Game of Gods

Chapter 513: Cruel power

The first team of the Three Eyes tribe totaled 200 people, all of them elites.

The reason why they didn't enter until now is to wait.

Waiting for the prisoners to die, Yuan Chenfei also exhausted the eyes of Youming. At this time, if you kill again, you can officially launch an attack on Yuan Chenfei without any restrictions.

They're half right.

Yuan Chenfei did kill the prisoner, but he didn't use the dim eyes.

But it doesn't matter.

Because Yuan Chenfei is still unused.

Standing at the crossroads, watching the three-eyed soldiers who were rushing over, Yuan Chenfei smiled evilly, he gave Qi Qi to the sixth day, then replaced the grotesque blade with wild wind, and then used one against his luminous lord Deprivation of power.

Deprivation of Strength: You can temporarily acquire one of your pet skills. The pet permanently loses this ability. Lasts one hour per level.

Yuan Chenfei chose, naturally, the claw of light speed, this superb acceleration skill.

He rushed forward with a long howl.

Terror coercion is launched!

Bull ear halo launched!

Group hypnosis launched!

The ultimate brutal launch!

It's still a cliché of fear, but this time the effect is not so good for these regular soldiers.

Despite feeling the fear and being shocked by it, their strong will and strict discipline made them withstand the shock.

"Array! Mind lifted!" A knight commander's humble heart, directly immune to Yuan Chenfei's fear and shock, ordered loudly.

The skills or equipment to relieve the mental influence were activated one by one, while the soldiers in front of them raised their shields, but Yuan Chenfei rushed away without care. .


The soldier's head armor burst and killed with a sword!

Countless lights of destruction have been shot at Yuanchen Fei. Yuan Chenfei did not launch the disillusionment warframe for the first time, but resisted a wave first. After life was knocked down nearly half, the disillusionment warframe was launched to resist Live all the light of destruction, and then he stood in the crowd like this, the sword of the wind kept breaking.

Although Gale Sword does not have the special effects of the Weird Blade, it has its own attack acceleration.

With Yuan Chenfei's current attack power, there is no need to rely on special effects, what is required is super high speed.

At that moment, he launched **** fury, the special effects of wind and the claw of the speed of light, coupled with the prelude to the sixth day of war.

The true warrior does not rely on skills, but on wild cutting.

Yuan Chenfei at this moment seems to have transformed into a violent warrior, his attack power and attack speed are high enough to burst into the table, and with his crazy chopping, under the shadow of Mantian Sword, his head bursts.

The scene was like the spectacular sight of countless head explosions in Ace Agent.

It happened that he had also been attacked by toxins when he had deliberately withstood the attack, so Yuan Chenfei simply opened the anti-toxic aura.


The impassioned music sounded again.


Hearing this familiar tune once again, Yuan Chenfei felt that he was full of war.

The sword in his hand became fiercer and fiercer, accompanied by more heads blooming, blood and brain plasma cracking.

Everyone looked stupid.

Even if it's killing chickens, I haven't seen it that fast.

Even those three-eyed tribe are stupid.

This is too scary. The special system of the gods game, even if the 100-level professional kills the 60-70 professional, they often have to attack multiple times. In front of this human, killing the same level is like killing pigs and sheep. The eye tribe has night eye weakness, and it hasn't died so simply.

In fact, with the help of super attack and super fast attack speed, Yuan Chenfei disdain to attack the weak points.

The heart of fear breeds again.

Yuan Chenfei's invincible time is not long. The beam resistance of Disillusionment Warframe is only twelve seconds, and other attacks are still effective against him. But in this short period of more than ten seconds, Yuan Chenfei was born in their minds. Zhongqiang created an invincible image.

The clear-minded method has just been used, but the bull ear aura and hypnosis have always been working.

The fears of the three-eyed clan kept growing.

Three-eyed tribe cried out in fear: "Devil! He is a demon!"

They did not run away, nor did they go crazy, but huge fears weakened their warfare and could no longer form an effective attack system.

"Stabilize! Hold steady!" The commander still shouted.

"I stabilize your sister!"

Cai Yu fluttering!

Yuan Chenfei once again leaped to the commander.

The gale sword slashed, and the commander's helmet burst into a flash, blocking the sword.

But the next moment, Yuan Chen Fei Jianguang was madly connected, and he slashed more than ten swords on that legendary helmet. He slammed the helmet hard and killed the commander with one sword. gap.

Fortunately, this does not affect the special effects of gale winds. Yuan Chenfei growls again and shoots, and the color feathers continue to flutter. Combined with the special effects of cloud shadow boots, the shadow jumps are launched again and again. Each jump will take away a wave of life of the Three Eyes, burst Make a bunch of heads.

A rain of **** brains was sprinkled in the martyrdom, and Han Feiyu was shooting excitedly, and he had completely transformed into a photographer.

In the long path of wailing, mourning sounded one after another, Yuan Chenfei's figure jumped here for a while, and jumped there for a while, wherever he went was death.

Li Zhanjun and Rouwa reluctantly resisted the axe and held the dagger. Only Li Siwen fiddled with the Nether Order, and occasionally wounded and undead three-eyed clan, he was transformed into the Nether Guard by him, unconsciously More than a dozen ghost guards have been stolen from Yuan Chenfei, and he stopped until he felt that he had reached the upper limit and could no longer control it.

The killing continues, but the Three Eyes have completely lost their fighting spirit.

Each kill is spreading and expanding this fear, making the opponent tremble.

They want to run, but they can't run anymore.

Yuan Chenfei's speed is too fast.

He rose to the utmost in power, harvesting the lives of these three-eyed soldiers like harvesting rice.

