Game of Gods

Chapter 537: Counterattack (2)

On this day, three more massacres took place on the streets of New York, but the situation was unbearable.

No one reported, and no one paid attention, as if they never existed.

But for those beings hidden in the dark, things are a stormy sea.

Still the dark room.

It's just that the shadows changed from five to ten.

"So, Yuan Chenfei has solved the problem of hunting and killing a full-time professional. We can't locate his position anymore. Instead, they are the three stupid aliens who were intercepted by Yuan Chenfei because they revealed their identity? "A shadow said.


"Any other race?"

"No traces of other human races have been found, but considering that Yuan Chenfei can accurately grasp their things, someone should secretly monitor everything for him."

"I knew these people were unreliable."

"They're not stupid either. They should have realized Yuan Chenfei's intention to do so, but they didn't dare to announce it publicly."

"So what do you think?"

"This is a bad thing and a good thing. Of course, bad things are that we can't get help from other aliens. The good thing is that we can only complete this task."

"But there is still a problem. Our current strength is not enough to deal with Yuan Chenfei. It is likely that the third wave of reinforcements has arrived, and it is still not enough. I am afraid that we have to wait until the fourth wave."

"Then wait."

"The problem is that this affects our earnings."

The alien mission is different from the heads of state, and their pursuit is time-limited. To be precise, the further backward, the lower the profit. Joining the alien chase is completed in the fourth wave, then the book of omniscience and the Holy Jade pupil can only get one, and joining the six waves can't be completed, then you can only get some crystal coins reward.

Because of this, the third and fourth waves are essentially different.

The headed shadow thought for a moment and said, "Don't be greedy, your opponents are strong, it's good to get everything."

"One more question."


"Yuan Chenfei has the ability to search for memories. The battle in Brooklyn. He used memory search for the last Seiko. I had to launch a shock of consciousness to make him an idiot. Although I pretended to be doing this himself, But with Yuan Chenfei's shrewdness, problems may soon be discovered. "

"That's a problem."

"What's more troublesome is that the hunt was too sudden. We didn't expect him to be an anti-visitor. Now the second wave of fifteen aliens has died. He may have obtained some of the information he needed."

"Not possible, but certain."

"Then we have to wait. No matter how powerful Yuan Chenfei is, when Deep Blue comes, he will have a mortal ending."

"I hope I won't wait until then."

"I don't want it either."


InterContinental Presidential Suite.

Yuan Chenfei has been lying back here again.

Now he has three more days.

Only this time, Fang Libo came over.

"Where are Xia Ning?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"Listen to you, you have to upgrade." Fang Libo replied, starting to look for food in the house: "I have lived in the presidential suite."

"Your bottom of the house is supposed to live."

"This is no longer a problem at home, do you know? Now there is a level in the presidential suite. If the level is not enough, you will not be allowed to live."

Yuan Chen Fei spread his hand: "I don't know. No one has asked this."

"That's because they didn't even need your ID card." Fang Libo finally found the wine cabinet and looked at it, dissatisfied: "Rafi, but not in 1982."

"Satisfied, where do you get so many drinks in 1982? I said, you are also the world's number one wanted criminal Yuan Chenfei joint hunting team captain, just run in my room, right?"

"You all called the police to wash the floor, what else is inappropriate? Let's go, what did you find tonight?" Fang Libo walked to the bathroom: "A big bathtub, do you mind if I use it?"

"I don't want to talk to you with your **** bare. You stop sitting here for me. There is one message." Yuan Chenfei sips: "Every time those guys chase me, they will be rewarded with a wave of rewards. End within three waves If not, you will only get one holy thing. Six times, nothing. "

"It doesn't make much sense. How many times you won't let them kill you." Fang Libo went back to the room, found another pot of fruit, sniffed, it turned out to be Lingzhi fruit, and was very satisfied. Mouth stuffed.

"Why did you come to me to mop?"

"Well, it tastes good. Nothing else? The three aliens don't know what the fourth alien is?"

"I don't know, they only know that there will be a total of four aliens participating in the task, and they don't know each other until they appear. The fourth alien has never appeared, so it is not clear.

"It's really troublesome. How do I feel like dragging on like this, you will die these goods sooner or later? You have to find them quickly, and hide a place."

"I want to, too." Yuan Chenfei sighed, put her arms crossed behind her head, and lay down on the sofa: "Ki, for you."

Qi jumped like a squirrel, and Fang Libo ate for food.

The mouth was so full that it would not affect its speech: "Boss doubts that this wave of aliens is a soul race."


"There was a sudden bloom in the mind of a Seiko clan when it was searched and remembered. The Seiko clan did not have this method. Although it does not rule out some special existences, the first wave is all cannon fodder, and it is unlikely. How about your own ability to become an idiot? "

Fang Libo asked Yuan Chenfei: "Can you do it?"

