Game of Gods

Chapter 340: Then go to Tiangong (Part One)

"This thing was acquired by an army of ours not long ago in Nanjiang Province. There is a door to the outside world, which leads to the territory of the Guangling clan. At that time, our team was upgrading there, and one wearing this armor Light spirits descend from the sky ... "

In the lounge of the research institute, Fang Libo was talking to Yuan Chenfei about the origin of the Light Warframe, and his tone was sighing.

It was a big battle.

The end result of the battle was that the military paid three lives and eventually killed the Guangling tribe.

The three lives are not much to say, but in the case of a team of thirty people to deal with a Guangling clan, he was killed by three human warriors in this way, this Guangling clan is quite scary.

According to them later, the reason why the Guangling tribe is so powerful is because of this armor.

"Don't look at this armor, it looks bright, but it is actually damaged and cannot be used. But because it is not a system product, but a product of the Guangling technology, it has a great reference value, so it was taken here. Although It's a damaged item, but we believe you can fix it. "

"You are really looking for the right person." Yuan Chenfei muttered.

"Can you really fix it?" Jiang Wenjian couldn't believe it. "High tower can't fix this."

"I know, but Tiangong can."


When we heard this term, everyone was stunned.

"Can you go to Tiangong?" Jiang Wenjian already asked.

"Have been there once, and there is a pass, you can go again." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Great, I know there are some science books in Tiangong. There are many basic technologies that we haven't mastered yet. You can help me buy some ..."

"Cough." Fang Libo coughed twice.

Jiang Wenjian immediately realized that he was dysfunctional, and he laughed and said, "Young man, I heard that you brought back many secrets for cultivation this time. This is your contribution to the country. We thank you. Don't lag ... "

"Good!" Yuan Chenfei agreed.

Jiang Wenjian also wanted to continue to focus on his words. He didn't expect Yuan Chenfei to agree so readily, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

Yuanchen Feidao said: "If I can do it, I must do it. If there is basic science, there should be more advanced ones. If my money is enough, I will bring as much as possible."

After obtaining the Aegis Belt, Yuan Chenfei finally had some confidence in the path of human self-science and technology development and was willing to give more.

"Awesome!" Jiang Wenjian was so excited that he didn't know what to say, but he kept saying that it was great.

"But if there is any good thing, remember to call me." Yuan Chen fly.

"Of course, of course, that's for sure." This time, Jiang Wenjian was not stingy and agreed to everything.

In fact, in addition to the Light Warframe and Aegis Belt, there are indeed some good gadgets in the research. For example, the magnetic storm mine was invented by the research institute, but not this research institute, but the finished product of another research institute. There are also some here.

Yuan Chenfei asked for some.

Han Feiyu took a fancy to a newly developed drone and a thunder gun.

He can transform them into alchemy to make them more effective.

So Yuan Chenfei also asked for some.

Yuan Yuanfei was very satisfied with this trip to the Institute.

After leaving the research institute, Yuan Chenfei let the sixth day go back first, and he used the passport.

A flash of light flashed over, Yuan Chenfei disappeared without a trace, but for people on the street, this is not unusual.

People are increasingly adapting to the new era.

Came to Tiangong again, Yuan Chenfei didn't see Benbo's daughter-in-law again, but stood on the street of Changsheng Tiangong directly.

Yuan Chenfei's ear has received Mystra's promotion:

"You used your pass, and from now on you can stay in the Longevity Temple for one day. After one day, if you want to stay, you have to pay ten **** coins per day."

"Ten dollars is not cheap." Yuan Chenfei whistled.

Thinking of the poor embarrassment of coming to Tiangong for the first time, Yuan Chenfei couldn't help booing.

But this time it doesn't matter.

Because he is already big money.

For this mission, Yuan Chenfei earned 22769 points, plus the original 824 points, so now Chen Chenfei has a total of 23,593 points that can be exchanged for God Coins.

At this stage, this is not a small income.

Buy at least a bunch of mythical weapons.

Of course, Yuan Chenfei didn't plan to do that. Mythological weapons are cheap but not easy to obtain. The most important thing is the level limitation.

For example, the holy magic cross of the sixth day is not as effective as it was at the beginning.

Considering that he had offended a lot of people here, Yuan Chenfei first used an illusion to transform himself into Zhao Yingcai, and then went to Quanzhitang.

Hua Yu was still in Quanzhitang. When he saw Yuan Chenfei, he smiled slightly: "You are here."

Yuan Chen fluttered, touching her face: "Can you see through my changes?"

"Never perform illusions in front of a Guangling tribe. I guess you don't know this sentence yet." Hua Yu laughed: "Don't worry, those corpses may not be able to do it."

"You may not say?"

"There are always special things."

"That's it. Then I'll be faster. I want to buy a few books, and by the way ask a few questions."

"Buy a book first or answer a question first? Friendly reminder, I will charge ten **** coins for each question."

Yuan Chenfei said: "So expensive?"

"Are you rich now?"

"Can you see through my wallet?"