"Mowing grass is unparalleled." Li Zhanjun shook his head: "This cruel skill is too abnormal."

But think about this is what Yuan Chenfei can do. Even if he gets cruel, he can't quickly kill so many targets, and he is balanced.

The sixth day was chasing the original Chen Feijia state, while Rowa Li Siwen was busy picking up equipment, too many gears could not be picked up, Rowa shouted: "Feiyu, come here to practice with a black hole! Those who increase the attack speed are left . "

"Good!" Han Feiyu threw the phone to the sixth day and rushed to release the black hole.

In the front, Yuan Chenfei was hunting wildly, and then he was desperately picking up equipment. Rarely the following direct black hole recovery. Han Feiyu's experience in black hole soaring, and the recovery efficiency is getting higher and higher.

The materials recovered by the black hole can be directly put into Han Feiyu's space, so there is no need to worry about the lack of space.

Until the last three-eye tribe also fell.

This time, almost all of the 200 soldiers were killed by him, so Yuan Chenfei also increased his attack power by 600 points.

"Huh!" He exhaled.

Looking at the time, Yuan Chenfei smiled: "Ten minutes."

Twenty in one minute, amazing killing efficiency.

This is mainly due to the time-consuming pursuit.

Cruel skills do not change. Metamorphosis is only the person who can exert its effect.

Just as I was leaving, a voice suddenly came: "Starfall, starfall, how is it with you?"

The voice came from the communication box beside the commander.

Yuan Chenfei picked up the communication alchemy box on the ground: "Ghost forest?"

Hearing this voice, Gui Mori stagnates: "Yuan Chenfei?"

Yuan Chenfei smiled: "Your first team is gone. You can send the second team."

He said stepping on the smashed box and told Han Feiyu: "Place some super bombs here and surprise them. Then refine the equipment, yes, I will keep the attacking speed, this sword will soon die . "

Yuan Chenfei looked at the windstorm sword in his hand and chopped down so many helmets. The sword was almost finished.

Fortunately, with so many pieces of equipment, weapons that accelerate attack speed naturally.

A total of five attack speed weapons, but unfortunately they are all rare, which is worse than the legendary Gale Sword. However, Yuan Chenfei doesn't matter, he is not bad at this point, as long as the attack speed.

In order to kill faster, Yuan Chenfei even changed his boots to a pair of boots with accelerated speed, and added a bracelet with accelerated speed.

He is now completely a samurai.

He threw the rotten wind sword into the black hole, and Yuan Chenfei took a rare sword with an attack speed and pulled a sword flower.

It's faster than before.

"The killing feast begins!" He laughed.


The top of the tower.

Oni's hand was shaking.

Is the 200th soldier of the First Brigade gone?

The whole army is gone?

What about those prisoners?

What exactly is going on?

Could it be said that the ghostly eyes of Yuan Chenfei were left and separated them again?

Gui Mori did not know that the soldiers who entered the tower could not report to him specific content, and he could only judge and analyze based on the existing situation.

This is the logic of the gods, and also the limitation of the gods!

Honestly, this is not a powerful restriction, but for the ghost who doesn't like to use his brain, it directly made him blind.

So he thought about it and could only say: "Yuan Chenfei should have entered the fifth floor now. The second group, the system entered, intercepted Yuan Chenfei."

Sunburn was worried: "If Yuan Chenfei can destroy the first brigade, I am afraid that he can also destroy the second brigade."

"No!" Gui Mori yelled, "He must have used some deceitful technique! Now that his ghostly eyes have been used up, the second team must be able to kill them!"

Yan Yan sighed.

"I suggest suspending the second group and allowing special weapons to be deployed."

"Your number four has become the puppet of the enemy!"

"If you don't want to listen, don't ask me for opinions." Sunburn said.

"Shit opinion! Since the first group cannot solve them, then send more soldiers! The second group, stationed. Add another 300 soldiers!" Ghost Mori shouted.

Seeing him like this, Sunburn knew that no matter how much he could persuade, it was useless.

Oni Mori is too superstitious about force.

However, it has been proven that Yuan Chenfei's force is still above his estimate.

Suddenly, Yanyan suspects that Yuan Chenfei may have some means to increase combat power with the increase in killings, but he cannot be sure without seeing it firsthand.

This hesitation, directly killed the second group and the three hundred soldiers.

Thirty minutes later, the soldiers returned.

The second brigade was over, and another 300 soldiers who were randomly transmitted also died. Yuan Chenfei had entered the sixth floor and would soon reach the seventh floor.

Gui Mori just felt dizzy.

too fast!

How could it be so fast!

It's simply dying!

He didn't know that his current increase in troops had become the nutrition for Yuan Chenfei to improve his strength, but the death of five hundred soldiers finally sounded the alarm in his heart.

He looked at Sunburn again: "What now?"

Scorching bitter smile.

Lao Tzu's suggestion is that you never listen and ask me again every time you get into trouble.

After all, he replied, "I suspect he has some ability to accompany the kill to increase his combat power."

"Like ..." Gui Mori's eyes widened ~ ~ Cruel. "Ban Yan answered.

Gui Mori took a breath.

If this is the case, it can explain why Yuan Chenfei can kill so many soldiers now.

Although this still doesn't explain how he killed so many prisoners in such a short period of time and accumulated great strength.

"If so ..." Gui Mori's tone shuddered.

"Then it's better not to send any more soldiers in. If you must send ... send the Golem and No. 1 them."

This time, Onimori finally agreed.

He ordered: "Drop golems and undead soldiers on the seventh floor! Send all the war weapons from the 1st to the 10th."