Yuan Chenfei sighed: "Yes, this inference can be counted."

Qi continued: "But in short, it is unlikely that the Seiko clan will explode on its own, so the soul clan may have a secret shot."

Fang Libo helped Yuan Chenfei collect information, so he still knew something about the soul clan: "As far as I know, although the soul clan also has relatively strong mental means, it can't be directly headshot?"

"Yes, you must implant the seed of consciousness in advance. This means that you must have contact first. Considering that aliens are not friends with each other, it is not easy to contact and implant the seed of consciousness in advance. The shadow family is better at this On the contrary, the soul clan is not good at it. "

"In addition, even other races do not rule out the possibility of mental means, right? For example, you can."

"Yes, so it's just speculation, not sure yet."

"That would still be a problem." Fang Libo also had a headache: "What are you going to do next?"

"How to do it?" Yuanchen Fei laughed, "Of course it's sleeping, upgrading, playing monsters."

"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

If you can't figure out the situation of your opponent, then you can develop yourself.


Early the next morning, Yuan Chenfei entered the Xingluo fantasy early.

Xingluo Wonderland has a variety of terrains, including all the famous monsters and races of the eight thousand worlds.

Entering Xingluo fantasy at this moment, Yuan Chenfei suddenly moved in his heart.

He said, "Here is a full-class soul."

The information given in the text is ultimately limited, and there is a Supreme Card in hand, so why not directly simulate it?

system hint:

"Do you need out-of-system enhancements?"

As soon as the original Chen Fei-ling machine moved, said: "Classified according to system standards, each time you upgrade one level, specific occupations and abilities are random."

From the second wave of reinforcements, Yuan Chenfei confirmed that the system enhances the strength of the killers, not the number.

But what the enhancement standard is, Yuan Chenfei doesn't know.

He is now letting Xingluo Wonderland enhance according to the system standards, in fact, he is testing the strength of each wave of killers, helping him to understand the subsequent progress of his opponents.

With the meaning of Yuan Chenfei, a ghost illusion has appeared.

"Come on!"

Souls are good at mental attacks, but unlike the dark special effects of tyrannical tamers, they are good at hypnosis-like methods that can directly affect each other's mind.

To put it bluntly, Rouwa, who possesses the magic technique, can forcibly hypnotize opponents in battle and then play the role of sneak attack.

However, this method was obviously useless to Yuan Chenfei. Yuan Chenfei fisted up with his bare hands and quickly knocked it out.

With the wave after wave of enhancement, Yuan Chenfei also gradually felt struggling.

In the first wave, Yuan Chenfei can destroy his opponent with his bare hands. In the second wave, Yuan Chenfei must use weapons. The third wave of Yuan Chenfei must be fully equipped. By the fourth wave, Yuan Chenfei had to transform a pet to assist.

On the fifth wave, Yuan Chenfei transformed into three pets. On the sixth wave, Yuan Chenfei used five pets to destroy each other.

This means that the sixth wave of opponents is very close to him.

This is not surprising, after all, it is a hundred-level opponent.

In the seventh wave, Yuan Chenfei found that not only are the opponents stronger, but even their mental skills can also affect themselves.

In the end, Yuan Chenfei lost.

"Go!" Yuan Chenfei cursed.

He shouted, "Raise my rank to a hundred."

At this time, he no longer considered the problem that he could only win the seventh wave of opponents, because he found that at the same time it was a time to test the true heritage of his opponents.

After the virtual level was increased to 100, Yuan Chenfei's pet was also upgraded to the level of 100 elite. He did not continue to rise, after all, it was only a test.

Strength soared, Yuan Chenfei passed two levels.

What surprised him was that in the next wave, the opponent ’s strength actually increased rapidly, but the ninth wave, Yuan Chenfei was a victory.

"System, isn't this a big wave boost?"

"This is based on the distribution of the target race's standard strength distribution. The stronger the stronger, the greater the increase will be."

"Is that so? Then add 20 more skills to me." Yuan Chen fly.

He has to see to what extent he can penetrate the top combat power of this race.

Earlier Yuan Chenfei just upgraded the level ~ ~ without using any extra points.

Then Yuan Chenfei discovered that even if he added 20 points of skills, he couldn't win the tenth wave of souls. This soul clan is too powerful. It also has seven or eight skills, but it also has two ultimate skills and three deities.

This is the first discovery by Yuan Chenfei. It turns out that there are still people who can break the ultimate limit and use two ultimate skills at the same time.

So he had to increase his points to fifty in order to beat the opponent.

But even if he added all his skills to the full point, he failed to win the thirteenth wave.

It was a soul-bear with a crown, shrouded in darkness.

With just one move, Yuan Chenfei was controlled.

So Yuan Chenfei understood that this should be the emperor to deal with. What he excels at is the transcendental mental hypnosis method.
