenfei looked around and did not see the target of the battle.

Or Han Feiyu said: "No matter, take the equipment first. Wait, those equipment are lighting up?"

飞 Han Feiyu saw that the weapons and equipment on the square suddenly began to light, and various colors of light.

There are orange, gold, and even colorful diamonds.

In the center of the square, a sword stood on top of it, flashing a colorful light.

"Mythological weapon?" Han Feiyu was shocked.

He rushed to get it.

Sugawara Chenfei's heart moved: "Don't touch that."

He grabbed Han Feiyu.

"Big Brother?" Han Feiyu watched Yuan Chenfei.

He saw Yuan Chenfei's face full of solemn colors.

He said, "I'll get it."

"Oh." Han Feiyu was a little wronged.

He thought that Yuan Chenfei wanted to grab the mythical weapon from himself.

But he saw that Yuan Chenfei didn't touch the mythical weapon, but picked up a golden sword next to him.