"I can see through your mood ... Your mood is good, you are here to consume." Hua Yu smiled and smiled confidently.

"Well, you're right this time." Yuan Chenfei took out twenty Shen coins and handed them to Huayu.

Huayu was confiscated and laughed: "Just kidding you."

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I will live up to your goodwill ..." Yuan Chenfei said, taking out the light armor.

Seeing Guangling's Battlegear, Huayu lingered for a moment, her face dignified.

Yuan Chenfei saw her mood: "I'm sorry."

"There is no need to apologize, this kind of thing is very common, it was doomed from the beginning. This is not your fault, nor is it our fault. There is no need to hate each other for this kind of thing ... there is no way to hate." Answered murmured.

This was the first time that Yuan Chenfei heard such an understanding speech, but did not expect it to be from an alien race.

"If those elves are as good at understanding others as you are," he muttered.

"Then you don't lose a lot of benefits?"

"Do you even know this?"

"This is Quanzhitang."

Yuan Chen Fei smiled, and he leaned over: "So guess what, I want to ask you?"

Huayu has picked up the Light Warframe: "You want to know, where can this thing be repaired?"

Hua Yu replied: "This is not system equipment. Tiangong has no place to repair such equipment."

"Tiangong can't repair it?" Yuan Chenfei looked stunned.

"It's not impossible to repair, it's just that there is no such place!" Hua Yu reiterated.

Yuan Chenfei understood: "Can the light spirit tribe?"

Hua Yu nodded.

"Will you fix it?"

Hua Yu laughed: "Sorry, I can't repair it. This is a non-systematic weapon. It was developed by the Guangling tribe. Only my professional mecha division can repair it. I am not a mecha division."

"Where can I find the Mech Division?"

"I'll contact you, but you should be careful to be prepared for it, after all, it is stained with the blood of my Guangling tribe."

"Hope he can be as open-minded as you."

Hua Yu smiled, and then folded her hands, she glowed, making her look like a light elf.

Yuan Chenfei now began to understand why they were called the Guangling tribe.

For a moment, the light on Hua Yu disappeared.

She looked a little tired, and it seemed that the communication method just had a heavy burden on her. She said, "He agreed, but he wanted three hundred **** coins."

"Is this expensive?"

"If you can't bear it, you can sell it for seven hundred **** coins."

Yuan Chenfei understood: "Fix it then."

"Take it two hours later." Hua Yu collected the Ghost Warframe. "What else do I need?"

"Twenty teleportation lights."

Hua Yu was startled by his appetite: "Twenty teleporting lights? Are you crazy?"

"Actually I'm sober," Yuan Chenfei replied.

The light of transmission can enable him to achieve ultra-long-distance transmission. The most important thing is that it has a high level and basically has no means to stop it.

If he wants to go to the elf world, he must have enough escape props.

Huayu shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, you can't buy so much, and the light of teleportation can't be bought indefinitely."

"Then how much can I buy?"


"Too few." After thinking about it, Yuan Chenfei said, "I am a first-level authority."


"Well, then ten, that's enough."

"You are really getting rich." Huayu gave him ten teleportation lights. These ten teleportation lights alone are five thousand **** coins.

Yuan Chenfei put it into a bracelet.

"what else?"

"Give me a book on the use of energy and a book on the laws of physics, and then a comprehension of God, a connotation of God, and an invitation to Tiangong that can be used three times ..." Yuan Chenfei said to himself Want something.

Hua Yu interrupted him: "I think you should consider upgrading your bracelet."

"Upgrade ethereal bracelet?" Yuan Chenfei was surprised: "Mythical equipment can also be upgraded?"

"Of course, some special items can upgrade equipment. In addition, you are a first-level authority, you can have an opportunity to upgrade, but only once, up to ten levels at a time, and upgrades need to pay the corresponding level of God coins."

"How many?"

"You know, fifty."

"That sounds good." Yuan Chenfei laughed. "Go up then."

Fifty pieces are naturally not expensive. Rarely, they are just permissions.

One minute later ~ ~ The ethereal bracelet was successfully upgraded.

The 30-level ethereal bracelet has no change in capacity, but the space has increased from 10 cubic meters to 15 cubic meters, the spatial positioning has increased to 30 kilometers, and the space interference ability has been relatively improved.

For Yuan Chenfei, the main role is to increase space, and he can bring more things.

Upgrading ethereal bracelets only requires fifty **** coins. Two science books are relatively basic. As long as five hundred **** coins, the Yunshenshu is a higher level of cultivation and excavation than the refining Shenshu, but the promotion is not the attribute. It is the realization and application of the thinking touch, the thinking touch is the fundamental, so it needs three thousand **** coins.

Divine understanding is the most expensive, it enhances the ability to analyze things, and can be said to be the foundation of self-breakthrough.

The price is as high as four thousand **** coins.

Even so, Yuan Chenfei spent only 13350 **** coins.

"What else should I buy?" He asked Hua Yu.

This question amused Huayu.